Jface Table row validation - eclipse

I have a Jface table on which I have set Editing support with text cell editor for each column. There are around 20 columns.
I want to highlight invalid row field text with dark red color and whole row with light red color.
What I tried as of now:
1. I have highlighted invalid field(single cell of row) using label providers getBackgroundColor() and getForgroundColor().
2. I tried CellEditors setValidator() method to add a validator, but I don't want to clear invalid text from a cell, I just want to highlight it.
3. I have one approach to use a flag for each cell to check the validity of that cell if any of the flags is true will highlight all cells of that row(can be achieved using label providers). But, I think this approach will impact performance for my table.
4. I am not sure performance impact of table updatatestrategy of Jface. So I am not using it.
Reason of highlighting the whole row of the table is: Table have 20+ columns and user don't want to scroll the table to find out problem location.
Please suggest if you know any better solutions.

Using label providers to for the colors is the way to do this.
The label provider is only asked for the color when the row is created or refreshed - by calling one of the viewer refresh or update methods, so this should not impact performance.


TPPDF - table cell at bottom of page cut off

This is my first question on stackoverflow so forgive me if I'm missing anything.
I'm having a problem with a table cell being cut off at the bottom of the page when using the TPPDF cocoapod in a swift 4 app for i-pad. Only part of the cell shows with no text
I'm creating a series of tables in my document. Because the column widths are variable I'm adding a new table for each row.
Is there a way to either prevent this from happening or to determine when to add a page break?

RCP - How to add a Minimize button to a cell of a GRID?

I'm working on an RCP application. It uses EMF. As per the requirement I got, i'm supposed to add a minimize and maximize button to a cell of a Grid.
The table includes three columns with multiple rows. The first column gives description. Since the content is big and lot many rows , it is challenging to scroll. Hence, the cell initially should show only one line of total text ending with "...", and the cell should have a minimize button and maximize button. Can any one give me understanding about the possibility of this requirement. Thanks in advance.enter image description here
The default SWT Table does not support shrinking rows. You could try it with Nattable
It is a SWT implementation of a table. It offers advanced functions such as treeview of a table.

Filemaker with Html table layout

I'm designing a form layout in FileMaker, and I'm spending a ton of time just trying to get all the controls in the right spot. Is there some way of doing a table layout? I just want to say "this control is in this cell" and let the table take care of all the formatting. Instead of having to set the position on each object just right.
What I Have
A form with a bunch of fields, organized in a table manner, i.e., rows and columns.
What I Want
To not have to specify the exact position of each individual control. Every time one element moves or needs to resize, it ends up screwing up the entire row, column, or "table", and I end up needing to move every field individually accordingly.
Is there a better way to organize fields in a form like this so that I don't have to manipulate the position and width of every "cell" in a row or column individually?
I think this is made easier with the use of the Inspector in layout mode. In particular, the controls in the "Arrange & Align" section on the "Position" tab of the inspector.
For example, you can quickly select all fields on the same "row" and align them to the top and make them the same height and width as needed.
If you are using FM 13, you may also want to make use of styles to make it easier to set the same formatting quickly across similar objects.
If you're a web developer you might want to experiment using the WebViewer. You can use Javascript for creating a nice table. Then you can interact with that table through calling a script in FileMaker.
Or just stick to a portal like Michael.Hor recommended.

Nested table height auto increase?

I am trying to create a report in SSRS using Report Builder 3.0 where there is an ungrouped section of data (in the screenshot this is called "Risks") followed by a grouped section of data "Controls". There can be many controls to one risk row as seen in the row with the "Ref" 3a. After the grouped set of controls it goes back to the ungrouped risk info (see below).
I have made this work by using a nested table inside one of the cells, this all looked fine until I added a larger amount of data in the cell "Consequences". As you can see this does not look good at the moment as the inner table does not grow.
My question, is there a way to make the inner table grow, so the 2nd row text would be in the middle of that row and the background colour would take up the whole row, so it does not leave a white space?
I really appreciate any help you can give.
I do not believe this to be possible as the nested tablix is by its own right optimised for space and visual appearance.
I know what you want to do and I can only suggest you tweak yourn report to query this data in one and produce one tablix. Not ideal I know as this will mess the arrangement.

How to make a specific column be moving in the SWT table in Eclipse RCP?

I have created a SWT table with 23 columns in the Eclipse RCP. The table has only Horizontal Scroll Bar. In runtime, it is obvious that the columns to the left get obstructed when we scroll to Rightward and vice-versa because our view (window) can not display all columns at once. But, I want one of the columns(say col. 2) at Left of the Table to be movable, so that it should be floating at very Left of the table when I scroll the table data Rightward at runtime.
I've tried by setting the col. property movable like :
But, it can only make the col.2 be moved (by dragging withing table header). But I wish the column be floating on the table while scrolling (to rightwards/Leftwards) other data in table.
Please, suggest me how to do this.
There is no really cool way of achieving what you want using Table. But there is an official Snippet showing how to emulate something similar here.
If you don't mind using an SWT table implementation which is not natively drawn, apparently NatTable supports "Frozen columns".
Also one of Nebula's custom table implementations might be capable to do what you want. There's Grid and XViewer.