Rubymine: How to generate <% %> in .erb file with shortcut? - rubymine

I know ctrl+shift+. could generate <%= %>. But how can I generate <% %>?
And Can I generate <% if %> and <% end %> in pair?

(Assuming Mac here) There is no default keymap for that. It's not ideal, but I have created live templates for those. So for example, you could create a live template that looks like this:
<% if $END$ %>
<% end %>
And make it applicable in ERB. Then while editing your ERB you could CMD+j which will bring up live template autocomplete. Then just type the first few letters of whatever you named the live template ("if" for example) and it will drop the code in there for you and place the cursor wherever $END$ is defined.
It's a few more keystrokes, but it works. For more info on creating live templates in RubyMine check out the docs

I use a macro which types <% %> followed by three presses of the left arrow key to leave the cursor in the middle.
If you bind this to Cmd+Shift+< (⌘⇧<) I find it very intuitive as it's right next to the shortcut for inserting <%= %> (⌘⇧>)

Using Rubymine 2022 it's now possible to insert <% %> with ⌘⇧, (CMD+SHIFT+COMMA).
This insertion is also available through menu:
Tools -> Extensions -> Erb -> Insert <% %>


WebStorm is adding unwanted line breaks in <p> tag

I have this code in an .ejs file, writing the second block on the web page:
written by "<span class='accent'><%= params.user %></span>"
written by "Salmon"
However, when I'm reformatting my code in WebStorm (Ctrl+Alt+L) it will change it to this, resulting in unwanted spaces before and after the quotation marks:
written by "
<span class='accent'><%= params.user %></span>
written by " Salmon "
I've tried going through the HTML & EJS code style pages in WebStorm, removing h1 from the lists it appears in to no avail. Besides those changes that I later rolled back I am using default settings.

How do I change opening and closing tag at the same time in Sublime Text 3

What is the easiest way to change the opening and closing code tag?
I especially need a way to do it using Sublime Text 3's Multi-Select... so I don't have to change it 1,000 times. And find and replace won't work because I need to change only specific matches.
EX: CHANGE ALL DIVs with class="item" to tr tags
(ignore my improperly formated code this is for example only)
<div class="item">foo foo bar is foofoobar</div>
<div class="item">bar foo is barfoo</div>
<div> not a match for .item</div>
<div class="item">foo bar foo is foobarfoo</div>
<tr class="item">foo foo bar is foofoobar</tr>
<tr class="item">bar foo is barfoo</tr>
<div> not a match for .item</div>
<tr class="item">foo bar foo is foobarfoo</tr>
I couldn't find the answer so I'm answering my own question.
What is the easiest way to change the opening and closing code tag?
I especially need a way to do it using Sublime Text 3's Multi-Select... so I don't have to change it 1,000 times. And find and replace won't work because I need to change only specific matches.
Install Emmet
Then select the opening tag you want to change.
(if you need to multi select -->) Hit ALT + F3.
Now (with Emmet installed) hit CTRL + SHIFT + u
Now change your tag and hit enter/return
EX: CHANGE ALL DIVs with class="item" to tr tags
(ignore my improperly formated code this is for example only)
<div class="item">foo foo bar is foofoobar</div>
<div class="item">bar foo is barfoo</div>
<div> not a match for .item</div>
<div class="item">foo bar foo is foobarfoo</div>
Highlight div class="item"
hit ALT + F3 to select all matching divs
hit CTRL + SHIFT + u
type "tr" and hit enter
<tr class="item">foo foo bar is foofoobar</tr>
<tr class="item">bar foo is barfoo</tr>
<div> not a match for .item</div>
<tr class="item">foo bar foo is foobarfoo</tr>
Package Control not working
I had to uninstall Package Control before installing Emmet as my Package Control had become corrupt somehow.
This post answers the question of how to fix a corrupt package control item.
Why is Sublime Package Control not working?
Wrong Shortcode
It is possible your shortcode is conflicted with another plugin or your shortcode has changed from the default assignment.
Go to
Preferences > Package Settings > Emmet > Key Bindings - Default
Look for "update_as_you_type" and check the "keys" assigned. This is the keyboard shortcut you should be using. If that still does not work. Try changing the key assignment.

New lines inside paragraph in

When editing an issue and clicking Preview the following markdown source:
shows every letter on a new line.
However, it seems to me that pushing similar markdown source structure in joins all the letters on one line.
I'd like the new lines preserved in the in this project:
Any idea how?
Interpreting newlines as <br /> used to be a feature of Github-flavored markdown, but the most recent help document no longer lists this feature.
Fortunately, you can do it manually. The easiest way is to ensure that each line ends with two spaces. So, change
(where _ is a blank space).
Or, you can add explicit <br /> tags.
a <br />
b <br />
You can use a backslash at the end of a line.
So this:
will then look like:
Notice that there is no backslash at the end of the last line (after the 'c' character).
If you want to be a little bit fancier you can also create it as an html list to create something like bullets or numbers using ul or ol.
<li>Line 1</li>
<li>Line 2</li>
You should use html break <br/> tag
a <br/>
b <br/>
Using the mentioned methods above didn't work for me in all cases.
I ended up adding "##" to add a new line!
According to Github API two empty lines are a new paragraph (same as here in stackoverflow)
You can test it with

markdown: HTML block level tags wrapped by <p>

I'm using downloaded from directly from Darring Fireball to translate .md files into html.
I start the file with some block level html, then followed by markdown syntax
<div class="header">title</div>
# header
markdown keeps wrap the <div> class with <p> tags, producing:
<p><div class="header">title</div></p>
If I start the file with a newline, before the html block level tag, an empty will be produced
<div class="header">title</div>
I want to know how to stop markdown from wrapping my block-level HTML tags with <p>s.
That code is not maintained because Gruber don't care. ¹ ²
Use Text-Markdown instead, it works like you expect it to.

How to prevent Eclipse from indenting textarea's content on Ctrl+Shift+F?

I'm using Eclipse (Juno). I have a form on a JSP page that has a textarea as follows:
<textarea name="t"><c:out value="${val}" /></textarea>
When I format the code (ctrl shift F) it becomes:
<textarea name="t">
<c:out value="${val}" />
Which is fine except that it inserts extra spaces and lines in the text area. I like formatting my code using Eclipse, but the spaces/lines get added to the database when the form is submitted. Even worse, it gets compounded every time that form is submitted again. What am I doing wrong?
Try adding "textarea" to the list of inline elements on the Web->HTML Files->Editor preference page.