How to configure encoding for TestNG output in Intellij IDEA? - encoding

I'm runnig my tests on local environment using TestNG (6.8.8) plugin in IntelliJ IDEA (14.0.1) and got bad encoding of log generated by log4j:
[TestNG] Running:
INFO com.common.reporter.ScreenShot# 33: Удаляем все файлы из папки C:\Workspace\tests\target\Custom suite\..\html\screenshots
TRACE com.common.driver.DriverFactory# 137: = windows 7
TRACE com.common.driver.DriverFactory# 140: РўРёРї РћРЎ - windows
Starting ChromeDriver (v2.11.298604 (75ea2fdb5c87f133a8e1b8da16f6091fb7d5321e)) on port 20843
Only local connections are allowed.
I have tried configure VM options through Run/Debug Configurations and added options like described here - Character encoding in IDEA output of AssertionError but both solutions did not help.
It works fine when running using mvn.
Any ides how could be this issue solved?


how to debug play framework 2.5 in eclipse

OS : OS X EL Capitan
IDE: Luna Release (4.4.0)
Activator : activator-dist-1.3.10.
My step.
--> But at the last step, I can't connect to vm. Wating for vm connect at port 999.
Please help me !
In your debug configuration you have to set Connection Type to Standard (Socket Attach) (in the screenshot you have selected Standard (Socket Listen).
open your eclipse
Navigate to Help->eclipsemarketplace
Search scala
Then install two plugins:-
1) ScalaStyle 0.7.0
2) Scala Ide 4.2.x
run below command in console from your project directory
Note: before debug first run this command
activator -jvm-debug 9999 run
now right click on project
go to
Debug as -> debug configuration click new and insert project name
set port number to 9999
now select Scala debugger(socket attach)(Scala debugger will come only if you have installed those plugin mentioned above) from dropdown
and click on debug

Fail to start MobileFirst development server

I have the following environment:
Windows 7 64-bit OS;
Eclipse Kepler SR2 32-bit + JDK 1.7 32-bit;
MobileFirst Platform Studio 6.3 20150106-1717
When I opened my eclipse I clicked on the green play button to start the development server, I got the following errors; or if I create a simple project and attempt to deploy it on the dev server, same errors come out; or if I delete the server and create a new one and then try to start it; or if I install 64-bit eclipse with 64-bit Java 7: Caught unexpected exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URI has an authority component
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URI has an authority component
at<init>(Unknown Source)
... 3 more
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 10777
CWWKE0005E: The runtime environment could not be launched.
CWWKE0018E: An exception occurred while launching the runtime environment: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URI has an authority component
I tried everything but no luck, so please diagnose this issue, thanks.
This is unrelated to MobileFirst Platform, and may be instead related to the problem described in the following IBM tech note:
It is unclear from the question and comments if the workspace is in a different network drive than the Eclipse folder. If yes, consider placing both in the the same "physical location".
I did realize my system location was out of sync thus I did open the jvm.options file and copy pasted the below configuration
Which worked in my case , all the best.

Eclipse - Got an error console when run an ant target in Eclipse

I am using eclipse kepler IDE. I installed JBoss Tools plugin in my eclipse IDE. When i run an ant target first time got a error console in my eclipse IDE . But it will run successfully if i run the same target on second time. Here follows the message appears on the error console
Errors occurred during the build.
Errors running builder 'Integrated External Tool Builder' on project 'MY_PROJECT'.
Launch configuration type id "org.maven.ide.eclipse.Maven2BuilderConfigurationType" does not exist.
Possible causes:
Missing specification of a launch type (missing plug-in)
Incorrect launch configuration XML
Launch configuration type id "org.maven.ide.eclipse.Maven2BuilderConfigurationType" does not exist.
Possible causes:
Missing specification of a launch type (missing plug-in)
Incorrect launch configuration XML

Error while starting hello-world-server.js in Enide Studio, CreateFileandSetSecurity failed with FALSE (Expected on FAT Partitions) GLE: 3

I am trying to run hello-world-server.js from Enide Studio 0.5.33 (X32) and getting the following error , whereas i m able to run it from command prompt
node hello-world-server.js
CreateFileandSetSecurity failed with FALSE (Expected on FAT
Partitions) GLE: 3 CreateFileandSetSecurity failed with TRUE (not
expected) GLE: 3
First make sure that you updated Nodeclipse plugin to 0.10 (as of Feb 2014).
Then in Preferences -> Nodeclipse you will see Java version that is currently used
Java 7 x32 is recommended for Windows.
Some related issues are reference on and in built-in Help and online Help.
Specifically for your case you should create an issue and give info mentioned at
Should you report a bug, please include the following:
Nodeclipse version number (like 0.4 or 0.8)
Eclipse version number (like 4.3.1 Kepler or 4.4.0)
Eclipse distribution (e.g. Eclipse for Java EE Developers)
A detailed description of the steps necessary to reproduce the problem.
Screenshot and stack trace, that you can get from Eclipse Error Log View (Window -> Show View ...) or from '.log' file from the directory '.metadata' in your workspace.
See example issue #78

Remote gradle debug on build.gradle file from Eclipse IDE

So in Windows in the comand line I wrote
set GRADLE_OPTS=-Xdebug
Then I get:
C:\Project>gradle main
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 9999
Then I put a breakpoint in the file
and at last from Eclipse IDE
And I get
why this happend? So I can't debug gradle files, I can only debug java,groovy.. files?
It's a known limitation that Gradle build scripts can't currently be debugged in IDEs. I'm not aware of the specific error though. Usually the debugger just doesn't stop at the breakpoint (but it will stop at breakpoints for user-defined plugin/task classes and Gradle classes).