Switch Data Source for Tableau Sheet - tableau-api

Given that Tableau apparently refuses to allow proper editing of the Data Source I have resorted to creating a new one from scratch.
The screenshot shows the situation: the old Data Source "NY FIPS 5" is still being attached to the Worksheet.
The intention is to use the new DataSource usCountyCrimeSummary : however it is unclear ( to me at least) how to disconnect the old Data Source from the existing sheet and then attach the new DataSource to that sheet.
The big surprise was when clicking on Edit Connection it did not allow selecting a different Data Source : instead it went into the properties of the existing Data Source. So then how to switch the Data Source?

One thing to note is that switching data sources will change for all sheets connected to that data source. If you only need to change the data source for one sheet out of many, copy that sheet to a new workbook, change it there, then copy it back.
Perhaps your broken data connection needs to be fixed first, but to change a data source go Data > Replace Data Source


Reading Data from excel sheets in Katalon studio

How to read data from excel sheets(sheet 1,sheet 2...etc) in Katalon Studio.
I am able reading the data from one sheet.But I am facing the difficulty with multiple sheets.
Without knowing exactly what the problem you face is, here are my first suggestions to check:
You do have to create different Test Data files for each sheet in your file that you want to use. Two Test Data files for the same spreadsheet file
In your new Test Data inside Katalon, just select your file and then you can select the different sheet. Sheet selection options
If you can't see a sheet in the drop down on your Test Data page (perhaps you just added it to the spreadsheet) refresh your project, or at the very least refresh the Test Data. (ctrl-F5 to refresh the entire project, highlight the Test Object and then right-click and select or hit F5 to refresh the Test Data)
Hope this helps.
You cannot switch excel sheets from Katalon, at least natively. Maybe with some custom programming.

Change Tableau data source from online to offline

The current Tableau file has an online data source (i.e. you need to connect to a server when you click on the "data source" button on the bottom left of the common Tableau Desktop interface).
What I would like to do is to disconnect the Tableau file from the online data source. Instead, all the data should be included in the Tableau file itself. The end result of this procedure should be that the data source can be edited without Internet access and without logging in to the server.
Which features of Tableau Desktop would I need to use?
Right click on your data source from Tableau Desktop, and choose create local copy. Then save-as your workbook as a packaged workbook (i.e. a twbx file)
As Sam M mentioned, you may end up with a naked extract -- an extract that is no longer associated with the originally source file. If that's a problem, you can right click on your data source, and export to CSV, and then connect to that and replace data source.

Can I add multiple data sources without linking the tables in tableau?

I have multiple tables i want to display in the dashboard, but tableau force me to link them. Is is possible to add the tables without linking them?
If, from a standard Tableau sheet, you click the Data menu and "New Data Source", you can add another unrelated data source to any already open. This can later be blended to existing tables but you don't have to blend it and it can stay independent from them.
You are only obliged to join tables when you add them at the same time in the new data source screen as the point of that screen is to allow you to define joins between multiple data sources.

tableau is using unidentified source

Hi I am using extract to view a workbook in tableau server.
I deleted the local extract as well as the extract in the server.
I am still able to see that data is being pointed.
Struggled a lot to understand this.Does tableau create temp folder to store?
FYI It is not in live mode(since the data is not being changed until I refresh).
How do I point to server extract?(is it automatic)?
If a workbook on Server is pointing to a server hosted data source and that data source is delete, then it would not render. If you're still able to view the data, then it sounds like the workbook was uploaded with the extract. Check the file size, if it's large, that's probably what happened.

Save Data Source in Crystal Server

I'm new to Crystal Reports/Crystal Server. Hope someone can enlighten me.
In SSRS, there's a thing called Shared Data Source wherein you can configure a data source like the server and database settings. This data source can then be used by multiple reports. This is very convenient especially if you would change the server name (ex: Production to UAT server) after some later time because you need to change it only on one place without modifying all the reports.
In Crystal Server, is there any equivalent? If not, what are the alternatives?
BTW, I'm using SAP Crystal Server 2013 and Crystal Reports 11.
Thanks in advance.
Edit: Saw this under Database > Set Datasource Location...
Can I save Datasource in Crystal and point all my reports thru this?
You can change data source by using Database-Set Datasource location from menu bar. From there it is pretty simple to change a reports datasource as long as you are changing to a database with same structure. If tables or fields don't exist you will receive an error. If field types used in the report do not match new data structure a mapping menu will appear.
So for example... I have several ODBC data sources which point to same server but different directories. Each directory has identical database structure but for different departments so all different data. I have setup each to be a favorite connection in database manager. I click database from menu bar, select Set Datasource. Select the current datasource. Select the new datasource and click update!
Very straight forward except for the items I mentioned in first paragraph.