Aviary client side implementation vs needing a server side component - aviary

I'm planning on building an online image editor. I want to use aviary library for it. https://developers.aviary.com
Can someone explain me how I implement it? More specifically, do I need to send an image to their server in order to modify it? or I just do all the modifications on client side and then save that image to the server?

The editor works by loading the image client-side via a public url, allowing the user to edit the photo in the browser. When the user saves, the image is POSTed to Aviary's server, where it's uploaded to a temporary storage location. You then get a url to that temporary image passed to you in the onSave callback, which you can use to save the image back to your own server.
See a full client-side integration here: https://developers.aviary.com/docs/web/example


After uploading an image to google cloud, how can I get a link to that image?

After uploading an image, I get back metadata that has a mediaDownloadLink that will download the file when accessed. Is there a way to get a link that will display the image in the browser without downloading it?
In general, any object you set to be publicly accessible (which presumably you wanted to do to use it to host images on a website), you can then access with https://storage.googleapis.com/<bucket>/<object>. You can see this link also if you go to the cloud console and make an object publicly viewable and look for the Public link you can click.
If you have problems with the link downloading instead of displaying by itself in a browser, you may need to make sure the content-type header is set correctly; for example if using ByteArrayContent to upload data using the Java API, you'll want to set a string like "image/jpeg" in its constructor for "type".

Using Parse REST API to link an uploaded image to a parse object, getting access denied when accessing image

I'm using the sample code provided in the REST API docs for uploading an image (my own) and then assigning it to an object in an image table. Image uploads fine, code for associating the image runs fine, and a record is created in the DB.
However, if I try to access the image from the data browser, I get ACCESS DENIED. Why is this so? The image is retrievable via the URL provided after a successful upload, but doesn't appear anywhere in the Parse web UI (should it be ihe Files section of Cloud Code?).
Any input would be helpful. I am working on a few wrinkles to get it working.
The answer to this question is to use the long filename provided in the image upload confirm, and not the short filename example shown in the docs.

Image fetch or download from webservice

I stored images in server via php code. When i run the code in browser it displays only image name like string. Then im using JSON framework for fetching images from server. Is it possible to fetch image from server? Somebody told, it's not possible to fetch image from server. You need to use image URL otherwise it can't. What can i do?

History management (Refresh Button)

Please give me idea about the management of data in GWT. I am using Gwt in my travel portal project and my web pages is related to previous page data but when i press the refresh button of browser's then my data is lost . so please inform me if there is any way to manage this problem.
GWT History class cannot be used to manage page refresh (only back/forward).
A click on the refresh button send a request to the server and the state of the application is reloaded from the server. That's all. You have to deal with it.
If you don't want to lose your data, you have to find a way to save it on the server when it's needed.
If your users have modern browsers, you can use the HTML5 feature localStorage to store the data in the browser between page-refresh.
Check this thread for supported browser.
You can create a url fragment to encode your data.
String location = "ny";
will result with a url fragment of www.example.com#location=ny
Then if the browser is refreshed, you can decode the url fragment and determine that the location is ny.
For multiple parameters you can create a complex fragment and parse it.
Then the url would look like www.example.com#start=newyork&end=boston
The basic idea is to store some state in the URL fragment (the part of the URL after the #) -- for example your-site.com/app#page-1
To listen for changes to the fragment, use GWT's History class. The fragment will change when the user goes back/forward, or refreshes the page.
So you could have your app do different things when the URL has #page-1 vs #page-2, etc.
A more generalized and scalable solution to this is something like gwt-platform's Place architecture (along with Presenters, which are also a good idea for large apps)

Grab contents of a webpage in GWT

Let's say that I have a link to a webpage that contains some text. What's the easiest way to grab this text to process?
Long story short, I don't think it's possible to make a request from the client js to grab the text from a url with a different domain.
It is possible to make requests to load json. This link describes how.
Basically, the steps are:
Embed a tag in the GWT page
after GWT page is initialized, update
the script tag's src to load remote
remote url returns some json data
padded inside a callback javascript
function such as:
So, you're only option may be writing a method on the server side that loads the url, gets the text. You could then call this method from gwt client using normal rpc technique.
Assuming same origin: use the "RequestBuilder" class.
If you are trying to grab a webpage from a different origin, then it obviously won't work.