Refresh in dialog - aem

I have dropdown options where options populate dynamically, I have a multifield,checkbox,dropdown. When i click on the checkbox[event on selectionchanged] its fetch the items count from multifield and display options.
var select2opts = [];
var dialog = this.findParentByType('dialog');
var panel1 = this.findParentByType('panel');
var dropdown = panel1.getComponent("dropdown1");
var button = panel1.getComponent("button1");
var customfield = panel1.getComponent("customfield");
for (var i = 1; i <= customfield.items.getCount()-1 ; i++) {
select2opts.push({value: i, text:"Tab "+i});
But Rather than checkbox, i want some image to be place there like refresh & on click this function will get call. Which type of widget and event i can use for that.

You can use the button xtype. It has a icon property that takes url of the image to be used. Set your function as the value of handler property. The handler function gets called every time the button is clicked. button and event objects are passed to the handler function. The button object can be used to get reference to the dialog object.
Reference :


Add style when creating button with script Unity ui toolkit

So I want to add a lot of buttons with a script. I want to style them, but I can't find a method to do so.
I want to do something like
Button current = new Button();
Is this possible?
When a button is clicked I run a function
public void displayChildrenIcons(GameObject parent, string type)
var root = GetComponent<UIDocument>().rootVisualElement;
var displayArea = root.Q<VisualElement>("options");
for (int i = 0; i < parent.transform.childCount; i++)
Button current = new Button();
//How do I style this button before adding it?
Check out the class IStyle. You can create one of these variables and change it so you can customimze style. Then assign it with = IStle;
public IStyle iStyle = new();
Button current = new(); = bStyle;

How to access control from the popup fragment by ID

I want my text area to be empty after I press OK button.
I have try this line this.byId("id").setValue("")
onWorkInProgress: function (oEvent) {
if (!this._oOnWorkInProgressDialog) {
this._oOnWorkInProgressDialog = sap.ui.xmlfragment("WIPworklist", "", this);
//this.byId("WIP").value = "";
var bindingPath = oEvent.getSource().getBindingContext().getPath();
//function when cancel button inside the fragments is triggered
onCancelApproval: function() {
//function when approval button inside the fragments is triggered
onWIPApproval: function() {
var message = this.getView().getModel("i18n").getResourceBundle().getText("wipSuccess");;
The text area will be in popup in the fragment. I am expecting the text area to be empty.
If you instantiate your fragment like this:
sap.ui.xmlfragment("WIPworklist", "", this);
You can access its controls like this:
Fragment.byId("WIPworklist", "WIP").setValue(""); // Fragment required from "sap/ui/core/Fragment"
Source: How to Access Elements from XML Fragment by ID
The better approach would be to use a view model. The model should have a property textAreaValue or something like that.
Then bind that property to your TextArea (<TextArea value="{view>/textAreaValue}" />). If you change the value using code (e.g. this.getView().getModel("view").setProperty("/textAreaValue", "")), it will automatically show the new value in your popup.
And it works both ways: if a user changes the text, it will be automatically updated in the view model, so you can access the new value using this.getView().getModel("view").getProperty("/textAreaValue");.
You almost have it, I think. Just put the
this.byId("WIP").setValue("") line after the if() block. Since you are adding the fragment as a dependent of your view, this.byId("WIP") will find the control with id "WIP" every time you open the WIP fragment and set its value to blank.
You are likely not achieving it now because A. it is not yet a dependent of your view and B. it is only getting fired on the first go-around.

Simple popup or dialog box in Google Apps Script

I'm looking for simple code that adds a popup in my Google Apps Script Ui that comes up when I hit a submit button. The popup box would display a message and have a button to close the popup.
I've looked all over the place - everything seems so complicated and does way more than I need it to do.
This is the current code I have for the submit button.
function doGet() {
var app = UiApp.createApplication();
app.setTitle("My Logbook");
var hPanel_01 = app.createHorizontalPanel();
var vPanel_01 = app.createVerticalPanel();
var vPanel_02 = app.createVerticalPanel();
var vPanel_03 = app.createVerticalPanel();
var submitButton = app.createButton("Submit");
//Create click handler
var clickHandler = app.createServerHandler("submitData");
////Test PopUp Panel
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
var app = UiApp.createApplication;
var dialog = app.createDialogBox();
var closeHandler = app.createClientHandler().forTargets(dialog).setVisible(false);
var button= app.createButton('Close').addClickHandler(closeHandler);
return app;
Since UiApp is depreciated, HTMLService should be used to create custom user interfaces.
To prompt simple popup to display a message, use alert method of Ui class
var ui = DocumentApp.getUi();
ui.alert('Hello world');
will prompt simple popup with hello world and an ok button.
To display customized html template in Dialog, use HTMLService to create template and then pass it to showModalDialog method of Ui Class
var html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput("<div>Hello world</div>").setSandboxMode(HtmlService.SandboxMode.IFRAME);
DocumentApp.getUi().showModalDialog(html, "My Dialog");
HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile allows you to display html that is in a separate file. see the documentation
Have you tried using zIndex? It places the panel above all of your other panels...
var popupPanel = app.createVerticalPanel().setId('popupPanel')
.setStyleAttribute('left', x)
.setStyleAttribute('top', y)
.setStyleAttribute('zIndex', '1')
.setStyleAttribute('position', 'fixed');
x = panel position from the left portion of your app
y = panel position from the top portion of your app
zIndex = the 'layer' your panel will appear on. You can stack panels using '1', '2', '3' etc.
position = your panel will be in a fixed position denoted by (x,y)
Visibility is set to false until you click submit, then have a client handler for your submit button make the popupPanel visible. When you click the button on your popupPanel, have the client handler set visibility to false once again and it will disappear.
One more thing, I noticed you get the active app and then create a new app. You do not need to create a new app...just new panels inside your app.
Hope this helps!
You can use a dialogbox to popup.
Add a button to the dialog-box. Add a client handler that sets the dialog box invisible,once you click the button.
var app = UiApp.createApplication;
var dialog = app.createDialogBox();
var closeHandler = app.createClientHandler().forTargets(dialog).setVisible(false);
var button= app.createButton('Close').addClickHandler(closeHandler);
This should help.
Added "()" after .createClientHandler. That should remove issues related to TypeError: Cannot find function createDialogBox in object function createApplication() {/* */}
Popup - use something like this:
var table = app.createFlexTable();
table.setStyleAttribute("position", "absolute");
table.setStyleAttribute("background", "white");
add items to the table and hide and show as needed.

Jquery in Custom HTML Helper Extensions to pick value from the form

I have used this custom Helper in My Razor View.
#Html.Link("OpenewWindow", Constants.Value, new { k = Constants.k, Staff_ID = LoginHelper.GetLoggedInUser() }, new { id = "mytag", target="_blank" })
When I Click on this link it opens me a new window with the Querystrings ConstantValue/Constants?=someValue&Staff_ID=UserLoggedName.
I want to pick the radio button selected value on the form and pass the checked value in QueryString.
So where can I use Jquery function in my custom Helper method to pick the value from the form.
The Custom Helper method takes this kind of aurguments.
public static IHtmlString Link(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string linkText, string baseUrl, object query, object htmlAttributes).
You could use javascript to do that. For example you could subscribe to the click event of the link and then open a popup window by appending the new query string parameter:
$(function() {
$('#id_of_link').click(function() {
var url = this.href;
if (url.indexOf('?') > -1) {
url += '&';
} else {
url += '?';
// get the value of the radio button
var value = $(':radio[name="name_of_your_radio_groups"]:checked').val();
url += url + 'radiovalue=' + encodeURIComponent(value);, 'newwindow');
// cancel the default action
return false;
If you don't need to use javascript then a cleaner approach is to use a form instead of a link. This way the value of the selected radio button will automatically be sent.

Add ondblClick and click event to Codemirror

I would like to add onDblClick event to codemirror 2. I found that onCursorActivity does not deliverer the event so there is no way for me from this method to filter the events.
How can I implement onDbClick event on Codemirror ?
Thanks in advance.
You can call on method on object returned by CodeMirror:
var cm = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.querySelector('textarea'));
cm.on('dblclick', function() {
alert('You double click the editor');
You can find the list of all available events in documentation.
Register a handler on the element returned by the getWrapperElement() method. Unless you want to not just detect double-clicks, but also prevent the default (select word under mouse cursor) from occurring... in that case I guess some modification of the core code is needed.
Since codemirror renders inside the element specified you can add an ondblclick event to the element, like below the highlighter renders without line numbers once double clicked that specific elements will display line numbers
var codeelems = document.getElementsByClassName("code");
for (i = 0; i < codeelems.length; i++) {
(function ($this) {
var value = $this.innerHTML;
$this.innerHTML = "";
var editor = CodeMirror($this, {
value: value,
mode: "text/javascript",
lineNumbers: false
$this.ondblclick = function () {
editor.setOption("lineNumbers", true);