Documentation or specification for .step and .stp files - step

I am looking for some kind of specification, documentation, explanation, etc. for .stp/.step files.
It's more about what information each line contains instead of a general information.
I can't seem to figure out what each value means all by myself.
Does anyone know some good readings about STEP files?
I already searched google but all I got were information about the general structure instead of each particular value.

The structure of STEP-File, i.e. the grammar and the logic behind how the file is organized is described in the standard ISO 10303-21.
ISO 10303 or STEP is divided into Application Protocols (AP). Each AP defines a schema written in EXPRESS. The schemas are available on the Internet: the CAX-IF provides some, STEPtools has some good HTML documentations.
The reference of the AP schemas is hosted on stepmod.


Understanding the ISO/IEC 15418 barcode specification

I'm trying to learn about scanning and reading encoded data in barcodes both 1D and 2D. ISO/IEC 15418 seems to detail very closely the data I am interested in reading. Unfortunately, the specification is not good at giving full examples of what the specification looks like in practice.
Things like Record Separators and Group Separators (see ASCII characters 29 and 30) appear out of nowhere without any definition in the ANSI specification.
ANS MH10.8.2-2016 (ISO/IEC 15418) PDF
Also relevant: ANS MH10.8.17-2017 (ISO/IEC 15434) PDF
So far, our way of explaining this is by scanning barcodes (data matrixes seem to provide data like the specification shows most commonly), reading the data and checking the document, slowly identifying patterns around how the data is structured. This specification seems to only lightly touch on the structure of data, but goes into exact detail about constituent parts.
I understand that my questions are somewhat broad and unspecific, but I can barely find anything about this specification to begin with. There's barely anything on the entirety of StackOverflow.
General Questions
Where can I find full examples and explanations of what this specification looks like in practice?
Are there any publicly available parsers or APIs surrounding this?
Where should I look for more information, ask questions etc. about this specification and ones like it?
Specific Questions
When scanning barcodes, data matrixes and QR codes, how is one supposed to easily differentiate data stored in this standard versus raw text with no particular standard applied?
a. We assume that there must be a industry standard for doing this besides "check if it kinda looks like one based on what we know".
Currently, the barcodes I am scanning seem to primarily use Data Identifiers, not Application Identifiers. However, online, I did manage to find an example of someone using an Application Identifier, and it very closely resembled a Data Identifier structure like I scanned. Assuming there will be ambiguity, what is the difference between the two?
Do 1D barcodes actually even store this kind of data? So far, I cannot remember if I've scanned a 1D barcode storing more than simple 'text'. Only Data Matrixes provide the raw encoded data from the specifiation.

Looking for first record layout of z/OS runnables starting with "IEWPLMH "

This feels something like an archeology expedition but I have been unable to find the record format of the first record of seemingly all executable load modules on z/OS systems. The record always starts with IEWPLMH even with when producing a GOFF format (which I have) runnable. Does anyone have any information on this or a link to it?
The format of load modules is documented in the Load Module Formats section of the z/OS MVS Program Management: Advanced Facilities manual.
But I suspect you are looking for the format of a program object, which is not documented, and, last I knew, IBM had stated they would not document (at least publicly for the likes of us).
There are decades of history behind this. IBM found themselves painted into a corner because customers had written code that depended on the format of load modules not changing. As of 2011, there were 8 different formats/subformats of program object and that number has no doubt grown. By not documenting (for customers) the format of a program object, IBM felt they had freed themselves to make format changes (adding features customers wanted) as they saw fit.
You may be able to get the information you want using the Binder's API or AMBLIST.
The use of the IEWBINDD facility is definitely the way to go. For USS programs,
When compiling the source, the -Wc,DLL option is required. When linking the -Wl,DYNAM=DLL does the trick. The example program in the appendix of the z/OS MVS Program Management: Advanced Facilities was very helpful.

Does a description or specification exist for scala picked signatures?

I'm looking to pull some data out of the pickled signatures of classes stored on disk, but not loaded in the jvm.
Getting hold of the byte array stored in the ScalaSignature is easy enough via ASM, it is however less than clear how it should be interpreted.
The closest I can find to a description of the format is
Which doesn't describe it at all.
Does a better resource exist, or is my only option to delve into the source?
In answer to my own question I've now found this, dated 2008, which looks to provide a good overview :-
Would be interested in any more recent documents. Ontology versus Ontology

First off, I'm trying to define database tables with attributes from, eg., for example I have a table named "JobPosting" that more or less has the same attributes as those defined in (baseSalary, etc.,), same goes for another table named "Organisation"
I have recently come across (, the schema details seem to be much more richer, but I'm am confused as to:
Is ontology an extension of those listed in
Are schemas recognized by major search engines (as those from
What's the difference between Microdata and RFDs?
I'm going a little stir crazy trying to find the details...I couldn't find any comparisons vis-a-vis dbpedia.og vs is one of countless vocabularies (resp. ontologies). The DBpedia Ontology is another one. Both vocabularies are independent of each other. Another vocabulary, related to your example, would be The Organization Ontology.
Which search engines recognize which vocabularies is a question without a definite answer. Search engines might recognize vocabularies without documenting it, or they might not recognize some (parts of) vocabularies although their documentation says otherwise. On top of that, all this might change daily.
You asked for the difference between Microdata and RFDs RDFs, but it’s likely that you mean RDFa in this context. Both are syntaxes which can be used to annotate content with the help of vocabularies. See my answer about differences between Microdata and RDFa.
(RDFS is "just" another vocabulary which can be used to describe vocabularies.)
I will try to answer all your questions, with understandable explanations.
Is ontology an extension of those listed in
No, it's not. There are countless ontologies available online, and any of them can be used combined, or alone, as long as their namespace (i.e. for SKOS or for SIOC) is a valid URI.
Are schemas recognized by major search engines (as those from
dbpedia schemas are as good as any other, and, as stated in the answer for the first question, it really doesn't matter which ontology you decide to use, as long as it best fits your content.
You can even create your own ontology in OWL-RDF.
What's the difference between Microdata and RFDa (not RDFs)?
The only difference between these 2 attribute sets is the way they're written, while they both do the same thing.
Other information:
RDFs stands for Resource Description Format Schema, and it's a format used to write the ontologies, together with OWL
OWL stands for Web Ontology Language, and it was created especially for writing ontologies
RDFa stands for Resource Description Format in Attributes, and it's an attribute set used to create structured data mapped on the existent HTML code
Microdata is an attribute set used to create structured data mapped on the existent HTML code

Free-form metadata in Docbook

I'm looking to store some metadata in Docbook (V5) XML files. Specifically, links to various resources related to the article in question. I've found the <info> and related elements, but they do not quite fit my purpose.
Is there any way to store free-form metadata in a Docbook file? I really just want key/value pairs stored at the article level.
The whole set of Dublin Core is allowed in V5.
But if it's not inside , you will need to modify DB5 and create a variant, it's not insurmountable and described in Ch5 of The Definitive Guide (