Db2 for I: Cpyf *nochk emulation - db2

In the IBM i system there's a way to copy a from a structured file to one without structure using Cpyf *nochk.
How can it be done with sql?

The answer may be "You can't", not if you are using DDL defined tables anyway. The problem is that *NOCHK just dumps data into the file like a flat file. Files defined with CRTPF, whether they have source, or are program defined, don't care about bad data until read time, so they can contain bad data. In fact you can even read bad data out of a file if you use a program definition for that file.
But, an SQL Table (one defined using DDL) cannot contain bad data. No matter how you write it, the database validates the data at write time. Even the *NOCHK option of the CPYF command cannot coerce bad data into an SQL table.

There really isn't an easy way
Closest would be to just build a big character string using CONCAT...
insert into flatfile
select mycharfld1
concat cast(myvchar as char(20))
concat digits(zonedFld3)
from mytable
That works for fixed length, varchar (if casted to char) and zoned decimal...
Packed decimal would be problematic..
I've seen user defined functions that can return the binary character string that make up a packed decimal...but it's very ugly
I question why you think you need to do this.

You can use QSYS2.QCMDEXC stored procedure to execute OS commands.


PostgreSQL: Import columns into table, matching key/ID

I have a PostgreSQL database. I had to extend an existing, big table with a few more columns.
Now I need to fill those columns. I tought I can create an .csv file (out of Excel/Calc) which contains the IDs / primary keys of existing rows - and the data for the new, empty fields. Is it possible to do so? If it is, how to?
I remember doing exactly this pretty easily using Microsoft SQL Management Server, but for PostgreSQL I am using PG Admin (but I am ofc willing to switch the tool if it'd be helpfull). I tried using the import function of PG Admin which uses the COPY function of PostgreSQL, but it seems like COPY isn't suitable as it can only create whole new rows.
Edit: I guess I could write a script which loads the csv and iterates over the rows, using UPDATE. But I don't want to reinvent the wheel.
Edit2: I've found this question here on SO which provides an answer by using a temp table. I guess I will use it - although it's more of a workaround than an actual solution.
PostgreSQL can import data directly from CSV files with COPY statements, this will however only work, as you stated, for new rows.
Instead of creating a CSV file you could just generate the necessary SQL UPDATE statements.
Suppose this would be the CSV file
Then just produce the following
UPDATE my_table SET ExtraCol1 = 'foo', ExtraCol2 = 42 WHERE PK = 1;
UPDATE my_table SET ExtraCol1 = 'bar', ExtraCol2 = 21 WHERE PK = 4;
You seem to work under Windows, so I don't really know how to accomplish this there (probably with PowerShell), but under Unix you could generate the SQL from a CSV easily with tools like awk or sed. An editor with regular expression support would probably suffice too.

boolean field in redshift copy

I am producing a comma-separated file in S3 that needs to be copied to a staging table in a redshift database using the postgres COPY command.
It has one boolean field. With every sensible way I can think of to represent the boolean value in the file, redshift copy complains, usually with "Unknown boolean format".
I'm going to give up and change the staging table field to a smallint so that I can proceed with the copy and translate the value on the load from staging to the final redshift table, but I'm curious if anyone knows the correct incantation.
A zero or one works just fine for us.
Check your loads carefully, it may well be another issue that's 'pushing' invalid data into your boolean column.
For instance, we had all kinds of crazy characters embedded in our data that would cause errors like that. I eventually settled on using the US character for the record separator.
Check to make sure you're excluding the headers during the COPY command.
I ran into the same problem, but adding the ignoreheader 1 option (ignores 1 header line during import) solved the issue.

Export tables to Flat File with some logic

I'm writing scripts to export some tables to flat files every day. I'm looking at the BCP utility, but I'm not sure it has the kind of features I really need.
For example, I need to output the fields out of order. That is, the 15th field in the MSSQL database should be the 2nd field in the flat file, et.c
More importantly, some of the fields need to be altered. For example, if a certain field is null or contains some special values, I need to replace them with codes.
Is BCP the right tool for this? My gut tells me to do this in Perl instead.
You can write a stored procedure and do all data transformations there.
Then feed this stored procedure to bcp.
It will surely be faster than Perl.
SSIS is fast too; could be an option in case transformations are very complex.
You can use a query to order and format the columns directly with BCP
bcp Utility
Is a Transact-SQL query that returns a result set.
bcp "SELECT Name FROM AdventureWorks.Sales.Currency" queryout Currency.Name.dat -T -c

Updating the text of a large number of stored procedures

The question pretty much sums it up. I've got to replace text in a large number for store procedures. Its not so many that doing it manually is impossible, but enough that I'm asking the question. I also prefer automation as it reduces the change of user error when we make the change in production.
I can Identify them like this:
select OBJECT_DEFINITION(object_id), *
from sys.procedures
where OBJECT_DEFINITION(object_id) like '%''MyExampleLiteral''%'
order by name
Is there any way to mass update them all to change 'MyExampleLiteral' to 'MyOtherExampleLiteral'?
I'd even settle for a way to open all the stored procs. Just Finding these store procs in a larger list will take some time.
I thought about generating alter statements using the above select statements, but then I lose line breaks.
Thanks in advance,
This is a Microsoft SQL Server.
There are different tools to use depending on the database in question. For example, Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools integrates with Visual Studio, and allows you to do these types of operations fairly easily. The database is stored in your solution as scripts, which you can then search and replace any keyword you wish. I'm assuming there would be similar tools available for other platforms.
You could do this with dynamic sql. Query the system tables to get all the SPs containing your "MyExampleLiteral":
SELECT [object_id] FROM sys.objects o
AND is_ms_shipped = 0
AND OBJECT_DEFINITION(o.[object_id]) LIKE '%<search string>%'
Then, write a while loop to go through those object_ids. In the while loop, get the OBJECT_DEFINITION() into a string and replace the "MyExampleLiteral", then replace CREATE PROCEDURE with ALTER PROCEDURE and execute the string using sp_executesql.
Doing something this crazy, make sure you backup the database first.

import csv files on postgres numeric types

I need import a file to my Postgres database and get this error:
invalid input syntax for integer in fabrica, "1";
SQL state: 22P02
my command is:
copy trazabilidade(fabrica, --integer
idChapa, --integer
descricao, --varchar
espessura, --double precision
comprimento, --double precision
largura, --double precision
peso) from 'C:/temp_nexo/traz.csv' delimiter ';';
How can I import data from csv file types that have numbers?
Can not extend Pg coercions
The data-loading mechanism relies on the data being a formal representation of a Pg data-type, or coercible (e.g, cast'able) by Pg. However, there isn't currently a way to add custom-coercions for the Pg types. You can not for instance, make '31,337'::int work by overriding the coercion to an Int.
It also suggests two alternatives, namely pgloader.
pgloader is much better at loading error-prone data in a more flexible format than the built-in COPY is. The downsides are additional install complexity (Python+psycopg+configuration) and a sometimes significant speed loss compared with the built-in COPY.
As per Denis's reply about the COPY command, you can't add custom coercions to postgres copy commands. If pgloader is overkill, you can load your data to a temp table and then from there examine, then cast/trim/manipulate any data you think should be valid.