read input file Matlab - matlab

I have a problem while reading an input file in Matlab. It appears that all the rows have one parameter input except for the last one which is a vector:
Field1: number
Field2: text (one word)
Field3: number
Field4: number
Field5: number
Field6: number
Field7: vector
The code I have implemented looks like:
fid = fopen('input.inp','r');
A = textscan(fid,'%s %f','Delimiter','\t','headerLines',2);
data = cat(2,A{:});
I would like some help to deal with the fact that I have some text/number cases and also to deal with the vector form the last row. Thanks

Is this what you are looking for...?
I think you have to use %s %s as a format to text scan and not a float because a vector cannot be converted to a float for example.
I changed this A = textscan(fid,'%s %s','Delimiter','\t'); to include %s %s.
Also, I think you want to concatenate along the first dimension rather than the second.
I think you actually want to create a key/value pair of the input file rather than just reading each row into a cell but you don't state that.
Field1: 1
Field2: two
Field3: 3
Field4: 4
Field5: 5
Field6: 6
Field7: [7 8 9]
fid = fopen('D:\tmp\t.txt','r');
A = textscan(fid,'%s %s','Delimiter','\t','headerLines',2);
ans =
[1,1] = Field1: 1
[2,1] = Field3: 3
[3,1] = Field5: 5
[4,1] = Field7: [7 8 9]
[5,1] = Field2: two
[6,1] = Field4: 4
[7,1] = Field6: 6
If you want to create a key/value pair, then you can split them into key and value with a loop that you can use with the Container class if needed. You have to filter your strings a bit (e.g remove colons etc) but you get the gist.
keySet = {};
valueSet = {};
for (n=1:size(A2,1))
s = A2{n};
ind = strfind(s,' ');
keySet{n} = s(1:ind(1));
valueSet{n} =s(ind(1):end);
The output is
keySet =
[1,1] = Field1:
[1,2] = Field3:
[1,3] = Field5:
[1,4] = Field7:
[1,5] = Field2:
[1,6] = Field4:
[1,7] = Field6:
valueSet =
[1,1] = 1
[1,2] = 3
[1,3] = 5
[1,4] = [7 8 9]
[1,5] = two
[1,6] = 4
[1,7] = 6
From the Container class doc:
mapObj = containers.Map(keySet,valueSet)


Adding a datapoint to datastruct in matlab

I am trying to add a datapoint to an existing data struct. I have created the following data struct.
ourdata.animal= {'wolf', 'dog', 'cat'}
ourdata.height = [110 51 32]
ourdata.weight = [55 22 10]
say I want to add another one to the data struct with name 'fish' height 3 and weight 1, how do I go about this?
You can simply attach it to the end of the structure:
ourdata.animal{end+1} = 'fish'
ourdata.height(end+1) = 3
ourdata.weight(end+1) = 1
If you want to work with multiple structures, you can write a little function to combine the values of fields in multiple structs. Here's one, using fieldnames() to discover what fields exist:
function out = slapItOn(aStruct, anotherStruct)
% Slap more data on to the end of fields of a struct
out = aStruct;
for fld = string(fieldnames(aStruct))'
out.(fld) = [aStruct.(fld) anotherStruct.(fld)];
Works like this:
>> ourdata
ourdata =
struct with fields:
animal: {'wolf' 'dog' 'cat'}
height: [110 51 32]
weight: [55 22 10]
>> newdata = slapItOn(ourdata, struct('animal',{{'bobcat'}}, 'height',420, 'weight',69))
newdata =
struct with fields:
animal: {'wolf' 'dog' 'cat' 'bobcat'}
height: [110 51 32 420]
weight: [55 22 10 69]
BTW, I'd suggest that you use string arrays instead of cellstrs for storing your string data. They're better in pretty much every way (except performance). Get them with double quotes:
>> strs = ["wolf" "dog" "cat"]
strs =
1×3 string array
"wolf" "dog" "cat"
Also, consider using a table array instead of a struct array for tabular-looking data like this. Tables are nice!
>> animal = ["wolf" "dog" "cat"]';
>> height = [110 51 32]';
>> weight = [55 22 10]';
>> t = table(animal, height, weight)
t =
3×3 table
animal height weight
______ ______ ______
"wolf" 110 55
"dog" 51 22
"cat" 32 10

How to parse CSV file with empty values in Octave?

I have the following CSV data that I am trying to parse in Octave. Note that the values in the last column are empty:
I have defined my line format as:
lineFormat = [repmat('%s',1,1), ...
repmat('%f',1,1), ...
repmat('%q',1,1), ...
repmat('%f',1,1), ...
How can I read this in with textscan? When I try:
C = textscan(fid, lineFormat, 'Delimiter', ',')
I incorrectly get the following (notice that the second line from the CSV is shifted):
C =
[1,1] =
[1,1] = 102
[2,1] = 19700101
[1,2] =
[1,3] =
[1,1] =
[2,1] = 0.48
[1,4] =
[1,5] =
[1,1] = 111
[2,1] = 19700101
I've also tried with 'MultipleDelimsAsOne' but the last column value is still omitted. How do I read my CSV data in properly with textscan? This code works as expected in MATLAB, but not in Octave.
Running Octave 4.2.2 on Ubuntu 16.04.
For your example, setting the EndOfLine parameter helped for me (Windows 10, Octave 5.1.0):
C = textscan(fid, lineFormat, 'Delimiter', ',', 'EndOfLine', '\n')
The output seems correct:
C =
[1,1] =
[1,1] = 102
[2,1] = 111
[1,2] =
[1,3] =
[1,1] =
[2,1] =
[1,4] =
[1,5] =
[1,1] =
[2,1] =
Now I wanted to test your %q columns and expanded your example:
Unfortunately, the above solution doesn't work properly here:
C =
[1,1] =
[1,1] = 102
[2,1] = 111
[3,1] = 111
[4,1] =
[1,2] =
[1,3] =
[1,1] =
[2,1] =
[3,1] =
[4,1] = 19700101
[1,4] =
[1,5] =
[1,1] =
[2,1] =
[3,1] = test
But, when switching from %q to %s in lineformat, it works as expected:
C =
[1,1] =
[1,1] = 102
[2,1] = 111
[3,1] = 111
[4,1] = 111
[1,2] =
[1,3] =
[1,1] =
[2,1] =
[3,1] =
[4,1] = "test"
[1,4] =
[1,5] =
[1,1] =
[2,1] =
[3,1] = "test"
[4,1] =
I have no explanation for that; a bug maybe? If you can live with removing the double quotes yourself afterwards, this (still) might a solution for you.
Hope that helps!
It appears this is a bug in Octave:
I got around this by adding an extra comma to the end of my CSV files whose lines ended in a comma. Since Octave ignores the final comma, adding a second comma causes Octave to not ignore the second-to-last one:
Here's a shell one-liner to fix all the CSV files in a directory:
find ${1:-.} -type f -name *.csv -exec sed -i -e 's/,$/,,/g' {} \;
This is not a great solution, just a work-around for the existing bug.

Convert string elements to int elements in an array in swift

I have a string with the following format:
var cadenaCoordenadas = """
What I want is that each line is in the following format (in an array) to manipulate it (with Int data types as I will do operations with the new string):
I have the following code:
var arregloEntradas = cadenaCoordenadas.split(separator: "\n")
print("primer Arreglo: ", arregloEntradas)
for i in stride(from: 0, through:arregloEntradas.count - 1, by: 1){
let arregloEntradasFinal = arregloEntradas[i].split(separator: ",")
and I get the result of this:
this is the result
as you can see, the array elements are of string type, however I require them to be of Int type:
I hope you can help me, thank you in advance.
Here's one approach using some splitting and mapping:
var cadenaCoordenadas = """
let arregloEntradasFinal = cadenaCoordenadas.split(separator: "\n")
.map { $0.split(separator: ",").compactMap { Int($0) } }
[[1, 1], [1, 3], [4, 1], [5, 1], [1, 5], [1, 6], [2, 5], [0, 0]]
var arregloEntradas = cadenaCoordenadas.split(separator: "\n")
print("primer Arreglo: ", arregloEntradas)
for i in stride(from: 0, through:arregloEntradas.count - 1, by: 1){
let arregloEntradasFinal = arregloEntradas[i].split(separator: ",").map { Int(String($0)) }
What you're getting in arregloEntradasFinal is correct since you're processing the string array. Later, when you want to use arregloEntradasFinal again, you should again split a string by a comma separator from arregloEntradasFinal and use the individual Int value. For example:
let index = 0 // You can also loop through the array
let values = arregloEntradasFinal[index].split(separator: ",")
let num1 = Int(values.first ?? 0) // If no value then returns 0
let num2 = Int(values.last ?? 0) // If no value then returns 0
Note - this is one of the way without using the map function.

Random selection of a member's location in a nested cell of cells: Matlab

I have a nested cell of cells like the one below:
CellArray={1,1,1,{1,1,1,{1,1,{1,{1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1}, 1,1},1,1},1,1,1},1,1,1,{1,1,1,1}};
I need to randomly pick a location in CellArray. All members' locations of CellArray must have same chances to be chosen in the random selection process. Thanks.
You can capture the output of the celldisp function. Then use regex to extrcat indices:
m = regexp(s, '\{[^\=]*\}', 'match');
Thanks to #excaza that suggested a clearer use of regexp
m =
[1,1] = {1}
[1,2] = {2}
[1,3] = {3}
[1,4] = {4}{1}
[1,5] = {4}{2}
[1,6] = {4}{3}
[1,7] = {4}{4}{1}
[1,8] = {4}{4}{2}
[1,9] = {4}{4}{3}{1}
[1,10] = {4}{4}{3}{2}{1}
[1,11] = {4}{4}{3}{2}{2}
[1,12] = {4}{4}{3}{2}{3}
[1,13] = {4}{4}{3}{2}{4}
[1,14] = {4}{4}{3}{2}{5}
[1,15] = {4}{4}{3}{2}{6}
[1,16] = {4}{4}{3}{2}{7}
[1,17] = {4}{4}{3}{2}{8}
[1,18] = {4}{4}{3}{3}
[1,19] = {4}{4}{3}{4}
[1,20] = {4}{4}{4}
[1,21] = {4}{4}{5}
[1,22] = {4}{5}
[1,23] = {4}{6}
[1,24] = {4}{7}
[1,25] = {5}
[1,26] = {6}
[1,27] = {7}
[1,28] = {8}{1}
[1,29] = {8}{2}
[1,30] = {8}{3}
[1,31] = {8}{4}
Use randi to select an index:

How to display only non-zero values in pie-chart?

I am using mpandroid chart to display my data. Here I have 5 xvals(A,B,C,D,E). Every xval has a yval(2.2,0.0,4.4,5.1,0.0,9.0).
I want to only display values on the pie-chart which are non-zero. Is there any way to do this?
So my PieData finally is created like this:
PieData d = new PieData(xVals, ds1);
xvals contains:
0 = "A"
1 = "B"
2 = "C"
3 = "D"
4 = "E"
5 = "entry0"
6 = "entry1"
7 = "entry2"
8 = "entry3"
9 = "entry4"
and, ds1 contains:
0 = {Entry#4129} "Entry, xIndex: 0 val (sum): 0.0"
1 = {Entry#4130} "Entry, xIndex: 1 val (sum): 7400.0"
2 = {Entry#4131} "Entry, xIndex: 2 val (sum): 20634.4"
3 = {Entry#4132} "Entry, xIndex: 3 val (sum): 0.0"
4 = {Entry#4133} "Entry, xIndex: 4 val (sum): 60203.52"
I recommend that you simply write your own logic that excludes zero values from being added to the dataset.