Get substring into a new column - substring

I have a table that contains a column that has data in the following format - lets call the column "title" and the table "s"
I am trying to get a unique list of the characters that come before the "." so that i end up with this:
I have tried selecting the initial column into a table then trying to do an update to create a new column that is the position of the dot using "ss".
something like this:
t: select title from s
update thedot: (title ss `.)[0] from t
i was then going to try and do a 3rd column that would be "N" number of characters from "title" where N is the value stored in "thedot" column.
All i get when i try the update is a "type" error.
Any ideas? I am very new to kdb so no doubt doing something simple in a very silly way.

the reason why you get the type error is because ss only works on string type, not symbol. Plus ss is not vector based function so you need to combine it with each '.
q)update thedot:string[title] ss' "." from t
title thedot
ab.123 2
ab.321 2
cde.456 3
cde.654 3
fghi.789 4
There are a few ways to solve your problem:
q)select distinct(`$"." vs' string title)[;0] from t
q)select distinct(` vs' title)[;0] from t
You can read here for more info:

An alternative is to make use of the 0: operator, to parse around the "." delimiter. This operator is especially useful if you have a fixed number of 'columns' like in a csv file. In this case where there is a fixed number of columns and we only want the first, a list of distinct characters before the "." can be returned with:
exec distinct raze("S ";".")0:string title from t
distinct raze("S ";".")0:string t`title
Where "S " defines the types of each column and "." is the record delimiter. For records with differing number of columns it would be better to use the vs operator.

A variation of WooiKent's answer using each-right (/:) :
q)exec distinct (` vs/:x)[;0] from t


Query Importrange with concat - adding 2 of the returned columns together

I am trying to import specified data using query importrange but at the same time I want to reduce need for additional calculation columns and by using concat or something similar to add 2 columns together with a space in between ie. first name 'bob' last name 'smith' returns 'bob smith' in 1 column
=QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("","Sheet7!A2:c"),"select Col1&" "&Col2,Col3",0})
I've tried the above but it returns formula parse error
in post-IMPORTRANGE you can join two columns only like this:
IMPORTRANGE("13Ptmj3sejlOADvwhgfBPxRy_H-RGCxLX4r2jecbceIE", "Sheet7!A2:C"),
"select Col1,Col2", )),,9^9))
so for 3 columns:
IMPORTRANGE("13Ptmj3sejlOADvwhgfBPxRy_H-RGCxLX4r2jecbceIE", "Sheet7!A2:C"),
"select Col1,Col2", )),,9^9)),
IMPORTRANGE("13Ptmj3sejlOADvwhgfBPxRy_H-RGCxLX4r2jecbceIE", "Sheet7!C2:C")}

In Spark Scala, how to create a column with substring() using locate() as a parameter?

I have a dataset that is like the following:
val df = Seq("samb id 12", "car id 13", "lxu id 88").toDF("list")
I want to create a column that will be a string containing only the values after Id. The result would be something like:
val df_result = Seq(("samb id 12",12), ("car id 13",13), ("lxu id 88",88)).toDF("list", "id_value")
For that, I am trying to use substring. For the the parameter of the starting position to extract the substring, I am trying to use locate. But it gives me an error saying that it should be an Int and not a column type.
What I am trying is like:
.withColumn("id_value", substring($"list", locate("id", $"list") + 2, 2))
The error I get is:
error: type mismatch;
found : org.apache.spark.sql.Column
required: Int
.withColumn("id_value", substring($"list", locate("id", $"list") + 2, 2))
How can I fix this and continue using locate() as a parameter?
Updating to give an example in which #wBob answer doesn't work for my real world data: my data is indeed a bit more complicated than the examples above.
It is something like this:
val df = Seq(":option car, lorem :ipsum: :ison, ID R21234, llor ip", "lst ID X49329xas ipsum :ion: ip_s-")
The values are very long strings that don't have a specific pattern.
Somewhere in the string that is always a part written ID XXXXX. The XXXXX varies, but it is always the same size (5 characters) and always after a ID .
I am not being able to use neither split nor regexp_extract to get something in this pattern.
It is not clear if you want the third item or the first number from the list, but here are a couple of examples which should help:
// Assign sample data to dataframe
val df = Seq("samb id 12", "car id 13", "lxu id 88").toDF("list")
.withColumn("t1", split($"list", "\\ ")(2))
.withColumn("t2", regexp_extract($"list", "\\d+", 0))
.withColumn("t3", regexp_extract($"list", "(id )(\\d+)", 2))
.withColumn("t4", regexp_extract($"list", "ID [A-Z](\\d{5})", 1))
You can use functions like split and regexp_extract with withColumn to create new columns based on existing values. split splits out the list into an array based on the delimiter you pass in. I have used space here, escaped with two slashes to split the array. The array is zero-based hence specifying 2 gets the third item in the array. regexp_extract uses regular expressions to extract from strings. here I've used \\d which represents digits and + which matches the digit 1 or many times. The third column, t3, again uses regexp_extract with a similar RegEx expression, but using brackets to group up sections and 2 to get the second group from the regex, ie the (\\d+). NB I'm using additional slashes in the regex to escape the slashes used in the \d.
My results:
If your real data is more complicated please post a few simple examples where this code does not work and explain why.

Using Postgresql, count consecutive numbers in a table, which has length of more than 5

So from the above, I want to have only those records that have the same digit repeated more than 5 times.
The output count should be 5.
You can a regular expression with a repeated back reference.
with test (telephone_number) as
( values ('111111111')
, ('1111143452')
, ('000000000')
, ('888888888')
, ('5554038291')
, ('1111392012')
, ('9999999999')
, ('2324666666')
select telephone_number
from test
where telephone_number ~ '(\d)\1{5,}';
This does depend on how the columns are defined, as numeric or as text. If numeric definition then you need to play around in converting to text for using a regular expression. See fiddle.

kdb+: Save table into a csv file

I have the below table "dates" , it has a sym column with symbols and a d column with list of strings and would like to save it into a regular CSV file. Couldn't find a good way to do it. Any suggestions?
sym d
6AH0 "1970.03.16" "1980.03.17" "1990.03.19" "2010.03.15"
6AH6 "1976.03.15" "1986.03.17" "1996.03.18" "2016.03.14"
6AH7 "1977.03.14" "1987.03.16" "1997.03.17" "2017.03.13"
6AH8 "1978.03.13" "1988.03.14" "1998.03.16" "2018.03.19"
6AH9 "1979.03.19" "1989.03.13" "1999.03.15" "2019.03.18"
When I try to do the regular save the below error happens:
q)save `:dates.csv
The internal table->csv conversion function within Kdb+ is not able to handle nested lists in columns. The d column in your table is a list of list of chars. However, the conversion function is able to handle a simply nested column (depth of 1).
Therefore, you can convert the d column to a list of chars and then save to CSV using the internal function:
/ generate a table of dummy data
q)show dates:flip `sym`d!(`6AH0`6AH6`6AH7;string (3;0N)#12?.z.d)
sym d
6AH0 "2008.02.04" "2015.01.02" "2003.07.05" "2005.02.25"
6AH6 "2012.10.25" "2008.08.28" "2017.01.25" "2007.12.27"
6AH7 "2004.02.01" "2005.06.06" "2013.02.11" "2010.12.20"
/ convert 'd' column to simple list - the (" " sv') is the conversion func here
q)#[`dates;`d;" " sv']
/ review what was done
q)show dates
sym d
6AH0 "2008.02.04 2015.01.02 2003.07.05 2005.02.25"
6AH6 "2012.10.25 2008.08.28 2017.01.25 2007.12.27"
6AH7 "2004.02.01 2005.06.06 2013.02.11 2010.12.20"
/ save to csv
q)save `:dates.csv
/ review saved csv
q)\cat dates.csv
"6AH0,2008.02.04 2015.01.02 2003.07.05 2005.02.25"
"6AH6,2012.10.25 2008.08.28 2017.01.25 2007.12.27"
"6AH7,2004.02.01 2005.06.06 2013.02.11 2010.12.20"
As per the csv specification, you'll want to flatten the list out and separate each with a comma and double quote the list.
'save' is limited in that the file must be named the same as the global variable you are saving.
If I was tasked with your question I'd do it like so;
`:myFileNamedWhatever.csv 0: csv 0: select sym,csv sv'd from dates
csv 0: table /csv is a variable, literally defined as "," - its good for readability. csv 0: table converts the table to a comma separated list of strings
`:file 0: listOfStrings /this takes a LIST of strings and pushes them to the file handle. Each element of the list is a new line in the file
I'd prefer this approach as it is general and allows the saving of various types. You can use it within a function etc..
At a later date I decided that I wanted it saved as a pipe (or anything) separated file;
`:myNewFile.psv 0: "|" 0: select sym,"|"sv'd from table

Putting keyword data into a csv file MATLAB

Given a table of the following format in MATLAB:
userid | itemid | keywords
A = [ 3 10 'book'
3 10 'briefcase'
3 10 'boat'
12 20 'windows'
12 20 'picture'
12 35 'love'
4 10 'day'
12 10 'working day'
... ... ... ];
where A is a table of size (58000*3), I want to write the data in a csv file with the following format:
itemid keywords
10 book, briefcase, boat, day, working day, ...
20 windows, picture, ...
35 love, ...
where we the list of itemids is stored in Iids = [10,20,35,...]
I would like to avoide using loops for this as you can imagine the matrix is big-sized. Any idea is appreciated.
I wasn't able to think of a solution without loops. But you can optimize your loop by:
using logical indexing
running such loop only M times (if M is the number of unique itemid elements) instead of N times (if N is the number of elements in your table).
The solution I come up with is this.
First of all, create your table
A=table([3;3;3;12;12;12;4;12], [10;10;10;20;20;35;10;10],{'book','briefcase','boat','windows','picture','love','day','working day'}','VariableNames',{'userid','itemid','keywords'});
which looks like
Select the unique values for column itemid (your Iids):
which looks like
Create a new, empty, table which will contain the results:
And now the minimal loop I've come up with:
for id=Iids'
% select rows with given itemid value
% create new row in NewTable with the id and the (joined together) keywords from the selected rows
NewTable=[NewTable; table(id,{strjoin(RowsWithGivenId.keywords,', ')})];
Also, append the new column names in NewTable
NewTable.Properties.VariableNames = {'itemid','keywords'};
And now NewTable looks like:
Please note: due to the fact that the keywords in the new table are separated by comma, a csv file is not the format I recommend. By using writetable() as writetable(NewTable,'myfile.csv');
what you'll get is
As instead, by replacing ; instead of a separating comma (in strjoin()), you'll get a nicer format: