Using Postgresql, count consecutive numbers in a table, which has length of more than 5 - postgresql

So from the above, I want to have only those records that have the same digit repeated more than 5 times.
The output count should be 5.

You can a regular expression with a repeated back reference.
with test (telephone_number) as
( values ('111111111')
, ('1111143452')
, ('000000000')
, ('888888888')
, ('5554038291')
, ('1111392012')
, ('9999999999')
, ('2324666666')
select telephone_number
from test
where telephone_number ~ '(\d)\1{5,}';
This does depend on how the columns are defined, as numeric or as text. If numeric definition then you need to play around in converting to text for using a regular expression. See fiddle.


Remove a decimal and concat zero at a specific position using PostgreSQL

I have a column named invoice_number varchar(255) in the invoices table.
Here is some sample data:
An invoice_number can have up to 17 digits. Here is the format in which it is generated:
Year(4 digits) + Number of invoice (3 digits) + profile number (10 digits)
At the moment, I have some data in this column as follows:
I would like to delete the decimal point which is the 2nd to the last digit and then add a zero on the 8th position (after 001 according to the sample data above) to handle all of these undesired invoice numbers.
Expected Output:
What would be the best way to do this?
A safe way to do it is using REGEXP_REPLACE.
select invoice_number
, regexp_replace(invoice_number, '^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{3})([0-9]{8})[.]([0-9]+)$', '\1\20\3\4') as new_invoice_number
from (values
, ('202200100000022.2')
, ('202200100000022.3')
) q(invoice_number)
where invoice_number like '%.%';
Test on db<>fiddle here

Check if character varying is between range of numbers

I hava data in my database and i need to select all data where 1 column number is between 1-100.
Im having problems, because i cant use - between 1 and 100; Because that column is character varying, not integer. But all data are numbers (i cant change it to integer).
dst_db1.eachRow("Select length_to_fault from diags where length_to_fault between 1 AND 100")
Error - operator does not exist: character varying >= integer
Since your column supposed to contain numeric values but is defined as text (or version of text) there will be times when it does not i.e. You need 2 validations: that the column actually contains numeric data and that it falls into your value restriction. So add the following predicates to your query.
and length_to_fault ~ '^\+?\d+(\.\d*)?$'
and length_to_fault::numeric <# ('[1.0,100.0]')::numrange;
The first builds a regexp that insures the column is a valid floating point value. The second insures the numeric value fall within the specified numeric range. See fiddle.
I understand you cannot change the database, but this looks like a good place for a check constraint esp. if n/a is the only non-numeric are allowed. You may want to talk with your DBA ans see about the following constraint.
alter table diags
add constraint length_to_fault_check
check ( lower(length_to_fault) = 'n/a'
or ( length_to_fault ~ '^\+?\d+(\.\d*)?$'
and length_to_fault::numeric <# ('[1.0,100.0]')::numrange
Then your query need only check that:
lower(lenth_to_fault) != 'n/a'
The below PostgreSQL query will work
SELECT length_to_fault FROM diags WHERE regexp_replace(length_to_fault, '[\s+]', '', 'g')::numeric BETWEEN 1 AND 100;

Get substring into a new column

I have a table that contains a column that has data in the following format - lets call the column "title" and the table "s"
I am trying to get a unique list of the characters that come before the "." so that i end up with this:
I have tried selecting the initial column into a table then trying to do an update to create a new column that is the position of the dot using "ss".
something like this:
t: select title from s
update thedot: (title ss `.)[0] from t
i was then going to try and do a 3rd column that would be "N" number of characters from "title" where N is the value stored in "thedot" column.
All i get when i try the update is a "type" error.
Any ideas? I am very new to kdb so no doubt doing something simple in a very silly way.
the reason why you get the type error is because ss only works on string type, not symbol. Plus ss is not vector based function so you need to combine it with each '.
q)update thedot:string[title] ss' "." from t
title thedot
ab.123 2
ab.321 2
cde.456 3
cde.654 3
fghi.789 4
There are a few ways to solve your problem:
q)select distinct(`$"." vs' string title)[;0] from t
q)select distinct(` vs' title)[;0] from t
You can read here for more info:
An alternative is to make use of the 0: operator, to parse around the "." delimiter. This operator is especially useful if you have a fixed number of 'columns' like in a csv file. In this case where there is a fixed number of columns and we only want the first, a list of distinct characters before the "." can be returned with:
exec distinct raze("S ";".")0:string title from t
distinct raze("S ";".")0:string t`title
Where "S " defines the types of each column and "." is the record delimiter. For records with differing number of columns it would be better to use the vs operator.
A variation of WooiKent's answer using each-right (/:) :
q)exec distinct (` vs/:x)[;0] from t

Centura Gupta Team Developer Automation Possibility

Is there a automation tool which can automate the software build on Team Developer (v6.0).
I have tried with multiple automation tools to spy the table object in the application, it identifies it as Gupta ChildTable. But I am not able to retrieve the values from the row.
For example:
1. I have 10 rows in the table(grid) with 12 columns. I need to find the value "AAAAA" contained in first column and select that particular row via Automation.
2. I have 10 rows in the table(grid) with 12 columns. I need to find the value "AAAAA" contained in first column and click on particular cell in that row to input the data via Automation.
Thanks in advance.
Use VisTblFindString . This function ( and many others ) are included into your TD code if include 'VT.apl' in your include libraries .
VisTblFindString will return the Row - so then you simply set context to that row using SalTblSetContext( hWndForm, nRow ) , and then you can refer to the contents of each cell by name to return the value.
nRow = VisTblFindString(hWndTable, nStartRow, hWndColumn, sString)
Handle: hWndTable
Number: nStartRow
Number: hWndColumn
String: sString
Locates a string value within a column.
The string must match exactly, but case is ignored. Searching ends when the last row in the table is checked. A SAM_FetchRow message is sent for all rows that have not yet been fetched into the cache.
You can use the pattern matching characters understood by the function SalStrScan. The percent character (%) matches any set of characters. The underscore character ( _ ) matches any single character.
hWndTable Table window handle.
nStartRow Row number at which to start the search.
hWndColumn Handle of column to search. Use hWndNULL to search all string columns.
sString String for which to search.
Return Value
Number: The row number if sString is found, or -1 if not found.
Set nRow = VisTblFindString (twOrders, 0, colDesc, 'AAAAAA')
Call SalTblSetContext( twOrders , nRow )
( Now you can get the value of any cell in nRow by referring to the Column Name )
e.g. Set sCellValue = twOrders.colDesc or Set sCellValue = twOrders.colId etc.
Rows ( or anything what-so-ever in a TableWindow - even the cell borders , backgrounds , lines, row headers etc ) can be treat as an 'Item' or 'Object' by TeamDeveloper . Recommend you use MTbl - it is an invaluable set of add-on functions that make dealing with Tables a breeze. I know of no sites using TableWindows that don't use MTbl. In terms of rows , you can define any row as an Item or Object and manipulate it accordingly. See M!Tbl ( a TableWindows extention ) and specifically fcMTblItem.DefineAsRow( hWndTbl, nRow ).
BTW , you can also use MTbl to completely change the look and feel of your TableWindows , to give them a real modern look.
Very rough napkin code, don't have TD on this computer. Not that you can copy&paste this easily anyway due to the code structure, only line by line.
tbl1 is the name of the table, col1 is the name of the column, substitute to fit your program.
Set nRow = TBL_MinRow
While SalTblFindNextRow( tbl1, nRow, 0, 0 )
Call SalTblSetContext( tbl1, nRow )
If tbl1.col1 = "AAAAA"
Call SalTblSetFocusCell( tbl1, nRow, tbl1.col1, 0, -1 )
This should run through each row, check whether col1 has the chosen value, and then activates edit mode for that cell - provided the column is editable.

Order By alphanumeric values like numeric

there is a table's fields on MSSQL Serrver 2005 as VARCHAR. It contains alphanumeric values like "A,B,C,D ... 1,2,3,...,10,11,12" etc.
When i use below codes;
ORDER BY TableFiledName
Ordering result is as follow 11,12,1,2,3 etc.
When i use codes as below,
CASE WHEN ISNUMERIC(TableFiledName) = 0 THEN CAST(TableFiledNameAS INT) ELSE TableFiledName END
I get error message as below;
Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 1 Error converting data type varchar
to float.
How can get like this ordering result: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 etc..
Thanks in advance.
ISNUMERIC returns 1 when the field is numeric.
So your first problem is that it should be ...
But this alone won't work.
You need to prefix the values with zeroes and take the rightmost
order by
case when ISNUMERIC(FieldName) =1
then right('000000000'+FieldName, 5)
else FieldName
Using 5 allows for numbers up to 99999 - if your numbers are higher, increase that number.
This will put the numbers before the letters. If you want the letters before the numbers, then you can add an isnumeric to the sort order - ie:
order by
This won't cope with decimals, but you haven't mentioned them