More efficient way of adding up price X quantity in CoffeeScript? - coffeescript

I want to iterate through an array of items, multiplying price by quantity, and then getting a grand total. I've written the below, but I'm wondering if there's a more efficient way than using the for loop I'm using (as in, some magical one-liner).
test = [
price: 13
qty: 2
price: 40
qty: 3
total = 0
for item in test
total += item.price * item.qty
alert total

same as OP, just tad shorter - slight adjustment with yours.
test = [
price: 13
qty: 2
price: 40
qty: 3
total += (p.price * p.qty) for p in test
or just a tad shorter:
total += p.price * p.qty for p in test

Looks fine to me. You could do a oneliner
total = (item.price * item.qty for item in test).reduce (t,s) -> t + s
but I don't think it is any improvement, almost certainly less efficient.


mongodb bucket boundaries greater than query

I have mongodb bucket query to get lowerbound and upperbound counts. Now I want greater than query to display discount for > 10%, > 20%, >50%, >60% etc.
i dont know how to include grater than in boundaries. or using any other way to get count for the offers?
db.getCollection('product').aggregate([{$facet: {
{$match:{"variants.prices.discount_percent": { $exists: 1 },
$bucket: {
groupBy: "$variants.prices.discount_percent",
boundaries: [ 0, 20, 30, 40, 100,Infinity ],
output: {
"count": { $sum: 1 }
} }
what I want in this case is total count for discount. so 20% discount includes discount of 30% above, 30% includes 40% above so on..
output should be:
20% - (10),
30% - (5),
40% - (2) etc..
here 20% count is 10 which includes 5 and 2 as well. because its >= 20. 30% includes count 2 of 40% because its >= 30.

Creating an optimal selection of overlapping time intervals

A car dealer rents out the rare 1956 Aston Martin DBR1 (of which Aston Martin only ever made 5).
Since there are so many rental requests, the dealer decides to place bookings for an entire year in advance.
He collects the requests and now needs to figure out which requests to take.
Make a script that selects the rental requests such that greatest number of individual customers
can drive in the rare Aston Martin.
The input of the script is a matrix of days of the year, each row representing the starting and ending
days of the request. The output should be the indices of the customers and their day ranges.
It is encouraged to plan your code first and write your own functions.
At the top of the script, add a comment block with a description of how your code works.
Example of a list with these time intervals:
list = [10 20; 9 15; 16 17; 21 100;];
(It should also work for a list with 100 time intervals)
We could select customers 1 and 4, but then 2 and 3 are impossible, resulting in two happy customers.
Alternatively we could select requests 2, 3 and 4. Hence three happy customers is the optimum here.
The output would be:
customers = [2, 3, 4],
days = [9, 15; 16, 17; 21, 100]
All I can think of is checking if intervals intersect, but I have no clue how to make an overall optimal selection.
My idea:
1) Sort them by start date
2) Make an array of intersections for each one
3) Start to reject from the ones which has the biggest intersection array, removing rejected item from arrays of intersected units
4) Repeat point 3 until only units with empty arrays will remain
In your example we will get data
10 20 [9 15, 16 17]
9 15 [10 20]
16 17 [10 20]
21 100 []
so we reject 10 20 as it has 2 intersections, so we will have only items with empty arrays
9 15 []
16 17 []
21 100 []
so the search is finished
code on javascript
const inputData = ' 50 74; 6 34; 147 162; 120 127; 98 127; 120 136; 53 68; 145 166; 95 106; 242 243; 222 250; 204 207; 69 79; 183 187; 198 201; 184 199; 223 245; 264 291; 100 121; 61 61; 232 247'
// convert string to array of objects
const orders = inputData.split(';')
.map((v, index) => (
id: index,
start: Number(v.split(' ')[1]),
end: Number(v.split(' ')[2]),
intersections: []
// sort them by start value
orders.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start)
// find intersection for each one and add them to intersection array
orders.forEach((item, index) => {
for (let i = index + 1; i < orders.length; i++) {
if (orders[i].start <= item.end) {
} else {
// sort by intersections count
orders.sort((a, b) => a.intersections.length - b.intersections.length)
// loop while at least one item still has intersections
while (orders[orders.length - 1].intersections.length > 0) {
const rejected = orders.pop()
// remove rejected item from other's intersections
rejected.intersections.forEach(item => {
item.intersections = item.intersections.filter(
item => !==
// sort by intersections count
orders.sort((a, b) => a.intersections.length - b.intersections.length)
// sort by start value
orders.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start)
// show result
orders.forEach(item => { console.log(item.start + ' - ' + item.end)})
Wanted to expand/correct a little bit on the acvepted answer.
You should start by sorting by the start date.
Then accept the very last customer.
Go through the list descending from there and accept all request that do not overlap with the already accepted ones.
That's the optimal solution.

Calculating moving average for every 5 seconds in MongoDB

I want to calculate moving average for my data in MongoDB. My data structure is as below
"_id" : NUUID("54ab1171-9c72-57bc-ba20-0a06b4f858b3"),
"DateTime" : ISODate("2018-05-30T21:31:05.957Z"),
"Type" : 3,
"Value" : NumberDecimal("15.905414991993847")
I want to calculate the average of values for each type within 2 days and for each 5 seconds. In this case I put Type in $match pipeline but I prefer to group the result by Type and separate the result by Type. Something I did is as below
var start = new Date("2018-05-30T21:31:05.957Z");
var end = new Date("2018-06-01T21:31:05.957Z");
var arr = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < 34560; i++) {
start.setSeconds(start.getSeconds() + 5);
if (start <= end)
var a = new Date(start);
{$match:{"DateTime":{$gte:new Date("2018-05-30T21:31:05.957Z"),
$lte:new Date("2018-06-01T21:31:05.957Z")}, "Type":3}},
{$bucket: {
groupBy: "$DateTime",
boundaries: arr,
default: "Other",
output: {
"count": { $sum: 1 },
"Value": {$avg:"$Value"}
It seems, it is working but the performance is too slow. How can I make this faster?
I reproduced the behavior you describe with 2 days worth of 1 second observations in the DB and a $match that pulls just one day's worth. The agg works "fine" if you bucket by, say, 60 seconds. But 15 seconds took 6 times as long, to 30 seconds. And every 5 seconds? 144 seconds. 5 seconds yields an array of 17280 buckets. Yep.
So I went client-side and dragged all 43200 docs to the client and created a naive linear search bucket slot finder and calc in javascript.[
{$match:{"date":{$gte:new Date(osv), $lte:new Date(endv) }}}
c.forEach(function(r) {
var x = findSlot(arr, r['date']);
if(buckets[x] == undefined) {
buckets[x] = {lb: arr[x], ub: arr[x+1], n: 0, v:0};
var zz = buckets[x];
zz['v'] += r['val'];
This actually worked somewhat faster but same order of performance, about 92 seconds.
Next, I changed the linear search in findSlot to a bisection search. The 5 second bucket went from 144 seconds to .750 seconds: almost 200x faster. This includes dragging the 43200 records and running the forEach and bucketing logic above. So it stands to reason that $bucket may not be using a great algo and suffers when the bucket array is more than a couple hundred long.
Acknowledging this, we can instead make use of $floor of the delta between the start time and the observation time to bucket the data:[
{$match:{"date":{$gte:now, $lte:new Date(endv) }}}
// Bucket by turning offset from "now" into floor divided by the number
// of seconds of grouping. In this way, the resulting number becomes the
// slot into the virtual buckets, e.g.:
// date now diff/1000 floor # 5 seconds:
// 1514764800000 1514764800000 0 0
// 1514764802000 1514764800000 2 0
// 1514764804000 1514764800000 4 0
// 1514764806000 1514764800000 6 1
// 1514764808000 1514764800000 8 1
// 1514764810000 1514764800000 10 2
,{$addFields: {"ff": {$floor: {$divide: [ {$divide: [ {$subtract: [ "$date", now ]}, 1000.0 ]}, secondsBucket ] }} }}
// Now just group by the numeric slot number!
,{$group: {_id: "$ff", n: {$sum:1}, tot: {$sum: "$val"}, avg: {$avg: "$val"}} }
// Get it in 0-n order....
,{$sort: {_id: 1}}
found 17280 in 204 millis
So we now have a server-side solution that is just .204 seconds, or 700x faster. And you don't have to sort the input because $group will take care of bundling the slot numbers. And the $sort after the $group is optional (but sort of handy...)

index in a loop by using ..<

I didn't understood the concept of the For-In loop in swift 3 , can anyone explain to us it m thanks in advance
var total = 0
for i in 0..<4 {
total += i
The result of total is 6 , Why ?
i=0 =>
total = 0+0 =0
i=1 =>
total = 0+1 = 1
i=2 =>
total = 1+2 = 3
i=3 =>
total = 3+3 =6
it's simply alogrithm ;-)
i never reach 4 because you said it STRICTLY inferior to 4 =)
(Do I answer your question?)
Your loop will be vary from 0 to 3 i.e. 0,1,2,3 but if you want it will vary from 0 to 4 then try this -
var total = 0
for i in 0...4 {
total += i

How to paginate and group in MongoDB?

My objects are of the following structure:
{id: 1234, ownerId: 1, typeId: 3456, date:...}
{id: 1235, ownerId: 1, typeId: 3456, date:...}
{id: 1236, ownerId: 1, typeId: 12, date:...}
I would like to query the database so that it returns all the items that belong to a given ownerId but only the first item of a given typeId. IE the typeId field is unique in the results. I would also like to be able to use skip and limit.
In SQL the query would be something like:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE ownerId=1 SORT BY date GROUP BY typeId LIMIT 10 OFFSET 300
I currently have the following query (using pymongo) but it is giving my errors for using $sort, $limit and $skip:
search_dict['ownerId'] = 1
search_dict['$sort'] = {'date': -1}
search_dict['$limit'] = 10
search_dict['$skip'] = 200['typeId'], search_dict, {'list': []}, 'function(obj, prev) {prev.list.push(obj)}')
I have also tried the aggregation route but as I understand grouping will touch all the items in the collection, group them, and then limit and skip. This will be too computationally expensive and slow. I need an iterative grouping algorithm.
search_dict = {'ownerId':1}
'$match': search_dict
'$sort': {'date': -1}
'$group': {'_id': "$typeId"}
'$skip': skip
'$limit': 10
Your aggregation looks correct. You need to include the fields you want in the output in the $group stage using $first.
grouping will touch all the items in the collection, group them, and then limit and skip. This will be too computationally expensive and slow.
It won't touch all items in the collection. If the match + sort is indexed ({ "ownerId" : 1, "date" : -1 }), the index will be used for the match + sort, and the group will only process the documents that are the result of the match.
The constraint is hardly ever cpu, except in cases of unindexed sort. It's usually disk I/O.
I need an iterative grouping algorithm.
What precisely do you mean by "iterative grouping"? The grouping is iterative, as it iterates over the result of the previous stage and checks which group each document belongs to!
I am not to sure how you get the idea that this operation should be computational expensive. This isn't really true for most SQL databases, and it surely isn't for MongoDB. All you need is to create an index over your sort criterium.
Here is how to prove it:
Open up a mongo shell and have this executed.
var bulk = db.speed.initializeOrderedBulkOp()
for ( var i = 1; i <= 100000; i++ ){
bulk.insert({field1:i,field2:i*i,date:new ISODate()});
if((i%100) == 0){print(i)}
The bulk execution may take some seconds. Next, we create a helper function:
Array.prototype.avg = function() {
var av = 0;
var cnt = 0;
var len = this.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var e = +this[i];
if(!e && this[i] !== 0 && this[i] !== '0') e--;
if (this[i] == e) {av += e; cnt++;}
return av/cnt;
The troupe is ready, the stage is set:
var times = new Array();
for( var i = 0; i < 10000; i++){
var start = new Date();
times.push(new Date() - start);
print(times.avg() + " msecs");
The output is in msecs. This is the output of 5 runs for comparison:
0.1697 msecs
0.1441 msecs
0.1397 msecs
0.1682 msecs
0.1843 msecs
The test server runs inside a docker image which in turn runs inside a VM (boot2docker) on my 2,13 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 4GB of RAM, running OSX 10.10.2, a lot of Safari windows, iTunes, Mail, Spotify and Eclipse additionally. Not quite a production system. And that collection does not even have an index on the date field. With the index, the averages of 5 runs look like this:
0.1399 msecs
0.1431 msecs
0.1339 msecs
0.1441 msecs
0.1767 msecs
qed, hth.