SSRS 2008 row color expression changes 0 value cell - ssrs-2008

I have an expression that changes the background color of a row based on an active status of "Active". Everything works well except that other cells with a value of 0 get set to my inactive color. So if I am setting my conditional based on the word "Active" then why are the cells on active rows with a 0 value getting set as well?

I am still unsure why this was happening but, I fixed it by adding a conditional on my grouping column. It looked for a 0 value and set my background to Nothing. This was done at the row level already but had no affect. I had to set the column also for it to work.


Jface Table row validation

I have a Jface table on which I have set Editing support with text cell editor for each column. There are around 20 columns.
I want to highlight invalid row field text with dark red color and whole row with light red color.
What I tried as of now:
1. I have highlighted invalid field(single cell of row) using label providers getBackgroundColor() and getForgroundColor().
2. I tried CellEditors setValidator() method to add a validator, but I don't want to clear invalid text from a cell, I just want to highlight it.
3. I have one approach to use a flag for each cell to check the validity of that cell if any of the flags is true will highlight all cells of that row(can be achieved using label providers). But, I think this approach will impact performance for my table.
4. I am not sure performance impact of table updatatestrategy of Jface. So I am not using it.
Reason of highlighting the whole row of the table is: Table have 20+ columns and user don't want to scroll the table to find out problem location.
Please suggest if you know any better solutions.
Using label providers to for the colors is the way to do this.
The label provider is only asked for the color when the row is created or refreshed - by calling one of the viewer refresh or update methods, so this should not impact performance.

Setting a condition so that no results are displayed if the condition is not met

I'm trying to have a chart be blank rather than showing results if the size of the data that populates the chart is too small. I have a variable ID in which each case has a unique value. In a case where I don't want any data to show if there are less than 10 cases, I figured I'd need to set up a calculated field that would do something like the following:
IF COUNTD([ID]) < 10 THEN ....
But I can't figure out what command to call so that it shows no data. Would anyone have a pointer?
You can create a calculated filed with calculation "COUNTD([ID])<10" .It would be a Boolean filter.Now drag and drop the calculation to the filter shelf and set it to either "TRUE" or "Exclude False".

How do alternate row colors in an SSRS 2008 report?

I'm trying to alternate row colors in one of my reports. So following some advice from the web, I've tried putting something like this for the background color of the rows in question:
=IIF(RowNumber('manager') Mod 2, "LightBlue","White")
Where manager is the name of my row group.
But what this does is make the color alternate every time a value is present. And some of the rows that aren't even supposed to be colored get colored. I really don't get it, but perhaps the fact that there's a column group is messing things up somehow?
I've also tried numbering each row in my query and going off that but I still get the same weirdness.
And I even tried returning the color in my query and it gets even stranger because then every single row is colored Light blue, and again even the ones that aren't supposed to get colored. Just Visual Studio being buggy as always I suppose?
RowNumber('manager') resets to 1 when you get a break in the manager group. So rows under that manager may toggle.
=IIF(RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 2=0, "LightBlue","White") seems to work OK with Nothing in the group.
As you said, you can also number each row in the result set (identity column?). Then you want to check the value of your numbered column rather than use the RowNumber function.
=IIF(Fields!id.Value Mod 2 = 0, "LightBlue","White")

Background Color Not Filling in Entire Row Based off Expression in SSRS

I was hoping I could get some help on this issue. Got a report that displays data for events; of which we have two types: fixed and mobile.
To fill in the row based off what type the event is, I used this expression:
=IIF(Fields!OwnerType.Value = "Fixed", "LightSteelBlue", "#FFFFFF")
But here is what the result actually look like:
The rows with the light blue background color are fixed sites are often not assigned incentives/promotions. And if they aren't, I would still like the entire row to have a background color of light blue.
My issue like in the fact that the incentive columns (Sam's Club, T-Shirts, Wal-Mart, etc) are created dynamically through a column grouping - I have no which values might appear here or how many.
The way I have it configured currently is to put an expression on the cell itself:
But it leaves me with my reason for posting, I can't get the entire row to be back filled with this column grouping.
And if I apply the expression =IIF(Fields!OwnerType.Value = "Fixed", "LightSteelBlue", "#FFFFFF") to the column grouping the same way I did for the row, it will only change the colors of the individual cells where the incentive is and the header.
Under Group Columns -> Incentives Properties, can I change the visibility to also include the background color fill?
Added this expression for the row:
Iif( Fields!OwnerType.Value = "Fixed", 1, 0 )
, "Row_Group_Name"
) = 0
Which filled in the entire row.

Field Value Hidden Unless Data Record's Cell Selected

When I view a particular FileMaker Pro layout, the calculated field Invoice Check Grouping shows up as blank when viewed in either list or grid mode. However, while in grid mode, if I click on a particular Invoice Check Grouping cell, the expected value appears.
In the above image, note how only the currently selected Invoice Check Grouping cell's value shows. I would expect all cells in that column to correctly show their values all the time.
How would I get this column's value appearing all the time? (Note: Invoice Check Grouping is a computed/calculated field.)
Thank you,
There's something wrong with either the formula itself or, perhaps, the field's formatting. E.g. it could be that the calculation type is set to Number, and the field's Number formatting is set not to show the value when zero. If this is not the case, I'd check the field's conditional formatting rules and then the formula itself.