History management (Refresh Button) - gwt

Please give me idea about the management of data in GWT. I am using Gwt in my travel portal project and my web pages is related to previous page data but when i press the refresh button of browser's then my data is lost . so please inform me if there is any way to manage this problem.

GWT History class cannot be used to manage page refresh (only back/forward).
A click on the refresh button send a request to the server and the state of the application is reloaded from the server. That's all. You have to deal with it.
If you don't want to lose your data, you have to find a way to save it on the server when it's needed.

If your users have modern browsers, you can use the HTML5 feature localStorage to store the data in the browser between page-refresh.
Check this thread for supported browser.

You can create a url fragment to encode your data.
String location = "ny";
will result with a url fragment of www.example.com#location=ny
Then if the browser is refreshed, you can decode the url fragment and determine that the location is ny.
For multiple parameters you can create a complex fragment and parse it.
Then the url would look like www.example.com#start=newyork&end=boston

The basic idea is to store some state in the URL fragment (the part of the URL after the #) -- for example your-site.com/app#page-1
To listen for changes to the fragment, use GWT's History class. The fragment will change when the user goes back/forward, or refreshes the page.
So you could have your app do different things when the URL has #page-1 vs #page-2, etc.
A more generalized and scalable solution to this is something like gwt-platform's Place architecture (along with Presenters, which are also a good idea for large apps)


Is it possible to create a MVC application that navigates like Facebook?

Facebook seems to have a single page where the content changes based on user interaction.
For example: If I click on somebody's post, the url changes to the user's profile/posts/.
Now I'm sure this is possible to implement on MVC.
Can somebody help me get started?
Perhaps some reference/sameple/tutorial (I believe this will heavily involve configuring the routings).
Sure, that's called Custom Routing. You can set up custom routing in the routeconfig.cs file in your project (for pre-MVC4, routing is in Gloabal.asax). Then you just use an Actionlink Helper to build your links.
Read More: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/641783/Customizing-Routes-in-ASP-NET-MVC

How to duplicate a application window in GWT/GXT?

we have a CRM-like application written in GWT/GXT with help of our library which wraps some GXT widgets like ComboBox or Grid from GXT to simplify interaction with relational database. When the application starts a user have to log in and after successfully login the user can see main horizontal menu and some welcome information. If the user want to do something (e. g. to find a customer) he/she has to click somewhere in the menu and a new GXT modal window appears. Now we want to give the user a possibility to open a new session (e. g. to handle a second customer and visually compare customer's data with the first customer) in a new browser window.
How to do it?
Best Regards,
The best way I know to comunicate between browser tabs is to use HTML 5 localStorage. Here is a good tutorial. In GWT you can use gwt-storage to easily manipulate the localStorage.
If you want to open a new Window or browsertab you will need to solve two problems:
You will need to specify the session. This can be done by simply create some kind of session token-cookie. This should be flagged with http-only for security reasons). New windows will send the same cookie (and the user is logged in)
You need to specify the item, you want to show. This can be done by using the history API and store the token in the URL

Spring 3 MVC multi page form with session attributes, cannot go back

I wrote relatively simple web app in Spring MVC. I have following multipage forms:
Fill in
Check preview and eventually go back to 1. by form button or back button in your browser
I used annotation #SessionAttributes and everything goes well, besides of going back to edit form after preview.
Then I have an information that document has expired in browser and I have to renew my POST request hence creating new objects. I resolved this problem by creating another method which loads view with form and loads there information from session, but still I can't use 'back button' in my browser. I would like to avoid javascript in this problem. Any ideas?
EDIT: I can see when session is active header is always set to 'no cache no store', maybe there is a way to configure Spring Session to enable cache and store? I searched but didn't find anything helpful.

titanium webview - go to default browser when clicking links

in titanium, i'm using the webview to display a wordpress blog page, that is already formatted for mobile browser. instead of writing my own interface, this works as a good work around. the apps sole focus isn't the browser.
but my issue lies, when the user clicks a link outside of the initial displayed domain. i only want the main domain to be displayed in the apps browser. if any other link is clicked, that takes the user outside of that domain, i want to have it open in the phones default browser.
can anyone point me in a direction for this. i tried adding a listener to try and catch link clicks, however, i've been unsuccessful.
in this blog posting I show how to find links in a webpage and change the link behavior. Using the same method, you can intercept the links and redirect to opening the URL in the devices default browser
One solution would be to catch the onclick() Event by Javascript inside the WebView (your blog code) and handle this by a custom handler. Maybe you can inject the javascript event handler code into the running WebView through Titanium.
Another solution is to make your blogposts readable for app technology and create a new data interface. This is the way I would do. For that I would use some kind of JSON data format and a simple REST Interface to get the data.
I don't think bove solutions are that simple. If you want an app with "great feeling", you'll have to handle the events by your own. Maybe Phonegap would be a better solution four your problem. But there you will still need a kind of REST/JSON interface for your blog data. The idea behind an app is, that the main code is in your app and you get the content from a remote source. This way you'll get an advantage compared to a simple browser optimized site.

Updating URL without refresh

I am iterating through data and generating parameterized URL's for links (to the same page, but with parameters) on a dashboard app. However, the way I'm doing it requires a page refresh when the user clicks the link.
Generating URL with a StringBuilder
Detailhtml.append("<a href=\"http://" + domain + "&service=" + count +"&day=" + day +"\"><img src=\"/info.jpg\" alt=\"Info\"/>");
Is there a way I can dynamically create GWT buttons, or trigger some javascript to add the parameters without a page refresh?
Any help would be great...
The page will refresh if any part of the URL before the fragment (#) changes. So if you go form foo.com#a to foo.com/?bar=baz#a, a page refresh will be triggered.
The best way to get around this is just to never change anything before the fragment. Change foo.com/?bar=baz to foo.com/#bar=baz (or some variant) and have your GWT app listen for History changes by calling History.addHistoryListener(...).
Then, when you hear a history change, parse the fragment in the URL and update your app accordingly.
Some libraries like gwt-platform provide a wrapper around this functionality and let you describe Places which will get triggered when the fragment updates to match them. If you end up doing a lot of complicated things with the fragment, it would be a good idea to look into places. But if you're just passing a few parameters around, you can get away with just listening for History changes.