Report with side by side two images and a splited table - Matlab - matlab

I am trying in the code below to generate a report with side by side two images and a splited table but I get an error. Why this error occur?
close all;
clear all;
import mlreportgen.dom.*
import mlreportgen.utils.*
Name = {'A';'B';'C';'D';'E';'A';'B';'C';'D';'E'};
codeA = [8;3;8;0;4;8;3;8;0;4];
Height = [1;8;4;7;8;8;3;1;0;4];
Weight = [6;2;1;4;5;8;3;1;1;4];
T = table(Name,codeA,Height,Weight,codeA,Height,Weight,codeA,Height,Weight);
Image1 = Image(which('coins.png'));
Image2 = Image(which('sevilla.jpg'));
rpt = Report("myPDF","pdf");
imgStyle = {ScaleToFit(true)};
Image2.Style = imgStyle;
Image1.Style = imgStyle;
lot = Table({Image2, ' ', Image1});
lot.entry(1,1).Style = {Width('3.2in'), Height('3in')};
lot.entry(1,2).Style = {Width('.2in'), Height('3in')};
lot.entry(1,3).Style = {Width('3.2in'), Height('3in')};
lot.Style = {ResizeToFitContents(false), Width('100%')};
add(rpt, lot);
chapter = Chapter("Title",'Table Report');
table = FormalTable(T);
table.Border = 'Solid';
table.RowSep = 'Solid';
table.ColSep = 'Solid';
para = Paragraph(['The table is sliced into two tables, '...
'with the first column repeating in each table.']);
para.Style = {OuterMargin('0in','0in','0in','12pt')};
para.FontSize = '14pt';
slicer = TableSlicer("Table",table,"MaxCols",5,"RepeatCols",1);
totcols = slicer.MaxCols - slicer.RepeatCols;
slices = slicer.slice();
for slice=slices
str = sprintf('%d repeating column and up to %d more columns',...
para = Paragraph(str);
para.Bold = true;
*Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 10.
Error in try1 (line 26)
lot.entry(1,1).Style = {Width('3.2in'), Height('3in')};*

You define the variable
Height = [1;8;4;7;8;8;3;1;0;4];
Then you try and use the report gen function Height
lot.entry(1,1).Style = {Width('3.2in'), Height('3in')};
Because you've shadowed the Height function with a variable, MATLAB is trying to get the element of this array at index '3in', which is either nonsensical or (via some implicit ASCII conversion) is way out of range.
Per my comment on your previous question, I think the way the documentation suggests the report gen functions are imported is bad practice. By using import mlreportgen.dom.* you are putting all of the nicely name-spaced functions from that package into the common area, and in this case it has caused an unclear clash between two things. So there are two options:
Use the namespaced version of Height (and Width), if you did this with all of the report gen functions you would not need the import. The nice side-effect is you get tab-completion when typing the various functions from this package
lot.entry(1,1).Style = {mlreportgen.dom.Width('3.2in'), mlreportgen.dom.Height('3in')};
Sure, you code is longer, but it is more explicit.
... or ...
Simply don't define a variable called Height. Rename this and everything else can stay the same.


gtsummary::tbl_regression() - Obtain Random Effects from GLMM Zero-Inflated Model

When trying to create a table with the conditional random effects in r using the gtsummary function tbl_regression from a glmmTMB mixed effects negative-binomial zero-inflated model, I get duplicate random effects rows.
Example (using Mollie Brooks' Zero-Inflated GLMMs on Salamanders Dataset):
zinbm2 = glmmTMB(count~spp + mined +(1|site), zi=~spp + mined + (1|site), Salamanders, family=nbinom2)
zinbm2_table_cond <- tbl_regression(
tidy_fun = function(...) broom.mixed::tidy(..., component = "cond"),
exponentiate = TRUE,
estimate_fun = purrr::partial(style_ratio, digits = 3),
pvalue_fun = purrr::partial(style_sigfig, digits = 3))
Random Effects Output (cond)
When extracting the random effects from de zero-inflated part of the model I get the same problem.
zinbm2_table_zi <- tbl_regression(
tidy_fun = function(...) broom.mixed::tidy(..., component = "zi"),
exponentiate = TRUE,
estimate_fun = purrr::partial(style_ratio, digits = 3),
pvalue_fun = purrr::partial(style_sigfig, digits = 3))
Random Effects Output (zi)
The problem persists if I specify the effects argument in broom.mixed.
tidy_fun = function(...) broom.mixed::tidy(..., effects = "ran_pars", component = "cond"),
Looking at confidence intervals in both outputs it seems that somehow it is extracting random effects from both parts of the model and changing the estimate of the zero-inflated random effects (in 1st image; opposite in the 2nd image) to match the conditional part estimate while keeping the CI.
I am not knowledgeable enough to understand why this is happening. Since both rows have the same label I am having difficulty removing the wrong one.
Any tips on how to avoid this problem or a workaround to remove the undesired rows?
If you need more info, let me know.
Thank you in advance.
PS: Output images were changed to link due to insufficient reputation.

Ironpython script in Ansys Customization tool

I'm a beginner in Python and I'm working with the Ansys Customization Tool (ACT) to add my own extension.
Is there a direct way to fill a file with every node's coordinates after deformation?
hopefully in 3 lines or columns: x , y , z
So far I only found the GetNodeValue object but it only gives me the displacement and I need the deformed coordinates for the entire model.
My first idea was to add the displacements to the initial coordinates but I didn't manage to do it.
Many thanks for your help
APDL Snippet
Add an APDL Snippet in the solution part of the tree:
UPGEOM,1,1,1,file,rst ! adds the displacements to the nodal coordinates.
cdwrite,geom,nodesAndelements,geom ! Writes node and element data to nodesAndelement.geom
I'm not sure if you can work with the output format from cdwrite, but this is the quickest solution i can think of.
If you want to automate you have to insert the command snippet via
solution = ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model.Analyses[0].Solution
fullPath = "path//to//snippet"
snippet = solution.AddCommandSnippet()
If you want to stay in ACT it could be done like this:
global nodeResults
import units
analysis = ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model.Analyses[0]
mesh = analysis.MeshData
# Get nodes
allNodes = mesh.Nodes
# get the result data
reader = analysis.GetResultsData()
# get the deformation result
myDeformation = reader.GetResult("U")
nodeResultsTemp = []
result_unit = myDeformation.GetComponentInfo("X").Unit
for node in allNodes:
# get node deformation and convert values in meter
deformationNode1 = myDeformation.GetNodeValues(node.Id)
deformationNode1[0] = units.ConvertUnit(deformationNode1[0],result_unit,"m","Length")
deformationNode1[1] = units.ConvertUnit(deformationNode1[1],result_unit,"m","Length")
deformationNode1[2] = units.ConvertUnit(deformationNode1[2],result_unit,"m","Length")
# add node coordinates (in meter) to the displacement
mesh_unit = mesh.Unit
node1 = mesh.NodeById(node.Id)
node1CoorX = units.ConvertUnit(node1.X,mesh_unit,"m","Length")
node1CoorY = units.ConvertUnit(node1.Y,mesh_unit,"m","Length")
node1CoorZ = units.ConvertUnit(node1.Z,mesh_unit,"m","Length")
deformationNode1[0] = deformationNode1[0]+node1CoorX
deformationNode1[1] = deformationNode1[1]+node1CoorY
deformationNode1[2] = deformationNode1[2]+node1CoorZ
nodeResults = nodeResultsTemp

How do i exclude some elements of a list from further calculations

So I have a list of stars and their respective distances. My assignment is to find which stars are in a certain distance (+- 10parsec). I want to exclude some of them from further calculations in the program. The thing is I don't want to remove them completely so remove, pop etc isn't helping me. I still want those stars on the list to be present in my output csv. I just want a line saying something like those stars which don't support the if statement, don't use them in this calculation. So i guess the output would be blank for those.
I suppose it is an if or for statement, to mark those bad stars as False and then down the line use calculation that excludes those faulty stars.
I'm a physics student and this is my first python program ever! Please be cool about my ignorance...
Edit: forgive me if i include useless stuff i don't really know what's important. I also use uncertainties library if its of any use
column_names = ['id','pi','s_pi','v_r' ,'s_v', 'dis', 'X',
'ra_h', 'ra_m', 'ra_s','dec_d', 'dec_m',
'dec_s', 'ma', 's_ma', 'md', 's_md']
data = pd.read_csv("hyades_data.dat", skiprows=2, sep='\s+',
calculations with all
v_r = unumpy.uarray(data['v_r'], data['s_v'])
ma = unumpy.uarray(data['ma'], data['s_ma'])
md = unumpy.uarray(data['md'], data['s_md'])
mi = unumpy.sqrt(ma**2+md**2)
r_m = v_r*unumpy.tan(th)/(4.74*mi/1000)
diff = np.abs(r_pc - r_m)
if np.abs(dist-46.43) <=10:
else r_m=False
at this point i want to make the distiction
mean_diff = diff.mean()
print("Mean : ")
df_mi = pd.DataFrame(mi)
df_rm = pd.DataFrame(r_m)
df_rpc = pd.DataFrame(r_pc)
df_diff = pd.DataFrame(diff)
#df_mean_diff = pd.DataFrame(mean_diff)
ve = v_r*np.tan(th)
output = pd.concat([data['id'], ra, dec, th_d, df_mi, df_rm, df_rpc,
df_diff,df_va], axis=1)
output.columns = ['id','ra', 'dec', 'th_d','mi', 'r_m', 'r_pc',
output.to_csv('results.csv', index=False)

Multiheaded Model in Keras - error while merging

I try to implement a multiheaded model with a variable number of inputs of 1D data, which has a length of sps each.
So I define the Input in the loop which is later merged in a single model. And get the error
dense = (Dense(locChannels, activation=locActivation, input_shape=merged.output_shape)) (merged)
AttributeError: 'Tensor' object has no attribute 'output_shape'
If I remove the input_shape-parameter from the dense object I get the following:
UserWarning: Model inputs must come from keras.layers.Input (thus holding past layer metadata), they cannot be the output of a previous non-Input layer. Here, a tensor specified as input to your model was not an Input tensor, it was generated by layer
Note that input tensors are instantiated via tensor = keras.layers.Input(shape).
Do you have an idea how to fix this?
I think I should clarify how my data looks. Maybe I habe an error in my structure.
locChannels is the number of different Features I have. Every feature is 1D and has exact sps samples in it.
The desired output is one-hot-coded-array .
differentModels = list()
for index in range (0,locChannels):
name = 'Input_'+str(index)
visible = Input(shape=(sps,1), name=name)
cnn1 = Conv1D(filters=8,kernel_size=2, activation=locActivation) (visible)
cnn1 = MaxPooling1D(pool_size = 2) (cnn1)
cnn1 = Flatten()(cnn1)
merged = Concatenate()(differentModels)
dense = (Dense(locChannels, activation=locActivation, input_shape=merged.output_shape)) (merged)
for index in range (2,locLayers):
dense = (Dropout(rate=locDropoutRate)) (dense)
dense = (Dense(locChannels, activation=locActivation, input_shape=(locChannels,))) (dense)
output = Dense(units=locClasses, activation='softmax')(dense)
model = Model(inputs=differentModels, outputs= output)
I just found out, what my mistake was.
In the line
model = Model(inputs=differentModels, outputs= output)
Input need to be the head, or Input layer, not the last one. So the following is working as expected:
inputheads = list()
myinputs = list()
for index in range(0,features):
input_a = Input(shape=(sps,1),name='Input_'+str(index))
cnn1 = Conv1D(filters=8,kernel_size=2, activation='selu') (input_a)
cnn1 = MaxPooling1D(pool_size = 2) (cnn1)
cnn1 = Flatten()(cnn1)
merged = Concatenate() (inputheads)
dense = Dense(20)(merged)
predictions = Dense(10, activation='softmax')(dense)
model = Model(inputs=myinputs, outputs=predictions)

loop through structures and finding the correlation

The following example resembles a similar problem that I'm dealing with, although the code below is merely an example, it is structured in the same format as my actual data set.
clear all
England = struct('AirT',rand(320,1),'SolRad',rand(320,1),'Rain',rand(320,1));
Wales = struct('AirT',rand(320,1),'SolRad',rand(320,1),'Rain',rand(320,1));
Ireland = struct('AirT',rand(320,1),'SolRad',rand(320,1),'Rain',rand(320,1));
Scotland = struct('AirT',rand(320,1),'SolRad',rand(320,1),'Rain',rand(320,1));
Location = struct('England',England,'Wales', Wales, 'Ireland',Ireland,'Scotland',Scotland);
Data = {England.AirT,Wales.AirT,Scotland.AirT,Ireland.AirT};
Data = [FieldName;Data];
Data = struct(Data{:});
Data = cell2mat(struct2cell(Data)');
[R,P] = corrcoef(Data,'rows','pairwise');
R_Value= [FieldName(nchoosek(1:size(R,1),2)) num2cell(nonzeros(tril(R,-1)))];
So, this script would show the correlation between pairs of Air Temperature of 4 locations. I'm looking for a way of also looking at the correlation between 'SolRad' and 'Rain' between the locations (same process as for AirT) or any variables denoted in the structure. I could do this by replacing the inputs into 'Data' but this seems rather long winded especially when involving many different variables. Any ideas on how to do this? I've tried using a loop but it seems harder than I though to try and get the data into the same format as the example.
Let's see if this helps, or is what you are thinking:
clear all
England = struct('AirT',rand(320,1),'SolRad',rand(320,1),'Rain',rand(320,1));
Wales = struct('AirT',rand(320,1),'SolRad',rand(320,1),'Rain',rand(320,1));
Ireland = struct('AirT',rand(320,1),'SolRad',rand(320,1),'Rain',rand(320,1));
Scotland = struct('AirT',rand(320,1),'SolRad',rand(320,1),'Rain',rand(320,1));
Location = struct('England',England,'Wales', Wales, 'Ireland',Ireland,'Scotland',Scotland);
% get all the location fields
FieldName = transpose(fieldnames(Location));
% get the variables recorded at the first location
CorrData = fieldnames(Location.(FieldName{1}));
% get variables which were stored at all locations(just to be safe,
% we know that they are all the same)
for ii=2:length(FieldName)
CorrData = intersect(CorrData,fieldnames(Location.(FieldName{ii})));
% process each variable that was recorded
for ii=1:length(CorrData)
Data = cell(1,length(FieldName));
% get the variable data from each location and store in Data
for jj=1:length(FieldName)
Data{jj} = Location.(FieldName{jj}).(CorrData{ii});
% process the data
Data = [FieldName;Data];
Data = struct(Data{:});
Data = cell2mat(struct2cell(Data)');
[R,P] = corrcoef(Data,'rows','pairwise');
R_Value= [FieldName(nchoosek(1:size(R,1),2)) num2cell(nonzeros(tril(R,-1)))];
% display the data, sounds good right?
fprintf(1,'Correlation for %s\n',CorrData{ii});
for jj=1:size(R_Value,1)
Let me know if I misunderstood, or if this is more involved than what you were thinking. Thanks!
fieldnames(s) and dynamic field references are your friend.
What I would suggest is to make one structure in which 'name' is a field, and the other fields are whatever you'd like. Regardless of how you set up your structure s, you can use fn = fieldnames(s); to return a cell array of the fields. You can access the contents of your structure using these names by using parentheses around the variable containing the name.
fn = fieldnames(s);
for i=1:length(fn)
disp([fn{i} ':' s.(fn{i})]
Whatever you do with the values is up to you, of course!