How to prevent Eclipse from indenting textarea's content on Ctrl+Shift+F? - eclipse

I'm using Eclipse (Juno). I have a form on a JSP page that has a textarea as follows:
<textarea name="t"><c:out value="${val}" /></textarea>
When I format the code (ctrl shift F) it becomes:
<textarea name="t">
<c:out value="${val}" />
Which is fine except that it inserts extra spaces and lines in the text area. I like formatting my code using Eclipse, but the spaces/lines get added to the database when the form is submitted. Even worse, it gets compounded every time that form is submitted again. What am I doing wrong?

Try adding "textarea" to the list of inline elements on the Web->HTML Files->Editor preference page.


How can I remove newlines and interstitial whitespace from a selection of markup in VSCode?

If I have a bit of HTML, XML, or JSX formatted like this:
<p class="foo">
<b class="bar">
some text
I would like to be able to make a selection from <p> to </p>, run a command (ideally via an assigned keyboard shortcut), and have VSCode convert it to this:
<p class="foo"><b class="bar">some text</b><p>
As context, I sometimes need to process a fair amount of marked up text in a variety of file formats, and it's very tedious to manually do this kind of formatting (or unformatting). I know you can do it with a regex find and replace in selection, but that's inconvenient because (1) there doesn't seem to be an easy way to save a set of find/replace settings as a macro and then assign them to a keyboard shortcut, and (2) VSCode's handling of the "in selection" part of find/replace all confuses me every time I use it.
I used to do this in my previous editors (e.g. BBEdit, TextMate, Sublime), but I'm hitting a wall with VSCode. The best I can find is minify/uglify extensions that work on entire files. And tons of basic tips about toggling word wrap, automatically removing trailing whitespace, etc.

Visual Studio Code and Prettier html formatting on separate lines

I'm using VS Code, and Prettier and cannot get it to format the way I want it to be upon saving.
If I have a line like
<input type="checkbox" /> Label<br />
upon format/save, it becomes
<input type="checkbox" />
<br />
I don't want to turn off Format on Save since I want to be able to Format Document from time-to-time. Is there a setting to get the line breaks how I want them? I'd prefer it only wrap on line length and other wanted places (e.g. select and option tags on different lines)
Note: this is just a simplified example. There are many other cases where it's putting every tag on a separate line when I'd like them to stay on one.
You need to update your .prettierrc file in your root to have
"printWidth": 1000
or whatever print width you are looking to have and it should fix this. Also check out the Prettier docs at to see other items you can configure.

from sql, php generating msWord need to show a carriage return?

My PHP generates a Word document, but it will not render carriage returns. My CKEditor translates a carriage return into either,
<br>, or <div>asdf</div>
When the Word document is created, it will display those HTML tags, so I strip them out. What replacement code, character, ascii, or tag can I use so that when the page is rendered, it shows the text like it did in the Editor?
Current example - if you have the text "Don't jump off the" [then hit Enter, so that the next word is below it]...
"cliff." Instead, currently, that gets saved into SQL as:
Don't jump off the <br>cliff.
Don't jump off the <div>cliff</div>.
...depending on which browser is used. In the msWord output, any tags left in the content [exceptions to strip_tags function] get displayed literally in msWord. Or, if I replace the tags with ASCII 
 it displays that literally, too. Not sure if this helps, but this is defined at the top of my php report_generator.php file:
require_once '/var/www/PhpWord/src/PhpWord/Autoloader.php';
include "/var/www/ncpcphp/NCPC_PHP_Functions.php";
DEFINE("FDOCSDIRECTORY", "Contract Attachments");
DEFINE("MIMETYPE","application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" );
Help - what can I use to cause the output to show the carriage return?
Thank you, Cindy. Your answer is a piece of the solution. My CKEditor saves carriage returns as either
<br>, <br />, or <div></div>
depending on which browser is used Chrome[div] or Firefox[br] - that goes into my msSQL. Yet, if my editor has turned-on an "Enter filter" [keycode-13] in order to prevent someone from enter-editing a [[Placeholder]] (ckeditor read-onlyplugin) then saved editor text strips out the Enter. So, I did this: kept in the enter filter because it is necessary, then after the text carriage returns are saved as br's or div's, when I run my report generator, I replace
<br>, <br />, and <div></div>
with "\n" like you said. Then I explode the text variable like this:
$show_cad = explode("\n", $show_cad);
foreach($show_cad as $line) {
The code in the editor needed to filter out the Enters only when Enter is pressed in the [[Placeholder]] plug in is more complex, and I got largely from CKEditor themselves. They request that I do not post their full solutions, but if you like I could show you pieces of it. Basically, I had to register the Placeholder widget. Then when Enter is pressed, it checks if the context is with Placeholder. If so, filter the Enter [then it disappears from the saved editor text], but if Enter is pressed elsewhere, it gets saved and used properly.
Thank you for your help!

How to make textarea to show text with HTML properties in Ionic?

I have added a textarea on my home.html page. The problem is if I am adding data line wise by pressing enter, now when i save it in the database and show it back on page, it comes in one line
This is how I type:
1. Line one
2. Line two
3. Line three
This is how it is seen on the page:
1. Line one 2. Line two 3. Line three
Below is my HTML code:
<ion-textarea rows="1" autosize #input (click)="focusInput(input)" (input)="change()" id="messageInputBox" placeholder="Type Something To Send.." type="text" name="TAG" [(ngModel)]="TAG" style="z-index:9.99999; color:#818993;font-size:18px; ">
How can I resolve this issue?
Where you echo the contents of your TAG model in your HTML template, you should use a pipe like nl2br-pipe and use it like this:
<div [innerHtml]="TAG | nl2br"></div>
Be aware that you also should sanitize your HTML, before echoing it to your page, more on that here.

snowbabel extension <br /> tag displayed in frontend

I've a problem with typo3 snowbabel extension. I need to insert a line break in frontend. In the manual, specified that "if you want to have a line break visible in front end, you'll have to insert the HTML line break tag.
I've added it. But the html br tag displayed in frontend.Also the line break is not working.
Is there any configurations for this?
Arun Chandran
This is just a handy quick solution to the problem.
You can use <section> tags instead of "<br/>" tags. Even though their purpose might be different, it still gives the output.
Just use <br></br> instead of </br>. Works fine.