Mosaic images with Matlab - matlab

I have a question about how can I do something. I have a folder with different images (each image has 3 bands). For example.
What I need to do is to mosaic the images by name (for example, all the number 244, 250...). Now, I'm doing it manually in that way:
image1 = imread('C:\Prueba\Img_244_234_1_1.tif','tif');
image2 = imread('C:\Prueba\Img_244_234_1_2.tif','tif');
image3 = imread('C:\Prueba\Img_250_234_1_1.tif','tif');
image4 = imread('C:\Prueba\Img_250_234_1_2.tif','tif');
image_result1 = cat(2,image1,image2);
image_result1 = cat(2,image1,image2);
How can I automatize using the date number (244,250...) which always it's in the same output name position?
Really appreciate any suggestion.

You can use loops (like for x=[244,255]) and the concatenation of strings: ['C:\Prueba\Img_' x '_234_1_1.tif'] will evaluate to `'C:\Prueba\Img_244_234_1_1.tif' if x was 244.

If your file name is well organized, then the following code should work.
files = dir('*.tif');
for i=1:2:numel(files)
image1 = imread(files(i).name);
image2 = imread(files(i+1).name);
image_result = cat(2,image1,image2);


Report with side by side two images and a splited table - Matlab

I am trying in the code below to generate a report with side by side two images and a splited table but I get an error. Why this error occur?
close all;
clear all;
import mlreportgen.dom.*
import mlreportgen.utils.*
Name = {'A';'B';'C';'D';'E';'A';'B';'C';'D';'E'};
codeA = [8;3;8;0;4;8;3;8;0;4];
Height = [1;8;4;7;8;8;3;1;0;4];
Weight = [6;2;1;4;5;8;3;1;1;4];
T = table(Name,codeA,Height,Weight,codeA,Height,Weight,codeA,Height,Weight);
Image1 = Image(which('coins.png'));
Image2 = Image(which('sevilla.jpg'));
rpt = Report("myPDF","pdf");
imgStyle = {ScaleToFit(true)};
Image2.Style = imgStyle;
Image1.Style = imgStyle;
lot = Table({Image2, ' ', Image1});
lot.entry(1,1).Style = {Width('3.2in'), Height('3in')};
lot.entry(1,2).Style = {Width('.2in'), Height('3in')};
lot.entry(1,3).Style = {Width('3.2in'), Height('3in')};
lot.Style = {ResizeToFitContents(false), Width('100%')};
add(rpt, lot);
chapter = Chapter("Title",'Table Report');
table = FormalTable(T);
table.Border = 'Solid';
table.RowSep = 'Solid';
table.ColSep = 'Solid';
para = Paragraph(['The table is sliced into two tables, '...
'with the first column repeating in each table.']);
para.Style = {OuterMargin('0in','0in','0in','12pt')};
para.FontSize = '14pt';
slicer = TableSlicer("Table",table,"MaxCols",5,"RepeatCols",1);
totcols = slicer.MaxCols - slicer.RepeatCols;
slices = slicer.slice();
for slice=slices
str = sprintf('%d repeating column and up to %d more columns',...
para = Paragraph(str);
para.Bold = true;
*Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 10.
Error in try1 (line 26)
lot.entry(1,1).Style = {Width('3.2in'), Height('3in')};*
You define the variable
Height = [1;8;4;7;8;8;3;1;0;4];
Then you try and use the report gen function Height
lot.entry(1,1).Style = {Width('3.2in'), Height('3in')};
Because you've shadowed the Height function with a variable, MATLAB is trying to get the element of this array at index '3in', which is either nonsensical or (via some implicit ASCII conversion) is way out of range.
Per my comment on your previous question, I think the way the documentation suggests the report gen functions are imported is bad practice. By using import mlreportgen.dom.* you are putting all of the nicely name-spaced functions from that package into the common area, and in this case it has caused an unclear clash between two things. So there are two options:
Use the namespaced version of Height (and Width), if you did this with all of the report gen functions you would not need the import. The nice side-effect is you get tab-completion when typing the various functions from this package
lot.entry(1,1).Style = {mlreportgen.dom.Width('3.2in'), mlreportgen.dom.Height('3in')};
Sure, you code is longer, but it is more explicit.
... or ...
Simply don't define a variable called Height. Rename this and everything else can stay the same.

AudioKit - Drawing full waveform of file

I've been going through documentation looking for an answer for this. I see that AudioKit can draw waveforms for in realtime as you record or playback, but I was wondering if you could load in a file and it draw the waveform in full so I can see the whole file's waveform without playing it back.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Even just a pointer to what object I should look into.
You can also use the Objective C EZAudioPlot class which is in AudioKitUI:
let file = EZAudioFile(url: url)
guard let data = file?.getWaveformData() else { return }
let waveform = EZAudioPlot()
addSubview( waveform )
waveform.frame = NSMakeRect(0, 0, 200, 20)
waveform.plotType = EZPlotType.buffer
waveform.shouldFill = true
waveform.shouldMirror = true
waveform.color =
waveform.updateBuffer( data.buffers[0], withBufferSize: data.bufferSize )
I haven't benchmarked the two methods, but the plot version is very fast for longer files. For stereo files, make two stacked plots using buffers[0] and [1]
there is a waveform that is drawn in the tables playground example here:
let file = try AKAudioFile(readFileName: "drumloop.wav")
let fileTable = AKTable(file: file)
...UI set up...

What is the structure of torch dataset?

I am beginning to use torch 7 and I want to make my dataset for classification. I've already made pixel images and corresponding labels. However, I do not know how to feed those data to the torch. I read some codes from others and found out that they are using the dataset whose extension is '.t7' and I think it is a tensor type. Is it right? And I wonder how I can convert my pixel images(actually, I made them with Matlab by using MNIST dataset) into t7 extension compatible to the torch. There must be structure of dataset in the t7 format but I cannot find it (also for the labels too).
To sum up, I have pixel images and labels and want to convert those to t7 format compatible to the torch.
Thanks in advance!
The datasets '.t7' are tables of labeled Tensors.
For example the following lua code :
if (not paths.filep("")) then
os.execute('wget -c')
Readed_t7 = torch.load('cifar10-train.t7')
Will return through itorch :
data : ByteTensor - size: 10000x3x32x32
label : ByteTensor - size: 10000
Which means the file contains a table of two ByteTensor one labeled "data" and the other one labeled "label".
To answer your question, you should first read your images (with torchx for example : ) then put them in a table with your Tensor of label. The following code is just a draft to help you out. It considers the case where : there are two classes, all your images are in the same folder and are ordered through those classes.
require 'torchx';
--Read all your dataset (the chosen extension is png)
files = paths.indexdir("/Path/to/your/images/", 'png', true)
data1 = {}
for i=1,files:size() do
local img1 = image.load(files:filename(i),3)
table.insert(data1, img1)
--Create the table of label according to
label1 = {}
for i=1, #data1 do
if i <= number_of_images_of_the_first_class then
label1[i] = 1
label1[i] = 2
--Reshape the tables to Tensors
label = torch.Tensor(label1)
data = torch.Tensor(#data1,3,16,16)
for i=1, #data1 do
data[i] = data1[i]
--Create the table to save
Data_to_Write = { data = data, label = label }
--Save the table in the /tmp"/tmp/Saved_Data.t7", Data_to_Write)
It should be possible to make a less hideous code but this one details all the steps and works with torch 7 and Jupyter 5.0.0 .
Hope it helps.

Is there any way to display numerous output neatly in Matlab?

Suppose I have numerous number of outputs and I want them to show as follow
Friction factor = xxx
Load factor = xxx
Thermal factor = xxxx
Is there any way to make the equal sign '=' align to each other? I've tried using the 'fprintf' function with '\t'. However, it's tough for me to achieve such arrangement.
Sincerely thank you for all the helps.
You could do the following:
names = {'Friction Factor','Load Factor','Thermal Factor'};
values = [xx,yy,zz];
nameLength = cellfun(#numel,names);
format = sprintf('%%-%is = %%f\\n',max(nameLength));
for n = 1:length(names)
What about this:
disp(['Friction factor = ' num2str(xxx)])
disp(['Load factor = ' num2str(yyy)])
disp(['Thermal factor = ' num2str(zzz)])

Assigning images to numbers

I'm using random numbers, and the random number displays. But I want to do it so when a number appears an image shows instead of the number itself
Number '5' gets picked.I want it so the number 5 gets replaced with a image of a number 5 which I make myself.
Easiest way is to add "0.jpg", "1.jpg", "2.jpg" to your resources, and build the filename with sprintf(buf, "%d.jpg",i)
int selectedNumber = 5;
UIImage *numberImage = [UIImage imageNamed:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i.jpg", selectedNumber]];