cakephp select dropdown list - forms

i have the following models: Student,Form,FormsStream.
the student model have foreign keys to both models. Student.form_id is a foreignKey to the form table,Student.stream_id is foreign to the FormsStream table. i already have entries for both forms and formsStreams.
to add the student Form and Stream i select both from respective drop-down list. i already created the drop-down list.
my Problem.
previously i was able to save/edit student form and stream but after making those fields foreign keys to be selected i cant save new or edit those fields. i use cakePHP 2.5.4.
however i can do that in SQL.
i cant seem to figure out the problem with the select lists.
my method to get the forms from the database
public function loadStudentForm() {
$this->loadModel('Student'); //load the associated models
$forms = $this->Form->find('list',array('fields' => 'form_name')); //get the forms from the database
method to get streams from database
public function loadStreams() {
$streams = $this->FormsStream->find('list',array('fields' => 'stream_name'));
student add method
public function addStudent() {
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
if ($this->Student->save($this->request->data)) {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('New student record added to the database.'));
return $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('The student could not be added.Please ensure all fields are correctly entered'));
the extract from add.ctp for selecting student form and stream
echo $this->Form->input('forms',array('label' => 'Form'));
echo $this->Form->input('streams',array('label' => 'Class stream'));
so far printing contents of validateErrors shows this:
'Student' => array(
'form_id' => array(
(int) 0 => 'You must select the form'
'stream_id' => array(
(int) 0 => 'You must choose a stream'
'Form' => array(),
'FormsStream' => array()
i've even tried to intercept the request in burpsuite and i can see the form and stream id are passed.just dont get why they are empty in the above array
_method=POST&data%5BStudent%5D%5Badmission_no%5D=1002&data%5BStudent%5D%5Bfirst_name%5D=peter&data%5BStudent%5D%5Bmiddle_name%5D=per&data%5BStudent%5D%5Blast_name%5D=pee&data%5BStudent%5D%5Bgender%5D=Male&data%5BStudent%5D%5Bdate_of_birth%5D%5Bmonth%5D=11&data%5BStudent%5D%5Bdate_of_birth%5D%5Bday%5D=05&data%5BStudent%5D%5Bdate_of_birth%5D%5Byear%5D=2014&data%5BStudent%5D%5Bjoin_date%5D%5Bmonth%5D=11&data%5BStudent%5D%5Bjoin_date%5D%5Bday%5D=05&data%5BStudent%5D%5Bjoin_date%5D%5Byear%5D=2014&data%5BStudent%5D%5Bforms%5D=1&data%5BStudent%5D%5Bsstrong texttreams%5D=1

The input must be form_id and stream_id. Even if you set them with plural form cakephp recognize it in the following form.
echo $this->Form->input('form_id',array('label' => 'Form'));
echo $this->Form->input('stream_id',array('label' => 'Class stream'));


Cakephp automatically filled form select for two word named belongTo model

What is right naming or what am I missing to get automagic run for two word named Model. Actual model belong to the two words named model.
Exact example:
Tour belongs to Accommodation type.
in database there is table tours and table accommodation_types
foreign key from tours is tours.accommodation_type_id
Snapshots of code below.
public function add() {
$accommodation_types = $this->Tour->AccommodationType->find('list');
$this->set(compact('accommodation_types', ...));
public $belongsTo = array(
'AccommodationType' => array(
'className' => 'AccommodationType',
'foreignKey' => 'accommodation_type_id',
'conditions' => '',
'fields' => '',
'order' => ''
Tours/add.ctp (inside a form)
echo $this->Form->input('accommodation_type_id', array('label' => 'Accommodation type'));
As per convention the view vars names should be camelBacked. So rename the view var from $accommodation_types to $accommodationTypes. If you don't follow convention you have to explicitly specify the options var to use like this:
echo $this->Form->input('accommodation_type_id', array('options' => $accommodation_types, 'label' => 'Accommodation type'));

cake php habtm select does not set selected values

Hello I have several troubles with HABTM and Form.
I am using CakePHP 2.3 and PHP 5.3.3
This is my code situation for the understanding of the scenario: Albums and Singles related with a HABTM relation. Albums cointains many Singles and Singles belongs to many Albums.
Model Album.php ( don't care about raisins: is my personal plugin for managing images )
App::uses('Raisin', 'Raisins.Model');
App::uses('PastryBehavior', 'Raisins.Model/Behavior');
class Album extends AppModel
public $name = 'Album';
public $actsAs = array(
'Utils.Sluggable' => array(
'label' => 'title'
public $hasOne = array(
'Image' => array('className' => 'Raisins.Raisin')
public $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
public $belongsTo = array(
Controller AlbumsController.php ( edit part )
$this->request->data = $this->Album->read(null, $id);
<?php echo $this->Form->input('Single',array('class' => 'span12','label' => 'Singoli' ) ); ?>
In the view I see the select populated from the values coming from the controller singles set, but the selected item, previously saved, is not highlighted.
Consider that in the database the habtm table contains the correct row populated with the data saved.
I read , somewehere in the middle, that some previous version of cake, prior to 2.3, used to have some problem related to habtm form select input.
I am very stuck at this because I have almost tried every known workaround without sorting any positive effect.
Any help, hint would be very appreciated.
Thanks in advance

Yii CJuiAutoComplete for Multiple values

I am a Yii Beginner and I am currently working on a Tagging system where I have 3 tables:
Issue (id,content,create_d,...etc)
Tag (id,tag)
Issue_tag_map (id,tag_id_fk,issue_id_fk)
In my /Views/Issue/_form I have added a MultiComplete Extension to retrieve multiple tag ids and labels,
I have used an afterSave function in order to directly store the Issue_id and the autocompleted Tag_ids in the Issue_tag_map table, where it is a HAS_MANY relation.
Unfortunately Nothing is being returned.
I wondered if there might be a way to store the autocompleted Tag_ids in a temporary attribute and then pass it to the model's afterSave() function.
I have been searching for a while, and this has been driving me crazy because I feel I have missed a very simple step!
Any Help or advices of any kind are deeply appreciated!
MultiComplete in Views/Issue/_form:
echo $form->labelEx($model, 'Tag');
$this->widget('application.extension.MultiComplete', array(
'model' => $model,
'attribute' => '', //Was thinking of creating a temporary here
'name' => 'tag_autocomplete',
'splitter' => ',',
'sourceUrl' => $this->createUrl('Issue/tagAutoComplete'),
// Controller/Action path for action we created in step 4.
// additional javascript options for the autocomplete plugin
'options' => array(
'minLength' => '2',
'htmlOptions' => array(
'style' => 'height:20px;',
echo $form->error($model, 'issue_comment_id_fk');
AfterSave in /model/Issue:
protected function afterSave() {
$issue_id = Yii::app()->db->getLastInsertID();
$tag; //here I would explode the attribute retrieved by the view form
// an SQL with two placeholders ":issue_id" and ":tag_id"
if (is_array($tag))
foreach ($tag as $tag_id) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO issue_tag_map (issue_id_fk, tag_id_fk)VALUES(:issue_id,:tag_id)";
$command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql);
// replace the placeholder ":issue_id" with the actual issue value
$command->bindValue(":issue_id", $issue_id, PDO::PARAM_STR);
// replace the placeholder ":tag_id" with the actual tag_id value
$command->bindValue(":tag_id", $tag_id, PDO::PARAM_STR);
And this is the Auto Complete sourceUrl in the Issue model for populating the tags:
public static function tagAutoComplete($name = '') {
$sql = 'SELECT id ,tag AS label FROM tag WHERE tag LIKE :tag';
$name = $name . '%';
return Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll(true, array(':tag' => $name));
actionTagAutoComplete in /controllers/IssueController:
// This function will echo a JSON object
// of this format:
// [{id:id, name: 'name'}]
function actionTagAutocomplete() {
$term = trim($_GET['term']);
if ($term != '') {
$tags = issue::tagAutoComplete($term);
echo CJSON::encode($tags);
Widget in form:
<div class="row" id="checks" >
echo $form->labelEx($model, 'company',array('title'=>'File Company Distrubution; Companies can be edited by Admins'));
$this->widget('application.extension.MultiComplete', array(
'model' => $model,
'attribute' => 'company',
'splitter' => ',',
'name' => 'company_autocomplete',
'sourceUrl' => $this->createUrl('becomEn/CompanyAutocomplete'),
'options' => array(
'minLength' => '1',
'htmlOptions' => array(
'style' => 'height:20px;',
'size' => '45',
echo $form->error($model, 'company');
Update function:
$model = $this->loadModel($id);
if (isset($_POST['News'])) {
$model->attributes = $_POST['News'];
$model->companies = $this->getRecordsFromAutocompleteString($_POST['News']
public static cordsFromAutocompleteString($string) {
$string = trim($string);
$stringArray = explode(", ", $string);
$stringArray[count($stringArray) - 1] = str_replace(",", "", $stringArray[count($stringArray) - 1]);
$criteria = new CDbCriteria();
$criteria->select = 'id';
$criteria->condition = 'company =:company';
$companies = array();
foreach ($stringArray as $company) {
$criteria->params = array(':company' => $company);
$companies[] = Company::model()->find($criteria);
return $companies;
since the "value" porperty is not implemented properly in this extension I referred to extending this function to the model:
public function afterFind() {
//tag is the attribute used in form
$this->tag = $this->getAllTagNames();
You should have a relation between Issue and Tags defined in both Issue and Tag models ( should be a many_many relation).
So in IssueController when you send the data to create or update the model Issue, you'll get the related tags (in my case I get a string like 'bug, problem, ...').
Then you need to parse this string in your controller, get the corresponding models and assigned them to the related tags.
Here's a generic example:
//In the controller's method where you add/update the record
$issue->tags = getRecordsFromAutocompleteString($_POST['autocompleteAttribute'], 'Tag', 'tag');
Here the method I'm calling:
//parse your string ang fetch the related models
public static function getRecordsFromAutocompleteString($string, $model, $field)
$string = trim($string);
$stringArray = explode(", ", $string);
$stringArray[count($stringArray) - 1] = str_replace(",", "", $stringArray[count($stringArray) - 1]);
return CActiveRecord::model($model)->findAllByAttributes(array($field => $stringArray));
So now your $issue->tags is an array containing all the related Tags object.
In your afterSave method you'll be able to do:
protected function afterSave() {
//$issue_id = Yii::app()->db->getLastInsertID(); Don't need it, yii is already doing it
foreach ($this->tags as $tag) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO issue_tag_map (issue_id_fk, tag_id_fk)VALUES(:issue_id,:tag_id)";
$command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql);
$command->bindValue(":issue_id", $this->id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$command->bindValue(":tag_id", $tag->id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
Now the above code is a basic solution. I encourage you to use activerecord-relation-behavior's extension to save the related model.
Using this extension you won't have to define anything in the afterSave method, you'll simply have to do:
$issue->tags = getRecordsFromAutocompleteString($_POST['autocompleteAttribute'], 'Tag', 'tag');
$issue->save(); // all the related models are saved by the extension, no afterSave defined!
Then you can optimize the script by fetching the id along with the tag in your autocomplete and store the selected id's in a Json array. This way you won't have to perform the sql query getRecordsFromAutocompleteString to obtain the ids. With the extension mentioned above you'll be able to do:
$issue->tags = CJSON::Decode($_POST['idTags']);//will obtain array(1, 13, ...)
$issue->save(); // all the related models are saved by the extension, the extension is handling both models and array for the relation!
If you want to fill the autocomplete field you could define the following function:
public static function appendModelstoString($models, $fieldName)
$list = array();
foreach($models as $model)
$list[] = $model->$fieldName;
return implode(', ', $list);
You give the name of the field (in your case tag) and the list of related models and it will generate the appropriate string. Then you pass the string to the view and put it as the default value of your autocomplete field.
Answer to your edit:
In your controller you say that the companies of this model are the one that you added from the Autocomplete form:
$model->companies = $this->getRecordsFromAutocompleteString($_POST['News']
So if the related company is not in the form it won't be saved as a related model.
You have 2 solutions:
Each time you put the already existing related model in you autocomplete field in the form before displaying it so they will be saved again as a related model and it won't disapear from the related models
$this->widget('application.extensions.multicomplete.MultiComplete', array(
'name' => 'people',
'value' => (isset($people))?$people:'',
'sourceUrl' => array('searchAutocompletePeople'),
In your controller before calling the getRecordsFromAutocompleteString you add the already existing models of the model.
$model->companies = array_merge(

Duplicate Validation on Combined Fields in zend form

Hi there I have a table in which combination of three fields is unique. I want to put the check of duplication on this combination. Table looks like
I know how to validate single field, But how to validate the combination is not know. To validate one field I use the following function
public function isValid($data) {
// Options for name field validation
$options = array(
'adapter' => Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter(),
'table' => 'currencies',
'field' => 'name',
'message'=> ('this currency name already exists in our DB'),
// Exclude if a id is given (edit action)
if (isset($data['id'])) {
$options['exclude'] = array('field' => 'id', 'value' => $data['id']);
// Validate that name is not already in use
->addValidator('Db_NoRecordExists', false, $options
return parent::isValid($data);
Will any body guide me how can I validate duplication on combined fields?
There is no ready to use validator for this, as far as I know. You have either to write your own, or do a check with SQL-query with three conditions (one for each field).
you have to Apply a validation on name element of zend form.
Here is code for add validation on name field.
'table' => 'currencies',
'field' => 'name',
'messages' => array( "recordFound" => "This Currency Name already exists in our DB") ,
And you must set required true.

Validate subform that's not connected to entity in Symfony 2

I've got a form in Symfony2 that's not connected to any entity. It has a child form, of which 1..n instances can be added dynamically on the front-end.
//car data
->add('cars', 'collection', array(
'label' => ' ',
'type' => new CarLeasingType(),
'allow_add' => true,
'prototype' => true,
The parent form has it's validation to validate other fields that are in the form.
public function getDefaultOptions(array $options)
$collectionConstraint = new Collection(array(
'fields' => array(
//some fields an their validation
'allowExtraFields' => true,
return array('validation_constraint' => $collectionConstraint);
The child form (of type CarLeasingType) has it's own validation. My problem now has two levels:
I had to set 'allowExtraFields' to true in parent form validation constraint, otherwise I got a message like The fields 0, 1 were not expected
The validation constraint in the child form is not executed at all.
To explain why the cars fields from the subform are identified as 0 and 1 here is the JavaScript function I use to generate the subform dynamically from the data-prototype attribute:
function add_dynamic_field(holderId) {
var collectionHolder = $('#' + holderId);
if (0 === collectionHolder.length) return false;
var prototype = collectionHolder.attr('data-prototype');
form = prototype.replace(/<label class=" required">\$\$name\$\$<\/label>/, '');
form = form.replace(/\$\$name\$\$/g, collectionHolder.children().length);
How can I validate also each of the subforms added dynamically?
Perhaps something along these lines might help:
public function somexAction()
//get objects through the $form object
//get validator service
$validator = $this->get('validator');
//validate objects manually
foreach object as obj
$errors = $validator->validate($obj);
if (count($errors) > 0) {
} else {
Basically, it means taking advantage of the validator service.
Taken from
For more info on the validator methods/etc., check out the api.