Validate subform that's not connected to entity in Symfony 2 - forms

I've got a form in Symfony2 that's not connected to any entity. It has a child form, of which 1..n instances can be added dynamically on the front-end.
//car data
->add('cars', 'collection', array(
'label' => ' ',
'type' => new CarLeasingType(),
'allow_add' => true,
'prototype' => true,
The parent form has it's validation to validate other fields that are in the form.
public function getDefaultOptions(array $options)
$collectionConstraint = new Collection(array(
'fields' => array(
//some fields an their validation
'allowExtraFields' => true,
return array('validation_constraint' => $collectionConstraint);
The child form (of type CarLeasingType) has it's own validation. My problem now has two levels:
I had to set 'allowExtraFields' to true in parent form validation constraint, otherwise I got a message like The fields 0, 1 were not expected
The validation constraint in the child form is not executed at all.
To explain why the cars fields from the subform are identified as 0 and 1 here is the JavaScript function I use to generate the subform dynamically from the data-prototype attribute:
function add_dynamic_field(holderId) {
var collectionHolder = $('#' + holderId);
if (0 === collectionHolder.length) return false;
var prototype = collectionHolder.attr('data-prototype');
form = prototype.replace(/<label class=" required">\$\$name\$\$<\/label>/, '');
form = form.replace(/\$\$name\$\$/g, collectionHolder.children().length);
How can I validate also each of the subforms added dynamically?

Perhaps something along these lines might help:
public function somexAction()
//get objects through the $form object
//get validator service
$validator = $this->get('validator');
//validate objects manually
foreach object as obj
$errors = $validator->validate($obj);
if (count($errors) > 0) {
} else {
Basically, it means taking advantage of the validator service.
Taken from
For more info on the validator methods/etc., check out the api.


How to pass default data when creating a form holding a CollectionType?

I am trying to create multi import data, so I need many form collection this same class in one place. I can do this using collection type.
I created pictures Class with have one field: pictures and it is arrayCollection type like this:
class Pictures {
protected $pictures;
public function __construct()
$this->pictures = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();
public function addPicture(Picture $picture)
$this->pictures[] = $picture;
return $this;
public function removePicture(Picture $picture)
public function getPictures()
return $this->pictures;
Next I created pictures form with collection to pictureType.
->add('pictures', 'collection', array(
'prototype' => false,
'by_reference' => true,
'entry_type' => PictureType::class,
'options' => array('label' => false))
Next I have picture Entity with fields for example name, width, height, image (nevermind).
So my PictureType is a simple form fith fields that same like Entity (standard).
Now I try to render this form and add some picture in controller (not from database). Then I create Picture Object and next I add it to pictures->addPicture($picture);
$pictures = new Pictures();
foreach($data as $d){
$picture = new Picture();
$form = $this->createForm('PicturesType', $pictures, array(
'action' => $this->generateUrl('dashboard_fotolia_save'),
'method' => 'POST',
After it if rendered form is ok. I can see and change values.
But after submit form data disapear. I hope data will be stored in response but not:(
I want to use it only for create new object. Could you help me?
Form errors: This form should not contain extra fields
Actually it seems that your PicturesType holds a pictures field since you add it with :
$builder->add('pictures', 'collection', ...
So you got a form type with holds an array of data with a key 'pictures' for the corresponding fields.
You may want to set it by :
$form = $this->createForm('PicturesType', array('pictures' => $pictures), ...

field array type in entity for form choice type field symfony

I would like to create a UserForm for create user in my system backend.
I use a entity with a 'role' field as type array
I want use a select choice field type Form with that entity field.
I use a transformer class system for convert data between Entity and form.
but I turn around in my head and nothing run correctly.
When I use options 'multiple' of choice type, my field display correctly but I don't want to display and select multiple value for this field.
I have Notice: Undefined offset: 0 error
I have ContextErrorException: Notice: Array to string conversion
Here few essential code :
UserForm class
$builder->add($builder->create('roles', 'choice', array(
'label' => 'I am:',
'mapped' => true,
'expanded' => false,
'multiple' => false,
'choices' => array(
'ROLE_NORMAL' => 'Standard',
'ROLE_VIP' => 'VIP',
transformer Class
class StringToArrayTransformer implements DataTransformerInterface
public function transform($array)
return $array[0];
public function reverseTransform($string)
return array($string);
controller method
$user = new User(); //init entity
$form = $this->createForm(new UserForm(), $user);
if ($form->isValid())
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('task_success'));
entity part
* #ORM\Column(name="roles", type="array")
protected $roles;
public function getRoles()
return $this->roles;
public function setRoles(array $roles)
$this->roles = $roles;
return $this;
My field roles entity must be a array for run correctly the security component Symfony
can you help me to understand why this field form refuse to display ?
I already readed others questions in same issue but there is anything that I don't understand because nothing help me to resolve my problem.
If you can help me with MY particular context...
Thank for support
because security symfony component integration
If you only need the "getRoles" method because of the interface you are implementing, it is simpler (and cleaner) to do the following:
Change the entities field again to role with type string
Rename your getter and setter to getRole() and setRole()
and add a getRoles method like this:
public function getRoles()
return array($this->role);
In your form type, change the field name to "role" and 'multiple' => false
Remove your model transformer
This should be the solution ;)

Zend_Form renders all fields as text

I have a Zend_Form form, with some custom decorators, like this:
$decorators = array();
$decorators[] = new Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper(array());
$decorators[] = new Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors;
$decorators[] = new Zend_Form_Decorator_HtmlTag(array('tag' => 'div', 'class' => 'form-item'));
$decorators[] = new Zend_Form_Decorator_Label(array('class' => 'form-label'));
$decorators[] = new Zend_Form_Decorator_Callback(array(
'callback' => function($content, $element, $options) {
return sprintf('<div class="form-row">%s</div>', $content);
'placement' => false
The problem is, that all of the fields are rendered as text inputs. Why does it happen?
EDIT: I discovered, that it doesn't render all the inputs necessarily as text inputs, but renders them with type of the first input in form. Here is example of a form that i use(the decorators are set int parent's init):
class Form_Users_Add extends Form_Base {
protected $pbxs = array(1 => 'Element 1', 2 => 'Element 2');
public function init() {
$monitors = new Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox('prefered_screen_count');
$pbx = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('asterisk_id');
Yay! I have solved the issue! The cause was that I used INSTANCES of classes, not the names. This way every element was using the same instance of the decorator.

How to add validators on the fly in Symfony2?

I've a password form field (not mapped to User password) to be used in a change password form, along with two other (mapped) fields, first and last.
I've to add validators on the fly: if value for password is blank then no validation should occur. Otherwise a new MinLength and MaxLength validators should be added.
Here is what i've done so far: create the repeated password field, add a CallbackValidator and return if $form->getData() is null.
Then, how can i add validators for minimum and maximum length to $field?
$builder = $this->createFormBuilder($user);
$field = $builder->create('new_password', 'repeated', array(
'type' => 'password',
'first_name' => 'Password',
'second_name' => 'Confirm password',
'required' => false,
'property_path' => false // Not mapped to the entity password
// Add a callback validator the the password field
$field->addValidator(new Form\CallbackValidator(function($form) {
$data = $form->getData();
if(is_null($data)) return; // Field is blank
// Here password is provided and match confirm, check min = 3 max = 10
// Add fields to the form
$form = $builder
->add('first', 'text', array('required' => false)) // Mapped
->add('last', 'text', array('required' => false)) // Mapped
->add($field) // Not mapped
Oh well, found a solution myself after a few experiments.
I'm going to leave this question unanswered for a couple of days as one can post a better solution, that would be really really welcome :)
In particular, i found the new FormError part redundat, don't know if there is a better way to add the error to the form. And honestly, don't know why new Form\CallbackValidator works while new CallbackValidator won't.
So, don't forget to add use statements like these:
use Symfony\Component\Form as Form, // Mendatory
And the callback is:
$validation = function(FormInterface $form) {
// If $data is null then the field was blank, do nothing more
if(is_null($data = $form->getData())) return;
// Create a new MinLengthValidator
$validator = new MinLengthValidator();
// If $data is invalid against the MinLength constraint add the error
if(!$validator->isValid($data, new MinLength(array('limit' => 3)))) :
$template = $validator->getMessageTemplate(); // Default error msg
$parameters = $validator->getMessageParameters(); // Default parameters
// Add the error to the form (to the field "password")
$form->addError(new Form\FormError($template, $parameters));
Well, and this is the part i can't understand (why i'm forced to prefix with Form), but it's fine:
$builder->get('password')->addValidator(new Form\CallbackValidator($validation));
addValidator was deprecated and completly removed since Symfony 2.3.
You can do that by listening to the POST_SUBMIT event
$builder->addEventListener(FormEvents::POST_SUBMIT, function ($event) {
$data = $event->getData();
$form = $event->getForm();
if (null === $data) {
if ("Your logic here") {
$form->get('new_password')->addError(new FormError());

How to do a select with Zend Framework from a form?

im trying make a form with zend, and i do know how to do a select from a form
public function init()
"label" => "Titulo"
$this->setAttrib("id", "enviarNoticia");
$this->setAttrib("class", "FormEnviarNoticia");
$this->addElement("multiselect", "categories",array(
"label" => "Categories",
"required" => false,
How to add options and item selected?
Instead of trying to get the data from the form itself, you should get the data from the model/database in your controller and assign the values to the form from the controller.
// In a controller
// get the options from your model or database into an array
$options = array('name' => 'value', 'name2' => 'value2', 'name3' => 'value3');
$form = new Application_Form_Form();
$form->getElement('categories')->setMultiOptions($options); // set the $options as the options for the categories multiselect
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
if ($this->form->isValid($this->getRequest()->getPost())) {
// form passed validation
} else { // form was not submitted
// to set default value(s) for the select
$form->getElement('categories')->setValue(array('name2', 'name3'));