BookshelfJs failing to bring in nested relationship on create - postgresql

Let's say we have a Join table vehicle_inspections and another join table inspection_actions, as well as basic tables for actions, vehicles, andinspections`.
Lets say I desire the following DB entries:
id make
1 Toyota
id description
2 Check Tire Pressue
id location date
3 New York tomorrow
vehicle_id inspection_id
1 3
inspection_id action_id
3 2
and the following bookshelf classes
(function () {
'use strict';
var Repository = require('../repository');
module.exports = Repository.Model.extend({
tableName: 'inspection_actions',
(function () {
'use strict';
var Repository = require('../repository');
module.exports = Repository.Model.extend({
tableName = 'vehicle_inspections',
inspection: function () {
return this.belongsTo(require('inspection'));
fetchOrCreate: function(vehicleId, inspectionId, options) {
var self = this;
return self.query(function (qb) {
vehicle_id: vehicleId,
inspection_id: inspectionId
)}.fetch(options || {}).then(function (model) {
if (!model) {{
vehicle_id: vehicleId,
inspection_id: inspectionId
return model;
module.exports = Repository.Model.extend(_.extend({
tableName: 'inspections',
actions: function () {
return this.hasMany(require('./inspection-action'));
And a route:
new VehicleInspection().fetchOrCreate(req.params.vehicle_id, req.params.inspection_id, {withRelated: ['inspection.actions']})
.then(function (vehicleInspection) {
var inspection = vehicleInspection.related('inspection');
console.log( inspection);
The inspection console log prints out the correct inspection, however, irrelevantly of what is in the database the second console.log prints out an empty result
{ length: 0,
models: [],
_byId: {},
targetIdAttribute: 'id',
foreignKey: undefined,
parentId: undefined,
parentTableName: 'tasks',
parentIdAttribute: 'id',
parentFk: undefined } }
This "bad" behaviour only occurs the first time a projectTasks entry is being created. What appears to be happening is that the inspection_action table is not being populated through the nested withRelated. How could I get this working nested create working?

I'm not completely clear what you are trying to achieve, but here is how I would generally set things up. First I'd create a base model (assuming its saved as base.js), I think you are going to have some problems with circular dependencies, so using the Bookshelf registry plugin would be good:
var config = {
client: // whatever client you are using,
connection: // url to your database
var db = require('knex')(config);
var Bookshelf = require('bookshelf')(db);
var Base = Bookshelf.Model.extend({
// Put anything here that will be helpful for your use case
Base.model = Bookshelf.model.bind(Bookshelf);
module.exports = Base;
Next create your Vehicle model:
var Base = require('base');
var Vehicle = Base.Model.extend({
tableName = 'vehicles',
inspections: function () {
return this.belongsToMany('Inspection',
'inspections_vehicles', 'vehicle_id', 'inspection_id');
actions: function() {
return this.belongsToMany('Action',
'actions_vehicles', 'vehicle_id', 'action_id');
module.exports = Base.model('Vehicle', Vehicle);
Then an inspection model:
var Base = require('base');
var Inspection = Base.Model.extend({
tableName = 'inspection',
vehicles: function () {
return this.belongsToMany('Vehicle',
'inspections_vehicles', 'inspection_id', 'vehicle_id');
module.exports = Base.model('Inspection', Inspection);
Finally an action model:
var Base = require('base');
var Action = Base.Model.extend({
tableName = 'actions',
module.exports = Base.model('Action', Action);
Now assuming that the database isn't already filled in with the data you supplied, we can populate it:
var Inspection = require('inspection');
var Vehicle = require('vehicle');
var Action = require('action');
var toyota;
var newYorkInspection
Vehicle.forge().save({name: 'Toyota'})
.then(function(vehicle) {
toyota = vehicle;
return Inspection.forge().save({location: 'New York', date: 'Tomorrow'});
newYorkInspection = inspection;
return toyota.inspections().attach(newYorkInspection);
}).then(function() {
return Action.forge().save({description: 'Check Tire Pressure'});
}).then(function(tirePressureAction) {
return toyota.actions().attach(tirePressureAction);
Now I can fetch the toyota vehicle with the related actions and inspections:
var Vehicle = require('vehicle');
return Vehicle.forge({'name': 'Toyota'}).fetch({
withRelated: ['inspections', 'actions']
var toyotaInspections = toyota.related('inspections');
var toyotaActions = toyota.related('actions');


Protractor POM method is not recognizing

describe('Testing an animal adoption flow using page object', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
var home_page = require('./pages/home_page.js');
it ('Should be able to adopt an animal by page object', function() {
var animal_page = home_page.clickContinue();
var confirm_page = animal_page.clickContinue();
var home_page = function() {
this.nameTextBox = element(by.model(''));
this.dynamicText = element(by.binding(''));
this.continueButton = element(by.buttonText('CONTINUE'));
this.enterName = function(name) {
this.getDynamicText = function() {
return this.dynamicText.getText();
this.clickContinue = function() {;
return require('./animal_page.js');
Testing an animal adoption flow using page object Should be able to adopt an animal by page object
[31m Failed: home_page.enterName is not a function[0m
TypeError: home_page.enterName is not a function
You don't create an instance of your constructor function with new keyword. It should have been
var home_page = new (require('./pages/home_page.js'));
and you need to instruct js what you are exporting, so your home page should be
var home_page = function() {
this.nameTextBox = element(by.model(''));
this.dynamicText = element(by.binding(''));
this.continueButton = element(by.buttonText('CONTINUE'));
this.enterName = function(name) {
this.getDynamicText = function() {
return this.dynamicText.getText();
this.clickContinue = function() {;
return require('./animal_page.js');
module.exports = home_page; // <------ this line
but make sure you do the same with animal_page
I got the answer, we need to include
const { browser } = require('protractor');
module.exports = new home_page();

Recursive Publishing - Angular-meteor

I am wanting to load a topic, 25 of its comments and up to 5 sub comments for each comment, repeated recursively over each comment/sub-comment until all related comments are found.
I'm currently using an angular directive to recursively subscribe and add to the local collection whenever the comment has children. It works quite well, but there is some lag (to be expected) between loading the initial 25 comments, and loading their children, then their children and so on.
This issue isn't a problem when just loading a page at a time. It becomes an issue when using infinite scrolling and increasing that initial 25 comment limit. It will cause the page to jump up and down a bit as the sub comments disappear and reappear once loaded again.
I was wondering how I could recursively look up all comments prior to sending to the local client so I don't need to make more than one round trip for each topic.
I have a demo loaded up at
If you scroll to the bottom it will load more and you'll see it jump all over as the sub comments are reloaded into the page.
The two options I can think of would be to use a resolve to wait for all collections prior to loading the page or using recursive publish to get them all first.
Thoughts? Ideas?
Ok, my first attempt that I would like some thoughts on if possible.
For the publishing I decided to go with publish-composite to make publishing from the same collection easier.
for the publication I wrote:
Meteor.publishComposite('oneDiscussion', function (slug, options) {
var query = {};
query.find = function () {
return Discussions.find({ slug: slug }, { limit: 1 });
var mainChildQuery = Comments.find({ slug: slug }, { limit: 1 });
query.children = [];
query.children[0] = {};
query.children[0].find = function (discussion) {
return mainChildQuery;
query.children[0].children = [];
query.children[0].children[0] = {};
query.children[0].children[0].find = function (comment) {
return Meteor.users.find({ _id: }, { limit: 1, fields: { profile: 1, roles: 1, createdAt: 1, username: 1 } });
query.children[0].children[1] = {};
query.children[0].children[1].find = function (parent) {
Counts.publish(this, 'numberOfComments', Comments.find(
{ parent_id: parent._id }
), { noReady: true });
return Comments.find({ parent_id: parent._id }, options);
// var parentQuery = Comments.find({ slug: slug });
var parent = mainChildQuery.fetch();
var children = Comments.find({ parent_id: parent[0]._id }, { limit: 25 }).fetch();
var childrenIds = _.pluck(children, '_id');
var getChildren = function (children_ids, thisParent) {
var i = 0;
thisParent.children = [];
var recursive = function getEm(children, parent) {
_.each(children, function (id) {
// parent.children[i] = new Children(id);
var query = Comments.find({ parent_id: id }, { limit: 5, sort: { date: -1 } });
parent.children[i] = {
find: function () {
return Comments.find({ parent_id: id }, { limit: 5, sort: { date: -1 } });
var children1 = query.fetch();
var newChildrenIds = _.pluck(children1, '_id');
if (newChildrenIds.length > 0) {
getEm(newChildrenIds, parent);
recursive(children_ids, thisParent);
getChildren(childrenIds, query.children[0].children[1]);
return query;
Seems to be working ok so far, though running it on my desktop it's not as performant as I would think it should be. I'll deploy it and see if there's a difference online. I'll update when I get home and can update the live site. If anyone can find something wrong with what I've written it would be much appreciated.
I've came up with what I think is the best solution. I improved on the function above and so far I'm really enjoying the results.
Here is the publish function:
Meteor.publishComposite('comments', function (item_id, options) {
* TODO: Add query to find a user for each comment.
* Start building our query.
* Add the latest 25 (depending on options) child comments of the viewed item
* to the query.
var query = {
find: function () {
return Comments.find({ parent_id: item_id }, options);
// Query the database for the first 25? comments, we'll need their _id's
var mainChildren = Comments.find({ parent_id: item_id }, options).fetch();
// pluck the id's from the initial comments
var mainChildrenIds = _.pluck(mainChildren, '_id');
* Builds the remaining query based on the id's plucked from the children
* above.
* #param childrens_id The id's we just plucked from the above query
* #param thisParent This is the parent query
var getChildren = function (children_ids, parentQuery) {
// initiate i to 0
var i = 0;
// add a child array to the current parent query.
parentQuery.children = [];
var recursive = function getem(children, parent) {
_.each(children, function (id) {
var query = Comments.find({ parent_id: id }, { limit: 5, sort: { date: 1 } });
parent.children[i] = {
find: function () {
return query;
var children1 = query.fetch();
var newChildrenIds = _.pluck(children1, '_id');
if (newChildrenIds.length > 0) {
getem(newChildrenIds, parent);
// recursively build the query if there are children found.
recursive(children_ids, parentQuery);
// initiate the query build function
getChildren(mainChildrenIds, query);
return query;
I created an example app you can get on GitHub here
And you can view it running on meteorpad here
what it does
All the function does is build the publishComposite query, recursively looping over the children id's, as long as there are children id's. When there are no more children it stops.
to use it
You want a collection of comments (or whatever you're nesting) that have a parent_id field. This field will be filled with either the parent post Id, parent Item id (if say making a store with reviews/comments). The parent post id would of course be the comment or post you are commenting on. See the example for more information.

Mapping List with Knockout Mapping

I have created view model
var catalog = ko.observableArray();
type: "GET",
url: "http://localhost:8080/ticket-service/rest/ticket/list",
success: function(msg) {
catalog.push.apply(catalog, $.map(msg, function(data) {
return new Ticket(data)
return catalog;
error: function(msg) {
and the model
function Ticket(data) {
this.ticketId = ko.observable(data.ticketId);
this.ticketNo = ko.observable(data.ticketNo);
this.ticketTitle = ko.observable(data.ticketTitle);
this.longDescription = ko.observable(data.longDescription);
this.createdBy = ko.observable(data.createdBy);
this.createdOn= ko.observable(data.createdOn);
this.assignTo = ko.observable(data.assignTo);
this.priority = ko.observable(data.priority);
this.dueDate = ko.observable(data.dueDate);
this.status = ko.observable(data.status);
this.projectId = ko.observable(data.projectId);
with at the end viewmodel like this
return {
ticket: newTicket,
searchTerm: searchTerm,
catalog: filteredCatalog,
newTicket: newTicket,
addTicket: addTicket,
delTicket: delTicket
produce list,add, and delete form.The question is how can i use knockout mapping that can list from get methode.
you need to do something like this
Demonstrated taking a single entity from your code .
Output Preview :
<pre data-bind="text:ko.toJSON($data,null,2)"></pre>
function Ticket(data) {
this.ticketId = ko.observable(data.ticketId);
var mapping = {
create: function (options) {
return new Ticket(;
var ViewModel = function () {
var self = this;
self.catalog = ko.observableArray();
var data = [{
'ticketId': 1
}, {
'ticketId': 2
//under ajax call do the same but pass 'msg' in place of data
self.catalog(ko.mapping.fromJS(data, mapping)())
console.log(self.catalog()); // check console for output
ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());
sample working fiddle here

ProxyConnectionError when connecting as Anonymous

I have developed an operator to retrieve information from Orion Context Broker.
It works perfectly when I'm loggin but if I try to enter as anonymous (with the embedded URL) in a incognito window, the operator raises the next error:
(link to the image):
This is the code:
var doInitialSubscription = function doInitialSubscription() {
this.subscriptionId = null;
this.ngsi_server = MashupPlatform.prefs.get('ngsi_server');
this.ngsi_proxy = MashupPlatform.prefs.get('ngsi_proxy');
this.connection = new NGSI.Connection(this.ngsi_server, {
ngsi_proxy_url: this.ngsi_proxy
console.log("Send initial subscription");
var types = ['SMARTMETER'];
var entityIdList = [];
var entityId;
entityId = {
id: '.*',
isPattern: true
var attributeList = null;
var duration = 'PT3H';
var throttling = null;
var notifyConditions = [{
'type': 'ONCHANGE',
'condValues': condValues
var options = {
flat: true,
onNotify: handlerReceiveEntity.bind(this),
onSuccess: function (data) {
console.log("Subscription success ID: "+data.subscriptionId);
this.subscriptionId = data.subscriptionId;
this.refresh_interval = setInterval(refreshNGSISubscription.bind(this), 1000 * 60 * 60 * 2); // each 2 hours
window.addEventListener("beforeunload", function () {
onFailure: function(data) {
console.log("Now creating subscription...");
this.connection.createSubscription(entityIdList, attributeList, duration, throttling, notifyConditions, options);
Any idea of what is wrong?
According to user comments on the question, updating to Orion 0.19.0 (following the DB upgrade procedure detailed here) solves the problem.

Updating presentation layer when the mongo document changes

I have a list of dogs in a table that have an underlying dog model and dog collection. When I update the dogName of a dog document in the mongo collection I want the table list item to update and show the new dog name without having to refresh the page.
I thought this was supposed to happen when you this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.render);
How can I get the table row item to update when the model changes??
window.Dog = Backbone.Model.extend({
urlRoot: "/dogs",
initialize: function() {
_id: null,
dogName: "",
window.DogCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Dog,
url: "/dogs/user/",
window.DogListView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function () {
this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.render);
render: function () {
var dogs = this.model.models;
for (var i = 0; i < dogs.length; i++) {
this.$('#dogsTable tbody').append(
new DogListItemView({model: dogs[i], no: i+1}).render().el
"bAutoWidth": false,"iDisplayLength": 50
return this;
window.DogListItemView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: "tr",
initialize: function (options) {
this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.render);
this.model.bind("change", this.render, this);
this.model.bind("destroy", this.close, this); =;
render: function () {
id: this.model.get("_id"),
dogName: this.model.get("dogName"),
return this;
events: {
"click .delete": "deleteDog",
And finally in backbone controller I use this to load the view:
var dogList = new DogCollection();
dogList.url = "/dogs/user/" + this.user.get("_id");
success: function() {
$('#content').html(new DogListView({model: dogList}).el);
What you're doing right now is:
Create some views (item- and collectionViews)
Define a collection
Set an url for this collection
Fetch the collection and on succes
Display the fetched data in these views
This is totally fine and these views will (probably, did not test your code) update once a change occurs in any of your models in the collection.
However, your application has no way of knowing that something is changed in your mongo database once it has fetched the data. If you would like to obtain this functionality, you could do for example one of the following;
Make the collection poll (and thus refetch) once in a while.
Inform your application that something has changed on the server using websockets. If you'd like to do this, you can use a library like