REST - Common practice for "change-all" mutations - rest

In my app there is a button which (when clicked) should apply some mutation to all entities (of a certain type). Assuming my entities are "purchases" clicking on the "confirm all" button should result in the server/db setting the "confirmed" field of all "purchases" to "true".
I have the code that does this on the server side. My question is this: what is the URI that I should use for this action?
POST seems like a wrong choice as this action is idempotent. Thus, I am left with PUT. two ideas come to mind:
PUT /purchases?confirmed=true
PUT /purchaes/__all__?confirmed=true
Is there any well established convention?
There is a third option (suggested by Markus):
PUT /confirmations/?confirmed=true
Of course, this can work and clearly has its merits. The (only) problem that I find with it is the confirmations is not an en entity in my system. In particular there is no GET /confirmations/some_id URI which may be confusing.

Firs of all, the URI you should use for this operation is whatever URI the collection of purchases returned for that action. The URI semantics shouldn't matter.
Second, when we say POST isn't idempotent, what we are saying is that the client can't assume by default that the operation is idempotent. The semantics of the POST method are entirely within your control, and that's why they must be documented and you can't rely on the client knowing beforehand what it does, as is the case with GET, PUT and DELETE.
In simple terms, having a PUT operation that isn't idempotent is a violation of the HTTP method semantics, but having a POST that is idempotent is fine.
Third, what you're doing is RPC, not REST. For instance:
PUT /purchases?confirmed=true
You're simply calling a method by passing parameters. The only way this could make sense in REST would be if you were creating or replacing a set of purchases to replace the subset where confirmed=true, which would be the exact opposite of what you want. If you want to do something like that, you should use POST, not PUT.
It's clear that your confirmation is a partial update, so you shouldn't be using PUT at all. As a general rule, if you're trying to define a separate semantics coupled to a particular resource for GET, PUT, PATCH and DELETE, you're doing wrong. Those methods should be generic and work in the exact same way for everything. If you need to couple some URI and method to a particular resource state transition, do it with POST.
I don't know the details of the API, but it looks like you're using query string parameters as payload parameters interchangeably. That's not a good idea either, since you can't treat URIs as atomic identifiers.
If your URIs were atomic, you could say this returns all unconfirmed purchases:
GET /purchases?confirmed=false
And you could document POST as the method to perform partial updates in bulk, changing the filtered subset:
POST /purchases?confirmed=false
{ "confirmed": true }
If you insist on using PUT, you should do something like this. If you have the URI below which returns a global confirmed status by reducing all purchases with AND:
GET /purchases/confirmation
{ "confirmed": False }
Then you could make something like:
PUT /purchases/confirmation
{ "confirmed": true }


REST - Does the PUT method have to remove an optional field when it is omitted?

I have a resource Car which have some required fields and another optional ones.
The Car was created with the following request:
POST /cars
plate: "XYZ-A2C4",
color: "blue,
owner: "John" //OPTIONAL
A REST client wants to update all required info of this car:
PUT /cars/:id
plate: "ABC-1234",
color: "black"
What happen to the owner optional field?
It will be removed, since it was not informed? ie: PUT must replace the entire resource with the representation passed in the payload ?
Or, since owner is not required, the server may preserve the old value?
I know that the server can provide a PATCH method, but sometimes it is not possible to update a single field because the new state could become invalid (there are no minimum required payload to enforce related fields values). Also, manipulating arrays, removing fields or setting it with null can be tricky in some cases with PATCH since it can be done with two different patterns; JSON Merge Patch is limited and JSON Patch is kinda strange.
Is it OK to perform a PUT with the required fields and the server preserves the old optional values when it is omitted?
If you want to go by the book (being section 4.3.4 of RFC 7231), then yes, the PUT request should, in your case, replace the entire Car resource:
The PUT method requests that the state of the target resource be created or replaced with the state defined by the representation enclosed in the request message payload. A successful PUT of a given representation would suggest that a subsequent GET on that same target resource will result in an equivalent representation being sent in a 200 (OK) response.
So, by the book, you should not use PUT for partial updates, but rather PATCH.
However, in practice, it is really up to you to decide how exactly this is applicable to your service, and more importantly, to document it.
Here are a few real-world examples of how some well-known APIs allow partial updates:
The Ghost API does not support partial resource update, it requires a PUT request with a full resource for any update
The Rossum API supports PATCH for partial resource update, but their documentation explicitly states that only top-level properties are supported
GitHub allows both PATCH and POST requests for partial data updates
Firebase allows PATCH requests but also POST with an X-HTTP-Method-Override header
You are exactly right that sometimes, a PATCH method could result in an invalid resource if processes as-is. However nothing prevents the server from ensuring proper data state as a side-effect. Therefore, during each call you can have the server:
verify the proper state of the resource before persisting it
reject (with a 400 Bad Request error) any request that would result in improper state
respond with the resource (maybe bearing side-effects) on success
Strictly speaking PUT should replace the resource being identified with the entity that is being supplied. In your example, that would mean car would be replaced without the optional field unless the optional field was also supplied in the PUT request.
The number of APIs that strictly adhere to REST or a resource oriented architecture are pretty few and far between, so I personally would try not to sweat this level of detail and just document your api and the behavior that your users can expect.
If you really want to be fanatical about it, I think you're on the right track with PATCH, or you could identify a sub-resource:
PUT /cars/:id/plate
PUT /cars/:id/color
OR perhaps:
PUT /cars/:id/description
plate: "ABC-1234",
color: "black"
The www-tag mailing list archives include this interesting observation from Roy Fielding in 2002:
HTTP does not attempt to require the results of a GET to be safe. What it does is require that the semantics of the operation be safe, and therefore it is a fault of the implementation, not the interface or the user of that interface, if anything happens as a result that causes loss of property (money, BTW, is considered property for the sake of this definition).
The specification for HTTP PUT should be understood the same way; the specification tells us what the messages mean, but not how to do it.
The PUT method requests that the state of the target resource be created or replaced with the state defined by the representation enclosed in the request message payload.
PUT semantics are fundamentally "remote authoring"; the request tells the server to make its copy of a resource look like a clients copy.
So when you leave an "optional" element out of the representation provided in the request, you are telling the server to remove that optional element from its own representation as well.
It's the responsibility of the client to create a message that describes what the actually wants. So if you the client intend that the optional fields are unchanged after your request, you need to include them in the representation that you include in the body of the request.
The server is expected to interpret the PUT request as described; but it is not constrained in what it does with such a thing (subject to Fielding's observation above: which way does the blame finger point when things go wrong?)
HTTP does not define exactly how a PUT method affects the state of an origin server beyond what can be expressed by the intent of the user agent request and the semantics of the origin server response.
What happen to the owner optional field?
So in your specific example, the request clearly says "do not include the owner element". But the server is allowed to ignore that; it need only be careful in crafting its response not to imply that the provided representation was stored unchanged.

Is it possible to make the same field compulsory for POST and optional for PUT requests?

Is it possible to make the same field compulsory for POST and optional for PUT requests for REST API? Or it depends on teqnology used to implement this request?
For example, there is a POST request to create Car objects and this object has a field model_id which is actually chosen from a dictionary of models. And the POST request requires model_id because the car must have model_id defined.
And I want to have a PUT method which changes some field e.g. serial_num, manufacture_date, color etc. even model_id. But I want this PUT method to change model_id as optional parameter, e.g. I just want to change color and it is Ok.
So is this possible in REST? Does some technologies that implement these request could not allow me to make different set of optional/compulsory params for POST ant PUT?
Well, you can do whatever you want here. Nobody will kill you if you check fields in the request body and return an error if model_id is specified (or not).
Some guys use POST method to update entities in API.
If you want to be closer to standards better use PATCH for partial updates.
You can find a lot of interesting info here:
Use of PUT vs PATCH methods in REST API real life scenarios
One important thing from 4. source:
The PUT method is already defined to overwrite a resource with a
complete new body, and cannot be reused to do partial changes.
And another one sentence from 3. source:
Generally speaking, all implementation details behind the resource interface are intentionally hidden by the server.

Naming a GET with alternative query options

Assume you have a REST service that already gets users by id, so the url looks something like
GET /users/{userId}
But you want to create a duplicate web service that gets users by email, so:
GET /users/{email}
Which is better?
Method 1:
Same method:
if(isEmail(input)) queryByEmail(input);
else queryById(input);
Method 2:
Different Method:
GET /users/{userId}
GET /usersByEmail/{email}
Since there is no actual overlap between email addresses and IDs. I would just use same endpoint for both. Especially if GET /users/{id} is already a published interface.
So, I would go with 1st method.
GET /users/{identifier}
Then on the API server you have to add a small check, whether {identifier} is a number or not.
I would also like to note, that "pretty URLs" do not make it REST :) You probably will want to watch this lecture:
My personal preference would be,
GET /users/id/{id}
GET /users/email/{email}
But it all depends on what you the rest endpoints to look like.
Which is better?
REST doesn't care; from the perspective of the client, the URI is opaque. The clients concerns are following links/submitting forms/completing templates.
Information encoded into the URI is done at the server's discretion and for its own exclusive use.
So you can use any spelling you like. As a rule, it's a good idea to conform to local spelling conventions (in much the same way that your variable names in code should conform to your coding conventions). But your clients shouldn't need to know the details of those conventions.
if(isEmail(input)) queryByEmail(input);
else queryById(input);
Note that you aren't necessarily deeply committed to one approach; that's part of the point of decoupling the identifiers from the representations. For instance, your implementation could just as easily look like
if(isEmail(input)) redirectTo(/users/email/{input});
else redirectTo(/users/id/{input});
which allows clients that have bookmarked the original URI to arrive at the correct resource.

RESTful URL for adding record to a record

What's the correct "RESTful" URL for an action that adds a child record to a parent record?
For example, if I wanted to provide a URL for adding a "comment" record to an "order" record, how should I format it?
My first thought was something like:
I work in Django, which uses a similar pattern, so this seemed most intuitive. However, reading over some RESTful design guides like this one suggests that this might be bad practice, as they argue the "PUT" and "add" are redundant and therefore might create confusion.
I would do the following:
The put action and the add part of the url are redundant. But there is no hard rule on any of this. I see apis having that form, even from major vendors, and sometimes simply remark "The put action and the uri segment are redundant" Sometimes I say nothing at all and just call the endpoint. If I were writing an api, I would probably leave off the add part.
there are few points to make your request RESTful:
1) Use resources names in the URL in plural and not in a singular form (orders instead of order)
2) never use ACTION names in your URL such as (ADD) in "comment/add"
3) since you are adding a "NEW" comment without knowing any IDs of hands you should use POST request.
Finally, the URL I would recommend is:
HttpVerbs = POST
That should add a new comment to your order#12345
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to your question. Rest URLs can be whatever you want them to be. At the end of the day, they are routes that get mapped to a method. I wouldn't worry too much about the "best" URL. I prefer to find a standard that works for me and then move on to bigger, more important things. As long as clients know what the URL is, they will be fine.

Rest Standard: Path parameters or Request parameters

I am creating a new REST service.
What is the standard for passing parameters to REST services. From different REST implementations in Java, you can configure parameters as part of the path or as request parameters. For example,
Path parameters
Request parameters
Does anyone know what the advantages/disadvantages for each method of passing parameters. It seems that passing the parameters as part of the path seems to coincide better with the notion of the REST protocol. That is, a single location signifies a unique response, correct?
Paths tend to be cached, parameters tend to not be, as a general rule.
GET /customers/bob
GET /customers?name=bob
The first is more likely to be cached (assuming proper headers, etc.) whereas the latter is likely not to be cached.
tl;dr: You might want both.
Item #42 exists:
GET /items/42
Accept: application/
--> 200 OK
"id": 42,
"bar": "baz"
GET /items?id=42
Accept: application/
--> 200 OK
"id": 42,
"bar": "baz"
Item #99 doesn't exist:
GET /items/99
Accept: application/
--> 404 Not Found
GET /items?id=99
Accept: application/
--> 200 OK
Explanations & comments
/items/{id} returns an item while /items?id={id} returns an item-list.
Even if there is only a single element in a filtered item-list, a list of a single element is still returned for consistency (as opposed to the element itself).
It just so happens that id is a unique property. If we were to filter on other properties, this would still work in exactly the same way.
Elements of a collection resource can only be named using unique properties (e.g. keys as a subresource of the collection) for obvious reasons (they're normal resources and URIs uniquely identify resources).
If the element is not found when using a filter, the response is still OK and still contains a list (albeit empty). Just because we're requesting a filtered list containing an item that doesn't exist doesn't mean the list itself doesn't exist.
Because they're so different and independently useful, you might want both. The client will want to differentiate between all cases (e.g. whether the list is empty or the list itself doesn't exist, in which case you should return a 404 for /items?...).
Disclaimer: This approach is by no means "standard". It makes so much sense to me though that I felt like sharing.
PS: Naming the item collection "get" is a code smell; prefer "items" or similar.
Your second example of "request parameters" is not correct because "get" is included as part of the path. GET is the request type, it should not be part of the path.
There are 4 main types of requests:
GET requests should always be able to be completed without any information in the request body. Additionally, GET requests should be "safe", meaning that no significant data is modified by the request.
Besides the caching concern mentioned above, parameters in the URL path would tend to be required and/or expected because they are also part of your routing, whereas parameters passed in the query string are more variable and don't affect which part of your application the request is routed to. Although could potentially also pass a variable length set of parameters through the url:
A good book to read as a primer on this topic is "Restful Web Services". Though I will warn you to be prepared to skim over some redundant information.
I think it depends. One URL for one resource. If you want to receive that resource in a slightly different way, give it a query string. But for a value that would deliver a different resource, put it in the path.
So in your example, the variable's value is directly related to the resource being returned. So it makes more sense in the path.
The first variation is a little cleaner, and allows you to reserve the request parameters for things like sort order and page, as in;page=6
This is a great fundamental question. I've recently come to the conclusion to stay away from using path parameters. They lead to ambiguous resource resolution. The URL is a basically the 'method name' of a piece of code running somewhere on a server. I prefer not to mix variable names with method names. The name of your method is apparently 'customer' (which IMHO is a rotten name for a method but REST folks love this pattern). The parameter you're passing to this method is the name of the customer. A query parameter works well for that, and this resource and query-parameter value can even be cached if desired.
There is no physical IT customer resource. There is likely no file on disk under a customer folder that's named after the customer. This is a web-service that performs some kind of database transaction. The 'resource' is your service, not the customer.
This obsession over REST and web-verbs reminds me of the early days of Object Oriented programming where we attempted to cram our code into virtual representations of physical objects. Then we realized that objects are usually virtual concepts in a system. OO is still useful when done the right way. REST is also useful if you realize that RESTful resources are services, not objects.