Can I change default menu and side-menu of backend with plugins on October? - plugins

How to change the default menu of backend with plugins?
I just found a way to add a menu, but I want to change the settings menu, for example: change the link to another link of backend preferences, or simply delete it. i.e.
Can be do it through the plugin? I need any directions. thanks!

You should try checking out the code in Indikator's BackendPlus plugin.
His plugin makes changes and edits to the backend menu quite similar to what you wish to achieve. I'm sure there would be a lot of pointers on going about it in this plugin.


VS code strikethrought suggestions

I'm looking for a solution.
When I type some CSS inside VSC, the editor show me a list of possible choice. Then I select the desire one and the editor show me again a list of possible properties, but between all this properties their are some old one that are still use in web development if we want to make a website compatible with older browser.
I figure that some suggestion in VSC are display with strikethrought, so I'm looking to a solution to apply this to my personal snippets.

Eclipse start with previously set (un)folded methods

I frequently use folding/unfolding of methods in Eclipse for Java while working. However after each launch of Eclipse I need to redo the settings of folding/unfolding methods. Is it possible to make the framework "remember" my settings in each opened file? By folding/unfolding I meen clicking (+)/(-) button as on the following picture:
Please note I do not want all methods to be folded or all to be unfolded. I want the fremwork to remember my settings.
Although Eclipse doesn't natively support the remembering of folding/collapsed state of its editors, you can use external plugin to do the same. Here's a plugin that might help you with your problem.
Eclipse Folding Plugin

qgis preferences in a python plugin

I'm developing a qgis python plugin. This plugin changes the default UI windows displayed (which I've already managed to do) and creates a few new tabs and such. Recently, it was requested that I modify some of the options within qgis. These are what they want me to modify:
Under Settings -> Options -> CRS ... modify the preference to Always start new projects with this CRS. They want me to change that to a specific CRS. They also want me to change several settings under the general tab and the map tools tab.
I have no idea where these preferences live in the API and/or how I can change them. I don't think I need specifics, but if you could give me a general idea of where to look, it would be much appreciated. Thanks!
I figured out the answer here. This mailing list entry: and this were helpful. I ended up going into the windows registry to figure out the names of the options (since that's where they're set when you use store QSettings natively in Windows. It was under HKEY_USERS/myid/Software/QuantumGIS. In there, I just experimented by turning things on and off to figure out what needed to be changed in the plugin. I did that like this.
settings = QSettings(QSettings.NativeFormat, QSettings.UserScope, 'QuantumGIS', 'QGis')
settings.setValue('/Projections/projectDefaultCrs', 'EPSG:2278')
Hope this helps someone else.

how modify the already installed content-assist?

First of, how can I see what plugin manages the CTRL + SPACE content-assist? And how can I modify it in other to add my own stuff. Any help/idea is gladly welcome.
I think you're looking for "Templates". Assuming you're using Java, this is in the Windows -> Preferences menu, then Java->Editor->Templates. For example, the screenshot below shows the CTRL-SPACE content assist when you type "sysout".
If i would have this task, I would go to preferences. Look for content assist settings. Write down some specific text you see in dialog box. Then go to plugins folder, and start to search inside archives. When match is present, open the plugin.xml of that plugin, and you will see the extension points of the plugin. Based on its name, I am pretty sure you will find the appropiate one. Then you can either google it, or look for plugins extending the extension point. Using JDGui or fetching source code of the extension example plugin will help you in disassembling. Eclipse usually not well documented as for extension points, so i do it this way.

Global setting of Resources menu in Joomla like Main menu

In Joomla there are Main Menu and Resources menu, the Main Menu is available on all pages but the Resources menu does not, how could we apply same setting to Resources menu so that we can access Resources menu as well?
It is pretty simple, do the following
Go to Admin BackEnd -> Tools -> Module Manager
In modules find your Resources menu, click on it
Find section Menu Assignment and select "ALL"
Save Changes
You can also look at documentation, might learn some useful tricks.
Test the front end to make sure everything works the way you want it.