doGet Error found - gwt

I created Google Script. Now when I run it in Google Script, it runs perfectly and does the file movement to folder. Also I can create Web App Deployment for publishing. Now when I try to run the Script in Browser by entering the link, it returns error : Script function not found: doGet. Please tell me what is wrong in my Script. My requirement is that I had a website at where I want to insert HTML or JavaScript or PHP so that the Google Script runs from my Website on opening. Please help me how I can design the same.


cant open script in a unity plugin

when im run the game it gives me this error
The referenced script on this Behaviour ("behaviour name) is missing!
im tried to open it then it gived me this error
Unable to open Assets/MonoScript/Assembly-CSharp.dll: Check external application preferences.
also the same thing happens in all script inside plugin
please help

chrome devools console not sending any commands

I am trying to debug an application that runs on qt-webkit. If I run the application with --remote-debugging-port=<port> command line argument I can access development tools in my chrome browser but I can't use the console at all.
I can't send commands in the console at all. I've tried with other application build on top of that and the problem is there too. One of the apps is facebookeMessengerForDesktop app.
Does anyone knows how to fix this or can you propose a way to send commands from the application without the console.
Well I could not find why this is not working but I found a workaround.
You can define a new function that is used as the console. The function code is:
function v(command) {{_prompt: {text: ""}}, command, true);
You can use it in your browser console. When it is called it prints the command output in the context of the debugged application (the native one).

Office.JS "This add-in is no longer available" error

Suddenly I started getting an error while loading an add-in:
Error : "This add-in is no longer available: addin inserted during development are only available during debugging from visual studio. Please open your project in visual studio and re-run your application or deploy your add-in into a valid catalog and reinsert."
When I used to run the project the addin used to load automatically. Now I am getting above error.I haven't made any changes to code and word.
Note: I have installed Fiddler today but after that add-in was working. I have reset my add-in but no use.
I was not able to resolve this error. As a workaround I have created new project copied only home.html,home.js and other JS and CSS files and it works.
I also had this error recently in O365 Excel on Windows 10 but not in O365 Excel Web. In the end I solved it this way:
I ran npm run validate
This gave me a list of validation errors for the manifest.xml
I fixed the validation errors (In my case some String ids were too long)
I (re)started dev server npm stop npm start
So it seems like O365 Excel Web can cope with invalid manifest.xml to some extend whereas the app has a strikt validation of the file. I wish Office would output a meaningful error message in stead of a missleading "This add-in is no longer available". This did cost me roughly 6 hours to find out...
I had this error not for studio code but with excel but it is kind of linked
I put the staging manifest that does not contain localhost url (this was the error return during validation)
and I replace then one by one with dev config even at the end I put back localhost and it works so there is a kind of cache somewhere but I did empty the cache.
between each step I click on the drop down of Excel insert/my add in arrow and the app name under developer add in

Launch local PowerShell script from link in local browser session

My boss has asked me to look into launching a PowerShell script I've written (which is to be deployed to all users desktops) when the user clicks on a link in their web browser (and not by the clicking on a desktop icon as I've proposed). I did not think this was possible for security reasons and can't understand how this can be done. Does anyone know if this is possible ? i.e. a web link can somehow trigger the running of a PowerShell script held locally on the user's machine? Seems dangerous to me but he says it can be done !!!
No, it won't automatically run a linked script and will require the user to download and then run it.
The way to accomplish the goal of running a script when they click on something, though, would be to do it with server-side code that launches the script remotely or creates a scheduled task on the user's system. However, this may not work if the user needs to see the command window or interact with the script.

Using MATLAB's diary function in an executable (MATLAB Application Compliler Toolbox)

I've created a code that will be run as an executable. However, the running of an executable has an error that doesn't exist in the MATLAB scripts. Trying to document this, I ran across the "diary" command which seems like an appropriate way of logging the error. Command: diary('LogFile.txt')
However, when running the compiled version, I immediately get a pop up error: LogFile.txt: Cannot open file: permission denied.
I'm getting a bit flummuxed as it appears to be having trouble writing to its own folder. Should I be trying to store to C:\Users, or is there some other glitch I'm running into?
Thanks a lot to 'Daniel' for his suggestion of getenv('appdata'). I would add that my path was ..\AppData\Roaming\ so I would suggest a way of viewing the location of the log file in your gui just to be sure you can find (or that others using your app can find it). Thanks!