not /n in scanf but program still waits - scanf

I've read on here that the /n in scanf makes the program wait for another input. my program however does not have a /n in scanf but it still waits for another input after i enter a number. Not sure why.
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int inputNumber, index = 2, lowestPrime = 1, number = 1;
printf("Enter an integer: ");
scanf("%d", &inputNumber);
if(scanf("%d", &inputNumber) != 1)
printf("Invalid input");
return 1;
printf(" The prime factorization of %d is",inputNumber);
while(inputNumber > lowestPrime)
if(inputNumber % index != 0)
index += 1;
inputNumber = (inputNumber / index);
printf(" %d", index);
return 0;

You're calling scanf twice here, once for the original call and once in your if statement. Replace the statement inside the if parenthesis by
if (inputNumber!= 1)
and you should be fine!


How to implement ThreadPool::RunAsync in Winrt/C++

I am trying to understand how I could implement a concurrent thread for processing data in a Winrt/Cpp application.
As background
I have implemented a winRT BLE component that wraps the windows bluetooth function
I am using this component in my winrt application and successfully get a notification when the app connects to me bluetooth device
Now within the app I would like to "spawn" a process that continually sends a request to the BLE device and process the response.
To achieve #3 I thought one approach could be - within the connection notification I would invoke a function called StartDataAcq that uses the threadpool to schedule work,
to test out this approach I decided to just use the example shown here
to see if it could work
So the implementation looks like this within my code
void Datamanager::BleFound(
winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& /* sender */,
uint32_t foundFlags)
OutputDebugStringW((L"Member function Called from DataManager->" + hstring(std::to_wstring(foundFlags)) + L"\r\n").c_str());
if (!acqStarted)
acqStarted = true;
void DataManager::StartDataAcq()
// The nth prime number to find.
const unsigned int n{ 99999999 };
unsigned long nthPrime{ 0 };
//submit work to thread poool
m_workItem = Windows::System::Threading::ThreadPool::RunAsync([&](Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction const& workItem)
unsigned int progress = 0; // For progress reporting.
unsigned int primes = 0; // Number of primes found so far.
unsigned long int i = 2; // Number iterator.
if ((n >= 0) && (n <= 2))
nthPrime = n;
while (primes < (n - 1))
if (workItem.Status() == Windows::Foundation::AsyncStatus::Canceled)
// Go to the next number.
// Check for prime.
bool prime = true;
for (unsigned int j = 2; j < i; ++j)
if ((i % j) == 0)
prime = false;
if (prime)
// Found another prime number.
// Report progress at every 10 percent.
unsigned int temp = progress;
progress = static_cast<unsigned int>(10.f * primes / n);
if (progress != temp)
std::wstringstream updateString;
updateString << L"Progress to " << n << L"th prime: " << (10 * progress) << std::endl;
OutputDebugStringW((L"" + updateString.str() + L"\r\n").c_str());
// Update the UI thread with the CoreDispatcher.
// Return the nth prime number.
nthPrime = i;
} , Windows::System::Threading::WorkItemPriority::Normal, Windows::System::Threading::WorkItemOptions::TimeSliced);
I see the message for the connect notification,
This debug string - OutputDebugStringW((L"Member function Called from DataManager->" + hstring(std::to_wstring(foundFlags)) + L"\r\n").c_str());
however I never see any output from the async workitem.
Can someone please help me spot the issue?
Also are there any better ways to do this? I was reading about co-routines but seeing how the work is data processing locally I do not think a co routine would work
I also was trying to find out how I could spawn a separate thread and manage it within my code - but am not sure how to do it within the winrt/c++ framework
based on Raymond Chen's comment I converted the variables on the stack to std::shared_ptr and the sample works now...
Also stumbled upon this link that explains this better than I can...
void DataManager::StartDataAcq()
auto n = make_shared<UINT32>(9999);
auto nthPrime = make_shared<UINT32>(0);
m_workItem = Windows::System::Threading::ThreadPool::RunAsync([n,nthPrime](Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction const& workItem)
unsigned int progress = 0; // For progress reporting.
unsigned int primes = 0; // Number of primes found so far.
int i = 2; // Number iterator.
if ((*n >= 0) && (*n <= 2))
*nthPrime = *n;
while (primes < (*n - 1))
if (workItem.Status() == Windows::Foundation::AsyncStatus::Canceled)
// Go to the next number.
// Check for prime.
bool prime = true;
for (unsigned int j = 2; j < i; ++j)
if ((i % j) == 0)
prime = false;
if (prime)
// Found another prime number.
// Report progress at every 10 percent.
unsigned int temp = progress;
progress = static_cast<unsigned int>(10.f * primes / *n);
if (progress != temp)
std::wstringstream updateString;
updateString << L"Progress to " << *n << L" " << i << L" th prime: " << (10 * progress) << std::endl;
OutputDebugStringW((L"" + updateString.str() + L"\r\n").c_str());
// Update the UI thread with the CoreDispatcher.
// Return the nth prime number.
*nthPrime = i;
std::wstringstream updateString;
updateString << L"Found the nth prime " << i << std::endl;
OutputDebugStringW((L"" + updateString.str() ).c_str());
} , Windows::System::Threading::WorkItemPriority::Normal, Windows::System::Threading::WorkItemOptions::TimeSliced);

calculator using ioctl of linux device driver

I am learning linux device drivers
So i am trying to write a code for calculator where user will give input using userspace program but the calculations will happen in kernel
I am using ioctl to pass values to kernel
It works fine first time(i.e. after inserting the device driver) ,but after that it gives incorrect output. So if i again want correct answer i do rmmod driver and again insmod driver
Whats wrong with the code ?
Is there any better way to map operation ,value1 and value2 than using the count variable as i am using in driver code
following is the output
where first time i get the correct output,but the second time a garbage value:
calculator_ioctl$ ./a.out
Opening Driver
Operation to perform
1. Add
2. Subtract
3. Multiply
4. Divide
Enter first value :45
Enter second value :11
writing value to driver
Reading value from driver
value is 34
closing driver
calculator_ioctl$ ./a.out
Opening Driver
Operation to perform
1. Add
2. Subtract
3. Multiply
4. Divide
Enter first value :45
Enter second value :11
writing value to driver
Reading value from driver
value is -1410510832
closing driver
driver code:
#include<linux/slab.h> //kmalloc.h
#include<linux/uaccess.h> //copy to/from user
#define WR_VALUE _IOW('a','a',int32_t*)
#define RD_VALUE _IOR('a','b',int32_t*)
int32_t value1 = 0 ;
int32_t value2 = 0 ;
int32_t value = 0 ;
int32_t oper = 0 ;
dev_t dev=0;
static struct class *dev_class;
static struct cdev etx_cdev ;
static int __init etx_driver_init(void);
static void __exit etx_driver_exit(void);
static long etx_ioctl(struct file *file,unsigned int cmd,unsigned long arg);
static struct file_operations fops =
.owner = THIS_MODULE,
.unlocked_ioctl = etx_ioctl,
static long etx_ioctl(struct file *file,unsigned int cmd,unsigned long arg)
static int count = 0;
switch(cmd) {
case WR_VALUE:
if(count == 0)
printk(KERN_INFO "oper = %d\n",oper);
else if(count == 1){
printk(KERN_INFO "value1 = %d\n",value1);
else if(count == 2){
printk(KERN_INFO "value2 = %d\n",value2);
case RD_VALUE:
if(oper == 1)
value = value1 + value2 ;
else if(oper == 2)
value = value1 - value2;
else if(oper == 3)
value = value1 * value2;
else if(oper == 4)
value = value1 / value2;
copy_to_user((int32_t*) arg, &value,sizeof(value));
count+=1 ;
if(count == 3)
count = 0 ;
return 0;
static int __init etx_driver_init(void)
if((alloc_chrdev_region(&dev,0,1,"etx_dev")) <0){
printk(KERN_INFO"cannot allocate major number\n");
return -1;
printk(KERN_INFO " MAJOR = %d Minor = %d\n",MAJOR(dev),MINOR(dev));
if((cdev_add(&etx_cdev,dev,1)) < 0){
printk(KERN_INFO "cannot add device to the system\n");
goto r_class;
/*Creating struct class*/
if((dev_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE,"etx_class")) == NULL){
printk(KERN_INFO "Cannot create the struct class\n");
goto r_class;
/*Creating device*/
if((device_create(dev_class,NULL,dev,NULL,"etx_device")) == NULL){
printk(KERN_INFO "Cannot create the Device 1\n");
goto r_device;
printk(KERN_INFO "Device Driver Insert...Done!!!\n");
return 0;
return -1;
void __exit etx_driver_exit(void)
unregister_chrdev_region(dev, 1);
printk(KERN_INFO "Device Driver Remove...Done!!!\n");
#define WR_VALUE _IOW('a','a',int32_t*)
#define RD_VALUE _IOR('a','b',int32_t*)
int main()
{ int num;
int fd;
int32_t value,number1,number2,output,operation;
printf("\nOpening Driver\n");
fd = open("/dev/etx_device",O_RDWR);
if(fd<0) {
printf("Cannot open device file ...\n");
return 0;
printf("Operation to perform\n\n");
1. Add \n \
2. Subtract \n \
3. Multiply \n \
4. Divide \n\n\n ");
if(num > 4 && num < 1)
printf("Enter between 1 and 4");
return 0;
ioctl(fd,WR_VALUE,(int32_t*) &num);
printf("Enter first value :");
printf("Enter second value :");
printf("writing value to driver\n");
ioctl(fd,WR_VALUE,(int32_t*) &number1);
ioctl(fd,WR_VALUE,(int32_t*) &number2);
printf("Reading value from driver \n");
printf("value is %d\n",value);
printf("closing driver\n");

Go back N protocol implememtation

I am implementing Go back N protocol in C.I keep a char buffer and append the header informationa and data and send it to the server from the client process.
When I keep window size less than 10, the sequence number takes the value 1-9and occupies only one byte in the buffer. When the window size is >= 10 , sequence number may 1 or 2 bytes in the character array. So I am appending length of sequence number also as a header information. That time I am getting some random data written in the output file at the server. Whereas for window size less than 10 I coded without adding sequence no. length info. Everything works fine that time.
The codes are quiet exhaustive. Yet,
Can anybody suggest any corrections to be made in the code?
client code for window size 10:-
unsigned short int checksum_2(void *buffer,unsigned int len,unsigned short int seed)
unsigned char *buf1 = (unsigned char*)buffer;
int i;
seed+=(unsigned int)(*buf1++);
//fold 32-bit sum to 16 bit
seed = (seed & 0xFFFF)+ (seed>>16);
return seed;
unsigned short int checksum(unsigned char * buff,unsigned int count)
register unsigned int sum = 0;
//main summing loop
while(count >1)
sum += *((unsigned short int*) buff);
count = count -2;
//add left over byte if any
sum += *((unsigned char *)buff);
//fold 32-bit sum to 16 bit
sum = (sum & 0xFFFF)+ (sum>>16);
return (~sum);
char* rand_corrupt(unsigned char* buff)
int n = strlen(buff);
char* str_temp = (char*)calloc(1,n); //allocate memory for a string
int i;
int num;
num = rand() %100;
buff[i] = buff[i]+1;
return str_temp;
char *itoa(long i,char *s,int dummy_radix)
return s;
void rand_wait()
int num;
int i;
num = rand() %100;
main (int argc, char **argv)
int sock,length,n;
struct sockaddr_in server,from;
struct hostent *hp;
long int packets =0;
clock_t t; //to measure CPU time
struct timeval start,end; //to measure actual execution time
struct timeval timer; //for the timer implementation
double time_diff;//to measure the timer for the execution time of code
unsigned short int check;
void* buff;
printf("initializing 2 d array\n");
char buf[1024][1024]={0};
printf("initialisation failed\n");
int nread[1024] = {0,};
char new_buff[65535]={0, };
char ack_buf[65535]={0, };
char* temp;
char checksum_info[1024]={0, } ;
char bytes_info[1024] = {0, } ;
unsigned short int bytes_len;
char bytes_len_str[1024]={0, };
char seqnum[10] = {0,};
int seq_no;
char current;
char data_1[75535]={0, };
unsigned short int check_length;
char check_len_str[1024]={0, };
char ack_check_len[1024]={0, };
unsigned short int ack_checksum_len;
char ack_check[65535]={0, };
unsigned short int ack_checksum;
char temp_buf[65535]={0, };
char temp_buffer[655]={0,};
unsigned short int actual_checksum;
unsigned short int length1;
char content[65535]={0, };
int i,j;
char end_flag =0; //to mark the end of file or error occured while reading file
int total_len[1024]={0,};
char data[1024][6553]= {0,};
char *tmp = NULL;
int msec,trigger;
clock_t difference,initial;
char ack_seqlen_char[8]= {0,};
int ack_seqlen;
int ack_seq;
char ack_seq_char[10] ={0,};
int seqnum_len;
char seqlen_char[10] = {0,};
t = clock();
buff = calloc(1,1024);//allocating memory for message buffer
if(buff == NULL)
printf("memory allocation failedi\n");
return 1;
temp = calloc(1,65535); //allocating memory for new message
if(temp == NULL)
printf("memory allocation failed\n");
return 1;
// checking if hostname and the port address is provided //
printf("insufficient arguments\n");
//create a socket//
sock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,0);
printf("error in opening socket\n");
return 1;
//to get the hostname of the system or the machine//
hp= gethostbyname(argv[1]);
printf("Unknown host\n");
return 1;
//build the server's IP address //
bzero((char *)&server,sizeof(server));
bcopy((char*)hp->h_addr,(char *)&server.sin_addr,hp->h_length);
server.sin_family = AF_INET;
server.sin_port = htons(atoi(argv[2]));
length = sizeof(server);
/*open the file that we wish to transfer*/
FILE *fp = fopen("alice.txt","rb");
printf("file open error");
return 1;
fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); //if exists read the size of the file
size_t file_size = ftell(fp);
printf("size of the file is %d\n", file_size);
/*find the number of packets*/
if(file_size == 0)
packets = 0;
packets = (file_size/1024)+1 ;
/*send the number of packets to the server*/
printf("packets =%s\n",(char*)buff);
n= sendto(sock,buff,1024,0,(struct sockaddr *)&server,sizeof(struct sockaddr));
printf("error in sending message to the server");
return 1;
int loop =1;
/*Read data from file and send it*/
int packetNum = 0;
int N = 10;
int base = 1;
int nextseqnum =1;
int sequence;
int seqnum_next = 1;
while(nextseqnum<base+N) //send N consecutive packets
memset(buf[nextseqnum], 0, 65535); //clear the contents of buf before fread
/*First read file in chunks of 1024 bytes */
nread[nextseqnum] = fread(buf[nextseqnum],1,1024,fp);
printf("Bytes read %d\n",nread[nextseqnum]);
/*if read was success ,send data*/
printf ("I am HERE\n");
check = checksum(buf[nextseqnum],nread[nextseqnum]); //calculate the checksum
printf("checksum is %d\n",check);
itoa(check,checksum_info,10); //convert checksum into string
check_length = strlen(checksum_info); //calculate the length of the checksum
itoa(check_length,check_len_str,10); //convert the checksum lenght to string form
itoa(nread[nextseqnum],bytes_info,10); //the data length in string format
bytes_len = strlen(bytes_info);
itoa(seqnum_next,seqnum,10); //combine seq no,checksum and the data content into one packet
printf("sequence number is %s\n",seqnum);
seqnum_len = strlen(seqnum); //getting the length of the sequence
itoa(seqnum_len,seqlen_char,10); //converting it into string format
strncat(data[nextseqnum],checksum_info,(strlen(checksum_info))); //adding checksum
strncat(data[nextseqnum],bytes_len_str,strlen(bytes_len_str)); //adding data length
strncat(data[nextseqnum],bytes_info,strlen(bytes_info)); //adding the data length info
j= seqnum_len+3+bytes_len+check_length;
data[nextseqnum][j] = buf[nextseqnum][i];
total_len[nextseqnum] = nread[nextseqnum]+3+bytes_len+check_length;//finding the total length
data[nextseqnum][total_len[nextseqnum]] = '\0';
n= sendto(sock,data[nextseqnum],total_len[nextseqnum],0,(struct sockaddr *)&server,sizeof(struct sockaddr));///send the data packet after adding the header info
printf("error in sending message to the server");
return 1;
if(nextseqnum == base)
msec = 0;
trigger = 50; /*50 ms*/
initial = clock(); /*start the timer*/
seqnum_next = nextseqnum%N;
if(seqnum_next == 0)
seqnum_next = N;
/*There is something tricky going on with the read..
* Either there was error ,or we reached end of file.
printf("End of file\n");
printf("Error reading\n");
end_flag = 1; //set the flag that it has reached EOF or encountered error
while(1) //wait for the acknowledgement for the sent packets till timeout , here timer value is set to 50 ms
difference = clock()-initial;
msec = difference*1000/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
if(msec<trigger) //if it is not timeout then receive the ack packets
memset(ack_buf, 0, 65535); //clear the contents of ack_buf
//printf ("Receiving packet\n");
n = recvfrom(sock,ack_buf,1024,MSG_DONTWAIT,&server, &length); //receive the ack from the server
temp_buffer[j] = ack_buf[i];
temp_buffer[j] = '\0';
strcpy(ack_seqlen_char,temp_buffer);//get the length of the ack sequence //number
ack_seqlen = atoi(ack_seqlen_char); //converting it to int
ack_seq_char[j]= ack_buf[i];
j++; //next bytes till i=ack_seqlen will be sequence number
seq_no = atoi(ack_seq_char);
printf("Ack received for the sequence number %d\n",seq_no);
j =0;
for(i=1+ack_seqlen;i<2+ack_seqlen;i++) //next byte will have the length of checksum
temp_buf[j] = ack_buf[i]; //extracting the checksum length
temp_buf[j] = '\0'; //ending the string with a null character
strcpy(ack_check_len,temp_buf); //length of checksum will be in string format
ack_checksum_len = atoi(ack_check_len); //convert it into int
j = 0;
for(i=2+ack_seqlen;i<(2+ack_seqlen+ack_checksum_len);i++) //extract the checksum
ack_check[j] = ack_buf[i];
ack_check[j] ='\0';
ack_checksum = atoi(ack_check); //the checksum will be in string format,convert it into the integer format
j=0; //extract the content i.e the actual ack message
content[j] = ack_buf[i];
content[j] ='\0';
length1 = strlen(content);
actual_checksum = checksum(content,length1);//calculate the actual checksum
printf("checksum of the ack received is %d\t and the checksum of the ack sent is %d\n",actual_checksum,ack_checksum);
if(actual_checksum == ack_checksum) //if the ack is not corrupt then update the base
printf("successfully recived packet %d\n",seq_no);
base =seq_no+1;
if(base == nextseqnum) //go to sending next series of packets
printf ("base is %d\n", base);
initial = clock(); //start timer for next in-flight packet
else //if it is a corrupt ack
printf("Ack corrupted,wait till timeout\n");
} else {
if (end_flag == 1) {
printf ("Reached END\n");
else //if the timer is out, resend the packet from the packet with seqno
// base till nextseqnum-1,start timer
initial = clock();
sequence = base;
while(sequence <= nextseqnum-1)
n= sendto(sock,data[sequence],total_len[sequence],0,(struct sockaddr *)&server,sizeof(struct sockaddr));///send the data packet after adding the header info
printf("error in sending message to the server");
return 1;
if(end_flag == 1) //if there had been an error in reading file of EOF had reached break out of
// the outermost while loop
printf ("I am at the END\n");
printf ("Sending finish packet\n");
n= sendto(sock,buff,1024,0,(struct sockaddr *)&server,sizeof(struct sockaddr));
printf("error in sending message to the server");
return 1;
fclose(fp); //close the file to complete the transmission
t = clock()-t;
double time_taken = ((double)t)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; //in secconds
printf(" The CPU time for transmission %f seconds \n",time_taken);
double delta = ((end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)*1000000u+ end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)/1.e6;
printf("The actual execution time took %f seconds\n", delta);
close(sock); //close api tries to complete the transmission if there is data waiting to be transmitted
return 0;

C++ strTok implementation returning weird characters

I'm currently working on a string tokenizer in C++ and am getting a strange result.
char *mystrtok(char *str, const char *delim)
char * LeftOver;
bool lastToken;
int i=0;
if(str != NULL)
LeftOver = str;
lastToken = false;
str = LeftOver;
for(i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++)
for(int j=0; delim[j] != '\0'; j++)
//If I take out this line then it returns weird characters
cout << "\tstr[" << i <<" ]" << "=" << str[i] << endl;
if(LeftOver[i] == delim[j])
str[i] = '\0';
LeftOver = str + i+1;
return str;
if(LeftOver[i] == '\0' && !lastToken)
lastToken = true;
return str;
return NULL;
What's really weird is that if I take out the cout then it returns weird characters
Any idea what could be causing this?
Here's a sample output
"ls -l -a | wc -c >> myfile"
returned: ls
I saw several problems with this code, first
str = LeftOver;
At this line, LeftOver has not been initialized at all. But you use it to initialize str. You want to make LeftOver static?
Second, your test for LastToken,
if(LeftOver[i] == '\0' && !lastToken)
It will aways true for !lastToken since before this line it is always false, you want to make it static too?

C++ code to find BSSID OF associated network

Hello I've written the following code which is a part of a project. It is used to find the ESSID of the current associated network.
But it has a flaw: it also the displays the ESSID of the network with which I am not associated i.e. if I try to associate myself with a wireless n/w and if it is unsuccessful i.e. NO DHCP OFFERS ARE RECEIVED, then also it will display the that ESSID with which I have made my attempt.
Could anyone give me an ioctl call to find the BSSID of current associated wireless n/w?. In my opinion it is the only way with which I a can mark b/w associated and non associated.
int main (void)
int errno;
struct iwreq wreq;
CStdString result = "None";
int sockfd;
char * id;
char ESSID[100];
memset(&wreq, 0, sizeof(struct iwreq));
if((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open socket \n");
fprintf(stderr, "errno = %d \n", errno);
fprintf(stderr, "Error description is : %s\n",strerror(errno));
return result ;
CLog::Log(LOGINFO,"Socket opened successfully");
FILE* fp = fopen("/proc/net/dev", "r");
if (!fp)
// TBD: Error
return result;
char* line = NULL;
size_t linel = 0;
int n;
char* p;
int linenum = 0;
while (getdelim(&line, &linel, '\n', fp) > 0)
// skip first two lines
if (linenum++ < 2)
p = line;
while (isspace(*p))
n = strcspn(p, ": \t");
p[n] = 0;
strcpy(wreq.ifr_name, p);
id = new char[IW_ESSID_MAX_SIZE+100];
wreq.u.essid.pointer = id;
wreq.u.essid.length = 100;
if ( ioctl(sockfd,SIOCGIWESSID, &wreq) == -1 ) {
return ESSID;
return result;