I am implementing a naive Bayesian classification algorithm. In my training set I have a number of abstracts in separate files. I want to use N-gram in order to get the term frequency weight, but the code is not taking multiple files.
I edited my code, and now the error I am getting is
cant call method tscore on an undefined value. To check this, I printed #ngrams and it is showing me junk values like hash0*29G45 or something like that.
#!c:\perl\bin\perl.exe -w
use warnings;
use Algorithm::NaiveBayes;
use Lingua::EN::Splitter qw(words);
use Lingua::StopWords qw(getStopWords);
use Lingua::Stem;
use Algorithm::NaiveBayes;
use Lingua::EN::Ngram;
use Data::Dumper;
use Text::Ngram;
use PPI::Tokenizer;
use Text::English;
use Text::TFIDF;
use File::Slurp;
my $pos_file = 'D:\aminoacids';
my $neg_file = 'D:\others';
my $test_file = 'D:\testfiles';
my #vectors = ();
my $categorizer = Algorithm::NaiveBayes->new;
my #files = <$pos_file/*>;
my #ngrams;
for my $filename (#files) {
open(FH, $filename);
my $ngram = Lingua::EN::Ngram->new($filename);
my $tscore = $ngram->tscore;
foreach (sort { $$tscore{$b} <=> $$tscore{$a} } keys %$tscore) {
print "$$tscore{ $_ }\t" . "$_\n";
my $trigrams = $ngram->ngram(2);
foreach my $trigram (sort { $$trigrams{$b} <=> $$trigrams{$a} } keys %$trigrams) {
print $$trigrams{$trigram}, "\t$trigram\n";
my %positive;
$positive{$_}++ for #files;
attributes => \%positive,
label => 'positive'
close FH;
Your code <$pos_file/*> should work fine ( thanks #borodir ), still, here is an alternative so as to not mess up the history.
opendir (DIR, $directory) or die $!;
and then
while (my $filename = readdir(DIR)) {
open ( my $fh, $filename );
# work with filehandle
close $fh;
closedir DIR;
If called in list context, readdir should give you a list of files:
my #filenames = readdir(DIR);
# you could call that function you wanted to call with this list, file would need to be
# opened still, though
Another point:
If you want to pass a reference to an array, do it like so:
function( list => \#stems );
# thus, your ngram line should probably rather be
my $ngram = Lingua::EN::Ngram->new (file => \#stems );
However, the docs for Lingua::EN::Ngram only talk about scalar for file and so on, it does not seem to expect an array for input. ( Exception being the 'intersection' method )
So you would have to put it in a loop and cycle through, or use map
my #ngrams = map{ Lingua::EN::Ngram->new( file => $_ ) }#filenames
Seems unnecessary to open in filehandle first, Ngram does that by itself.
If you prefer a loop:
my #ngrams;
for my $filename ( #filenames ){
push #ngrams, Lingua::EN::Ngram->new( file => $filename );
I think now I got what you actually want to do.
get the tscore: you wrote $tscore = $ngram->tscore, but $ngram is not defined anymore.
Not sure how to get the tscore for a single word. ( "significance of word in text" ) kind of indicates a text.
Thus: make an ngram not for each word, but either for each sentence or each file.
Then you can determine the t-score of that word in that sentence or file ( text ).
for my $filename ( #files ){
my $ngram = Lingua::EN::Ngram->new( file => $filename );
my $tscore = $ngram->tscore();
# tscore returns a hash reference. Keys are bigrams, values are tscores
# now you can do with the tscore what you like. Note that for arbitrary length,
# tscore will not work. This you would have to do yourself.
I've created a script for validating xml files after given input folder. It should grep xml files from the input directory then sort out the xml files and check the condition. But it throws a command that not Open at line , <STDIN> line 1.
But it creates an empty log file.
Since i faced numeric error while sorting, comment that.
so i need to be given input location, the script should check the xml files and throw errors in a mentioned log file.
Anyone can help this?
# use strict;
use warnings;
use Cwd;
use File::Basename;
use File::Path;
use File::Copy;
use File::Find;
print "Enter the path: ";
my $filepath = <STDIN>;
chomp $filepath;
die "\n\tpleas give input folder \n" if(!defined $filepath or !-d $filepath);
my $Toolpath = dirname($0);
my $base = basename($filepath);
my $base_path = dirname($filepath);
my ($xmlF, #xmlF);
my #errors=();
my #warnings=();
my #checkings=();
my $ecount=0;
my $wcount=0;
my $ccount=0;
my ($x, $y);
my $z="0";
my #xmlFiles = grep{/\.xml$/} readdir(DIR);
my $logfile = "$base_path\\$base"."_Err.log";
# #xmlF=sort{$a <=> $b}#xmlFiles;
#xmlF=sort{$a cmp $b}#xmlFiles;
open(OUT, ">$logfile") || die ("\nLog file couldnt write $logfile :$!");
my $line;
my $flcnt = scalar (#xmlF);
for ($x=0; $x < $flcnt; $x++)
open IN, "$xmlF[$x]" or die "not Open";
print OUT "\n".$xmlF[$x]."\n==================\n";
print "\nProcessing File $xmlF[$x] .....\n";
local $/;
while ($line=<IN>)
while ($line=~m#(<res(?: [^>]+)? type="weblink"[^>]*>)((?:(?!</res>).)*)</res>#igs)
my $tmp1 = $1; my $tmp2 = $&; my $pre1 = $`;
if($tmp1 =~ m{ subgroup="Weblink"}i){
my $pre = $pre1.$`;
if($tmp2 !~ m{<tooltip><\!\[CDATA\[Weblink\]\]><\/tooltip>}ms){
my $pre = $pre1.$`;
push(#errors,lineno($pre),"\t<tooltip><\!\[CDATA\[Weblink\]\]></tooltip> is missing\n");
foreach my $warnings(#warnings)
$wcount = $wcount+1;
foreach my $checkings(#checkings)
$ccount = $ccount+1;
foreach my $errors(#errors)
$ecount = $ecount+1;
my $count_err = $ecount/2;
print OUT "".$count_err." Error(s) Found:-\n------------------------\n ";
print OUT "#errors\n";
$ecount = 0;
my $count_war = $wcount/2;
print OUT "$count_war Warning(s) Found:-\n-------------------------\n ";
print OUT "#warnings\n";
$wcount = 0;
my $count_check = $ccount/2;
print OUT "$count_check Checking(s) Found:-\n-------------------------\n ";
print OUT "#checkings\n";
$wcount = 0;
undef #errors;
undef #warnings;
undef #checkings;
close IN;
The readdir returns bare file names, without the path.
So when you go ahead to open those files you need to prepend the names returned by readdir with the name of the directory the readdir read them from, here $filepath. Or build the full path names right away
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
use File::Spec;
print "Enter the path: ";
my $filepath = <STDIN>;
chomp $filepath;
die "\nPlease give input folder\n" if !defined $filepath or !-d $filepath;
opendir(my $fh_dir, $filepath) or die "Can't opendir $filepath: $!";
my #xml_files =
map { File::Spec->catfile($filepath, $_) }
grep { /\.xml$/ }
readdir $fh_dir;
closedir $fh_dir;
say for #xml_files;
where I used File::Spec to portably piece together the file name.
The map can be made to also do grep's job so to make only one pass over the file list
my #xml_files =
map { /\.xml$/ ? File::Spec->catfile($filepath, $_) : () }
readdir $fh_dir;
The empty list () gets flattened in the returned list, effectively disappearing altogether.
Here are some comments on the code. Note that this is normally done at Code Review but I feel that it is needed here.
First: a long list of variables is declared upfront. It is in fact important to declare in as small a scope as possible. It turns out that most of those variables can indeed be declared where they are used, as seen in comments below.
The location of the executable is best found using
use FindBin qw($RealBin);
where $RealBin also resolves links (as opposed to $Bin, also available)
Assigning () to an array at declaration doesn't do anything; it is exactly the same as normal my #errors;. They can also go together, my (#errors, #warnings, #checks);. If the array has something then = () clears it, what is a good way to empty an array
Assigning a "0" makes the variable a string. While Perl normally converts between strings and numbers as needed, if a number is needed then use a number, my $z = 0;
Lexical filehandles (open my $fh, ...) are better than globs (open FH, ...)
I don't understand the comment about "numeric error" in sorting. The cmp operator sorts lexicographically, for numeric sort use <=>
When array is used in scalar context – when assigned to a scalar for example – the number of elements is returned. So no need for scalar but do my flcnt = #xmlF;
For iteration over array indices use $#ary, the index of the last element of #ary, for
foreach my $i (0..$#xmlF) { ... }
But if there aren't any uses of the index (I don't see any) then loop over elements
foreach my $file (#xmlF) { ... }
When you check the file open print the error $!, open ... or die "... : $!";. This is done elsewhere in the code, and it should be done always.
The local $/; unsets the input record separator, what makes the following read take the whole file. If that is intended then $line is not a good name. Also note that a variable can be declared inside the condition, while (my $line = <$fh>) { }
I can't comment on the regex as I don't know what it's supposed to accomplish, but it is complex; any chance to simplify all that?
The series of foreach loops only works out the number of elements of those arrays; there is no need for loops then, just my $ecount = #errors; (etc). This also allows you to keep the declaration of those counter variables in minimal scope.
The undef #errors; (etc) aren't needed since those arrays count for each file and so you can declare them inside the loops, anew at each iteration (and at smallest scope). When you wish to empty an array it is better to do #ary = (); than to undef it; that way it's not allocated all over again on the next use
I have the following list in a CSV file, and my goal is to split this list into directories named YYYY-Month based on the date in each row.
What is the smartest method to achieve this result without having to create a list of static routes, in which to carry out the append?
Currently my program writes this list to a directory called YYYY-Month only on the basis of localtime but does not do anything on each line.
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use feature qw(say);
use File::Path qw<mkpath>;
use File::Spec;
use File::Copy;
use POSIX qw<strftime>;
my $OUTPUT_FILE = 'output.csv';
my $OUTFILE = 'splitted_output.csv';
# Output to file
open( GL_INPUT, $OUTPUT_FILE ) or die $!;
$/ = "\n\n"; # input record separator
while ( <GL_INPUT> ) {
my #lines = split /\n/;
my $i = 0;
foreach my $lines ( #lines ) {
# Encapsulate Date/Time
my ( $name, $y, $m, $d, $time ) =
$lines[$i] =~ /\A(\w+);(\d+)\/(\d+)\/(\d+);(\d+:\d+:\d+)/;
# Generate Directory YYYY-Month - #2009-January
my $dir = File::Spec->catfile( $BASE_LOG_DIRECTORY, "$y-$m" ) ;
unless ( -e $dir ) {
mkpath $dir;
my $log_file_path = File::Spec->catfile( $dir, $OUTFILE );
open( OUTPUT, '>>', $log_file_path ) or die $!;
# Here I append value into files
print OUTPUT join ';', "$y/$m/$d", $time, "$name\n";
close( GL_INPUT );
close( OUTPUT );
There is no reason to care about the actual date, or to use date functions at all here. You want to split up your data based on a partial value of one of the columns in the data. That just happens to be the date.
NAME08;2018/06/26;16:03:57 # This goes to 2018-06/
NAME09;2018/06/26;16:03:57 #
NAME02;2018/06/27;16:58:12 #
NAME03;2018/07/03;07:47:21 # This goes to 2018-07/
NAME21;2018/07/03;10:53:00 #
NAMEXX;2018/07/05;03:13:01 #
NAME21;2018/07/05;15:39:00 #
The easiest way to do this is to iterate your input data, then stick it into a hash with keys for each year-month combination. But you're talking about log files, and they might be large, so that's inefficient.
We should work with different file handles instead.
use strict;
use warnings;
my %months = ( 6 => 'June', 7 => 'July' );
my %handles;
while (my $row = <DATA>) {
# no chomp, we don't actually care about reading the whole row
my (undef, $dir) = split /;/, $row; # discard name and everything after date
# create the YYYY-MM key
$dir =~ s[^(....)/(..)][$1-$months{$2}];
# open a new handle for this year/month if we don't have it yet
unless (exists $handles{$dir}) {
# create the directory (skipped here) ...
open my $fh, '>', "$dir/filename.csv" or die $!;
$handles{$dir} = $fh;
# write out the line to the correct directory
print { $handles{$dir} } $row;
I've skipped the part about creating the directory as you already know how to do this.
This code will also work if your rows of data are not sequential. It's not the most efficient as the number of handles will grow the more data you have, but as long you don't have 100s of them at the same time that does not really matter.
Things of note:
You don't need chomp because you don't care about working with the last field.
You don't need to assign all of the values after split because you don't care about them.
You can discard values by assigning them to undef.
Always use three-argument open and lexical file handles.
the {} in print { ... } $roware needed to tell Perl that this is the handle we are printing too. See http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/print.html.
I am a beginner with Perl and I want to merge the content of two text files.
I have read some similar questions and answers on this forum, but I still cannot resolve my issues
The first file has the original ID and the recoded ID of each individual (in the first and fourth columns)
The second file has the recoded ID and some information on some of the individuals (in the first and second columns).
I want to create an output file with the original, recoded and information of these individuals.
This is the perl script I have created so far, which is not working.
If anyone could help it would be very much appreciated.
use warnings;
use strict;
use diagnostics;
use vars qw( #fields1 $recoded $original $IDF #fields2);
my %columns1;
open (FILE1, "<file1.txt") || die "$!\n Couldn't open file1.txt\n";
while ($_ = <FILE1>)
#fields1=split /\s+/, $_;
my $recoded = $fields1[0];
my $original = $fields1[3];
my %columns1 = (
$recoded => $original
open (FILE2, "<file2.txt") || die "$!\n Couldnt open file2.txt \n";
for ($_ = <FILE2>)
#fields2=split /\s+/, $_;
my $IDF= $fields2[0];
my $F=$fields2[1];
my %columns2 = (
$F => $IDF
close FILE1;
close FILE2;
open (FILE3, ">output.txt") ||die "output problem\n";
for (keys %columns1) {
if (exists ($columns2{$_}){
print FILE3 "$_ $columns1{$_}\n"
close FILE3;
One problem is with scoping. In your first loop, you have a my in front of $column1 which makes it local to the loop and will not be in scope when you next the loop. So the %columns1 (which is outside of the loop) does not have any values set (which is what I suspect you want to set). For the assignment, it would seem to be easier to have $columns1{$recorded} = $original; which assigns the value to the key for the hash.
In the second loop you need to declare %columns2 outside of the loop and possibly use the above assignment.
For the third loop, in the print you just need add $columns2{$_} in front part of the string to be printed to get the original ID to be printed before the recorded ID.
The problem is with scope of the hash variables you have defined. The scope of the variable is limited to the loop inside which the variable has been defined.
In your code, since %columns1 and %columns2 are used outside the while loops. Hence, they should be defined outside the loops.
Compilation error : braces not closed properly
Also, in the "if exists" part, the open-and-closed braces symmetry is affected.
Here is your code with the required corrections made:
use warnings;
use strict;
use diagnostics;
use vars qw( #fields1 $recoded $original $IDF #fields2);
my (%columns1, %columns2);
open (FILE1, "<file1.txt") || die "$!\n Couldn't open CFC_recoded.txt\n";
while ($_ = <FILE1>)
#fields1=split /\s+/, $_;
my $recoded = $fields1[0];
my $original = $fields1[3];
%columns1 = (
$recoded => $original
open (FILE2, "<file2.txt") || die "$!\n Couldnt open CFC_F.xlsx \n";
for ($_ = <FILE2>)
#fields2=split /\s+/, $_;
my $IDF= $fields2[0];
my $F=$fields2[1];
%columns2 = (
$F => $IDF
close FILE1;
close FILE2;
open (FILE3, ">output.txt") ||die "output problem\n";
for (keys %columns1) {
print FILE3 "$_ $columns1{$_} \n" if exists $columns2{$_};
close FILE3;
I wrote a perl script to count the occurrences of a character in a file.
So far this is what I have got,
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use warnings;
no warnings ('uninitialized', 'substr');
my $lines_ref;
my #lines;
my $count;
sub countModule()
my $file = "/test";
open my $fh, "<",$file or die "could not open $file: $!";
my #contents = $fh;
my #filtered = grep (/\// ,#contents);
return \#filtered;
#lines = countModule();
##lines = $lines_ref;
$count = #lines;
print "###########\n $count \n###########\n";
My test file looks like this:
I am basically trying to count the number of instances of "/"
This is the output that I get:
I am getting 1 instead of 3, which is the number of occurrences.
Still learning perl, so any help will be appreciated..Thank you!!
Here are a few points about your code
You should always use strict at the top of your program, and only use no warnings for special reasons in a limited scope. There is no general reason why a working Perl program should need to disable warnings globally
Declare your variables close to their first point of use. The style of declaring everything at the top of the file is unnecessary and is a legacy of C
Never use prototypes in your code. They are available for very special purposes and shouldn't be used for the vast majority of Perl code. sub countModule() { ... } insists that countModule may never be called with any parameters and isn't necessary or useful. The definition should be just sub countModule { ... }
A big well done! for using a lexical file handle, the three-parameter form of open, and putting $! in your die string
my #contents = $fh will just set #contents to a single-element list containing just the filehandle. To read the whole file into the array you need my #contents = <$fh>
You can avoid escaping slashes in a regular expression if you use a different delimiter. To do that you need to use the m operator explicitly, like my #filtered = grep m|/|, #contents)
You return an array reference but assign the returned value to an array, so #lines = countModule() sets #lines to a single-element list containing just the array reference. You should either return a list with return #filtered or dereference the return value on assignment with #lines = #{ countModule }
If all you need to do is to print the number of lines in the file that contain a slash character then you could write something like this
use strict;
use warnings;
my $count;
sub countModule {
open my $fh, '<', '/test' or die "Could not open $file: $!";
return [ grep m|/|, <$fh> ];
my $lines = countModule;
$count = #$lines;
print "###########\n $count \n###########\n";
Close, but a few issues:
use strict;
use warnings;
sub countModule
my $file = "/test";
open my $fh, "<",$file or die "could not open $file: $!";
my #contents = <$fh>; # The <> brackets are used to read from $fh.
my #filtered = grep (/\// ,#contents);
return #filtered; # Remove the reference.
my #lines = countModule();
my $count = scalar #lines; # 'scalar' is not required, but lends clarity.
print "###########\n $count \n###########\n";
Each of the changes I made to your code are annotated with a #comment explaining what was done.
Now in list context your subroutine will return the filtered lines. In scalar context it will return a count of how many lines were filtered.
You did also mention find the occurrences of a character (despite everything in your script being line-oriented). Perhaps your counter sub would look like this:
sub file_tallies{
my $file = '/test';
open my $fh, '<', $file or die $!;
my $count;
my $lines;
while( <$fh> ) {
$count += $_ =~ tr[\/][\/];
return ( $lines, $count );
my( $line_count, $slash_count ) = file_tallies();
In list context,
return \#filtered;
returns a list with one element -- a reference to the named array #filtered. Maybe you wanted to return the list itself
return #filtered;
Here's some simpler code:
sub countMatches {
my ($file, $c) = #_; # Pass parameters
local $/;
undef $/; # Slurp input
open my $fh, "<",$file or die "could not open $file: $!";
my $s = <$fh>; # The <> brackets are used to read from $fh.
close $fh;
my $ptn = quotemeta($c); # So we can match strings like ".*" verbatim
my #hits = $s =~ m/($ptn)/g;
0 + #hits
print countMatches ("/test", '/') . "\n";
The code pushes Perl beyond the very basics, but not too much. Salient points:
By undeffing $/ you can read the input into one string. If you're counting
occurrences of a string in a file, and not occurrences of lines that contain
the string, this is usually easier to do.
m/(...)/g will find all the hits, but if you want to count strings like
"." you need to quote the meta characters in them.
Store the results in an array to evaluate m// in list context
Adding 0 to a list gives the number of items in it.
I have been trying to get rid of a weird bug for hours, with no success. I have a subroutine that sorts a file. here is the code:
sub sort_file {
$filename = #_;
print #_;
print $filename;
#sorted = sort { #aa=split(/ /,$a); #bb=split(/ /,$b); return ($aa[1] <=> $bb[1]); } #lines;
print SRTOUTFILE #sorted;
any time this function is run, perl creates a file, called "1". i have no idea why. I am a complete perl noob and am just using it for quick and dirty text file processing. anyone know what's wrong?
An array in scalar context evalutes to the number of elements in the array. If you pass one argument to the function, the following assigns 1 to $filename.
$filename = #_;
You want any of the following:
$filename = $_[0];
$filename = shift;
($filename) = #_;
Furthermore, you want to limit the scope of the variable to the function, so you want
my $filename = $_[0];
my $filename = shift;
my ($filename) = #_;
(my $filename) = #_; # Exact same as previous.
The other answers are sufficient to tell you why you were getting strange errors.
I would like to show you how a more experienced Perl programmer might write this subroutine.
use warnings;
use strict;
use autodie;
sub sort_file {
my( $filename ) = #_;
my #lines;
# 3 arg open
open my $in_fh, '<', $filename;
#lines = <$in_fh>;
close $in_fh;
# Schwartzian transform
my #sorted = map{
} sort {
$a->[2] <=> $b->[2]
} map {
[ $_, split ' ', $_ ]
} #lines;
open my $out_fh, '>', $filename;
print {$out_fh} #sorted;
close $out_fh;
use strict;
prevents you from using a variable without declaring it (among other things).
use warnings;
Informs you of some potential errors.
use autodie;
Now you don't need to write open .... or die ....
{ open ...; #lines = <$fh>; close $fh }
Limits the scope of the FileHandle.
#sorted = map { ... } sort { ... } map { ... } #list
This is an examples of a Schwartzian transform, which reduces the number of times that the values are split. In this example, it may be overkill.
How confusing. Assigning $filename = #_ the way you are means that you are evaluating an array in scalar context, which means that $filename is assigned the number of elements in #_. Because you don't check to see if the first open call succeeds, reading the file 1 likely fails, but you continue anyway and open for writing a file named 1. The solution is to use $filename in an array context and begin your subroutine with ($filename) = #_ or $filename = shift.
Why aren't you using use strict by the way?
Always use:
use strict;
use warnings;
Then Perl will tell you when you're off the mark.
As you've observed, the notation:
$filename = #_;
means that an unscoped variable is assigned the number of elements in the argument list to the function, and since you pass one file, the name of the created file will be '1'.
You meant to write:
my($filename) = #_;
This provides list context for the array, and assigns $_[0] to $filename, ignoring any extra arguments to the function.
OK... nevermind. it just dawned on me. $filename = #_; makes no sense. should be $filename = #_[0]; . There goes 2 hours of my life. note to other perl noobs: beware.