Spark shuffle read takes significant time for small data - scala

We are running the following stage DAG and experiencing long shuffle read time for relatively small shuffle data sizes (about 19MB per task)
One interesting aspect is that waiting tasks within each executor/server have equivalent shuffle read time. Here is an example of what it means: for the following server one group of tasks waits about 7.7 minutes and another one waits about 26 s.
Here is another example from the same stage run. The figure shows 3 executors / servers each having uniform groups of tasks with equal shuffle read time. The blue group represents killed tasks due to speculative execution:
Not all executors are like that. There are some that finish all their tasks within seconds pretty much uniformly, and the size of remote read data for these tasks is the same as for the ones that wait long time on other servers.
Besides, this type of stage runs 2 times within our application runtime. The servers/executors that produce these groups of tasks with large shuffle read time are different in each stage run.
Here is an example of task stats table for one of the severs / hosts:
It looks like the code responsible for this DAG is the following:
val comparison = data.union(output).except(data.intersect(output)).cache()
comparison.filter( != "M").count()
We would highly appreciate your thoughts on this.

Apparently the problem was JVM garbage collection (GC). The tasks had to wait until GC is done on the remote executors. The equivalent shuffle read time resulted from the fact that several tasks were waiting on a single remote host performing GC. We followed advise posted here and the problem decreased by an order of magnitude. There is still small correlation between GC time on remote hosts and local shuffle read time. In the future we think to try shuffle service.

Since google brought me here with the same problem but I needed another solution...
Another possible reason for small shuffle size taking a long time to read could be the data is split over many partitions. For example (apologies this is pyspark as it is all I have used):
my_df_with_many_partitions\ # say has 1000 partitions
.filter(very_specific_filter)\ # only very few rows pass
The shuffle write from the filter above will be very small, so for the stage after we will have a very small amount to read. But to read it you need to check a lot of empty partitions. One way to address this would be:


dask dataframe groupby resulting in one partition memory issue

I am reading in 64 compressed csv files (probably 70-80 GB) into one dask data frame then run groupby with aggregations.
The job never completed because appereantly the groupby creates a data frame with only one partition.
This post and this post already addressed this issue but focusing on the computational graph and not the memory issue you run into, when your resulting data frame is too large.
I tried a workaround with repartioning but the job still wont complete.
What am I doing wrong, will I have to use map_partition? This is very confusing as I expect Dask will take care of partitioning everything even after aggregation operations.
from dask.distributed import Client, progress
client = Client(n_workers=4, threads_per_worker=1, memory_limit='8GB',diagnostics_port=5000)
dB3 = dd.read_csv("boden/expansion*.csv", # read in parallel
blocksize=None, # 64 files
aggs = {
'boden': ['count','min']
with ProgressBar(dt=30): dBSelect.compute().to_parquet('boden/final/boden_final.parq',compression=None)
Most groupby aggregation outputs are small and fit easily in one partition. Clearly this is not the case in your situation.
To resolve this you should use the split_out= parameter to your groupby aggregation to request a certain number of output partitions.
df.groupby(['x', 'y', 'z']).mean(split_out=10)
Note that using split_out= will significantly increase the size of the task graph (it has to mildly shuffle/sort your data ahead of time) and so may increase scheduling overhead.

Spring Batch - gridSize

I want some clear picture in this.
I have 2000 records but I limit 1000 records in the master for partitioning using rownum with gridSize=250 and partition across 5 slaves running in 10 machines.
I assume 1000/250= 4 steps will be created.
Whether data info sent to 4 slaves leaving 1 slave idle? If number
of steps is more than the number of slave java process, I assume the
data would be eventually distributed across all slaves.
Once all steps completed, would the slave java process memory is
freed (all objects are freed from memory as the step exists)?
If all steps completed for 1000/250=4 steps, to process the
remaining 1000 records, how can I start my new job instance without
scheduler triggers the job.
Since, you have not shown your Partitioner code, I would try to answer only on assumptions.
You don't have to assume about number of steps ( I assume 1000/250= 4 steps will be created ), it would be number of entries you create in java.util.Map<java.lang.String,ExecutionContext> that you return from your partition method of Partitioner Interface.
partition method takes gridSize as argument and its up to you to make use of this parameter or not so if you decide to do partitioning based on some other parameter ( instead of evenly distributing count ) then you can do that. Eventually, number of partitions would be number of entries in returned map and values stored in ExecutionContext can be used for fetching data in readers and so on.
Next, you can choose about number of steps to be started in parallel by setting appropriate TaskExecutor and concurrencyLimit values i.e. you might create 100 steps in partition but want to start only 4 steps in parallel and that can very well be achieved by configuration settings on top of partitioner.
Answer#1: As already pointed, data distribution has to be coded by you in your reader using ExecutionContext information you created in partitioner. It doesn't happen automatically.
Answer#2: Not sure what you exactly mean but yes, everything gets freed after completion and information is saved in meta data.
Answer#3: As already pointed out, all steps would be created in one go for all the data. Which steps run for which data and how many run in parallel can be controlled by readers and configuration.
Hope it helps !!

Spark Streaming mapWithState seems to rebuild complete state periodically

I am working on a Scala (2.11) / Spark (1.6.1) streaming project and using mapWithState() to keep track of seen data from previous batches.
The state is distributed in 20 partitions on multiple nodes, created with StateSpec.function(trackStateFunc _).numPartitions(20). In this state we have only a few keys (~100) mapped to Sets with up ~160.000 entries, which grow throughout the application. The entire state is up to 3GB, which can be handled by each node in the cluster. In each batch, some data is added to a state but not deleted until the very end of the process, i.e. ~15 minutes.
While following the application UI, every 10th batch's processing time is very high compared to the other batches. See images:
The yellow fields represent the high processing time.
A more detailed Job view shows that in these batches occur at a certain point, exactly when all 20 partitions are "skipped". Or this is what the UI says.
My understanding of skipped is that each state partition is one possible task which isn't executed, as it doesn't need to be recomputed. However, I don't understand why the amount of skips varies in each Job and why the last Job requires so much processing. The higher processing time occurs regardless of the state's size, it just impacts the duration.
Is this a bug in the mapWithState() functionality or is this intended behaviour? Does the underlying data structure require some kind of reshuffling, does the Set in the state need to copy data? Or is it more likely to be a flaw in my application?
Is this a bug in the mapWithState() functionality or is this intended
This is intended behavior. The spikes you're seeing is because your data is getting checkpointed at the end of that given batch. If you'll notice the time on the longer batches, you'll see that it happens persistently every 100 seconds. That's because the checkpoint time is constant, and is calculated per your batchDuration, which is how often you talk to your data source to read a batch multiplied by some constant, unless you explicitly set the DStream.checkpoint interval.
Here is the relevant piece of code from MapWithStateDStream:
override def initialize(time: Time): Unit = {
if (checkpointDuration == null) {
checkpointDuration = slideDuration * DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT_DURATION_MULTIPLIER
private[streaming] object InternalMapWithStateDStream {
Which lines up exactly with the behavior you're seeing, since your read batch duration is every 10 seconds => 10 * 10 = 100 seconds.
This is normal, and that is the cost of persisting state with Spark. An optimization on your side could be to think how you can minimize the size of the state you have to keep in memory, in order for this serialization to be as quick as possible. Additionaly, make sure that the data is spread out throughout enough executors, so that state is distributed uniformly between all nodes. Also, I hope you've turned on Kryo Serialization instead of the default Java serialization, that can give you a meaningful performance boost.
In addition to the accepted answer, pointing out the price of serialization related to checkpointing, there's another, less known issue which might contribute to the spikey behaviour: eviction of deleted states.
Specifically, 'deleted' or 'timed out' states are not removed immediately from the map, but are marked for deletion and actually removed only in the process of serialization [in Spark 1.6.1, see writeObjectInternal()].
This has two performance implications, which occur only once per 10 batches:
The traversal and deletion process has its price
If you process the stream of timed-out/ deleted events, e.g. persist it to external storage, the associated cost for all 10 batches will be paid only at this point (and not as one might have expected, on each RDD)

Total number of jobs in a Spark App

I already saw this question How to implement custom job listener/tracker in Spark? and checked the source code to find out how to get the number of stages per job but is there any way to track programatically the % of jobs that got completed in a Spark app?
I can probably get the number of finished jobs with the listeners but I'm missing the total number of jobs that will be run.
I want to track progress of the whole app and it creates quite a few jobs but I can't find to find it anywhere.
#Edit: I know there's a REST endpoint for getting all the jobs in an app but:
I would prefer not to use REST but to get it in the app itself (spark running on AWS EMR/Yarn - getting the address probably is doable but I'd prefer to not do it)
that REST endpoint seems to be returning only jobs that are running/finished/failed so not total number of jobs.
After going through the source code a bit I guess there's no way to see upfront how many jobs will there be since I couldn't find any place where Spark would be doing such analysis upfront (as jobs are submitted in each action independently Spark doesn't have a big picture of all the jobs from the start).
This kind of makes sense because of how Spark divides work into:
jobs - which are started whenever the code which is run on the driver node encounters an action (i.e. collect(), take() etc.) and are supposed to compute a value and return it to the driver
stages - which are composed of sequences of tasks between which no data shuffling is required
tasks - computations of the same type which can run in parallel on worker nodes
So we do need to know stages and tasks upfront for a single job to create the DAG but we don't necessarily need to create a DAG of jobs, we can just create them "as we go".

Least load scheduler

I'm working on a system that uses several hundreds of workers in parallel (physical devices evaluating small tasks). Some workers are faster than others so I was wondering what the easiest way to load balance tasks on them without a priori knowledge of their speed.
I was thinking about keeping track of the number of tasks a worker is currently working on with a simple counter and then sorting the list to get the worker with the lowest active task count. This way slow workers would get some tasks but not slow down the whole system. The reason I'm asking is that the current round-robin method is causing hold up with some really slow workers (100 times slower than others) that keep accumulating tasks and blocking new tasks.
It should be a simple matter of sorting the list according to the current number of active tasks, but since I would be sorting the list several times a second (average work time per task is below 25ms) I fear that this might be a major bottleneck. So is there a simple version of getting the worker with the lowest task count without having to sort over and over again.
EDIT: The tasks are pushed to the workers via an open TCP connection. Since the dependencies between the tasks are rather complex (exclusive resource usage) let's say that all tasks are assigned to start with. As soon as a task returns from the worker all tasks that are no longer blocked are queued, and a new task is pushed to the worker. The work queue will never be empty.
How about this system:
Worker reaches the end of its task queue
Worker requests more tasks from load balancer
Load balancer assigns N tasks (where N is probably more than 1, perhaps 20 - 50 if these tasks are very small).
In this system, since you are assigning new tasks when the workers are actually done, you don't have to guess at how long the remaining tasks will take.
I think that you need to provide more information about the system:
How do you get a task to a worker? Does the worker request it or does it get pushed?
How do you know if a worker is out of work, or even how much work is it doing?
How are the physical devices modeled?
What you want to do is avoid tracking anything and find a more passive way to distribute the work.