Spark Execution for twitter Streaming - scala

Hi I'm new to spark and scala . I'm trying to stream some tweets through spark streaming with the following code:
object TwitterStreaming {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
if (args.length < 1) {
System.err.println("WrongUsage: PropertiesFile, [<filters>]")
val myConfigFile = args(0)
val batchInterval_s = 1
val fileConfig = ConfigFactory.parseFile(new File(myConfigFile))
val appConf = ConfigFactory.load(fileConfig)
// Set the system properties so that Twitter4j library used by twitter stream
// can use them to generate OAuth credentials
System.setProperty("twitter4j.oauth.consumerKey", appConf.getString("consumerKey"))
System.setProperty("twitter4j.oauth.consumerSecret", appConf.getString("consumerSecret"))
System.setProperty("twitter4j.oauth.accessToken", appConf.getString("accessToken"))
System.setProperty("twitter4j.oauth.accessTokenSecret", appConf.getString("accessTokenSecret"))
val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("TwitterStreaming").setMaster(appConf.getString("SPARK_MASTER"))//local[2]
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Seconds(batchInterval_s)) // creating spark streaming context
val stream = TwitterUtils.createStream(ssc, None)
val tweet_data = => TweetData(status.getId, "#" + status.getUser.getScreenName, status.getText.trim()))
tweet_data.foreachRDD(rdd => {
println(s"A sample of tweets I gathered over ${batchInterval_s}s: ${rdd.take(10).mkString(" ")} (total tweets fetched: ${rdd.count()})")
case class TweetData(id: BigInt, author: String, tweetText: String)
My Error:
Exception in thread "main" com.typesafe.config.ConfigException$WrongType:/WorkSpace/InputFiles/application.conf: 5: Cannot concatenate object or list with a non-object-or-list, ConfigString("local") and SimpleConfigList([2]) are not compatible
at com.typesafe.config.impl.ConfigConcatenation.join(
can any one check the the code and tell me where I'm doing wrong?

If your config file contains:
Change it to:


Apache Spark with Scala

I ran the below code:
object AirportsInUsaSolution {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("airports").setMaster("local[2]")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val airports = sc.textFile("in/airports.text")
val airportsInUSA = airports.filter(line => line.split(Utils.COMMA_DELIMITER)(3) == "\"United States\"")
val airportsNameAndCityNames = => {
val splits = line.split(Utils.COMMA_DELIMITER)
splits(1) + ", " + splits(2)
And received the below error:
Process finished with exit code 1
My final file that I used it to save my data in code is empty.
How can I solve it?
the program made correct file in right directory but it is empty

Spark Streaming - Broadcast variable - Case Class

My requirement is to enrich data stream data with profile information from a HBase table. I was looking to use a broadcast variable. Enclosed the whole code here.
The output of HBase data is as follows
In the Driver node HBaseReaderBuilder
(org.apache.spark.SparkContext#3c58b102,hbase_customer_profile,Some(data),WrappedArray(gender, age),None,None,List()))
In the Worker node
HBaseReaderBuilder(null,hbase_customer_profile,Some(data),WrappedArray(gender, age),None,None,List()))
As you can see it has lost the spark context. When i issue the statement val
myRdd = => Profile(r._1, r._2, r._3)) i get a NullPointerException
at it.nerdammer.spark.hbase.HBaseReaderBuilderConversions$class.toSimpleHBaseRDD(HBaseReaderBuilder.scala:83)
at it.nerdammer.spark.hbase.package$.toSimpleHBaseRDD(package.scala:5)
at it.nerdammer.spark.hbase.HBaseReaderBuilderConversions$class.toHBaseRDD(HBaseReaderBuilder.scala:67)
at it.nerdammer.spark.hbase.package$.toHBaseRDD(package.scala:5)
at testPartition$$anonfun$main$1$$anonfun$apply$1$$anonfun$apply$2.apply(testPartition.scala:34)
at testPartition$$anonfun$main$1$$anonfun$apply$1$$anonfun$apply$2.apply(testPartition.scala:33)
object testPartition {
def main(args: Array[String]) : Unit = {
val sparkMaster = "spark://x.x.x.x:7077"
val ipaddress = "x.x.x.x:2181" // Zookeeper
val hadoopHome = "/home/hadoop/software/hadoop-2.6.0"
val topicname = "new_events_test_topic"
val mainConf = new SparkConf().setMaster(sparkMaster).setAppName("testingPartition")
val mainSparkContext = new SparkContext(mainConf)
val ssc = new StreamingContext(mainSparkContext, Seconds(30))
val eventsStream = KafkaUtils.createStream(ssc,"x.x.x.x:2181","receive_rest_events",Map(topicname.toString -> 2))
val docRdd = mainSparkContext.hbaseTable[(String, Option[String], Option[String])]("hbase_customer_profile").select("gender","age").inColumnFamily("data")
println ("docRDD from Driver ",docRdd)
val broadcastedprof = mainSparkContext.broadcast(docRdd)
eventsStream.foreachRDD(dstream => {
dstream.foreachPartition(records => {
println("Broadcasted docRDD - in Worker ", broadcastedprof.value)
val bcdocRdd = broadcastedprof.value
records.foreach(record => {
//val myRdd = => Profile(r._1, r._2, r._3))
val Rows = record._2.split("\r\n")

Using Spark Context in map of Spark Streaming Context to retrieve documents after Kafka Event

I'm new to Spark.
What I'm trying to do is retrieving all related documents from a Couchbase View with a given Id from Spark Kafka Streaming.
When I try to get this documents form the Spark Context, I always have the error Task not serializable.
From there, I do understand that I can't use nesting RDD neither multiple Spark Context in the same JVM, but want to find a work around.
Here is my current approach:
import com.couchbase.spark._
import org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast
import _root_.kafka.serializer.StringDecoder
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.{ProducerRecord, KafkaProducer}
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
import org.apache.spark.streaming._
import org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka._
object Streaming {
// Method to create a Json document from Key and Value
def CreateJsonDocument(s: (String, String)): JsonDocument = {
//println("- Parsing document")
val return_doc = JsonDocument.create(s._1, JsonObject.fromJson(s._2))
//(return_doc.content().getString("click"), return_doc)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// get arguments as key value
val arguments = args.grouped(2).collect { case Array(k,v) => k.replaceAll("--", "") -> v }.toMap
println("Arguments passed to class")
println("- Arguments")
// If the length of the passed arguments is less than 4
if (arguments.get("brokers") == null || arguments.get("topics") == null) {
// Provide system error
System.err.println("Usage: --brokers <broker1:9092> --topics <topic1,topic2,topic3>")
// Create the Spark configuration with app name
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Streaming")
// Create the Spark context
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
// Create the Spark Streaming Context
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(2))
// Setup the broker list
val kafkaParams = Map("" -> arguments.getOrElse("brokers", ""))
// Setup the topic list
val topics = arguments.getOrElse("topics", "").split(",").toSet
// Get the message stream from kafka
val docs = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[String, String, StringDecoder, StringDecoder](ssc, kafkaParams, topics)
// Separate the key and the content
.map({ case (key, value) => (key, value) })
// Parse the content to transform in JSON Document
.map(s => CreateJsonDocument(s))
// Call the view to all related Review Application Documents
//.map(messagedDoc => RetrieveAllReviewApplicationDocs(messagedDoc, sc))
.map(doc => {
sc.couchbaseView(ViewQuery.from("my-design-document", "stats").key(messagedDoc.content.getString("id"))).collect()
rdd => {
//Create a report of my documents and store it in Couchbase
rdd.foreach( println )
// Start the streaming context
// Wait for termination and catch error if there is a problem in the process
Found the solution by using the Couchbase Client instead of the Couchbase Spark Context.
I don't know if it is the best way to go in a performance side, but I can retrieve the docs I need for computation.
import{Bucket, Cluster, CouchbaseCluster}
import{ViewResult, ViewQuery}
import _root_.kafka.serializer.StringDecoder
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.{ProducerRecord, KafkaProducer}
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
import org.apache.spark.streaming._
import org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka._
object Streaming {
// Method to create a Json document from Key and Value
def CreateJsonDocument(s: (String, String)): JsonDocument = {
//println("- Parsing document")
val return_doc = JsonDocument.create(s._1, JsonObject.fromJson(s._2))
//(return_doc.content().getString("click"), return_doc)
// Method to retrieve related documents
def RetrieveDocs (doc: JsonDocument, arguments: Map[String, String]): ViewResult = {
val cbHosts = arguments.getOrElse("couchbase-hosts", "")
val cbBucket = arguments.getOrElse("couchbase-bucket", "")
val cbPassword = arguments.getOrElse("couchbase-password", "")
val cluster: Cluster = CouchbaseCluster.create(cbHosts)
val bucket: Bucket = cluster.openBucket(cbBucket, cbPassword)
val docs : ViewResult = bucket.query(ViewQuery.from("my-design-document", "my-view").key(doc.content().getString("id")))
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// get arguments as key value
val arguments = args.grouped(2).collect { case Array(k,v) => k.replaceAll("--", "") -> v }.toMap
println("Arguments passed to class")
println("- Arguments")
// If the length of the passed arguments is less than 4
if (arguments.get("brokers") == null || arguments.get("topics") == null) {
// Provide system error
System.err.println("Usage: --brokers <broker1:9092> --topics <topic1,topic2,topic3>")
// Create the Spark configuration with app name
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Streaming")
// Create the Spark context
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
// Create the Spark Streaming Context
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(2))
// Setup the broker list
val kafkaParams = Map("" -> arguments.getOrElse("brokers", ""))
// Setup the topic list
val topics = arguments.getOrElse("topics", "").split(",").toSet
// Get the message stream from kafka
val docs = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[String, String, StringDecoder, StringDecoder](ssc, kafkaParams, topics)
// Get broadcast arguments
val argsBC = sc.broadcast(arguments)
// Separate the key and the content
.map({ case (key, value) => (key, value) })
// Parse the content to transform in JSON Document
.map(s => CreateJsonDocument(s))
// Call the view to all related Review Application Documents
.map(doc => RetrieveDocs(doc, argsBC))
rdd => {
//Create a report of my documents and store it in Couchbase
rdd.foreach( println )
// Start the streaming context
// Wait for termination and catch error if there is a problem in the process

i want to store each rdd into database in twitter streaming using apache spark but got error of task not serialize in scala

I write a code in which twitter streaming take a rdd of tweet class and store each rdd in database but it got error task not serialize I paste the code.
case class Tweet(id: Long, source: String, content: String, retweet: Boolean, authName: String, username: String, url: String, authId: Long, language: String)
trait SparkStreaming extends Connector {
def startStream(appName: String, master: String): StreamingContext = {
val db = connector("localhost", "rmongo", "rmongo", "pass")
val dbcrud = new DBCrud(db, "table1")
val sparkConf: SparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName(appName).setMaster(master).set(" spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true").set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer")
// .set("spark.kryo.registrator", "HelloKryoRegistrator")
// sparkConf.registerKryoClasses(Array(classOf[DBCrud]))
val sc: SparkContext = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
val ssc: StreamingContext = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(10))
object SparkStreaming extends SparkStreaming
I use this streaming context in plat controller to store tweets in database but it throws exception. I'm using mongodb to store it.
def streamstart = Action {
val stream = SparkStreaming
val a = stream.startStream("ss", "local[2]")
val db = connector("localhost", "rmongo", "rmongo", "pass")
val dbcrud = DBCrud
val twitterauth = new TwitterClient().tweetCredantials()
val tweetDstream = TwitterUtils.createStream(a, Option(twitterauth.getAuthorization))
val tweets = tweetDstream.filter { x => x.getUser.getLang == "en" }.map { x => Tweet(x.getId, x.getSource, x.getText, x.isRetweet(), x.getUser.getName, x.getUser.getScreenName, x.getUser.getURL, x.getUser.getId, x.getUser.getLang) }
// tweets.foreachRDD { x => x.foreach { x => dbcrud.insert(x) } }
tweets.saveAsTextFiles("/home/knoldus/sentiment project/spark services/tweets/tweets")
// val s=new BirdTweet()
// s.hastag(a.sparkContext)
Ok("start streaming")
When make a single of streaming which take tweets and use forEachRDD to store each tweet then it works but if I use it from outside it doesn't work.
Please help me.
Try to create connection with MongoDB inside foreachRDD block, as mentioned in Spark Documentation
tweets.foreachRDD { x =>
x.foreach { x =>
val db = connector("localhost", "rmongo", "rmongo", "pass")
val dbcrud = new DBCrud(db, "table1")

Spark Streaming using Scala to insert to Hbase Issue

I am trying to read records from Kafka message and put into Hbase. Though the scala script is running with out any issue, the inserts are not happening. Please help me.
Here is the code which I am using:
object Blaher {
def blah(row: Array[String]) {
val hConf = new HBaseConfiguration()
val hTable = new HTable(hConf, "test")
val thePut = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(row(0)))
thePut.add(Bytes.toBytes("cf"), Bytes.toBytes("a"), Bytes.toBytes(row(1)))
object TheMain extends Serializable{
def run() {
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(1))
val topicmap = Map("test" -> 1)
val lines = KafkaUtils.createStream(ssc,"", "test-consumer-group",topicmap).map(_._2)
val words = => line.split(",")).map(line => (line(0),line(1)))
val store = words.foreachRDD(rdd => rdd.foreach(Blaher.blah))
From the API doc for HTable's flushCommits() method: "Executes all the buffered Put operations". You should call this at the end of your blah() method -- it looks like they're currently being buffered but never executed or executed at some random time.