Scala IDE Template Editor Broke - scala

I just downloaded the scala ide 4.0 release candidate 1 on my windows machine. I setup a basic play scala project and tried opening the the index.scala.html file with the New Play Editor and the file doesn't looks like this:
So then I tried opening the file in the regular play editor and when i type, the characters are typed in reverse:
Anybody know how to go about fixing this?

This might be a problem with your installation, if you are on Windows and you installed it under Program Files. Try moving it somewhere else (preferably without spaces in the path, though this is a permission issue). See this long thread on the Scala IDE mailing list.


Eclipse Jess plugin not working

I have a rather strange problem with Eclipse Jess plugin. Everything seems to be installed correctly, plugin details say I have Jess, Jess Debugger and Jess Editor Plug-in and clp files are syntax highlighted and given the jess logo icon in the path manager.
When I try to run even the Hello World example it refuses to launch saying that it refers a non-existing project
(the test-java project I've made just to see that jdk is installed correctly).
Also noice the filename is not shown in the upper bar, next to, there is a tab that only holds the close symbol.
EDIT - I wanted to put screenshot here, but my rep is too low, so I will describe it here:
I have a test-java project which is a pure java project I used to test if JDK is installed correctly. Below I have the jess project which is just a generic project with a src directory and test.clp file inside.
When I try to open the clp file I get a null pointer exception, but when I write it anew, the text does get syntax highlighting. In the upper bar the filename is not showing, the tab for the clp file only has the 'x' symbol as though the name of the file was lost somewhere on the way.
There is also an error message I got when trying to launch the jess project (jess run section IS present in run config menu)
Problem Occured
Launching New_configuration has encountered a problem.
Launch Configuration New_configuration references a non-existing project test-jess
I have tested jess in the terminal and both JESS_HOME(jess root directory) and JESS($JESS_HOME/bin) are set, jess starts, commands execute.
I am running Xubuntu 14.04 Eclipse Juno 32 bit, oracle java 32 bit. I've tried Kepler with same results, and Luna does not work at all with Jess plugin.
Finally, when I try to make any operation with the clp file (move, rename, anything that involves the clp extension) I get a Null pointer exception, so it seems like the plugin is perhaps incompatible?
I struggled a lot with this same issue.
The simple solution to this when you create a new project make sure it is a JAVA project and not a simple project. The launch configurations don't work for a simple project in eclipse.

Support for Java Decompiling in current Eclipse IDE

I am currently looking for the latest version of the decompiler plugin for Eclipse (Kepler). Does this tool still exist?
I have downloaded jd.ide.eclipse.feature_0.1.5.jar and placed it in my plugins folder for eclipse but it does not seem to work. I have also copied JAD.exe into my local file and I point to that location for Path to Decompiler in JadCliple preferences. I have also set File Associations to read *.class as JadClipse Class File Viewer to default. Is there something else I am missing here? I have read past posts on this website and I see that access to the website has been the main problem. If anyone can guide me in the right direction this would be great.
I keep getting this error, The Class File Viewer cannot handle the given input ('org.eclipse.ui.ide.FileStoreEditorInput').
Instead of using JD-GUI or other GUI based tools, you may want to consider command-line decompilers that are frequently updated like the ones below:
Both of these (should) support new Java 8 additions and other things that JD-GUI usually fails on.

Debugger source line synchronization not working in IntelliJ IDEA Scala plugin

I'm running IntelliJ IDEA 12.1.3 on Windows 8 with the Scala plugin 0.7.264. Scala is installed in C:\Apps\Scala\scala-2.10.1, and that directory is in my PATH. The Scala docs are in C:\Apps\Scala\scala-2.10.1\doc\scala-devel-docs\api. These are manual installs from the .zip files.
Everything seems to work fine except for two things:
First, if the "Run compile server (in external build mode)" settings is enabled (as it is by default), I get this error:
Turning off that setting fixes that for now, but there is another problem. I can run my code in the debugger and see values change in the debugger panel as I single step through the code, but it doesn't synchronize the source file view as I step through.
Normally I'd expect to see the current line being executed turn green, and the green highlight would follow along as I hit F10 or F11 to step through, but it doesn't. I can set breakpoints on source lines and let it run, and it stops at each breakpoint as expected. It just doesn't highlight the source line in green when it gets there.
Similarly, if a source file is not open (either my source code or a library file), and I step into that code, it appears to single-step correctly but does not open the source file at all.
Everything else works fine, like the autocompletes and Shift+F1 to view the Scala docs for the name the cursor is on.
The really odd thing is I had full debugging working briefly. At first I'd installed Scala from the .msi file, so it installed Scala into C:\Program Files (x86)\scala. When I set up IntelliJ to use that Scala installation I did get the green highlight on source lines as I stepped through the code.
The only problem with that setup was that IntelliJ complained about the missing doc\scala-devel-docs\api directory when I'd setup a Scala project, because the .msi installation uses a different subdirectory for the API docs. It was easy enough to fix that up manually in the Global Liraries settings, but I figured I'd try the .zip installation so I could use a directory layout more like what IntelliJ was expecting.
I should have left well enough alone! I even tried going back to that arrangement and still didn't get source line synchronization working again.
At one point I also tried letting IntelliJ do the Scala installation, but that also gave the same results: everything working except source line synchronization in the debugger.
There must be some obvious thing I got wrong, but I'm not sure what it could be. Does anyone have any ideas?
Here's a screenshot from a debug session:
The program is stopped on line 3, as indicated by the values assigned to x and y but not yet to z, and the <init>():3, Main$$anon$1 in the Frames panel. So line 3 should be highlighted in green but isn't.
Here are the relevant settings dialogs:
The above is with "Run compile server" on; as mentioned I ended up turning that setting off. The field values are the defaults, including the -server -Xss1m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m JVM parameters.
I am using the same version of IDEA and the Scala plugin (however on OS X and JDK 6), and I do not have this problem. Does this occur with any of your projects or only a specific one?
Assuming that the OS shouldn't be responsible, the difference is that I use sbt to build my projects. So if you are willing to set up a build.sbt and installing the SBT plugin for IDEA, this might be worth a try.
Although the fancy new compile server should in theory be as fast and smooth as sbt, I find it very pleasant to work with the sbt plugin. You can install it from Settings -> IDE Settings -> Plugins. Next step I also highly recommend is to use the sbt-idea plugin, which is like the complementary to the IDEA SBT plugin—this will allow you to generate the full IDEA project files from sbt (you can have as little as a single scalaVersion entry in build.sbt if you don't need to manage dependencies, so you don't need to learn much of sbt in the first place).
The final step then is to go into your Run/Debug configuration, and change in the "Before launch" section from "Make" to "SBT".
Finally you might get better support for your problem through the JetBrains online forum.

gwt-dev-mac.jar is missing?

I'm trying to use IntelliJ IDEA for GWT development on Mac OS X, and checked out a project from subversion a coworker created on Windows. The Project file came with paths to GWT ("C:..."), which obviously don't work for me.
When I change the GWT facet path in the Module Settings dialog it complains that the directory i've chosen isn't a valid GWT SDK folder because it's missing gwt-dev-mac.jar
But I can't find such a file anywhere on my machine.
When I rename "gwt-dev.jar" to "gwt-dev-mac.jar" and try to run the project, I get the error: "Unknown argument: -style" when it tries to run GWTShell.
I read this link, but I'm not sure what to do about it:
What's going on here?
I'm dumb... when I updated IntelliJ I dragged the new application into my applications folder and assumed it would replace the old one.
It appeared with the typical greyed-out look because I hadn't started it yet... so I was still using IntelliJ 8.something. and not noticing.
Problem solved with version 9 with the addition of the "Fix" and "Create Artifact" features that appear where the error used to.

Eclipse doesn't recognize lua files after installing the lua plugin

I downloaded Eclipse Classic off of the Eclipse website then the Lua Eclipse IDE plugin. I followed the install instructions but Eclipse doesn't seem to recognize or be able to understand lua files. Can someone help?
Sounds like your file types aren't associated. Click on Window/Preferences and select General/Editors/File Associations.
Add more information
Which installation guide did you follow? (Lua Eclipse Installation?)
Which OS (version)?
Which java version? (Which implementation)
Which eclipse version?
I love these kind of questions because they provide an opportunity to do a test I postponed until now...
So I downloaded the plugin package, and followed the instructions: closed Eclipse, put two jar files in the plugin folder, put the open-ldb.exe elsewhere, restarted Eclipse.
I created a generic project, added a generic file linked to an existing Lua file. When I opened the file, it was automatically identified as such, with a moon icon and correct syntax highlighting.
Using Eclipse 3.5.1 on Windows XP, BTW.
Now, I have an issue, the debugger won't start for me, I get a
Unable to connect to PDA VM
Connection refused: connect
error, not sure why (path to exe file is correct, I have another error when it is wrong).
But at least I have the Lua files recognized without problem.
I think you might want to check that in Preferences > General > Editors > File Associations, *.lua is defined and associated to the Lua editor.
Instead of opening a File you have to do the following:
Open a new LUA project.
Then import using 'File System' all files (resources and LUA files) into the project.
Now you can see and edit the LUA files. Don't know why it doesn't work by simply opening a LUA file directly.