Rest Standard: Path parameters or Request parameters - rest

I am creating a new REST service.
What is the standard for passing parameters to REST services. From different REST implementations in Java, you can configure parameters as part of the path or as request parameters. For example,
Path parameters
Request parameters
Does anyone know what the advantages/disadvantages for each method of passing parameters. It seems that passing the parameters as part of the path seems to coincide better with the notion of the REST protocol. That is, a single location signifies a unique response, correct?

Paths tend to be cached, parameters tend to not be, as a general rule.
GET /customers/bob
GET /customers?name=bob
The first is more likely to be cached (assuming proper headers, etc.) whereas the latter is likely not to be cached.

tl;dr: You might want both.
Item #42 exists:
GET /items/42
Accept: application/
--> 200 OK
"id": 42,
"bar": "baz"
GET /items?id=42
Accept: application/
--> 200 OK
"id": 42,
"bar": "baz"
Item #99 doesn't exist:
GET /items/99
Accept: application/
--> 404 Not Found
GET /items?id=99
Accept: application/
--> 200 OK
Explanations & comments
/items/{id} returns an item while /items?id={id} returns an item-list.
Even if there is only a single element in a filtered item-list, a list of a single element is still returned for consistency (as opposed to the element itself).
It just so happens that id is a unique property. If we were to filter on other properties, this would still work in exactly the same way.
Elements of a collection resource can only be named using unique properties (e.g. keys as a subresource of the collection) for obvious reasons (they're normal resources and URIs uniquely identify resources).
If the element is not found when using a filter, the response is still OK and still contains a list (albeit empty). Just because we're requesting a filtered list containing an item that doesn't exist doesn't mean the list itself doesn't exist.
Because they're so different and independently useful, you might want both. The client will want to differentiate between all cases (e.g. whether the list is empty or the list itself doesn't exist, in which case you should return a 404 for /items?...).
Disclaimer: This approach is by no means "standard". It makes so much sense to me though that I felt like sharing.
PS: Naming the item collection "get" is a code smell; prefer "items" or similar.

Your second example of "request parameters" is not correct because "get" is included as part of the path. GET is the request type, it should not be part of the path.
There are 4 main types of requests:
GET requests should always be able to be completed without any information in the request body. Additionally, GET requests should be "safe", meaning that no significant data is modified by the request.
Besides the caching concern mentioned above, parameters in the URL path would tend to be required and/or expected because they are also part of your routing, whereas parameters passed in the query string are more variable and don't affect which part of your application the request is routed to. Although could potentially also pass a variable length set of parameters through the url:
A good book to read as a primer on this topic is "Restful Web Services". Though I will warn you to be prepared to skim over some redundant information.

I think it depends. One URL for one resource. If you want to receive that resource in a slightly different way, give it a query string. But for a value that would deliver a different resource, put it in the path.
So in your example, the variable's value is directly related to the resource being returned. So it makes more sense in the path.

The first variation is a little cleaner, and allows you to reserve the request parameters for things like sort order and page, as in;page=6

This is a great fundamental question. I've recently come to the conclusion to stay away from using path parameters. They lead to ambiguous resource resolution. The URL is a basically the 'method name' of a piece of code running somewhere on a server. I prefer not to mix variable names with method names. The name of your method is apparently 'customer' (which IMHO is a rotten name for a method but REST folks love this pattern). The parameter you're passing to this method is the name of the customer. A query parameter works well for that, and this resource and query-parameter value can even be cached if desired.
There is no physical IT customer resource. There is likely no file on disk under a customer folder that's named after the customer. This is a web-service that performs some kind of database transaction. The 'resource' is your service, not the customer.
This obsession over REST and web-verbs reminds me of the early days of Object Oriented programming where we attempted to cram our code into virtual representations of physical objects. Then we realized that objects are usually virtual concepts in a system. OO is still useful when done the right way. REST is also useful if you realize that RESTful resources are services, not objects.


REST - Does the PUT method have to remove an optional field when it is omitted?

I have a resource Car which have some required fields and another optional ones.
The Car was created with the following request:
POST /cars
plate: "XYZ-A2C4",
color: "blue,
owner: "John" //OPTIONAL
A REST client wants to update all required info of this car:
PUT /cars/:id
plate: "ABC-1234",
color: "black"
What happen to the owner optional field?
It will be removed, since it was not informed? ie: PUT must replace the entire resource with the representation passed in the payload ?
Or, since owner is not required, the server may preserve the old value?
I know that the server can provide a PATCH method, but sometimes it is not possible to update a single field because the new state could become invalid (there are no minimum required payload to enforce related fields values). Also, manipulating arrays, removing fields or setting it with null can be tricky in some cases with PATCH since it can be done with two different patterns; JSON Merge Patch is limited and JSON Patch is kinda strange.
Is it OK to perform a PUT with the required fields and the server preserves the old optional values when it is omitted?
If you want to go by the book (being section 4.3.4 of RFC 7231), then yes, the PUT request should, in your case, replace the entire Car resource:
The PUT method requests that the state of the target resource be created or replaced with the state defined by the representation enclosed in the request message payload. A successful PUT of a given representation would suggest that a subsequent GET on that same target resource will result in an equivalent representation being sent in a 200 (OK) response.
So, by the book, you should not use PUT for partial updates, but rather PATCH.
However, in practice, it is really up to you to decide how exactly this is applicable to your service, and more importantly, to document it.
Here are a few real-world examples of how some well-known APIs allow partial updates:
The Ghost API does not support partial resource update, it requires a PUT request with a full resource for any update
The Rossum API supports PATCH for partial resource update, but their documentation explicitly states that only top-level properties are supported
GitHub allows both PATCH and POST requests for partial data updates
Firebase allows PATCH requests but also POST with an X-HTTP-Method-Override header
You are exactly right that sometimes, a PATCH method could result in an invalid resource if processes as-is. However nothing prevents the server from ensuring proper data state as a side-effect. Therefore, during each call you can have the server:
verify the proper state of the resource before persisting it
reject (with a 400 Bad Request error) any request that would result in improper state
respond with the resource (maybe bearing side-effects) on success
Strictly speaking PUT should replace the resource being identified with the entity that is being supplied. In your example, that would mean car would be replaced without the optional field unless the optional field was also supplied in the PUT request.
The number of APIs that strictly adhere to REST or a resource oriented architecture are pretty few and far between, so I personally would try not to sweat this level of detail and just document your api and the behavior that your users can expect.
If you really want to be fanatical about it, I think you're on the right track with PATCH, or you could identify a sub-resource:
PUT /cars/:id/plate
PUT /cars/:id/color
OR perhaps:
PUT /cars/:id/description
plate: "ABC-1234",
color: "black"
The www-tag mailing list archives include this interesting observation from Roy Fielding in 2002:
HTTP does not attempt to require the results of a GET to be safe. What it does is require that the semantics of the operation be safe, and therefore it is a fault of the implementation, not the interface or the user of that interface, if anything happens as a result that causes loss of property (money, BTW, is considered property for the sake of this definition).
The specification for HTTP PUT should be understood the same way; the specification tells us what the messages mean, but not how to do it.
The PUT method requests that the state of the target resource be created or replaced with the state defined by the representation enclosed in the request message payload.
PUT semantics are fundamentally "remote authoring"; the request tells the server to make its copy of a resource look like a clients copy.
So when you leave an "optional" element out of the representation provided in the request, you are telling the server to remove that optional element from its own representation as well.
It's the responsibility of the client to create a message that describes what the actually wants. So if you the client intend that the optional fields are unchanged after your request, you need to include them in the representation that you include in the body of the request.
The server is expected to interpret the PUT request as described; but it is not constrained in what it does with such a thing (subject to Fielding's observation above: which way does the blame finger point when things go wrong?)
HTTP does not define exactly how a PUT method affects the state of an origin server beyond what can be expressed by the intent of the user agent request and the semantics of the origin server response.
What happen to the owner optional field?
So in your specific example, the request clearly says "do not include the owner element". But the server is allowed to ignore that; it need only be careful in crafting its response not to imply that the provided representation was stored unchanged.

REST principle - resource update

Can you please confirm if below implementation for PUT vs POST defies REST principle:
If a resource was created via POST, allow update to the resource via POST (else return 412 error)
If the resource was created via PUT, allow update to resource via PUT (else return 412 error)
I understand both PUT and POST can be used to create a resource. What I think is not right in this case is dependency on how resource was created (PUT/ POST) and takes action based on it. Can you point me to the RFC?
If a resource was created via POST, allow update to the resource via POST (else return 412 error)
If the resource was created via PUT, allow update to resource via PUT (else return 412 error)
Can you please confirm if below implementation for PUT vs POST defies REST principle
It's probably wrong, but not necessarily so.
In particular, PUT in HTTP has very specific semantics
The PUT method requests that the state of the target resource be created or replaced with the state defined by the representation enclosed in the request message payload.
In other words, PUT is appropriate for replace, but it is not appropriate for modify.
So what your guideline is actually implying is that if you create a resource via a PUT of its representation, then all subsequent changes to that resource must also be complete replacements.
It's not obvious to me that's a good idea, and there is nothing in HTTP that requires you to be so strict; but it's certainly possible that your guideline authors had some bad experiences, which may be specific to the circumstances in which those guidelines apply.
The notes about using 412 response is... odd. Again, in HTTP, 412 has a very specific meaning; and that meaning is not related to the method used in the request. Using a conditional request to ensure that your edit doesn't conflict with another is good idea.
But if somebody has done a POST where they should do a PUT, or vice versa, then the correct status code to return in that case is 405.
The 405 (Method Not Allowed) status code indicates that the method received in the request-line is known by the origin server but not supported by the target resource. The origin server MUST generate an Allow header field in a 405 response containing a list of the target resource's currently supported methods.
Can you point me to the RFC?
There is no "RFC" for REST; it's not a standard, in that sense. REST is just a set of architectural constraints discovered by Roy T. Fielding during the early web standardization process. The appropriate reference is Chapter 5 of Fielding's thesis.
HTTP as a standard does (for the most part) use an architecture that satisfies the REST constraints. As of late 2016, the standard is documented by RFCs 7230-7235 inclusive.
A RESTful URL typically points to either a collection or an element.
A collection is typically denoted in plural and could look like this:
An element is typically adressed with its identifier and could look like this:
Collections can be children to elements:
Doing a POST to a collection usually means creating an element in the collection and the new element is typically returned with the response. The server would be responsible for creating the URI for the newly created element. It is the recommended "RESTful" way of creating elements.
Doing a POST to a element is not often used (and discouraged) as that would mean the client would be the one assigning the identifier. If used, most often, it means that you treat the element as a collection in itself and create a new element within it.
Doing a PUT to a collection is perfectly valid "RESTfulness" but would typically mean replacing the entire collection.
Doing a PUT to an element is common and typically means replacing the entire element, meaning that the entire element should be passed along in the request body. Some argue it is fine for the element to be created if it does not exist (but I would argue it being a bad request).
Doing a PATCH to an element typically means updating the element. The fields that should be updated are the only fields necessary in the request body.
I've never stumbled on doing a PATCH to a collection and would probably recommend against it.

Best practices for returning representation of resource that is also a collection

Let's say I want to make a RESTful interface, and I want to work with foos based upon their IDs. Nothing new here:
GET /api/foo1 returns a representation (e.g. using JSON) of foo1.
DELETE /api/foo1 deletes foo1.
Now let me tell you that a "foo" is a collection type thing. So I want to be able to add a "bar" to a "foo":
PUT /api/foo1/bar3 adds bar3 to foo1.
GET /api/foo1/bar3 returns a representation of foo1.
DELETE /api/foo1/bar3 removes bar3 from foo1.
DELETE /api/foo1 deletes foo1 altogether.
Now the question remains: what does GET /api/foo1 do? Does it it simply return a representation of foo1 as I originally assumed in this question? Or does it return a list of bars? Or does it return a representation of foo1 that is both a description of foo1 as well as includes a list of all contained bars?
Or should GET /api/foo1 merely return a representation of foo1 as I assumed at the beginning, and require a PROPFIND request to list the bars inside foo1 (the approach taken by WebDAV)? But then in order to be consistent, wouldn't I have to change all my other list-type functionality to PROPFIND, directly contradicting all those thousands of RESTful tutorials that say to use GET /api/foo1 to list the contents?
After some pondering, I think the best conceptual explanation from a RESTful perspective is that usually the "thing" is not the same thing as its "collection". So while in the WebDAV world a directory/ might be the same thing that holds its files, in the RESTful world I might have a separate directory/files/ subpath for the contained files. That way I can manipulate directories separately from the files that hold.
Consider a RESTful API for a farm which contains barns. The endpoint farm/api/barns/ might return a list of barns, one of which would be farm/api/barns/bigredbarn. Naively I would think that retrieving farm/api/barns/bigredbarn/ would provide me a list of animals in the barn, which is what prompted this question.
But really the animals in the barn is only one aspect of the Big Red Barn. It might contain vehicles and hay:
With this approach the dilemma I faced does not arise.
The semantics of webdav has never really been reconciled with the idioms of RESTful interfaces.
In theory, GET should retrieve a representation of a state of a resource and PROPFIND should be used to retrieve the members of a collection.
So you should do this:
GET /api/foo1/ - returns state of foo1 only
PROPFIND /api/foo1/ - returns the members of foo1
Most front end devs would freak out if you told them to use PROPFIND, although its completely supported in browser js implementations.
Personally i use a webdav/json gateway, where requests are made using RESTful idioms, but routed to my webdav implementation
For example i would do this:
GET /api/foo1/_PROPFIND?fields=name,fooProp1,fooProp2
And that would return
{ name : "bar1", fooProp1: "..", fooProp2 : ".."},
{ name : "bar2", fooProp1: "..", fooProp2 : ".."}
One advantage of this approach is that client's get to control the json properties returned. This is good because a rich API will have a lot of properties, but in most situations clients dont need all of them.
The routes and their operations in RESTfull API are completely designed by the developers. It's the developer who decides what to return while requesting a specific route say, GET /api/foo1.
And the developer should design every route including /api/foo1/bar. There is no specific rule on what a particular route should do. If your API is an open-source project make a clean and clear documentation of every route.
Don't waste your time thinking about the old school strategies.

REST - GET best practices for special characters

We have REST API's. I was trying to figure out the best way to do a Get with some special characters.
Currently, we have something like this:
The above URL works just fine, but gets complicated when certain special character's are included in the queryparam like '&' or '/', which will result in "No operation matching request path ... is found, HTTP Method : GET, ContentType : /, Accept : /,"
for ex:
This will consider the '/' in 'Dark/Thirty' as an URL separator.
What is the best practice to be able to search such queries. Is using a JSON a better practice, if yes should I be using a GET or a POST? I believe it should be POST, as any slash in the query param is treated as an Url separator.
Meaning: even this would fail for GET.{"name"="Dark/Thirty"}
And since this is actually not a POST i do not want to use it. As I am just listing out the books that meet my search criteria and not modifying or adding anything.
Any guideline in tackling similar problems?
This link is a good read. In essence, if your Dark/Thirty is an identifier (i.e. uniquely identifies a resource), then modify it (in a predictable pattern) so that it does not have the special characters; e.g., DarkThirty or dark-thirty. If it is, however, a search term, then you would be better served not to make it RESTful, but just pass it as a normal parameter; that's what they're for.
The difference between GET and POST is not what characters are in it, but what the objective is. GET is for getting stuff: it should be free of side effects. A search, or retrieval of a page should be a GET. POST effects changes to a server. It is improbable you would need to make an operation that both requires sending more data than URL allows, and at the same time makes no changes on the server but simply renders a new page (allowing for exceptions like Shazam or TinEye).
Dealing with special characters in GET parameters is the job of URL encoding; if you have for a search, your site is no less good. There are two primary drivers for REST, as I understand them: human-friendliness and SEO-friendliness. Search does not need to be either. REST exists to identify resources, in my understanding; and search results from a query are not a resource.
To summarise, I'd go with: (the resource is the book) (the resource is the search procedure, with arguments)
URL encoding sounds like the easiest thing to do in your case, particularly since you already have a URL structure set up for your application that looks like{internal-identifier} where internal-identifier resolves to your book name (encoded, of course).
From the REST perspective, it doesn't particularly matter whether the URL represents a query that can return a collection of resource representations or uniquely identifies a specific resource. You can use this structure for both.

Proper way to construct this REST URI?

I want to have a REST resource for Foo and I want to be able to perform a POST to create a new Foo.
Foos can only be of two subtypes - Fizz and Buzz (the models are FooFizz and FooBuzz on the backend and both extend Foo). All Foos are either a Fizz or a Buzz. Most of the other models follow this pattern too (generic with subtypes for Fizz and Buzz). For the short and medium term, there will not be a new type added to Foos. In the long term it's more likely that this application will be obsolete before a new type is added, but the possibility exists.
At any rate, here are some URI schemes I came up with for working with Foos.
POST /foo?type=fizz
POST /foo/fizz
POST /fizz/foo
POST /foo-fizz
POST /foo/{foo-id}/fizz
My thoughts on this:
(1) might be unnecessary client-server coupling since it's dependent on the query string being properly formed. But it makes the most sense to me.
(2) and (3) are undesirable because you want to be able to have the URI go /foo/{foo-id} for performing operations on an individual Foo.
(4) requires Fizzes and Buzzes to become completely separate branches of the URI tree
(5) seems like a decent scheme although it might mess up the URI tree.
I'd be strongly tempted to just have a POST to /foo with the type of foo to be created (fizz or buzz) being determined by the contents of the document being POSTed. It would respond with a suitable redirect to the URI for the newly created foo (/foo/{fooId}, presumably) through which you'd manipulate things in the normal way.
Admittedly, I am not a REST expert, however here are my two cents.
Why would you even have a post to foo/{foo-id}? In that case, it would be more of a PUT for an update. The only time you would need to post would be if the id was being auto-created and unknown until actually created. So, in that case, I would lean towards 1 as you are creating a foo and the rest is just information needed to create foo. After that point, would you even need to care about the subtype (fizz or buzz)? I would assume the foo/{foo-id} would be enough information to work on it individually and determine the type from it.
POST /foo?type=fizz
**You could possibly even remove the query string and send it in as your creation data, but that is up to you
GET /foo/{foo-id} ...retrieve the created foo
PUT /foo/{foo-id} ...update the created foo
DELETE /foo/{foo-id} ...delete the created foo
That is what I would do at least.
<soapbox>If you are really doing a RESTful architecture, then you shouldn't need to ask this question</soapbox>.
RESTful architectures include links in the representation that direct the flow of the application. If you are creating a new resource that is a child of a parent resource, then the representation of the parent resource should have an embedded link that tells you what URL and (potentially) which verb to use. Something like:
<link rel="add-child" method="POST" href="http://foo/1234">Add a new child</link>
If you are creating a wholly new root resource then, you probably want to POST to an absolute URL and have either the response document or Location header tell your application where to retrieve a new representation from. The target resource is essentially the "entry point" into your application's state machine.