How can I reuse an SQL fragment with parameters? - mybatis

I'm intending to make a fragment for reusing with parameters.
<insert ...>
<selectKey keyProperty="id" resultType="_long" order="BEFORE">
<when test="_databaseId == 'derby'">
Can I make an SQL fragment using parameters?
<sql id="selectKeyFromSequence">
<selectKey keyProperty="id" resultType="_long" order="BEFORE">
<when test="_databaseId == 'derby'">
So that I can reuse them like this?
<insert ...>
<include refid="...selectKeyFromSequence"/> <!-- How can I pass a parameter? -->
Is this possible?

As of version 3.3.0 you can do it like this:
<sql id="myinclude">
from ${myproperty}
<include refid="myinclude">
<property name="myproperty" value="tablename"/>
See section SQL in

You cannot pass parameter to tags. There is a similar SO question, iBatis issue and a MyBatis issue.
Includes are in-lined when the xmls are parsed so the do not exist as
their own once the startup process finishes (from MyBatis issue).
However, you can use variables inside tags. You do not pass it as a parameter but you can give it as a parameter to the function that has the include tag. You need to use the same variable name in all functions, i.e. #{sequenceName}.


How can I use <bind> within a loop while using MyBatis?

I wanted to build a sql like "(column like 'a%' or column like 'b%' or ...)" and a,b,etc. are elements in a collection.
So I came up with xml file like this
<foreach item="item" collection="items" open="(" separator=" or " close=")">
<bind name="pattern" value="item + '%'" />
column like #{pattern}
But it didn't work out as I thought it would be.
The sql was like "(column like 'c%' or column like 'c%' or ...)" which c is the last element in the collection.
Now I use a CONCAT function to do the job.
column like CONCAT(#{pattern},'%')
Is there other good ways to do the job?
It is a known limitation i.e. <bind /> cannot be used inside <foreach /> and there is an open issue.
Using CONCAT is a good workaround for now.

How to avoid getters when using mybatis dynamic sql?

In mybatis we can write an update statement like this:
<update id="update" parameterType="com.test.User">
update USERS
<if test=" != null">NAME=#{},</if>
<if test="user.age != null">AGE=#{user.age}</if>
Then it requires User class to have getters for name and age properties, without the update statement, the mapping can work without adding any getters, is there a way to avoid the getters for the update statement?
It should work if you use the latest version 3.5.1 (the change was made in 3.5.0).
If you cannot upgrade for some reason, it may still work if you 1) remove the #Param("user") from the method parameter and 2) reference the fields directly as follows.
<update id="update">
update USERS
<if test="name != null">NAME=#{name},</if>
<if test="age != null">AGE=#{age}</if>
The direct property reference works only when the bean (i.e. User) is the only parameter to the mapper method.

mybatis <id> tag in <resultMap> behavior

I wrote mapping file like below.
<resultMap id="fooResultMap" type="Foo" >
<result column="NAME" property="name" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<association property="bar" resultMap="barResultMap" />
When I get 2 record of same NAME colmun value, mybatis return only 1 Foo object.
I want 2 Foo object becouse bar's column is different.
So, I workaround below.
<resultMap id="fooResultMap" type="Foo" >
<id column="dummy_column_for_unique" />
<result column="NAME" property="name" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<association property="bar" resultMap="barResultMap" />
I added <id> tag in <resultMap> and "dummy_column_for_unique" column is dummy(not exists).
I successfully got 2 Foo object.
I suppose dummy column result in null, and mybatis probably handle null value as different record.
But such behavior is not explained in manual or other resources on internet I searched.
Is there any information of this behavior ?
In mybatis's mailing list, I was recommended to use row number.!topic/mybatis-user/FAvrJ4piYlU
So, my final resultMap is like below.
<resultMap id="fooResultMap" type="Foo" >
<id column="rownum" />
<result column="NAME" property="name" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<association property="bar" resultMap="barResultMap" />
And sql is like below(original sql is wraped by outer select sentence for not modifying original sql, and this sql grammar is for mysql).
select #rownum:=#rownum+1 as rownum, org.* from (
### original sql ###
) org, (select #rownum:=0) r
I hope this will help someone.
MyBatis maps the objects using the ID. If there is no ID in the ResultMap, they are all mapped in the same object.
Your table should have a primary key, but I guess that creating a fake ID as you did might serve as a workaround.

EF 6 query contains unmapped columns, breaking the query

I have an EDMX (Entity Framework 6.1.3) that I'm using to query two different databases. There are some minor differences between the databases but I only want the common columns. I generated the EDMX from Database A, and removed the columns that were not in Database B from the Diagram and regenerated the code.
If I query database B the query contains the columns I removed, although the final SELECT does not. This means that the query fails.
The table mapping shows the columns, but with nothing on the Value/Property side:
The exception is:
System.Data.Entity.Core.EntityCommandExecutionException : An error occurred while executing the command definition. See the inner exception for details.
----> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException : Invalid column name 'ValidFromDate'.
Invalid column name 'ValidToDate'.
Invalid column name 'LastPulled'.
Invalid column name 'IsCurrent'.
The query that is being sent to the server is:
[c].[FirstName] AS [FirstName],
[c].[LastName] AS [LastName],
[c].[HomePhone] AS [HomePhone],
[c].[WorkPhone] AS [WorkPhone],
[c].[MobilePhone] AS [MobilePhone],
[c].[Email] AS [Email],
[c].[Fax] AS [Fax]
[Person].[FirstName] AS [FirstName],
[Person].[LastName] AS [LastName],
[Person].[HomePhone] AS [HomePhone],
[Person].[WorkPhone] AS [WorkPhone],
[Person].[MobilePhone] AS [MobilePhone],
[Person].[Email] AS [Email],
[Person].[Fax] AS [Fax],
[Person].[ValidFromDate] AS [ValidFromDate],
[Person].[ValidToDate] AS [ValidToDate],
[Person].[LastPulled] AS [LastPulled],
[Person].[IsCurrent] AS [IsCurrent]
FROM [dbo].[Person] AS [Person]) AS [c]
As you can see there is an inner-query which contains the additional columns.
At this point I'm kind of stumped as to why this is happening. How do I remove these columns from both sides of the mapping, or otherwise stop EF from putting unwanted columns in ANY part of the query?
When you use the EDMX designer and simply delete a column from an entity - this does not fully remove the column from the EDMX. Assuming you truly want it gone, you can open the EDMX file with a text editor and remove it by hand. To make sure that your manual changes trigger a rebuild of your auto-generated classes, edit it in Visual Studio and you shouldn't have an issue.
Right-click the EDMX in solution explorer
Open With...
XML (Text) Editor
I would expect if you were to open the EDMX, you would find something that looks like:
<EntityType Name="Person">
<Property Name="FirstName" Type="varchar" />
<Property Name="LastName" Type="varchar" />
<Property Name="HomePhone" Type="varchar" />
<Property Name="WorkPhone" Type="varchar" />
<Property Name="MobilePhone" Type="varchar" />
<Property Name="Email" Type="varchar" />
<Property Name="Fax" Type="varchar" />
<Property Name="ValidFromDate" Type="datetime" />
<Property Name="ValidToDate" Type="datetime" />
<Property Name="LastPulled" Type="datetime" />
<Property Name="IsCurrent" Type="short" />
And you would just remove the bottom 4 columns, save and close, and rebuild the project.
EDIT: In case anyone in the future references this answer, if you do not first delete the column in the designer (like the OP did in this case), there will be two other instances of the column(s) in the XML that you would also need to remove in order for it to compile.
Thanks to #Borophyll for pointing me in roughly the right direction. Although their answer was not the solution to my issue, it did allow me to see the actual issue.
in the EDMX file there is also a entry that looks like this:
<EntitySet Name="Person" EntityType="Self.Person" store:Type="Tables" store:Schema="dbo">
[Person].[FirstName] AS [FirstName],
[Person].[LastName] AS [LastName],
[Person].[HomePhone] AS [HomePhone],
[Person].[WorkPhone] AS [WorkPhone],
[Person].[MobilePhone] AS [MobilePhone],
[Person].[Email] AS [Email],
[Person].[Fax] AS [Fax],
[Person].[ValidFromDate] AS [ValidFromDate],
[Person].[ValidToDate] AS [ValidToDate],
[Person].[LastPulled] AS [LastPulled],
[Person].[IsCurrent] AS [IsCurrent]
FROM [dbo].[Person] AS [Person]</DefiningQuery>
And that's where the weird sub-query was coming. I think the reason is that the table has no primary key as it is part of a staging database.
I just deleted from the SELECT statement the last four columns and everything worked.

uuid custom typehandler mybatis

I want to manage a table with a VARCHAR primary key, that in the
mapped java object should be a UUID.
i have my sql-map-config.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE configuration
PUBLIC "-// Config 3.0//EN"
<properties resource=""/>
<environments default="development">
<environment id="development">
<transactionManager type="JDBC" />
<dataSource type="POOLED">
<property name="driver" value="${driver}" />
<property name="url" value="${url}" />
<property name="username" value="${username}" />
<property name="password" value="${password}" />
<mapper resource="user.xml" />
and the user.xml is like that:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper
PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN"
<mapper namespace="[...].persistence.mappers.UserMapper">
<select id="selectUserByUUID" parameterType="java.util.UUID"
SELECT * FROM user WHERE uuid = #{uuid, jdbcType=VARCHAR,
<resultMap id="userResultMap" type="[...].model.User">
<id property="uuid" column="uuid" jdbcType="OTHER"
anyway, i got this exception:
### Error querying database. Cause:
org.apache.ibatis.reflection.ReflectionException: There is no getter
for property named 'uuid' in 'class java.util.UUID'
### The error may involve
### The error occurred while setting parameters
### Cause: org.apache.ibatis.reflection.ReflectionException: There is
no getter for property named 'uuid' in 'class java.util.UUID'
it seems that my typehandler never gets called (i have it logging a
bit, but never prints anything).
Is there something wrong? Thanks.
Your problem is right there in your exception....
There is no getter for property named 'uuid' in 'class java.util.UUID'
Use a parameter type of String, and pass in unique id as an argument. You don't need a type handler.
Seems kinda odd answering my own question, but i got some help on the mybatis-users list, so i'd like to share some hints here:
Mybatis was trying to "get" a non-existing field:
Luckily, one of mybatis developers helped me a while ago, suggesting that the easiest way to get it to work was to add a #Param annotation in the UserMapper to do this thing:
public User selectUserByUUID(#Param("uuid") UUID uuid);
<select id="selectUserByUUID" parameterType="uuid" resultMap="userResultMap">
SELECT * FROM user WHERE uuid = #{uuid, typeHandler=com.collective.persistence.typehandlers.UuidTypeHandler, javaType=uuid, jdbcType=VARCHAR}
I was stuck in watching the typehandler configuration, but,
if I understood it right, this has not much to do with typehandlers,
since they are used to "transport and translate" data between the sql
table and the java objects (through setter and getters), while my
issue was in the handling of methods' parameters. Hope this helps someone.
Also such error could be fixed by adding in mapper file new method with corresponding queue
Smth like this:
#Select("SELECT * FROM Users u WHERE u.userUUID = '${uuid}'")
User selectByUserUuid(#Param("uuid") UUID uuid);