Why does the task size keep growing when using updateStateByKey? - scala

I wrote a simple function to use with updateStateByKey in order to see if the problem was because of my updateFunc. I think it must be due to something else. I am running this on --master local[4].
val updateFunc = (values: Seq[Int], state: Option[Int]) => {
val state = test.updateStateByKey[Int](updateFunc)
After a while, there are warnings, and the task size keeps increasing.
WARN TaskSetManager: Stage x contains a task of very large size (129 KB). The maximum recommended task size is 100 KB.
WARN TaskSetManager: Stage x contains a task of very large size (131 KB). The maximum recommended task size is 100 KB.

You have more and more distinct keys coming from your stream, each of which results in a new copy of 1 being added to your state.
Current updateStateByKey scan every key in every batch interval, even if there is no data for that key. This causes the batch processing times of updateStateByKey to increase with the number of keys in the state, even if the data rate stays fixed.
There is a proposal to solve this.


How to allocate the executors for task in Spark? [duplicate]

Let's assume for the following that only one Spark job is running at every point in time.
What I get so far
Here is what I understand what happens in Spark:
When a SparkContext is created, each worker node starts an executor.
Executors are separate processes (JVM), that connects back to the driver program. Each executor has the jar of the driver program. Quitting a driver, shuts down the executors. Each executor can hold some partitions.
When a job is executed, an execution plan is created according to the lineage graph.
The execution job is split into stages, where stages containing as many neighbouring (in the lineage graph) transformations and action, but no shuffles. Thus stages are separated by shuffles.
I understand that
A task is a command sent from the driver to an executor by serializing the Function object.
The executor deserializes (with the driver jar) the command (task) and executes it on a partition.
How do I split the stage into those tasks?
Are the tasks determined by the transformations and actions or can be multiple transformations/actions be in a task?
Are the tasks determined by the partition (e.g. one task per per stage per partition).
Are the tasks determined by the nodes (e.g. one task per stage per node)?
What I think (only partial answer, even if right)
In https://0x0fff.com/spark-architecture-shuffle, the shuffle is explained with the image
and I get the impression that the rule is
each stage is split into #number-of-partitions tasks, with no regard for the number of nodes
For my first image I'd say that I'd have 3 map tasks and 3 reduce tasks.
For the image from 0x0fff, I'd say there are 8 map tasks and 3 reduce tasks (assuming that there are only three orange and three dark green files).
Open questions in any case
Is that correct? But even if that is correct, my questions above are not all answered, because it is still open, whether multiple operations (e.g. multiple maps) are within one task or are separated into one tasks per operation.
What others say
What is a task in Spark? How does the Spark worker execute the jar file? and How does the Apache Spark scheduler split files into tasks? are similar, but I did not feel that my question was answered clearly there.
You have a pretty nice outline here. To answer your questions
A separate task does need to be launched for each partition of data for each stage. Consider that each partition will likely reside on distinct physical locations - e.g. blocks in HDFS or directories/volumes for a local file system.
Note that the submission of Stages is driven by the DAG Scheduler. This means that stages that are not interdependent may be submitted to the cluster for execution in parallel: this maximizes the parallelization capability on the cluster. So if operations in our dataflow can happen simultaneously we will expect to see multiple stages launched.
We can see that in action in the following toy example in which we do the following types of operations:
load two datasources
perform some map operation on both of the data sources separately
join them
perform some map and filter operations on the result
save the result
So then how many stages will we end up with?
1 stage each for loading the two datasources in parallel = 2 stages
A third stage representing the join that is dependent on the other two stages
Note: all of the follow-on operations working on the joined data may be performed in the same stage because they must happen sequentially. There is no benefit to launching additional stages because they can not start work until the prior operation were completed.
Here is that toy program
val sfi = sc.textFile("/data/blah/input").map{ x => val xi = x.toInt; (xi,xi*xi) }
val sp = sc.parallelize{ (0 until 1000).map{ x => (x,x * x+1) }}
val spj = sfi.join(sp)
val sm = spj.mapPartitions{ iter => iter.map{ case (k,(v1,v2)) => (k, v1+v2) }}
val sf = sm.filter{ case (k,v) => v % 10 == 0 }
And here is the DAG of the result
Now: how many tasks ? The number of tasks should be equal to
Sum of (Stage * #Partitions in the stage)
This might help you better understand different pieces:
Stage: is a collection of tasks. Same process running against
different subsets of data (partitions).
Task: represents a unit of
work on a partition of a distributed dataset. So in each stage,
number-of-tasks = number-of-partitions, or as you said "one task per
stage per partition”.
Each executer runs on one yarn container, and
each container resides on one node.
Each stage utilizes multiple executers, each executer is allocated multiple vcores.
Each vcore can execute exactly one task at a time
So at any stage, multiple tasks could be executed in parallel. number-of-tasks running = number-of-vcores being used.
If I understand correctly there are 2 ( related ) things that confuse you:
1) What determines the content of a task?
2) What determines the number of tasks to be executed?
Spark's engine "glues" together simple operations on consecutive rdds, for example:
rdd1 = sc.textFile( ... )
rdd2 = rdd1.filter( ... )
rdd3 = rdd2.map( ... )
rdd3RowCount = rdd3.count
so when rdd3 is (lazily) computed, spark will generate a task per partition of rdd1 and each task will execute both the filter and the map per line to result in rdd3.
The number of tasks is determined by the number of partitions. Every RDD has a defined number of partitions. For a source RDD that is read from HDFS ( using sc.textFile( ... ) for example ) the number of partitions is the number of splits generated by the input format. Some operations on RDD(s) can result in an RDD with a different number of partitions:
rdd2 = rdd1.repartition( 1000 ) will result in rdd2 having 1000 partitions ( regardless of how many partitions rdd1 had ).
Another example is joins:
rdd3 = rdd1.join( rdd2 , numPartitions = 1000 ) will result in rdd3 having 1000 partitions ( regardless of partitions number of rdd1 and rdd2 ).
( Most ) operations that change the number of partitions involve a shuffle, When we do for example:
rdd2 = rdd1.repartition( 1000 )
what actually happens is the task on each partition of rdd1 needs to produce an end-output that can be read by the following stage so to make rdd2 have exactly 1000 partitions ( How they do it? Hash or Sort ). Tasks on this side are sometimes referred to as "Map ( side ) tasks".
A task that will later run on rdd2 will act on one partition ( of rdd2! ) and would have to figure out how to read/combine the map-side outputs relevant to that partition. Tasks on this side are sometimes referred to as "Reduce ( side ) tasks".
The 2 questions are related: the number of tasks in a stage is the number of partitions ( common to the consecutive rdds "glued" together ) and the number of partitions of an rdd can change between stages ( by specifying the number of partitions to some shuffle causing operation for example ).
Once the execution of a stage commences, its tasks can occupy task slots. The number of concurrent task-slots is numExecutors * ExecutorCores. In general, these can be occupied by tasks from different, non-dependent stages.

Spark: stage X contains task of a very large size when running sc.binaryFiles()

I'm trying to load ~1M file set stored on S3. When running sc.binaryFiles("s3a://BUCKETNAME/*").count()
I'm getting WARN TaskSetManager: Stage 0 contains a task of very large size (177 KB). The maximum recommended task size is 100 KB. This is followed by failed tasks
I see that it infers 128 partitions for this stage, which is too low, note that when running the same command on 400K files bucket, number of partitions will be much higher (~2K partitions) and the action will succeed.
setting a higher minPartitions didn't help;
setting a higher spark.default.parallelism didn't help as well.
the only thing that worked was to create multiple smaller RDDs of 1000 files each, and running sc.union on them, Problem with this approach is that it's too slow.
How can this issue be mitigated?
went on to see how number of partitions is settled in BinaryFileRDD.getPartitions() which got me to this piece of code:
def setMinPartitions(sc: SparkContext, context: JobContext, minPartitions: Int) {
val defaultMaxSplitBytes = sc.getConf.get(config.FILES_MAX_PARTITION_BYTES)
val openCostInBytes = sc.getConf.get(config.FILES_OPEN_COST_IN_BYTES)
val defaultParallelism = sc.defaultParallelism
val files = listStatus(context).asScala
val totalBytes = files.filterNot(_.isDirectory).map(_.getLen + openCostInBytes).sum
val bytesPerCore = totalBytes / defaultParallelism
val maxSplitSize = Math.min(defaultMaxSplitBytes, Math.max(openCostInBytes, bytesPerCore))
I followed the computation and it still didn't make sense, I should get a much larger number.
So I tried to reduce the config.FILES_MAX_PARTITION_BYTES config (spark.files.maxPartitionBytes) - this did increase the number of partitions, and made the job finish, however I'm still getting the original warning (with a somewhat smaller task size), and still, the munber of partitions is way smaller than when running on a 400K file set.
The problem was rooted in the sizes of the files: To my surprise, the files in s3 were not uploaded properly, and their size was 100 times smaller than they should've been. This caused setMinPartitions to calculate splits that contained large amount of small files. Each split is essentially a comma separated string of file paths, since we have many files per split, we got a very long instruction string that should be communicated to all workers. This burdened the network and caused the entire flow to fail. Setting spark.files.maxPartitionBytes to a lower value solved the issue.

Spark shuffle read takes significant time for small data

We are running the following stage DAG and experiencing long shuffle read time for relatively small shuffle data sizes (about 19MB per task)
One interesting aspect is that waiting tasks within each executor/server have equivalent shuffle read time. Here is an example of what it means: for the following server one group of tasks waits about 7.7 minutes and another one waits about 26 s.
Here is another example from the same stage run. The figure shows 3 executors / servers each having uniform groups of tasks with equal shuffle read time. The blue group represents killed tasks due to speculative execution:
Not all executors are like that. There are some that finish all their tasks within seconds pretty much uniformly, and the size of remote read data for these tasks is the same as for the ones that wait long time on other servers.
Besides, this type of stage runs 2 times within our application runtime. The servers/executors that produce these groups of tasks with large shuffle read time are different in each stage run.
Here is an example of task stats table for one of the severs / hosts:
It looks like the code responsible for this DAG is the following:
val comparison = data.union(output).except(data.intersect(output)).cache()
comparison.filter(_.abc != "M").count()
We would highly appreciate your thoughts on this.
Apparently the problem was JVM garbage collection (GC). The tasks had to wait until GC is done on the remote executors. The equivalent shuffle read time resulted from the fact that several tasks were waiting on a single remote host performing GC. We followed advise posted here and the problem decreased by an order of magnitude. There is still small correlation between GC time on remote hosts and local shuffle read time. In the future we think to try shuffle service.
Since google brought me here with the same problem but I needed another solution...
Another possible reason for small shuffle size taking a long time to read could be the data is split over many partitions. For example (apologies this is pyspark as it is all I have used):
my_df_with_many_partitions\ # say has 1000 partitions
.filter(very_specific_filter)\ # only very few rows pass
The shuffle write from the filter above will be very small, so for the stage after we will have a very small amount to read. But to read it you need to check a lot of empty partitions. One way to address this would be:

Exceeding `spark.driver.maxResultSize` without bringing any data to the driver

I have a Spark application that performs a large join
val joined = uniqueDates.join(df, $"start_date" <= $"date" && $"date" <= $"end_date")
and then aggregates the resulting DataFrame down to one with maybe 13k rows. In the course of the join, the job fails with the following error message:
Caused by: org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted due to stage failure: Total size of serialized results of 78021 tasks is bigger than spark.driver.maxResultSize (2.0 GB)
This was happening before without setting spark.driver.maxResultSize, and so I set spark.driver.maxResultSize=2G. Then, I made a slight change to the join condition, and the error resurfaces.
Edit: In resizing the cluster, I also doubled the number of partitions the DataFrame assumes in a .coalesce(256) to a .coalesce(512), so I can't be sure it's not because of that.
My question is, since I am not collecting anything to the driver, why should spark.driver.maxResultSize matter at all here? Is the driver's memory being used for something in the join that I'm not aware of?
Just because you don't collect anything explicitly it doesn't mean that nothing is collected. Since the problem occurs during a join, the most likely explanation is that execution plan uses broadcast join. In that case Spark will collect data first, and then broadcast it.
Depending on the configuration and pipeline:
Make sure that spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold is smaller than spark.driver.maxResultSize.
Make sure you don't force broadcast join on a data of unknown size.
While nothing indicates it is the problem here, be careful when using Spark ML utilities. Some of these (most notably indexers) can bring significant amounts of data to the driver.
To determine if broadcasting is indeed the problem please check the execution plan, and if needed, remove broadcast hints and disable automatic broadcasts:
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold", -1)
In theory, exception is not always related with customer data.
Technical information about tasks execution results send to Driver Node in serialized form, and this information can take more memory then threshold.
Error message located in org.apache.spark.scheduler.TaskSetManager#canFetchMoreResults
val msg = s"Total size of serialized results of ${calculatedTasks} tasks " +
Method called in org.apache.spark.scheduler.TaskResultGetter#enqueueSuccessfulTask
val (result, size) = serializer.get().deserialize[TaskResult[_]](serializedData) match {
case directResult: DirectTaskResult[_] =>
if (!taskSetManager.canFetchMoreResults(serializedData.limit())) {
If tasks number is huge, mentioned exception can occurs.

Spark application uses only 1 executor

I am running an application with the following code. I don't understand why only 1 executor is in use even though I have 3. When I try to increase the range, my job fails cause the task manager loses executor.
In the summary, I see a value for shuffle writes but shuffle reads are 0 (maybe cause all the data is on one node and no shuffle read needs to happen to complete the job).
val rdd: RDD[(Int, Int)] = sc.parallelize((1 to 10000000).map(k => (k -> 1)).toSeq)
val rdd2= rdd.sortByKeyWithPartition(partitioner = partitioner)
val sorted = rdd2.map((_._1))
val count_sorted = sorted.collect()
Edit: I increased the executor and driver memory and cores. I also changed the number of executors to 1 from 4. That seems to have helped. I now see shuffle read/writes on each node.
It looks like your code is ending up with only one partition for RDD. You should increase the partitions of RDD to at least 3 to utilize all 3 executors.
..maybe cause all the data is on one node
That should make you think that your RDD has only one partition, instead of 3, or more, that would eventually utilize all the executors.
So, extending on Hokam's answer, here's what I would do:
Now if that is 1, then repartition your RDD, like this:
rdd = rdd.repartition(3)
which will partition your RDD into 3 partitions.
Try executing your code again now.