Is it possible to encrypt a string password in a script and use it within the script? - powershell

I have got the script below, it will change the password for a SQL login. Its a powershell script that accepts a string password and will go in to change the password on the SQL instance.
[string] $login_to_change,
[string] $new_password
$sql_command "alter login [$login_to_change] with password = '$new_password' "
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $server_instance -Database 'master' -query $sql_command
Is there a way to use securestring within the script file ?.
What I am trying to do is avoid a situation where the password can be printed from the script.
When I convert to a securestring, I get the string.
Its an automated deployment tool that will be calling the script. The reason why i want to encrypt it inside the script for now is that sometimes the automated tool does a print out of commands etc, so if I printed out a command whilst debugging, I dont want it to print out the password in plain text.
The end state will be such that the password string sent to the script will be encrypted. This is just a temporary measure.


Powershell task: Hide not the output but the actual command containing sensitive info in devops logs

I have a powershell script in my release pipeline stage that runs a command and passes values of a secret variable to it. The issue is that the Logs show each and every command as they are run including each arguments passed, one of which is from a secret variable.
How do I make the powershell output not show the command it is running? output of the command is okay to show if it can't be hidden.
Secrets shouldn't be converted to plain text but kept as such and passed as a SecureString to your application. In other words, the solution lays in making sure that your concerned application accepts a hashed password, a SecureString or a PSCredential object also knowing that sending a plain text password to an application isn't secure by itself.
#iRon Say this to Microsoft. I am trying to call their schtasks
I just did: #16502: Set-ScheduledTask shouldn't accept a plain text Password
As a workaround, you might keep your password covered in a SecureString as long as possible:
$Credentials = Get-Credential
Set-ScheduledTask -User $Credential.UserName -Password $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
This will prevent that the passwords are revealed by logging but as there is still a potentially security risk that the password could be read from memory, I recommend to do a garbage collection ([system.gc]::Collect()) right after this command.
⚠️ Important
A SecureString object should never be constructed from a String, because the sensitive data is already subject to the memory persistence consequences of the immutable String class. The best way to construct a SecureString object is from a character-at-a-time unmanaged source, such as the Console.ReadKey method.
To be completely safe, you might also consider to run Set-ScheduledTask (without -User and -Password) under the credentials of the targeted user Start-Process -Credential $Credential ...
Update 2022-02-24:
Sadly😭, I got zero response on my feedback hub "Set-ScheduledTask shouldn't accept a plain text Password" (security) issue. Therefore, I have also just created a new Microsoft Feedback Portal issue for this: Windows-PowerShell: Set-ScheduledTask shouldn't accept a plain text Password
Anyhow, the organization I work for, deals with the same general issue where the use-case is defined as: "how can we hide sensitive information as passwords used by invoked 3rd party applications in PowerShell scripts"
As suggested before: the problem in not due to any (PowerShell) scripting limitations but how the information (as plain text) is provided (input) to the script and how it is expected to be passed (output) to any other application.
To make this clear and to supply at least some (easy) solution, I have created an [HiddenString] class that might be used in a script to hide information as much as possible end-to-end inside the script itself.
class HiddenString {
hidden [SecureString]$SecureString = [SecureString]::new()
HiddenString([Object]$String) {
if ($String -is [SecureString]) { $This.SecureString = $String }
else {
foreach ($Character in [Char[]]$String) { $This.SecureString.AppendChar($Character) }
$Ptr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToCoTaskMemUnicode($This.SecureString)
$String = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($Ptr)
Return $String
Note that I am using the SecureString type in the class not for better security but just for better hiding the concerned string.
Usage example:
function MyScript([String]$TaskName, [String]$UserName, [HiddenString]$Password) {
Start-Transcript -Path .\Transcript.txt
Write-Host "Scheduling $TaskName for $UserName/$Password" # Write-Log ...
Set-ScheduledTask -TaskName $TaskName -User $UserName -Password $Password.Reveal()
Recommended invocation of MyScript:
$SecuredString = Read-Host 'Enter Password' -AsSecuredString
MyScript NotePad.Exe JohnDoe $SecuredString
Just hiding the sensitive information inside the MyScript:
$String = 'Sensitive Information'
MyScript NotePad.Exe JohnDoe $String
Transcript started, output file is .\Transcript.txt
Scheduling NotePad.Exe for JohnDoe/HiddenString
Transcript stopped, output file is .\Transcript.txt
Again, (I can't stress this enough):
warning: as a whole, this workaround is nothing more than security through obscurity
As Microsoft states themselves at SecureString shouldn't be used:
The general approach of dealing with credentials is to avoid them and instead rely on other means to authenticate, such as certificates or Windows authentication.
(which they should also do in their own cmdlets along with Set-ScheduledTask)
I have created an enhancement request for this idea:
#16921 Add [HiddenString] Class
You can register secrets with the agent to ensure they're scrubbed from the logs.
Write this to the output:
write-output "##vso[task.setsecret]THEVALUEYOUWANTHIDDEN"
This should register the secret with the agent. If you know your script will also popentially log the base64 value or another representation of the secret, make sure you register all permutations.

Storing encrypted password Powershell

I am having challenge with one of my Powershell scripts. The idea is to run a tool from a client, which will kill some processes using the PID. Proof of concept works - ps1 script is converted to exe (PS2GUI) and the tool is successfully killing the PID of the user on the server.
$credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential("domain\user",$password)
$scriptBlockSQL = {
sqlplus.exe command
Invoke-Command -ComputerName "server" -Credential $credentials -scriptBlock $scriptBlockSQL
However I have a bit of a problem, because I currently store the password in the script as clear text which is very unsafe - since the .exe can be decompiled in less than a few seconds.
I have tried the ConvertTo-SecureString with the encrypted string, however this ties it with the user account & pc - which is not an option. The usage of the Key file is also not an option.
Do you have any suggestion how to make the script safer & usable? Or any other solution which will work in the same way?
Well, when you are encrypting password with a SecureString then you have to define the password somewhere in the code or in another file. So this is not a good idea. Then you have to look for a way to protect script source code in an efficient way.
PS2GUI will encrypt your source code in a reversible encryption, that means when the script is ran by powershell, the engine will decrypt the code. It is also weak because of using symmetric key algorithm.
Powershell scripts are also encrypted in Base64 format, and PS2GUI does the quite same like thing.
The best way I think now is to prompt the user for credentials. Like this:
$password = Read-Host "Enter password" -AsSecureString

Powershell Automation - Passing Password after executing a exe file

I working on automating the specific task using powershell and getting error while passing the password. Below is my task. Below are the tasks I need to automate.
Execute exe file (For ex: export.exe)
It will prompt for password twice (Enter your password and Reenter your password)
After Entering our password Twice, It will ask for confirmarion Yes or No: (I need to give 'Yes' or No to continue )
I tried automating the above first two steps. First I get the stored password in a file using the below command
$password = get-content C:\cred.txt | convertto-securestring
Then I tried executing the below commands in script
$cred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $pass
Invoke-Expression "& `"C:\Program Files\XX\XX\bin\export.exe`""
But I dont know how to use the password from the file twice to continue the script. I am new to powershell. Please help me.
I don't think that your application will accept PowerShell's PSCredential object. More likely, you just have to pass plaintext password twice and then Yes.
Try this (assuming that export.exe is console application):
'Password', 'Password', 'Yes' | & 'C:\Program Files\XX\XX\bin\export.exe'
This will send 3 strings, separated by the newline (Enter) to the export.exe's stdin.

Credentials using Invoke-Sqlcmd against sql azure

I'm attempting to run a powershell build script against a sql azure database but receiving Login failed for user 'X'.
I'm fairly convinced the credentials are correct as they were taken straight from the live application config.
This is the command I'm using:
Invoke-Sqlcmd -InputFile "Build.sql" -ServerInstance $server -Database $database `
-WarningAction SilentlyContinue -OutputSqlErrors $false `
-Username $username -Password $password -EncryptConnection
I had this working with sqlcmd in a batch file so I'm wondering if it's got anything to do with the way the credentials are being sent, trusted_connection=false doesn't appear to be an option I can try.
It could be the password contains a few special characters that Azure/Invoke-sqlcmd does not handle (such as dollar, single or double quote, parentheses). I tried using the Azure interface and surrounding the password with single-quotes (we had a dollar-sign in the password), but that did not work. So, we simply removed the special character and now it is OK. see: Powershell Invoke-Sqlcmd Login Failed
When connecting to SQL Azure the login name must be of the form user#server. So if you created an user 'foo' and a server 'bar', the login must be foo#bar. See Managing Databases and Logins in Azure SQL Database:
Because some tools implement tabular data stream (TDS) differently, you may need to append the Azure SQL Database server name to the login in the connection string using the <login>#<server> notation. In these cases, separate the login and Azure SQL Database server name with the # symbol. For example, if your login was named login1 and the fully qualified name of your Azure SQL Database server is, the username parameter of your connection string should be: login1#servername.
CREATE LOGIN also explains this:
In some methods of connecting to SQL Database, such as sqlcmd, you must append the SQL Database server name to the login name in the connection string by using the <login>#<server> notation. For example, if your login is login1 and the fully qualified name of the SQL Database server is, the username parameter of the connection string should be login1#servername.

How can I use powershell's read-host function to accept a password for an external service?

I have a script I'm writing that makes a connection to a SOAP service. After the connection is made, I need to pass in a the username/pass with every command I send. The problem I have is that when I use read-host to do this, my password is shown in cleartext and remains in the shell:
PS C:\Users\Egr> Read-Host "Enter Pass"
Enter Pass: MyPassword
If I hide it with -AsSecureString, the value can no longer be passed to the service because it is now a System.Security.SecureString object:
PS C:\Users\gross> Read-Host "Enter Pass" -AsSecureString
Enter Pass: **********
When I pass this, it does not work. I don't care about the passwords being passed to the service in cleartext, I just don't want them sticking around on a user's shell after they enter their password. Is it possible to hide the Read-Host input, but still have the password stored as cleartext? If not, is there a way I can pass the System.Security.SecureString object as cleartext?
$Password is a Securestring, and this will return the plain text password.
You can save the password(input) as a variable and pass it to your service. If the code is run in a script or as a function, the variable containing the password will be deleted after it's done(they are stored in a temp. local scope). If you run the commands in the console(or dot-source the script like . .\myscript.ps1), the password variable will stay in the session scope, and they will be stored until you delete it or close the session. If you want to be sure the variable is removed after your script is run, you can delete it yourself. Like this:
#Get password in cleartext and store in $password variable
$password = Read-Host "Enter Pass"
#run code that needs password stored in $password
#Delete password
Remove-Variable password
To read more about how variables are stored in scopes, check out about_Scopes
There is a way to do this in PowerShell versions 6.x+:
$password = read-host -maskinput "Enter password"
, thanks to jborean93 for pointing this out to me.