Random selection of a member's location in a nested cell of cells: Matlab - matlab

I have a nested cell of cells like the one below:
CellArray={1,1,1,{1,1,1,{1,1,{1,{1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1}, 1,1},1,1},1,1,1},1,1,1,{1,1,1,1}};
I need to randomly pick a location in CellArray. All members' locations of CellArray must have same chances to be chosen in the random selection process. Thanks.

You can capture the output of the celldisp function. Then use regex to extrcat indices:
m = regexp(s, '\{[^\=]*\}', 'match');
Thanks to #excaza that suggested a clearer use of regexp
m =
[1,1] = {1}
[1,2] = {2}
[1,3] = {3}
[1,4] = {4}{1}
[1,5] = {4}{2}
[1,6] = {4}{3}
[1,7] = {4}{4}{1}
[1,8] = {4}{4}{2}
[1,9] = {4}{4}{3}{1}
[1,10] = {4}{4}{3}{2}{1}
[1,11] = {4}{4}{3}{2}{2}
[1,12] = {4}{4}{3}{2}{3}
[1,13] = {4}{4}{3}{2}{4}
[1,14] = {4}{4}{3}{2}{5}
[1,15] = {4}{4}{3}{2}{6}
[1,16] = {4}{4}{3}{2}{7}
[1,17] = {4}{4}{3}{2}{8}
[1,18] = {4}{4}{3}{3}
[1,19] = {4}{4}{3}{4}
[1,20] = {4}{4}{4}
[1,21] = {4}{4}{5}
[1,22] = {4}{5}
[1,23] = {4}{6}
[1,24] = {4}{7}
[1,25] = {5}
[1,26] = {6}
[1,27] = {7}
[1,28] = {8}{1}
[1,29] = {8}{2}
[1,30] = {8}{3}
[1,31] = {8}{4}
Use randi to select an index:


MATLAB filename separation

In filename "name" like '10_m1_m2_const_m1_waves_20_90_m2_waves_90_20_20200312_213048' I need to separate
'10_m1_m2_const_m1_waves_20_90_m2_waves_90_20' from '20200312_213048'
name_sep = split(name,"_");
sep = '_';
name_join=[name_sep{1,1} sep name_sep{2,1} sep .....];
is not working, because a number of "_" are variable.
So I need to move a file:
movefile([confpath,name(without 20200312_213048),'.config'],[name(without 20200312_213048), filesep, name, '.config']);
Do you have any idea? Thank you!
Maybe you can try regexp to find the starting position for the separation:
ind = regexp(name,'_\d+_\d+$');
name1 = name(1:ind-1);
name2 = name(ind+1:end);
such that
name1 = 10_m1_m2_const_m1_waves_20_90_m2_waves_90_20
name2 = 20200312_213048
Or the code below with option tokens:
name_sep = cell2mat(regexp(name,'(.*)_(\d+_\d+$)','tokens','match'));
which gives
name_sep =
[1,1] = 10_m1_m2_const_m1_waves_20_90_m2_waves_90_20
[1,2] = 20200312_213048
You can use strfind. Either if you have a key that is always present before or after the point where you want to split the name:
nm = '10_m1_m2_const_m1_waves_20_90_m2_waves_90_20_20200312_213048';
key = 'waves_90_20_';
idx = strfind(nm,key) + length(key);
Or if you know how may _ are in the part that you want to have:
idx = strfind(nm,'_');
In both cases, the result is:
As long as the timestamp is always at the end of the string, you can use strfind and count backwards from the end of the string:
name = '10_m1_m2_const_m1_waves_20_90_m2_waves_90_20_20200312_213048';
udscr = strfind(name,'_');
name_date = name(udscr(end-1)+1:end)
name_meta = name(1:udscr(end-1)-1)
name_date =
name_meta =

Extract fields from Structure Array to put into another Structure Array

I have a structure array with a large number of fields that I don't care about, so I want to extract the limited number of fields I DO care about and put it into a separate structure array.
For a structure array of size one, I've done this by creating the new array from scratch, for example:
structOld.a = 1;
structOld.b = 2;
structOld.usefulA = 'useful information';
structOld.usefulB = 'more useful information';
structOld.c = 3;
structOld.d = 'words';
keepFields = {'usefulA','usefulB'};
structNew = struct;
for fn = keepFields
structNew.(fn{:}) = structOld.(fn{:});
which gives
structNew =
usefulA: 'useful information'
usefulB: 'more useful information'
Is there a more efficient way of doing this? How can I scale up to an structure array (vector) of size N?
N = 50;
structOld(1).a = 1;
structOld(1).b = 2;
structOld(1).usefulA = 500;
structOld(1).usefulB = 'us';
structOld(1).c = 3;
structOld(1).d = 'ef';
structOld(2).a = 4;
structOld(2).b = 5;
structOld(2).usefulA = 501;
structOld(2).usefulB = 'ul';
structOld(2).c = 6;
structOld(2).d = 'in';
structOld(3).a = 7;
structOld(3).b = '8';
structOld(3).usefulA = 504;
structOld(3).usefulB = 'fo';
structOld(3).c = 9;
structOld(3).d = 'rm';
structOld(N).a = 10;
structOld(N).b = 11;
structOld(N).usefulA = 506;
structOld(N).usefulB = 'at';
structOld(N).c = 12;
structOld(N).d = 'ion';
In this case, I'd like to end up with:
structNew =
1x50 struct array with fields:
Keeping elements with empty usefulA/usefulB fields is fine; I can get rid of them later if needed.
Using rmfield isn't great because the number of useless fields far outnumbers the useful fields.
You can create a new struct array using existing data as follows:
structNew = struct('usefulA',{structOld.usefulA},'usefulB',{structOld.usefulB});
If you have an arbitrary set of field names that you want to preserve, you could use a loop as follows. Here, I'm first extracting the data from strcutOld into a cell array data, which contains each of the arguments the the struct call in the previous line of code. data{:} is now a comma-separated list of these arguments, the last line of code below is identical to the line above.
keepFields = {'usefulA','usefulB'};
data = cell(2,numel(keepFields));
for ii=1:numel(keepFields)
data{1,ii} = keepFields{ii};
data{2,ii} = {structOld.(keepFields{ii})};
structNew = struct(data{:});

matlab - combine all the output using celldisp

Below is my code.. I'm trying to display each of the seq using celldisp..but it comes out one by one..
seq1 = {'acc';'gct';'tta';'ccc';'ttc';'aaa';'ttg';'gta';'gtg';'act'};
seq2 = {'act';'gcc';'tta';'cca';'aac';'aaa';'ttg';'gta';'gtg';'acc'};
seq3 = {'ttc';'tgc';'atg';'ggc';'ccg';'aat';'aag';'ggt';'tga';'agt'};
seq4 = {'cag';'ccg';'ttg';'caa';'aat';'agc';'ttg';'ggg';'gct';'att'};
seq5 = {'ccc';'ggg';'tta';'cag';'aac';'aaa';'ttg';'gta';'gac';'acc'};
seq6 = {'acc';'gct';'ata';'ccc';'ttc';'taa';'ttg';'gtc';'gtg';'acc'};
for mutseq = {seq2,seq3,seq4,seq5,seq6}
a = strcmp(seq1,mutseq);
the output is :
mutseq{1}{1} =
mutseq{1}{2} =
mutseq{1}{3} =
mutseq{1}{4} =
mutseq{1}{5} =
mutseq{1}{6} =
mutseq{1}{7} =
mutseq{1}{8} =
mutseq{1}{9} =
mutseq{1}{10} =
%and it repeat for next seq
did anyone know how to combine it into one?

Join 2 structures with the same fieldnames by an 'ID' field in Matlab

Join 2 structures with the same field names by an 'ID' field in Matlab
I have 2 structures:
s2010.name = 'fred';
s2010.wage = 8;
s2010(2).name = 'alice';
s2010(2).wage = 9;
s2010(3).name = 'frank';
s2010(3).wage = 10;
s2011.name = 'alice';
s2011.wage = 10;
s2011(2).name = 'frank';
s2011(2).wage = 11;
s2011(3).name = 'peter';
s2011(3).wage = 12;
I would like to join these 2 structures by their common name in order to obtain the following:
s2years.name = 'alice';
s2years.wage2010 = 9;
s2years.wage2011 = 10;
s2years(2).name = 'frank';
s2years(2).wage2010 = 10;
s2years(2).wage2011 = 11;
Notice that fred and peter do not appear in the structure I would like to obtain only the common names. I would like to keep the wages for both years in separate fields in the result structure.
Is there any way to do this? Is it better to convert first these 2 sets to another object (e.g. dataset/table)?
Seems this question is attracting. Here's my version -
[name,ind2010,ind2011] = intersect({s2010.name},{s2011.name});
s2years = struct('name', name, ...
'wage2010', {s2010(ind2010).wage}, ...
'wage2011', {s2011(ind2011).wage});

How to programatically construct a large cell array

How could I construct automatically a dataset like the one below, assuming that the number of columns of matrix summary_whts is approx. 400???
lrwghts = dataset(...
Why not use a simple loop to populate dataset?
nCols = size(summary_whts,1);
dataset = cell(nCols, 2);
for i = 1:nCols
dataset{i,1} = summary_whts(:,i);
dataset{i,2} = sprintf('w%04d', i);
dataset{end+1,1} = 'ObsNames';
dataset(end, 2} = summary_mthd;
At last, I found it! This is what I was looking for:
cat = [];
for i = 0:(size(X,2)),
cat = [cat;sprintf('w%03d',i)];
cat = cellstr(cat);
lrwghts = dataset({summary_whts,cat{:}},'ObsNames',cellstr(summary_mthd));