boolean field in redshift copy - postgresql

I am producing a comma-separated file in S3 that needs to be copied to a staging table in a redshift database using the postgres COPY command.
It has one boolean field. With every sensible way I can think of to represent the boolean value in the file, redshift copy complains, usually with "Unknown boolean format".
I'm going to give up and change the staging table field to a smallint so that I can proceed with the copy and translate the value on the load from staging to the final redshift table, but I'm curious if anyone knows the correct incantation.

A zero or one works just fine for us.
Check your loads carefully, it may well be another issue that's 'pushing' invalid data into your boolean column.
For instance, we had all kinds of crazy characters embedded in our data that would cause errors like that. I eventually settled on using the US character for the record separator.

Check to make sure you're excluding the headers during the COPY command.
I ran into the same problem, but adding the ignoreheader 1 option (ignores 1 header line during import) solved the issue.


How to enhance length of Property of an attribute of class in eco Model designer

Iam using mdriven build for DDD project and have model designed in .ecomdl file.
In this file i have a class Job with WorkDone as one of a property. Backedup SQL table has WorkDone varchar(255) field. Now i wanted to increase length of this field and When i changed the WorkDone property length from 255 to 2000 then it modified the code file but when application runs EvolveSchema then evolving process doesn't recognize this change which leads to no scripts being generated. In the end database doesn't get this updated.
Can you please help me how to get this change persist to database. I thought to increase manually to SQL table but then if database gets change in case of new envrionment QA production then it has to be done every time, which id don't want to do.
In MDriven we dont evolve attribute changes - we only write a warning (255->2000 this change will not be evolved)
You should take steps to alter the column in the database yourself.
We should fix in the future but currently this is a limitation
To expand on my comment, VARCHAR can only be from 0-255 chars
Using TEXT will allow for non-binary (character) strings and BLOBs will allow for binary (byte) strings
Your mileage may vary with this as to what you can do with them, as I am using MySQL knowledge and knowledgebases (since you don't specify your SQL type)
See below for exaplanations of the types;
char / varchar
blobs / text

Db2 for I: Cpyf *nochk emulation

In the IBM i system there's a way to copy a from a structured file to one without structure using Cpyf *nochk.
How can it be done with sql?
The answer may be "You can't", not if you are using DDL defined tables anyway. The problem is that *NOCHK just dumps data into the file like a flat file. Files defined with CRTPF, whether they have source, or are program defined, don't care about bad data until read time, so they can contain bad data. In fact you can even read bad data out of a file if you use a program definition for that file.
But, an SQL Table (one defined using DDL) cannot contain bad data. No matter how you write it, the database validates the data at write time. Even the *NOCHK option of the CPYF command cannot coerce bad data into an SQL table.
There really isn't an easy way
Closest would be to just build a big character string using CONCAT...
insert into flatfile
select mycharfld1
concat cast(myvchar as char(20))
concat digits(zonedFld3)
from mytable
That works for fixed length, varchar (if casted to char) and zoned decimal...
Packed decimal would be problematic..
I've seen user defined functions that can return the binary character string that make up a packed decimal...but it's very ugly
I question why you think you need to do this.
You can use QSYS2.QCMDEXC stored procedure to execute OS commands.

Informatica SQ returns different result

I am trying to pull data from DB2 via informatica, I have a SQ query that pulls few fields based on joins for 4 different tables.
When I run the query directly in the database, it returns the expected result, however when I run it in informatica and run a debugger, I see something else.
Please note all the columns data perfectly match, except one single column.
Weird thing is, this is a calculated field from the table based on a case statement:
CASE WHEN Column1='3' THEN 'N' ELSE 'Y' END.
Since this is a calculated field with a length of one string, I have connected from the source to SQ from one of the sources having 1 character length.
This returns 'Y' when executed in the database, the same query when I copy paste in SQ of information and run it, I get a data 'E', and this data can never be possible as I expect only a N or a Y. I have verified the column order, that its in the right place. This is very strange, is something going wrong because of the CASE Statement?
Save yourself the hassle, put an expression transformation after tge source qualifier and calculate, port value there then forget about it
I think i got the issue. We use Informatica PowerExchange to connect to a as400 system(DB2), and it seems that when we are trying to set a flag information in AS400, and pass it to informatica via PowerExchange, it converts it to binary, and to solve this, there needs to be an entry in the PowerExchange configuration file.
Unfortunately, i myself was not aware that it could be related to PowerExchange instead of powercenter itself.!!
Thanks for your assistance! Below is the KB about it.

SSIS Convert Between Unicode and Non-Unicode Error

I have an ssis package where I am using an OLEDB source linking to SQL Server 2005 table. All columns except a date column are NVARCHAR(255). I am using an Excel destination and using a SQL statement to create the sheet in the Excel workbook, the SQL is in the excel connection manager (effectively a create table statement that creates a sheet) and is derived from the mapping of the columns from the DB.
No matter what I have done I keep getting this unicode --> non-unicode conversion error between my source and destination. Tried conversion to string[DT_STR] between S > D, removed it, changed SQL Table VARCHAR to NVARCHAR and still get this flippin error.
Because I am creating the sheet in Excel with a SQL statement I do not see any way to actually pre-define what the data types of the columns will be in the Excel sheet. I imagine it would be a default meta data but I do not know.
So between my SQL table destination and the creation of my Excel sheet with this SSIS sql statement how can I stop this error coming up?
My error is:
Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Source [1]]: Column "MyColumn" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.
And for all nvarchar columns.
Appreciate any help
The below Steps worked for me:
right click on source task.
click on "Show Advanced editor".
Go to "Input and Output Properties" tab.
select the output column for which you are getting the error.
Its data type will be "String[DT_STR]".
Change that data type to "Unicode String[DT_WSTR]".
save and close.
Add Data Conversion transformations to convert string columns from non-Unicode (DT_STR) to Unicode (DT_WSTR) strings.
You need to do this for all the string columns...
The missing piece here is Data Conversion object. It should be in between OLE DB Source and Destination object.
First, add a data conversion block into your data flow diagram.
Open the data conversion block and tick the column for which the error is showing. Below change its data type to unicode string(DT_WSTR) or whatever datatype is expected and save.
Go to the destination block. Go to mapping in it and map the newly created element to its corresponding address and save.
Right click your project in the solution properties. Select configuration properties and select debugging in it. In this, set the Run64BitRunTime option to false (as excel does not handle the 64 bit application very well).
Instead of adding an earlier suggested Data Conversion you can cast the nvarchar column to a varchar column. This prevents you from having an unnecessary step and has a higher performance then the alternative.
In the select of your SQL statement replace date with CAST(date AS varchar([size])). For some reason this does not yet change the output data type. To do this do the following:
Right click your OLE DB Source step and open the advanced editor.
Go to Input and Output Properties
Select Output Columns
Select your column
Under Data Type Properties change DataType to string [DT_STR]
Change Length to the length you specified in your CAST statement
After doing this your source data will be output as a varchar and your error will disappear.
I have been having the same issue and tried everything written here but it was still giving me the same error.
Turned out to be NULL value in the column which I was trying to convert.
Removing the NULL value solved my issue.
No-one seems to mention this but, converting varchar to nvarchar in the source query also solves the issue.
On the above example I kept losing the values, I think that delaying the Validation will allow the new data types to be saved as part of the meta data.
On the connection Manager for 'Excel Connection Manager' set the Delay Validation to False from the Properties.
Then on the data flow Destination task for Excel set the ValidationExternalMetaData to False, again from the properties.
This will now allow you to right click on the Excel Destination Task and go to Advanced Editor for Excel Destination --> far right tab - Input and Output Properties. In the External Columns folder section you will be able to now change the Data Types and Length values of the problematic columns and this can now be saved.
Good Luck!
I experienced this condition when I had installed Oracle version 12 client 32 bit client connected to an Oracle 12 Server running on windows.
Although both of Oracle-source and SqlServer-destination are NOT Unicode, I kept getting this message, as if the oracle columns were Unicode.
I solved the problem inserting a data conversion box, and
selecting type DT-STR (not unicode) for varchar2 fields and DT-WSTR (unicode) for numeric fields, then I've dropped the 'COPY OF' from the output field name.
Note that I kept getting the error because I had connected the source box arrow with the conversion box BEFORE setting the convertion types. So I had to switch source box and this cleaned all the errors in the destination box.
When creating table in SQL Server make your table columns NVARCHAR instead of VARCHAR.
I think people are missing this. In my case I had 100 character columns to convert between Oracle and MS Sql. All this stuff about Data Conversion and Advanced Editor is incredibly tedious if you have a 100 separate character columns to assign. Plus SSIS being SSIS, it will sometimes reset all your 100 advanced editor changes even if you set VALIDATEEXTERNALMETADATA to false, incredibly obnoxious. I wouldn't mind doing the Data Conversion if there was some value to it but 20 years ago ETL tools used to take oracle character to ms sql characters without fussing. What Bakalolo and Zafer say is the answer if you have a lot of character columns and you can live with nvarchar, just declare all your output ms sql columns (nvarchar) and your data task will automatically assign your oracle fields into ms sql fields with no manual overrides. I have also found that the new Oracle Source (2021) doesn't complain about a unicode conversion to varchar in ms sql. A colleague just told me that the ssis wizard (it may be only in vs 2019+) to assign oracle character to ms sql varchar will do the assignments automatically with no override, but I haven't tried that personally.
2022 update - I think this is just vs 2019 created packages and later. An task reading a varchar ms sql table going to oledb (and I think) ms sql varchar will throw the unicode error. If you switch the input task to oledb reading ms sql varchar table you won't have to do the advanced editor overrides for the varchar fields. If you don't want to do advanced editor overrides (who does?) try different tasks and more oledb tasks.
I just encounter same issue, I solve it in my SQL request : using convert directly
I need to put an empty (or fix size string) into excel file. Converting force type of MyVarName from DT-STR to DT-WSTR (unicode)
I know this is a very old post but I ran into the same issue and found that I had to manually select the conversion component output alias as the mapping in the excel destination component. Since the names of the OLE DB Source match the excel column names it was mapping it to the OLE DB and not to the Output Alias. Such as SourceID column from the OLE DB component being named Copy of SourceID after conversion. I don't see the original question saying they specifically selected the new alias name just that they mapped to DB columns. #Serge Voloshenko post comes the closest but also does not mention to make sure the mapping happens. To a new SSIS user this might be overlooked.

OpenRowSet command in TSQL is returning NULLS

Been investigating for a while now and keep hitting a brick wall. I am importing from xls files into temp tables via the OpenRowset command. Now I have a problem where I’m trying to import a certain column has a range values but the most common are the following. Columns structured as long numbers i.e. 15598 and the some columns as strings i.e. 15598-E.
Now the openrowset is reading the string version no problem but is reporting the number version as a NULL. I read ( ) that openrowset has that issue and the author speaks of implementing “HDR=YES;IMEX=1” into the query string but that’s not working for me at all.
Have any of you guys every encountered this?
Just some more info as well. I may not do this with the JET engine (Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0) so this is what my query looks like:
, 'Driver=Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls);HDR=YES;IMEX=1;DBQ=C:\ImportFile.xls;'
, 'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]')
I notice you are using the Excel ODBC driver. Have you tried the JET OLEDB Provider with the equivalent connection string?
select * from openrowset(
'Data Source=C:\ImportFile.xls;Extended Properties="Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1"',
'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]')
EDIT: Sorry, just noticed your last paragraph. Surely the Excel ODBC driver still goes via the JET engine, so what difference would it make?
EDIT: I have looked at the KB194124 link, and the registry values it recommends are the default values on my machine, which I have never changed. I have used the above method several times myself without problems. Maybe it's an environmental issue?
If you don't mind opening the file in Excel, take the columns that have the problem, select the column, and do
Data -> Text to Columns -> Next -> Next -> Text
Save the spreadsheet and they should all come in as Text in OPENROWSET
I've found using .CSV files instead of Excel, opened by setting up a Linked Server, and setting up the format of the files in schema.ini a more practical approach for handling imports like this, with that method you can explicitly choose each column's format.
We've come across the same issue. Unfortunately we've not found a solution either. There's more information here which indicates that there might be a registry fix.
I had the same problem. I fixed it cuting and pasting a row that contains a column with the string/numeric value (for example 123ABC) in the first row position of the sheet. For some reason T-SQL reads the first row and assumes that all the values are numeric.
Response by SqlACID in this link worked great [] :-
If you don't mind opening the file in Excel, take the columns that have the problem, select the column, and do
Data -> Text to Columns -> Next -> Next -> Text
Save the spreadsheet and they should all come in as Text in OPENROWSET
I've found using .CSV files instead of Excel, opened by setting up a Linked Server, and setting up the format of the files in schema.ini a more practical approach for handling imports like this, with that method you can explicitly choose each column's format.