Cite a paper using github markdown syntax - github

I am coding a readme for a repo in github, and I want to add a reference to a paper. What is the most adequate way to code in the citation? e.g. As a blockquote, as code, as simple text, etc?

I agree with Horizon_Net that it depends on personal preference.
I like to have something which looks similar to LaTeX.
An example is provided below.
Note that it demonstrates a numeric citation style.
Alphabetic or reading style are possible too.
For numeric citation style, higher numbers should appear later in the text, and this can make satisfying numeric citation style cumbersome.
To avoid this problem, I typically use an alphabetic citation style.
"...the **go to** statement should be abolished..." [[1]](#1).
## References
<a id="1">[1]</a>
Dijkstra, E. W. (1968).
Go to statement considered harmful.
Communications of the ACM, 11(3), 147-148.
"...the go to statement should be abolished..." [1].
Dijkstra, E. W. (1968).
Go to statement considered harmful.
Communications of the ACM, 11(3), 147-148.
On GitHub flavored Markdown and most other Markdown flavors, you can actually click on [1] to jump to the reference.
Apologies for taking Dijkstra his sentence out of context.
The full sentence would make this example more difficult to read.
If the references all have a stable link, it is also possible to use those:
The field of natural language processing (NLP) has become mostly dominated by deep learning approaches
(Young et al., [2018](
Some are based on transformer neural networks
(e.g., Devlin et al, [2018](
The field of natural language processing (NLP) has become mostly dominated by deep learning approaches
(Young et al., 2018).
Some are based on transformer neural networks
(e.g., Devlin et al, 2018).

From what I know, there is no built-in mechanism for this. This leads to more subjective opinions, depending on personal preference. I personally like to have a separate section called references. An example would look like the following
some reference
another reference
Another way would be to use simple HTML embedded in your Markdown.

The alternative (to pure markdown) is to use the new GitHub integration from Aug. 2021:
Enhanced support for citations on GitHub
GitHub now has built-in support for CITATION.cff files.
This new feature enables academics and researchers to let people know how to correctly cite their work, especially in academic publications/materials.
Originally proposed by the research software engineering community, CITATION.cff files are plain text files with human- and machine-readable citation information.
When we detect a CITATION.cff file in a repository, we use this information to create convenient APA or BibTeX style citation links that can be referenced by others.
How this works
Under the hood, we’re using the ruby-cff RubyGem to parse the contents of the CITATION.cff file and build a citation string that is then shown in GitHub when someone browses a repository with one of those files1.
Now, that is helping others making your Github paper easily citable.
But, as documented, to "add a reference to a paper":
Citing something other than software
If you would prefer the GitHub citation information to link to another resource such as a research article, then you can use the preferred-citation override in CFF with the following types.
Research article
Conference paper
type: article
- family-names: "Lisa"
given-names: "Mona"
orcid: ""


Syntax highlighting on GitHub's Wiki: Specifying the programming language

GitHub uses something known as the "GitHub Flavored Markdown" for messages, issues and comments. My questions are:
Does GitHub also use this syntax for their Wiki?
From what I understand one can specify the programming language for syntax highlighting using the following syntax:
require 'redcarpet'
markdown ="Hello World!")
puts markdown.to_html
Where one can specify the programming language after the ``` string (e.g. ```ruby)
My question is: How do I look up the specifier for a programming language? (e.g. C does not seem to work for the C programming language)
For a list of the possible lexers that github wiki can use see here:
If you find that a certain lexer is not supported, github recommends forking their code and submitting it via a pull request:
Quoting GitHub's documentation on the subject:
We use Linguist to perform language detection and syntax highlighting. You can find out which keywords are valid in the languages YAML file.
Linguist's "Grammar index" may prove also useful.
How do I look up the specifier for a programming language?
The up-to-date list of language specifiers can be deduced from the main configuration file of the Linguist repository, languages.yml. For each language in that list, you can use as specifiers:
The language name
Any of the language aliases
Any of the file extensions, with or without a leading ..
White spaces must be replaced by dashes (e.g., emacs-lisp is one specifier for Emacs Lisp). Languages with a tm_scope: none entry don't have a grammar defined and won't be highlighted on
jmm made this reverse engineering effort and received confirmation from one of GitHub's engineers. He opened an issue with all the information on Linguist and maintains a wiki page with the specifiers for all languages (which might not be up-to-date).
Does GitHub also use this syntax for their Wiki?
Yes, but's wikis also supports several other formats. You can find the complete list on the markup repository.

What Are The Most Important Parts Of ELisp To Learn If You Want To Programme Emacs?

I use Emacs everyday as it is the standard editor for Erlang.
I decided as my New Years Resolution to learn to programme eLisp. I decided that writing a book about eLisp was the best way to learn.
I have make pretty good progress:
Learn eLisp For Emacs
The strategic structure of the book is
getting started/basics
more advanced eLisp
writing a minor mode
writing a major mode
I have got through the basics (ie the first of these 4 points), covering:
evaluating expressions
adding menu items/toolbars
loading your own emacs files
etc, etc
If you are writing a book about a programming language you usually start by knowing the language well - well I don't - so my major problem now is a completeness problem:
How do I know that I have covered all the features that an Emacs programmer should have mastered?
How do I ensure that there aren't gaps in the content?
So I thought I would address these by asking the community here. My question is What Is Missing From My Table Of Contents? (in particular what should the more advanced eLisp Section contain).
Now that's an interesting way to learn a language...
I think you've probably skipped a bunch of the fundamentals in the getting started/basics section. If you've not already read it, I recommend reading "An Introduction To Programming In Emacs Lisp" (at, which covers what I'd expect to see in the "basics" portion. I won't bother cut/paste the table of contents.
As far as knowing when you've written a complete book... Well, once you've re-written the Emacs Lisp manual in "how to" form, you know you're done. Alternatively, if you've written a book that can be used to answer/interpret all of the elisp and emacs questions, then you've probably got decent coverage.
What advanced features could you write about? There's advice, process communication, non-ASCII text, syntax tables, abbrevs, text properties, byte compilation, display tables, images, and a bunch more in the manual.
Note: The proper capitalization of elisp is either all lowercase, or possibly an uppercase E. The GNU documentation doesn't use "elisp" very much at all (mostly as a directory name, all lowercase), it prefers "Emacs Lisp."
Note: In the current version of your book, you treat global variables negatively. It's probably worth reading the RMS paper to gain some insight into the design decisions made, specifically on global variables as well as dynamic binding (the latter which you've yet to cover, which is a key (basic) concept which you've already gotten wrong in your book).
Instead of asking the community here, why not use what the community already offers? Review all the questions tagged "elisp" and see where they fit it your book. A survey of what people actually want to understand could be some of the best information you will get.
"I have read both the GNU manuals - but they are not so much use if you don't know Lisp/elisp."
Tip: Emacs is not much use if you don't know Lisp.
Not really true, of course, but you get the idea. This one is really true:
Tip: Emacs is much, much, much, much more useful if you know Lisp. Not to mention more fun.
Wrt what to learn:
symbols (they are simple objects, with properties -- not just identifiers)
lists -- cons cells, list structure (including modification/sharing)
function application
text/overlay/string properties (values can be any Lisp entities)
buffers and windows
I'd suggest you'll take a look what the two Info manuals included with Emacs Emacs Lisp Intro "An Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp" and Elisp "The Emacs Lisp Reference Manual" already have to offer and then decide what you would like to add to or do differently than those.

What are some useful emacs functions for refactoring?

For now I've stuck with multi-occur-in-matching-buffers and rgrep, which, while powerful, is still pretty basic I guess.
Eventhough I realize anything more involved than matching a regexp and renaming will need to integrate with CEDET's semantic bovinator, I feel like there is still room for improvement here.
Built-in functions, packages, or custom-code what do you find helpful getting the job done ?
In CEDET, there is a symbol reference tool. By default it also uses find/grep in a project to find occurrence of a symbol. It is better to use GNU Global, IDUtils, or CScope instead to create a database in your project. You can then use semantic-symref-symbol which will then use gnu global or whatever to find all the references.
Once in symref list buffer, you can look through the hits. You can then select various hits and perform operations such as symbol rename, or the more powerful, execute macro on all the hits.
While there are more focused commands that could be made, the macro feature allows almost anything to happen for the expert user who understands Emacs keyboard macros well.
It depends on which language you are using; if your language is supported by slime, there are the family of who commands: slime-who-calls, who-references, who-binds, calls-who, etc. They provide real, semantic based information, so are more reliable than regexp matching.
If you're editing lisp, I've found it useful (in general) to use the paredit.el package. Follow the link for documentation, and the video is a great introduction.

Syntax changes from the examples in 'The Little Schemer' to the real Scheme

I have recently started following the examples from The Little Schemer and when trying out the examples in DrScheme, I have realised that there are some minor syntax changes from the examples in the book to what I can write in DrScheme.
First of all, as a language in DrScheme, I chose Pretty Big (one of the Legacy Languages).
Is this the correct choice for trying the examples in the book?
As regards the syntax changes I have noticed that, for example, I need to prefix the identifiers with a ' in order for them to work.
For example:
(rember 'jelly '(peanut butter jelly))
Are there any more changes (syntactical or not) that I need to be aware of when trying the examples from the 'The Little Schemer' book ?
IIRC, the book uses a different font for quoted pieces of data, and in real Scheme code that requires using quote. As for your use of PLT Scheme -- the "Pretty Big" language is really there just as a legacy language. You should use the Module language, and have all files start with #lang scheme (which should be there by default).
(The "new" way of using different languages in DrScheme is to always be in the Module "language" and specify the actual language using a #lang line.)
See the "Guidelines for the reader" section in the Preface. (I'm looking at the 4th edition here.)

What are the main differences between CLTL2 and ANSI CL?

Any online links / resources?
Bill Clementson has which is a repost of
I also found while answering the question. I've not compared the two.
As the posters note, those are only main differences. The intent is to let you tweak your copy of cltl2 into not confusing you in any major way, but the resulting document should not be treated as standard.
Personally I didn't bother-- I use cltl2 as a bed side reading (Steele is an excellent writer!), to gain insight into various aspects of the language, and the process by which those aspects were standardized; lets me think in CL better. When I program, I reference HyperSpec exclusively.