Cannot recognize char '!' while using topredicate in BAP - command-line

I tried to use topredicate tool in bap to translate il to SMT-LIB2.
But this command returns an error:
./topredicate -il -post "R_EBP:u32 != R_ESP:u32 -solver z3 -noopt -stp-out test.smt
The error is:
A parsing exception occured while parsing "!" Fatal error: exception Lexer.LexError(line 1: Unrecognized char '!')"
Does anybody know what happened? How can I solve the problem?
PS. Anybody knows how to configure z3 in BAP? It really confuses me that it can't work while I configure it by following INSTALL.

This is really a BAP issue, it looks to me that it doesn't get all the way to an SMT solver yet. Could it be that there is a " missing just before -solver?
-post "R_EBP:u32 != R_ESP:u32"


Jmeter: BeanshellAssertion Error: Method Not Found In Class

I simply want to read response from jdbc sampler and use it in an http request.
I created a BeanShellAssertion Script under a jdbc request and wrote just the below code, nothing else.
String jdbcresult1=vars.getObjects("jdbcresult1").get(0).get("jdbctrackingnumber1")+"";
vars.put("trackingnumber1",jdbcresult1);"TrackingNumber1 is: "+trackingnumber1);
2020-08-13 23:32:47,030 ERROR o.a.j.u.BeanShellInterpreter: Error
invoking bsh method: eval Sourced file: inline evaluation of: ``import
java.lang.Object; if(vars.getObjects("jdbcresult1").size!=0) {
String . . . '' : Error in method invocation: Method getObjects(
java.lang.String ) not found in
2020-08-13 23:32:47,030 WARN o.a.j.a.BeanShellAssertion: Error in
Question1: How do you decide what should you use to write a code to read jdbcresponse value:
a. beanshellassertion
b. beanshellpostprocessor
c. beanshelllistener
Question2: Solution to the original problem, to resolve the error ?
The problem is that:
does not exist.
It should be :
Also it’s better to use JSR223 Assertion:

Vs Code : Error: could not open `C:\Users\folder-name'

I was trying to implement a Spring boot application on vs code and came up with this error when I tried to run the code (Screenshot below). I am not clear what this error indicates and did not know what exactly to look for on the internet. could anyone tell me how I can resolve this error?
as I was told to copy-paste the error message as text, here it is.
PS D:\study material\java code\springbootdemo> cd 'd:\study material\java code\springbootdemo'; & 'c:\Users\manjeet arneja\.vscode\extensions\vscjava.vscode-java-debug-0.27.0\scripts\launcher.bat' 'C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\bin\java.exe' '-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8' '#C:\Users\manjeet' 'arneja\AppData\Local\Temp\cp_9w87n9v9bnokxm9i3k10qtvnm.argfile' 'com.explore.springbootdemo.DemoApplication'
Error: could not open `C:\Users\manjeet'

DBIx::Class::ResultSet::count(): DBI Connection failed: DBD::Oracle at /usr/share/perl5/DBIx/Class/Storage/ line 1249

I have installed DBIX::Class and DBD::Oracle modules. but getting error below
DBIx::Class::ResultSet::count(): DBI Connection failed: DBD::Oracle at
/usr/share/perl5/DBIx/Class/Storage/ line 1249.
Could you please help me to get resolved
Above Error throws from the below line in my code
my $row = $schema->resultset( 'test' )->search ({cols1 => $arg2, cols2=>$arg1});
if($row->count == 1) //thorws error
Well, the error message mentions both DBD::Oracle and DBIx::Class, so it looks like you installed those correctly :-)
The important part of the error message is "DBI Connection failed", so I suggest you double-check all of the connection details.
Update: In a comment below, you share some code that you say works. If you have some code that works and some code that doesn't work, then you should probably compare the two pieces of code and work out what the differences are. We would be happy to help with that, but you haven't shown us the code that doesn't work.
I have found the solution. Oracle instant client installation steps few missed.
Mainly missed step: sudo sh -c "echo /opt/oracle/instantclient_18_3 > \

Matlab error for interface script

I'm using ksvdbox for my research. After installing as guided in Readme, I run ksvddemo. I throws the following error:
Attempt to execute SCRIPT sprow as a function:
Error in ksvd>optimize_atom (line 515)
[gamma_j, data_indices] = sprow(Gamma, j);
Error in ksvd (line 449)
[D(:,p(j)),gamma_j,data_indices,unused_sigs,replaced_atoms] = optimize_atom(data,D,p(j),Gamma,unused_sigs,replaced_atoms);
Error in ksvddemo (line 74)
[Dksvd,g,err] = ksvd(params,'verbose');
In ksvdbox, there is a script named "sprow.m" but there is no code inside this file, only comments. In fact, there is another file named "sprow.c" in the same folder. I tried to rename "sprow.m" but it throws another error:
Underfined function or variable 'sprow'
The interesting thing is that the code works for Matlab2014a, but the errors happen on Matlab2015b.
Could you please suggest me a solution?

wurfl2 integration in TYPO3

everytime i try to install the wurfl2 extension in TYPO3 i get the following error message:
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php/lib/php:/usr/local/php/lib/php/PEAR') in /html/typo3conf/temp_CACHED_ps9b8e_ext_localconf.php on line 501
is anyone familiar with this error and knows how to fix it?
I get the same error message with TYPO3 4.4.4. I had to remove the extension folder and to delete all ./typo3conf/temp* files to get Typo3 running again afterwards.
(You might not see the error message if you don't have something like $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['displayErrors'] = '1' in your localconf.php. You can set this with the installtool.
As already mentioned by the other answer first you have to get your system running again: set $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['displayErrors'] = '1' in your localconf.php in order to see all error messages. Afterwards remove the extension folder.
I think the error is caused by a missing config file. The extension constant wurflConfig has to be set with the absolute path to the file /YOUR/PATH/TO/WEB_DIR/typo3conf/ext/wurfl2/res1/li/wurfl_config.php and might have to adjust the settings there.