Credentials using Invoke-Sqlcmd against sql azure - powershell

I'm attempting to run a powershell build script against a sql azure database but receiving Login failed for user 'X'.
I'm fairly convinced the credentials are correct as they were taken straight from the live application config.
This is the command I'm using:
Invoke-Sqlcmd -InputFile "Build.sql" -ServerInstance $server -Database $database `
-WarningAction SilentlyContinue -OutputSqlErrors $false `
-Username $username -Password $password -EncryptConnection
I had this working with sqlcmd in a batch file so I'm wondering if it's got anything to do with the way the credentials are being sent, trusted_connection=false doesn't appear to be an option I can try.

It could be the password contains a few special characters that Azure/Invoke-sqlcmd does not handle (such as dollar, single or double quote, parentheses). I tried using the Azure interface and surrounding the password with single-quotes (we had a dollar-sign in the password), but that did not work. So, we simply removed the special character and now it is OK. see: Powershell Invoke-Sqlcmd Login Failed

When connecting to SQL Azure the login name must be of the form user#server. So if you created an user 'foo' and a server 'bar', the login must be foo#bar. See Managing Databases and Logins in Azure SQL Database:
Because some tools implement tabular data stream (TDS) differently, you may need to append the Azure SQL Database server name to the login in the connection string using the <login>#<server> notation. In these cases, separate the login and Azure SQL Database server name with the # symbol. For example, if your login was named login1 and the fully qualified name of your Azure SQL Database server is, the username parameter of your connection string should be: login1#servername.
CREATE LOGIN also explains this:
In some methods of connecting to SQL Database, such as sqlcmd, you must append the SQL Database server name to the login name in the connection string by using the <login>#<server> notation. For example, if your login is login1 and the fully qualified name of the SQL Database server is, the username parameter of the connection string should be login1#servername.


Run SQL query using powershell and AAD authentication with an SSO account

I am trying to run a set of queries from Cloud Shell using powershell that require and Azure AD user. I generally use invoke-sqlcmd using the server admin and password but the specific query I want to run require an AD user. I would like to run the query as myself. I have found that I can use the ConnectionString parameter to do this, but my problem is I do not have a password as I login to Azure via SSO. I basically want to mimic the process of going to my DB in Azure, going to query editor, using AAD authentication and running a query, but with powershell. Is there a way I can do this? Example of what I am trying to do below:
$serverName = 'server'
$dbName = 'database'
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $ServerName -Database $dbName -Query $query
When I attempt this I get:
Invoke-Sqlcmd: Cannot authenticate using Kerberos. Ensure Kerberos has been initialized on the client with 'kinit' and a Service Principal Name has been registered for the SQL Server to allow Kerberos authentication.
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got the results like below:
As SSO is enabled and you do not have a password, you can try generating access token to perform the action.
I used the below script to add the user in Azure Database:
$connectionString = ";Initial Catalog=testdb;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30"
$accessToken = (Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl
$sqlConn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$sqlConn.ConnectionString = $connectionString
$sqlConn.AccessToken = $accessToken
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance -Database testdb -AccessToken $accessToken -query 'CREATE USER [] FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER'
The user is added sccessfully in the Azure Database like below:
Connecting to Azure SQL Database with AAD Authentication using Powershell by alex stuart

Is it possible to encrypt a string password in a script and use it within the script?

I have got the script below, it will change the password for a SQL login. Its a powershell script that accepts a string password and will go in to change the password on the SQL instance.
[string] $login_to_change,
[string] $new_password
$sql_command "alter login [$login_to_change] with password = '$new_password' "
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $server_instance -Database 'master' -query $sql_command
Is there a way to use securestring within the script file ?.
What I am trying to do is avoid a situation where the password can be printed from the script.
When I convert to a securestring, I get the string.
Its an automated deployment tool that will be calling the script. The reason why i want to encrypt it inside the script for now is that sometimes the automated tool does a print out of commands etc, so if I printed out a command whilst debugging, I dont want it to print out the password in plain text.
The end state will be such that the password string sent to the script will be encrypted. This is just a temporary measure.

How to add Managed Identity user to Azure SQL database with Powershell?

I'm trying to create a deploy script in powershell to create and configure the environment for a web application. The web app uses user-assigned Managed Identity to reach the SQL server.
I have to run the following command in the SQL server:
But this command errors when I use sql adminstrator login: "Only connections established with Active Directory accounts can create other Active Directory users."
I add an AD administrator with Set-AzSqlServerActiveDirectoryAdministrator
But how can use this AD login from powershell to run the SQL command?
It seems that Invoke-Sqlcmd (or at least the version of it that I have) doesn't support Azure AD authentication.
I've used a PowerShell script like this to create users (you may need to update sqlcmd):
$query = "CREATE USER [$identityName] FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER;"
sqlcmd -S $serverHostName -d $databaseName -G -N -U $username -t 120 -b -Q $query
The -G flag there tells it to use Azure AD authentication, in this case it will use interactive authentication and require you to login.
If I recall, you can use the -U and -P flags to define the username and password as well for the Azure AD user, but that'll only work if the user doesn't have MFA enabled and isn't a federated user.
Apparently the Azure AD login only works with the -ConnectionString parameter. So the solution is:
# Create User Managed Identity
$mi = New-AzUserAssignedIdentity -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Name $managedIdentityName
# Enable AD login for SQL server
Set-AzSqlServerActiveDirectoryAdministrator -ServerName $sqlServerName -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -DisplayName $AdAdminUser -ObjectId $AdAdminObjectId
# Add Managed identity login to SQL server
$connectString = "Server=tcp:$,1433;Initial Catalog=$sqlDBName;Authentication=Active Directory Password;user=$AdAdminUser;pwd=$AdAdminPw"
$query = "CREATE USER [$managedIdentityName] FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER;"
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ConnectionString $connectString -Query $query -OutputSqlErrors $true

Powershell Invoke-sqlcmd keeping connection open and trying to reuse it

I have a Powershell script that uses invoke-sqlcmd to apply scripts to a series of development databases. I loop through a list of scripts and compare it to the current release level of the database and then apply the required scripts to get the DB to the release level it needs to be at. Certain databases are reference databases and are in a READ_ONLY state. I connect to those database run an alter DB script setting them to READ_WRITE apply the script then change the back to READ_ONLY. Overall the script works well, the issue is it looks like when PowerShell first opens a connection to the database and applies the first script and then goes to alter the DB back to READ_ONLY the database has objects locked. I've traced it back to the previous connection and a Shared_Transaction_Workspace lock (sys.dm_tran_locks) for what looks to be the previous powershell connection. Why is this connection still open after the invoke-sqlcmd has completed and is there anything I can do about it? Can I force invoke-sqlcmd to use a new connection for each invocation of the cmdlet?
I have tried a messy fix killing the offending connection and then retrying the connection but I think there is something better.
I've always done this and it seems to work:
Well, I know that this is a very old post and the people from Microsoft told that fixed this issue (as told the article mentioned by David Brabant) but maybe I'm not the luckiest guy and have to make an workaround to make it happens.
Even running Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) - 11.0.3128.0 (X64) I had the same issue and after make some researches I got a way to get some parameter from Invoke-Sqlcmd as output so I can get the Session ID of the current user process with the built-in ##SPID global variable from the SQL Server and make a connection with ADO.NET to execute a KILL clause to close the opened connection.
So let's to the workaround applied in my case
#Invoke the Invoke-Sqlcmd to execute an script from a file
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Server "[SERVER_NAME]" -Database [DATABASE_NAME] -Username [USER] -Password [PASSWORD] -InputFile [DOT_SQL_FILE_PATH]
#Invoke the Invoke-Sqlcmd to execute a inline SQL statement to get the SessionID as a Powershell variable
$SQLSession = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Server "[SERVER_NAME]" -Database [DATABASE_NAME] -Username [USER] -Password [PASSWORD] -query "select ##spid as SessionID"
# Build query to execute KILL clause
$DbQuery = "KILL " + $SQLSession.SessionID;
# Create SQL connection with ADO.NET
$DbConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$DbConnectionString = "Server = [SERVER_NAME]; Database = [DATABASE_NAME]; User ID=[USER]; Password=[PASSWORD];"
$DbConnection.ConnectionString = $DbConnectionString
# Create SQL command for KILL clause
$DbCommand = New-Object System.Data.SQLClient.SQLCommand
$DbCommand.Connection = $DbConnection
$DbCommand.CommandText = $DbQuery
# Execute KILL clause
# Close connection
I hope that it helps
Even though I am using the newest version of SSMS (Version 16.5.3 - Build 13.0.16106.4), I still get this issue. I haven't figured out what the "right" way of forcing the connection closed is, but I have a work-around that is simple and resolves the issue for me. If you just need to get the connection off the database, you can do the following:
Run normal command(s)
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance "SOME_SERVER" -Database "SOME_DB" ...
When you are ready to eliminate the connection from the database:
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance "SOME_SERVER" -Database "SOME_DB" -Query "use [master];"
This will switch the connection to master, thus removing it from the database of interest. If you absolutely need the connection closed, I think you need to resort to SqlClient or such.

Get current user's credentials object in Powershell without prompting

I have a Powershell script that is going to be run through an automation tool against multiple servers.
It works fine on Windows machines, as the remote calls use the tool's service account without any need for prompting or exposing any credentials in code.
This script also runs against Linux machines via SSH using the SharpSSH package. SharpSSH does not automatically use the Powershell user's credentials but requires either a username and password, an RSA key file, or a PSCredential object.
I can't prompt for credentials using Get-Credential, because it's being run through the automation tool. I don't want to expose the username and password in code or have an RSA key sitting out there. I would like to construct a PSCredential object from the current Powershell user (the service account).
Trying [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials shows a blank, and [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() doesn't provide the object or information I need.
Does anyone have a method for creating a PSCredential object from the current user? Or maybe a completely different alternative for this problem?
Many thanks!
The Windows API will not expose the information you need, which is why Powershell can't get to them. Its an intentional feature of the security subsystem. The only way for this to work is for the Linux machines to trust the calling machine, such as joining them to an Active Directory (or any kerberos setup really).
Aside from that, you'd need to store and pass this information somehow.
You could store the RSA key in the user's keystore and extract it at runtime (using the .NET Crypto/Keystore libs), so you aren't storing the key around with the code. That way the key itself would be protected by the OS and available only when the calling user was authenticated. You'd have one more thing to install, but may be the only way to achieve what you are aiming for.
"Trying [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials shows a blank, and [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() doesn't provide the object or information I need."
You already have your answer. I use this to pass the currently logged in user's credentials along in several scripts:
$Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials
$Username = $Credentials.UserName
$Password = $Credentials.Password
If you try to dump them to any kind of readable output, those values are empty when you dump them (for obvious security reasons), however they do work where you need a PSCredential object.
How about encrypting the password using the service account's encryption key?
A quick example:
Run PowerShell as the service account, run the following and save the output to a text file (or embed it in the scheduled task call):
$String = '<PASSWORD>'
ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $String -AsPlainText -Force)
Use the following in your scheduled task in order to decrypt and utilize the password:
[Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR((ConvertTo-SecureString -String $EncryptedString)))
That should do the trick. You cannot reuse the encrypted password on a different computer, though, or if you for whatever reason destroy you local key store :)
Since you can get the password in plaintext from a credential object, I doubt you can get this without prompting.