How to add new tables in to an exisitng Entity framework - entity-framework

I have EF where I added new tables like "Update Model from database" and saved ,but the tables are not created in either Context.cs file or into models. I closed Visual studio and restarted again, but still , I get the same problem. Is this a known and existing bug?

If you click Update model from database you get a window with a TabControl in it. The tab items are Add, Refresh and Delete. From the Add tab check from the treeview the tables that you want to add. Then those selected tables are inserted into the edmx file

To update the .edmx file when the database changes
In the Model Browser, right-click the .edmx file and select Update Model from Database.
The Update Model Wizard starts. If there is no database connection specified, the Choose Your Database Connection dialog box appears. Otherwise, the Choose Your Database Objects dialog box appears.
If the Choose Your Database Connection dialog box appears, specify a database connection. Otherwise, go to the next step.
For details about specifying a connection, see Choose Your Data Connection Dialog Box (Entity Data Model Wizard). When you have specified the connection, click Next to display the Choose Your Database Objects dialog box.
Click the Add tab.
Nodes for tables, views, and stored procedures are displayed. If any objects have been added to the database (or were not included in the previous storage model), you can expand the corresponding node to view the objects that are available to add to the conceptual model.
If an object has been deleted from the conceptual model but has not also been deleted from the storage model, the object will not be available to add to the conceptual model. For more information, see How to: Delete Objects from the Storage Model (Entity Data Model Tools).
Expand the Tables, Views, and Stored Procedures nodes, and check the objects you want to add to the .edmx file.
Click the Refresh tab.
Nodes for tables, views, and stored procedures that are included in the existing storage model are displayed. Any changes that have been made to these database objects will be reflected in the updated storage model. Changes to the conceptual model are made when columns are added to a table or view.
Click the Delete tab.
Nodes for tables, views, and stored procedures are displayed. If an object has been deleted from the database and was included in the previous storage model, you can expand the corresponding node. The objects in these nodes will be deleted from the updated model.
Click Finish to update the .edmx file with the database changes.
Find the complete reference here:
Update Entity Data Model


How can you update an Analysis Services tabular model with the changes in the data source?

After defining a model in a SQL Server Analysis Services Tabular project, the schema in an underlying data source may change. These changes are not automatically detected or updated in a project.
With multidimensional projects you can open the DataSource View right click on "refresh" to get the updates. However, I don't see similar functionality in tabular projects.
How can you update an Analysis Services tabular model with the changes in the data source?
For SSAS Tabular and Azure Analysis Services, for updates to the underlying schema, you have to go to the 'Table Menu' & Table Properties and edit the table properties. If you then click the refresh preview it will detect the changes and show the new columns. You have to select the tick boxes, to bring newly added columns to the main Tabular Model. You have to do this for all table, there isn't a full detect all changes option.
Question on msdn for reference More info here
Follow these steps to update the model after the underlying database changes:
Right click on a table and select Table 'Properties...'
Click the 'Design...' button
Click on the 'Query' menu
Click 'Refresh Current'

Switch Data Source for Tableau Sheet

Given that Tableau apparently refuses to allow proper editing of the Data Source I have resorted to creating a new one from scratch.
The screenshot shows the situation: the old Data Source "NY FIPS 5" is still being attached to the Worksheet.
The intention is to use the new DataSource usCountyCrimeSummary : however it is unclear ( to me at least) how to disconnect the old Data Source from the existing sheet and then attach the new DataSource to that sheet.
The big surprise was when clicking on Edit Connection it did not allow selecting a different Data Source : instead it went into the properties of the existing Data Source. So then how to switch the Data Source?
One thing to note is that switching data sources will change for all sheets connected to that data source. If you only need to change the data source for one sheet out of many, copy that sheet to a new workbook, change it there, then copy it back.
Perhaps your broken data connection needs to be fixed first, but to change a data source go Data > Replace Data Source

Can I add multiple data sources without linking the tables in tableau?

I have multiple tables i want to display in the dashboard, but tableau force me to link them. Is is possible to add the tables without linking them?
If, from a standard Tableau sheet, you click the Data menu and "New Data Source", you can add another unrelated data source to any already open. This can later be blended to existing tables but you don't have to blend it and it can stay independent from them.
You are only obliged to join tables when you add them at the same time in the new data source screen as the point of that screen is to allow you to define joins between multiple data sources.

Generate Database menu item in Entity Modeler only brings up Save to DDL Wizard

I'm using VS2K13.3, and have a connection setup in my Entity Data Model (model first) to an Azure database.
When I right click on the surface of the modeler and select Generate Database, all I get is a dialog to save the model to a DDL script in my project. I don't get a wizard to publish the model and generate a database on an external database (for instance Azure).
Online tutorials show a different result. Any idea why this might be happening?
For example when reading these instructions, the dialog that I get is not what's described within this linke:
I reread this and apparently it's working as described. How then do you get the DDL executed in Azure SQL?

Make Model from Database using ADO.NET Entity Framework

I have a database and I want to make a model from it then later controllers and views.
I went to "Models" folder then clicked on "Add New Item" but unable to find Entity Data Model.
However Entity Framework 5 is already installed and reference is also present and I am using visual studio 2013 ultimate. I also tried nuget package manager but it is also confirming that Entity Framework is already installed. I think I am missing some thing or doing somthing wrong.
Please help me how to generate a model from a database.
I uninstalled the visual studio and then installed it again. It solved my problem.
Some components like visual studio database tools were not installed correctly. And it would also work if I would choose the repair option.
You'll need to creat an edmx file which captures your model from the database. the steps to do this are as follows:
To create an .edmx file from an existing database
Open or create the project for which you want to create an .edmx file.
Right-click the project name in Solution Explorer, point to Add, and then click New Item.
Select ADO.NET Entity Data Model in the Templates pane.
Enter the name for the file (.edmx), and then click Add.
The first page of the Entity Data Model Wizard appears.
Select Generate from database in the Choose Model Contents dialog box, and then click Next.
Click the New Connection button.
The Connection Properties dialog box appears.
Enter the server name, select the authentication method, and enter the name of the database for which the model is being created. Click OK.
The Choose Your Data Connections dialog box is updated with the database connection settings.
Click Next to continue.
The Choose Your Database Objects dialog box appears. By default, no objects in the database are selected for inclusion in the .edmx file.
Expand the nodes for Tables, Views, and Stored Procedures. Cancel the selection of any tables, views, and stored procedures that you do not want included in the .edmx file.
Click Finish to create the .edmx file.
this can be referenced more fully at:
[edit] - this is how the new item dialog should look:
Then when creating controllers/views, you just point to the required model in the select list, i.e: