Eclipse Jess plugin not working - eclipse

I have a rather strange problem with Eclipse Jess plugin. Everything seems to be installed correctly, plugin details say I have Jess, Jess Debugger and Jess Editor Plug-in and clp files are syntax highlighted and given the jess logo icon in the path manager.
When I try to run even the Hello World example it refuses to launch saying that it refers a non-existing project
(the test-java project I've made just to see that jdk is installed correctly).
Also noice the filename is not shown in the upper bar, next to, there is a tab that only holds the close symbol.
EDIT - I wanted to put screenshot here, but my rep is too low, so I will describe it here:
I have a test-java project which is a pure java project I used to test if JDK is installed correctly. Below I have the jess project which is just a generic project with a src directory and test.clp file inside.
When I try to open the clp file I get a null pointer exception, but when I write it anew, the text does get syntax highlighting. In the upper bar the filename is not showing, the tab for the clp file only has the 'x' symbol as though the name of the file was lost somewhere on the way.
There is also an error message I got when trying to launch the jess project (jess run section IS present in run config menu)
Problem Occured
Launching New_configuration has encountered a problem.
Launch Configuration New_configuration references a non-existing project test-jess
I have tested jess in the terminal and both JESS_HOME(jess root directory) and JESS($JESS_HOME/bin) are set, jess starts, commands execute.
I am running Xubuntu 14.04 Eclipse Juno 32 bit, oracle java 32 bit. I've tried Kepler with same results, and Luna does not work at all with Jess plugin.
Finally, when I try to make any operation with the clp file (move, rename, anything that involves the clp extension) I get a Null pointer exception, so it seems like the plugin is perhaps incompatible?

I struggled a lot with this same issue.
The simple solution to this when you create a new project make sure it is a JAVA project and not a simple project. The launch configurations don't work for a simple project in eclipse.


Eclipse opening and then closing immediately

Eclipse keeps showing the splash screen and then closing immediately after...I just downloaded it so I haven't had the opportunity to make a work space. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, the file has already been unzipped at this point I have no idea as to what I should do about this.
Make sure that you have installed Java JDK properly
Whenever it (Eclipse) encounters a problem that does not warrant launching a dialog, Eclipse saves a report in the workspace log file. The log file can be looked at in four alternative ways.
Locate the file yourself, see workspace/.metadata/.log.
Start Eclipse using -consoleLog. This will print the messages
that normally go to the .log file in the enclosing shell/command window. When the Java VM suffers a hard crash, it produces a separate logging file named something like hs_err_pidXXXXX.log. These files are also helpful for diagnosing
(Other two might not be useful in your case)
Window > Show View > PDE Runtime > Error Log. This gives you a view
with the contents of the .log file.
Help > About Eclipse Platform > Configuration Details. This
prints out a great number of details about the environment and
also concatenates the .log file. Great for including in a bug
Make sure that Java installed properly..
Uninstall Java and install again, this worked for me

How is the Eclipse sample project "Multipage Editor" supposed to run?

I installed Eclipse Luna in XP yesterday and opened the sample project "Mutlipage Editor". When I click "Run" all that happens is another copy of Eclipse opens looking like the first copy but all the workspace boxes are empty.
I guess I was expecting either an emulator to start or the ability to run it on my Android phone. Can anyone get me started please?
When you run an Eclipse plugin it has to run in an instance of Eclipse so that all the other plugins that the plugin depends on are available.
The default 'Multipage Editor' is associated with a file type (.mpe I think). So create a file with that type and open it to see the editor.
You can also write an Eclipse Rich Client Program (RCP) where you can select the available plugins and the look of the UI, but this requires additional code.

Eclipse Crash "java was started but returned exit code = -805306369"

I'm aware there is an identical post here but none of the proposed solutions have changed anything and they are quite old (problems to do with Java6) and seem to be referring to a bug to do with Eclipse.
My problem is when I am developing in Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers; either making changes to java files or changing dependencies etc, Eclipse randomly hangs and then freezes. I have to force close eclipse and I get this message
Things I have tried so far:
Restarted eclipse and PC
Added the -clean command to the very beginning of the eclipse.ini file
Created a brand new work space and attempted to develop in that
I'm running on the latest version of Java (1.7.0_13) and haven't got a clue what to do next.
The problem has happened 4 or 5 times in a number of different occasions:
When I have tried to add a new package to the src folder
When I have tried to add a class to a package in the src folder
When I have tried to edit a class in a package in the src folder
When using Ctrl+Space in a class in the src folder
Any advice/tips would be greatly appreciated! Need to get this problem sorted so I can get developing for my 3rd Year University Project :)
java was started but returned exit code = -805306369
is caused by Eclipse´s corrupted workspace, I solved my problem with these 3 steps:
1) Go to your workspace and rename it.
2) Start your eclipse and by default it will create a workspace.
3) Go to File -> Switch Workspace, choose your original workspace.
After a lot of researching and filing bug reports to no avail I tried one last clear out of Java and fresh installs of Eclipse to try and fix the error and it seems to have worked.
Here is what I did:
Un-installed Eclipse for RCP and RAP developers
Un-installed Java from my PC and deleted any old Java folders that were left behind (I didn't do this in previous clear outs so maybe there was an old version of Java messing something up)
Did a fresh install of Eclipse for RCP and RAP developers and a fresh install of the latest Java
I also deleted my old PATH variable for Java in Environment Variables and put the new one at the front of all the other entries
This seems to have fixed the error for now so hopefully it won't be a short term fix
I opened another instance of eclipse and it prompted me to choose a new workspace. I did so and there it was resolved. Then I closed the new workspace and resorted back to old workspace as usual.
If using Maven projects, check pom.xml, this may corrupted. Mine resolved by fixing pom file.
java was started but returned exit code = -805306369 caused by Eclipse´s currupted workspace, I solved my problem with this 4 steps:
Close Eclipse.
Kill the adb from task manager.
Start Eclipse and by default it will create a workspace or start with new workspace.
Go to File -> Switch Workspace, choose your original workspace.

Java FX in Eclipse on Mac OSX 10.7

Since I had problems with compiling JavaFX Code from Eclipse on Mac OSX 10.7 using java development kit 1.7.0_04 i just want to share my intermediate solution with interested people:
The jfxrt.jar and other .jar files are not recognized when selecting the new jdk issued by oracle as a new jre/jdk in eclipse.
The jdk is installed within /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.7.0.jdk which is recognized as a package.
Adding the path /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.7.0.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/jfxrt.jar later is not possible since the file open dialog of eclipse does not allow to navigate to the inside of the package
Create a symbolic link from outside the package to inside the package and follow the link within the file open dialog.
Simply go to a terminal and execute the following:
[0-/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines]:sudo ln -s 1.7.0.jdk/Contents/ 1.7.0.jdk_Contents
This creates the symbolic link 1.7.0.jdk_Contents using super user permissions (sudo).
By this compilation and execution of JavaFx code works fine and as expected.
It's not need to do all said before, just use a allmost unknown behaviour of Finder dialogs: Drag & Drop.
You can open a Finder window from console with:
open /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_25.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib
so yo will see jfxrt.jar and other .jar files. Drag this files to Eclipse's Add external jar dialog window... et voila!
Dependencies satisfaced! No link needed!
The initial JavaFX 2.1 release in jdk1.7.0_u4 was not supported by e(fx)clipse.
This support thread indicates that the maintainer of the plugin is aware of the incompatibility issue is pushing a patch to the plugin repository to fix the issue and in the meantime recommends using a JavaFX 2.2 preview build instead.

Completely lost with Blackberry JDE for Eclipse

I'm serious. I installed the Blackberry web developer thing for eclipse (being stupid, and not seeing the 'web' part). Then, when I realized my mistake, I went and got the JDE for Eclipse. I went through the install up Eclipse...and I'm lost. I don't know how to run code...or the simulator, or anything.
All the tutorials I'm finding are referencing an older "beta" version of the Eclipse plugin, which apparently had a "Blackberry" menu option. I'm not seeing that.
I found some sample code, which gives the helpful instructions:
"1. Extract
2. In the IDE, open the helloworld.jdw workspace
3. Open the source file.
...I've never seen a .jdw file before. If I try opening it in Eclipse, I get a not-very-useful text file. Since they say it's a workspace, I try the "Switch Workspace" option in Eclipse, which lets me pick a folder, rather than a file.
I'm pretty sure "Import Project" isn't right, either.
So, I figure I'll deal with that later, so I open up the source code (a standard .java file, with a main, etc). I try running it, but it asks for an Ant build file.
I can run standard Java files just fine (that is, I know Java is in my path).
I don't know if maybe I don't have the Blackberry part right...or if it's on the eclipse side where I'm failing.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Edit: Just to be sure, I tried downloading the plugin through eclipse with their provided link (, but eclipse says that it got a .jar file when it was expecting a .zip file, and so it errored. Can you even unzip a jar file (like Eclipse is trying to do?)
It sounds like you have the wrong package.
I installed it yesterday from the "Download Now" button at
and it had both the menu option and the Blackberry project type.
It should have an installer if you get the correct one. I would post a direct link, but RIM likes to ask for your info before allowing the download.
Try installing it to a different directory and using a new workspace. It could be that the old install is interfering somehow.
-Hope that helps
if you want to know step by step to install the jde plugin in eclipse you can visit