I have created view model
var catalog = ko.observableArray();
type: "GET",
url: "http://localhost:8080/ticket-service/rest/ticket/list",
success: function(msg) {
catalog.push.apply(catalog, $.map(msg, function(data) {
return new Ticket(data)
return catalog;
error: function(msg) {
and the model
function Ticket(data) {
this.ticketId = ko.observable(data.ticketId);
this.ticketNo = ko.observable(data.ticketNo);
this.ticketTitle = ko.observable(data.ticketTitle);
this.longDescription = ko.observable(data.longDescription);
this.createdBy = ko.observable(data.createdBy);
this.createdOn= ko.observable(data.createdOn);
this.assignTo = ko.observable(data.assignTo);
this.priority = ko.observable(data.priority);
this.dueDate = ko.observable(data.dueDate);
this.status = ko.observable(data.status);
this.projectId = ko.observable(data.projectId);
with at the end viewmodel like this
return {
ticket: newTicket,
searchTerm: searchTerm,
catalog: filteredCatalog,
newTicket: newTicket,
addTicket: addTicket,
delTicket: delTicket
produce list,add, and delete form.The question is how can i use knockout mapping that can list from get methode.
you need to do something like this
Demonstrated taking a single entity from your code .
Output Preview :
<pre data-bind="text:ko.toJSON($data,null,2)"></pre>
function Ticket(data) {
this.ticketId = ko.observable(data.ticketId);
var mapping = {
create: function (options) {
return new Ticket(options.data);
var ViewModel = function () {
var self = this;
self.catalog = ko.observableArray();
var data = [{
'ticketId': 1
}, {
'ticketId': 2
//under ajax call do the same but pass 'msg' in place of data
self.catalog(ko.mapping.fromJS(data, mapping)())
console.log(self.catalog()); // check console for output
ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());
sample working fiddle here
describe('Testing an animal adoption flow using page object', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
var home_page = require('./pages/home_page.js');
it ('Should be able to adopt an animal by page object', function() {
var animal_page = home_page.clickContinue();
var confirm_page = animal_page.clickContinue();
var home_page = function() {
this.nameTextBox = element(by.model('person.name'));
this.dynamicText = element(by.binding('person.name'));
this.continueButton = element(by.buttonText('CONTINUE'));
this.enterName = function(name) {
this.getDynamicText = function() {
return this.dynamicText.getText();
this.clickContinue = function() {
return require('./animal_page.js');
Testing an animal adoption flow using page object Should be able to adopt an animal by page object
[31m Failed: home_page.enterName is not a function[0m
TypeError: home_page.enterName is not a function
You don't create an instance of your constructor function with new keyword. It should have been
var home_page = new (require('./pages/home_page.js'));
and you need to instruct js what you are exporting, so your home page should be
var home_page = function() {
this.nameTextBox = element(by.model('person.name'));
this.dynamicText = element(by.binding('person.name'));
this.continueButton = element(by.buttonText('CONTINUE'));
this.enterName = function(name) {
this.getDynamicText = function() {
return this.dynamicText.getText();
this.clickContinue = function() {
return require('./animal_page.js');
module.exports = home_page; // <------ this line
but make sure you do the same with animal_page
I got the answer, we need to include
const { browser } = require('protractor');
module.exports = new home_page();
I've this javascript viewmodel defined:
function PersonViewModel() {
// Data members
this.Name = ko.observable();
this.Function_Id = ko.observable();
this.SubFunction_Id = ko.observable();
this.Functions = ko.observableArray();
this.SubFunctions = ko.observableArray();
// Whenever the Function changes, update the SubFunctions selection
this.Function_Id.subscribe(function (id) {
}, this);
// Functions to get data from server
this.Init = function () {
this.GetFunctions = function () {
var vm = this;
'#Url.Action("GetFunctions", "Function")',
function (data) {
this.GetSubFunctions = function (Function_Id) {
var vm = this;
if (Function_Id != null) {
'#Url.Action("GetSubFunctions", "Function")',
{ Function_Id: Function_Id },
function (data) {
else {
this.Save = function () {
var PostData = ko.toJSON(this);
var d = $.dump(PostData);
type: 'POST',
url: '/Person/Save',
data: PostData,
contentType: 'application/json',
success: function (data) {
$(document).ready(function () {
var personViewModel = new PersonViewModel();
When the Submit button is clicked, the data from the select lists is posted, but NOT the 'Function_Id'.
When I choose a different value in the Function dropdown list, and the click the Submit button, the value for 'Function_Id' is correctly posted.
How to fix this ?
It's because the scope of the this keyword in javascript
this.Init = function () {
this.GetFunctions(); // this === PersonViewModel.Init
this.Function_Id('#(Model.Function_Id)'); // calls PersonViewModel.Init.Function_Id(...)
You should store the refrence to the PersonViewModel instance.
var self = this;
self.Init = function () {
self.Function_Id('#(Model.Function_Id)'); // calls PersonViewModel.Function_Id(...)
Heres the jsfiddle, jsfiddle.net/kqreJ
So I was using .bind no problem for this function but then I loaded more updates to the page and found out that .bind doesn't work for content imported to the page but just for content already on the page! Great!
So I switched it up to .delegate which is pretty cool but now I can't figure out how to .bind .unbind my function the way it was???
Function using .bind which worked perfect... except didn't work on ajax content.. :(
$('.open').bind("mouseup",function(event) {
var $this = $(this), handler = arguments.callee;
$this.unbind('mouseup', handler);
var id = $(this).attr("id");
var create = 'nope';
var regex = /\d+$/,
statusId = $('#maindiv .open').toArray().map(function(e){
return parseInt(e.id.match(regex));
var divsToCreate = [ parseInt(id) ];
$.each(divsToCreate, function(i,e)
if ( $.inArray(e, statusId) == -1 ) {
create = 'yup';
if( create == 'yup' ) {
if(id) {
type: "POST",
url: "../includes/open.php",
data: "post="+ id,
cache: false,
success: function(html) {
New function using .delegate that is not binded and creates multiple instances?
$('#maindiv').delegate("span.open", "mouseup",function(event) {
var $this = $(this), handler = arguments.callee;
$this.unbind('mouseup', handler);
var id = $(this).attr("id");
var create = 'nope';
var regex = /\d+$/,
statusId = $('#maindiv .open').toArray().map(function(e){
return parseInt(e.id.match(regex));
var divsToCreate = [ parseInt(id) ];
$.each(divsToCreate, function(i,e)
if ( $.inArray(e, statusId) == -1 ) {
create = 'yup';
if( create == 'yup' ) {
if(id) {
type: "POST",
url: "../includes/open.php",
data: "post="+ id,
cache: false,
success: function(html) {
I've spent hours trying to figure this out because I like learning how to do it myself but I had to break down and ask for help... getting frustrated!
I also read that when your binding and unbinding .delegate you have to put it above the ajax content? I've tried using .die() and .undelegate()... Maybe I just don't know where to place it?
Take a look at undelegate
It does to delegate what unbind does to bind.
In your case, I think it'd be something like:
$('#maindiv').undelegate("span.open", "mouseup").delegate("span.open", "mouseup" ...
Then you can drop the $this.unbind('mouseup', handler); within the function.
I'm trying to make a jquery plugin
but it's not working what a'm i doing wrong
//pass the options variable to the function
rss: function(options) {
//Set the default values, use comma to separate the settings, example:
var defaults = {
feedUrl: ''
var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
return this.each(function() {
var Setting = options;
//code to be inserted here
type: "GET",
url: Setting.feedUrl,
dataType: "xml",
success: function(xml) {
var title2 = $(this).find('title').text();
var url2 = $(this).find('link').text();
$('<div class="title"></div>').html(''+title2+'').fadeIn(1000).appendTo('#title');
var title = $(this).find('title').text();
var brief = $(this).find('description').text();
var url = $(this).find('link').text();
$('<div class="items"></div>').html('<div class="dis">'+brief+'</div>').fadeIn(1000).appendTo('#blab');
By writing $.fn.rss(...), you're calling a non-existent function.
You need to create a function by writing
$.fn.rss = function(...) { ... };
Firebug is giving me no error messages, but it's not working. The idea is regardless of whether the user picks an option from dropdown or if they type in something in search box, I want the alert() message defined below to alert what the value of the variable result is (e.g. {filter: Germany}). And it doesn't. I think the javascript breaks down right when a new Form instance is instantiated because I tried putting an alert in the Form variable and it was never triggered. Note that everything that pertains to this issue occurs when form.calculation() is called.
<select name="filter" alter-data="dropFilter">
<input type="text" alter-data="searchFilter" />
javascript (below the body tag)
var listview = $('#listview');
var lists = (function(){
var criteria = {
dropFilter: {
insert: function(value){
return handleFilter("filter", value);
msg: "Filtering..."
searchFilter: {
insert: function(value){
return handleFilter("search", value);
msg: "Searching..."
var handleFilter = function(key,value){
return {key: value};
return {
create: function(component){
var component = component.href.substring(component.href.lastIndexOf('#') + 1);
return component;
setDefaults: function(component){
var parameter = {};
case "sites":
parameter = {
'order': 'site_num',
'per_page': '20',
'url': 'sites'
return parameter;
getCriteria: function(criterion){
return criteria[criterion];
addCriteria: function(criterion, method){
criteria[criterion] = method;
var Form = function(form){
var fields = [];
var field = $(this);
if(typeof field.attr('alter-data') !== 'undefined') fields.push(new Field(field));
Form.prototype = {
initiate: function(){
for(field in this.fields){
isCalculable: function(){
for(field in this.fields){
return false;
return true;
var Field = function(field){
this.field = field;
this.alterData = false;
Field.prototype = {
attach: function(event){
var obj = this;
if(event == "change"){
obj.field.bind("change", function(){
return obj.calculate();
if(event == "keyup"){
obj.field.bind("keyup", function(e){
return obj.calculate();
calculate: function(){
var obj = this,
field = obj.field,
msgClass = "msgClass",
msgList = $(document.createElement("ul")).addClass("msgClass"),
types = field.attr("alter-data").split(" "),
container = field.parent(),
messages = [];
for(var type in types){
var criterion = lists.getCriteria(types[type]);
var result = criterion.insert(field.val());
obj.alterData = true;
else {
return false;
obj.alterData = false;
for(msg in messages){
msgList.append("<li>" + messages[msg] + "</li");
$('#dashboard a').click(function(){
var currentComponent = lists.create(this);
var custom = lists.setDefaults(currentComponent);
var initializeTable = function(custom){
var defaults = {};
var custom = custom || {};
var query_string = $.extend(defaults, custom);
var params = [];
$.each(query_string, function(key,value){
params += key + ': ' + value;
var url = custom['url'];
type: 'GET',
url: '/' + url,
data: params,
dataType: 'html',
error: function(){},
beforeSend: function(){},
complete: function() {},
success: function(response) {
$.extend($.fn, {
calculation: function(){
var formReady = new Form($(this));
if(formReady.isCalculable) {
var form = $('fieldset');
Thank you for anyone who responds. I spent a lot of time trying to make this work.
The initial problem as to why the alert() was not being triggered when Form is instantiated is because, as you can see, the elements property belongs to the Form object, not fieldset object. And as you can see in the html, I place the fields as descendents of the fieldset object, not form.