MongoDB: Search in array - mongodb

I have a field in a MongoDB Collection like:
place = ['London','Paris','New York']
I need a query that will return only that particular entry of the array, where a specific character occurs. For Example, I want to search for the terms having the letter 'o'(case-insensitive) in them. It should just return 'London' and 'New York'.
I tried db.cities.find({"place":/o/i}), but it returns the whole array.

You'll need to $unwind using an aggregate query, then match.
db.cities.aggregate([ { $unwind:'$place' }, { $match: { place : {$regex: /o/i } } } ])

In simple you find with $regex below query will work without aggregation
db.collectionName.find({ place : {$regex: /o/i } })


mongodb filter where property not ends with

I have a mongodb collection with documents structured like this
I want to filter and select only documents where refNote not ends with #qwertz
You can use regular expression and $not operator,
$regex to pass string that you want to search, specify $ at the end of string to search exact from end of the string,
$not to check opposit condition
refNote: {
$not: {
$regex: "#qwertz$"

MongoDB : Match with element in an array

I am working on a collection called Publications. Each publication has an array of objectives which are ids. I have also a custom array of objectives hand written. Now, I want to select all the publications that contains at least one element of the custom objectives array in their objectives. How can I do that ?
I've been trying to make this works with '$setIntersection' then '$count' and verify that the count is greater than 0 but I don't know how to implement this.
Example :
publication_1: {
'_id': ObjectId("sdfsdf46543")
'objectives': [ObjectId("1654351456341"), ObjectId("123456789")]
publication_2: {
'_id': ObjectId("sdfs216546543")
'objectives': [ObjectId("1654351456341"), ObjectId("46531132")]
custom_array = [ObjectId("123456789"), ObjectId("2416315463")]
The mongo query should return publication_1.
You can do like the following:
"objectives": {
"$in": [
Notice: "123456789" is not a valid ObjectId so the query itself may not work. Here is the working example
Mongodb playground link:
objectives is an array of objects, I guess you can just query that field directly:
let custom_array = [ObjectId("123456789"), ObjectId("2416315463")];
// You can search the array with $in property.
let result = await Model.find({ objectives: {$in : custom_array} })

Mongo db - Querying documents using nested field (nested array and objects)

"params" :{
"action": "getEmployeeData",
I have similar structured documents in my collection. How do I query the documents that match action value to "getEmployeeData". I tried dot notation with $elemMatchbut couldn't get the results.
Dot notation works fine here, it will return the document if serviceTask contains at least one action set to getEmployeeData
"model.serviceTask.obj.params.action": "getEmployeeData"

MongoDB $pop element which is in 3 time nested array

Here is the data structure for each document in the collection. The datastructure is fixed.
'_id': 'some-timestamp',
'NUMERATION': [ // numeration of divisions
// numeration of producttypes
'DIVISIONX': [{'PRODUCTTYPE': 'product xy', COUNT: 100}]
The query result should be in the same structure but only contain producttypes matching a regular expression.
I tried using an nested $elemMatchoperator but this doesn't get me any closer. I don't know how I can iterate each value in the producttypes array for each division.
How can I do that? Then I could apply $pop, $in and $each.
I looked at:
Querying an array of arrays in MongoDB
... and more
The solution I want to avoid is writing something like this:
collection.find().forEach(function(x) { /* more for eaches */ })
Here is an example document to copy:
E.g. the query result should only return the entry with the giftcard:
Using the forEach approach the result is in the correct format. I'm still looking for a better way which does not involve the use of that function - therefore I will not mark this as an answer.
But for now this works fine:
function(wholeDocument) {
wholeDocument['RESULT'].forEach(function (resultEntry) {
resultEntry['NUMERATION'].forEach(function (numerationEntry) {
numerationEntry['DIVISION'].forEach(function(divisionEntry, index) {
// example condition (will be replaced by regular expression evaluation)
if(divisionEntry['PRODUCTTYPE'] != 'Giftcard'){
numerationEntry['DIVISION'].splice(index, 1);
Thanks to Rahul Raj's comments I have read up the aggregation with the $redact operator. A prototype of the solution to the issue is this query:
db.getCollection('DeepStructure').aggregate( [
{ $redact: {
$cond: {
if: { $ne: [ "$PRODUCTTYPE", "Giftcard" ] },
then: "$$DESCEND",
else: "$$PRUNE"
I hope you're trying to update nested array.
You need to use positional operators $[] or $ for that.
If you use $[], you will be able to remove all matching nested array elements.
And if you use $, only the first matching array element will get removed.
Use $regex operator to pass on your regular expression.
Also, you need to use $pull to remove array elements based on matching condition. In your case, its regular expression. Note that $elemMatch is not the correct one to use with $pull as arguments to $pull are direct queries to the array.
{/*additional matching conditions*/},
{$pull: {"RESULT.$[].NUMERATION.$[].DIVISIONX":{PRODUCTTYPE: {$regex: "xy"}}}},
{multi: true}
Just replace xy with your regular expression and add your own matching conditions as required. I'm not quite sure about your data set, but I came up with the above answer based on my assumptions from the given info. Feel free to change according to your requirements.

Checking if a field contains a string

I'm looking for an operator, which allows me to check, if the value of a field contains a certain string.
Something like:
Is that possible?
You can do it with the following code.
db.users.findOne({"username" : {$regex : "son"}});
As Mongo shell support regex, that's completely possible.
db.users.findOne({"username" : /.*son.*/});
If we want the query to be case-insensitive, we can use "i" option, like shown below:
db.users.findOne({"username" : /.*son.*/i});
SELECT * FROM users WHERE username LIKE "%Son%"
As of version 2.4, you can create a text index on the field(s) to search and use the $text operator for querying.
First, create the index:
db.users.createIndex( { "username": "text" } )
Then, to search:
db.users.find( { $text: { $search: "son" } } )
Benchmarks (~150K documents):
Regex (other answers) => 5.6-6.9 seconds
Text Search => .164-.201 seconds
A collection can have only one text index. You can use a wildcard text index if you want to search any string field, like this: db.collection.createIndex( { "$**": "text" } ).
A text index can be large. It contains one index entry for each unique post-stemmed word in each indexed field for each document inserted.
A text index will take longer to build than a normal index.
A text index does not store phrases or information about the proximity of words in the documents. As a result, phrase queries will run much more effectively when the entire collection fits in RAM.
As this is one of the first hits in the search engines, and none of the above seems to work for MongoDB 3.x, here is one regex search that does work:
db.users.find( { 'name' : { '$regex' : yourvalue, '$options' : 'i' } } )
No need to create and extra index or alike.
Here's what you have to do if you are connecting MongoDB through Python
db.users.find({"username": {'$regex' : '.*' + 'Son' + '.*'}})
you may also use a variable name instead of 'Son' and therefore the string concatenation.
Simplest way to accomplish this task
If you want the query to be case-sensitive
If you want the query to be case-insensitive
ideal answer its use index
i option for case-insensitive
db.users.findOne({"username" : new RegExp(search_value, 'i') });
This should do the work
db.users.find({ username: { $in: [ /son/i ] } });
The i is just there to prevent restrictions of matching single cases of letters.
You can check the $regex documentation on MongoDB documentation.
Here's a link:
I use this code and it work for search substring
db.users.find({key: { $regex: new RegExp(value, 'i')}})
If you need to do the search for more than one attribute you can use the $or. For example
$or: [
{ 'symbol': { '$regex': input, '$options': 'i' } },
{ 'name': { '$regex': input, '$options': 'i' } }
).then((data) => {
}).catch((err) => {
Here you are basing your search on if the input is contained in the symbol attribute or the name attribute.
If the regex is not working in your Aggregate solution and you have nested object. Try this aggregation pipeline: (If your object structure is simple then, just remove the other conditions from below query):
{"UserObject.Personal.Address.Home.Value": /.*son.*/ }
One other way would be to directly query like this:
db.user.findOne({"UserObject.Personal.Address.Home.Value": /.*son.*/ });
If your regex includes a variable, make sure to escape it.
function escapeRegExp(string) {
return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); // $& means the whole matched string
This can be used like this
new RegExp(escapeRegExp(searchString), 'i')
Or in a mongoDb query like this
{ '$regex': escapeRegExp(searchString) }
Posted same comment here
For aggregation framework
Field search
('$options': 'i' for case insensitive search)
$match: {
'email': { '$regex': '', '$options': 'i' }
Full document search
(only works on fields indexed with a text index
$match: { $text: { $search: 'brave new world' } }
How to ignore HTML tags in a RegExp match:
var text = '<p>The <b>tiger</b> (<i>Panthera tigris</i>) is the largest cat species, most recognizable for its pattern of dark vertical stripes on reddish-orange fur with a lighter underside. The species is classified in the genus <i>Panthera</i> with the lion, leopard, jaguar, and snow leopard. It is an apex predator, primarily preying on ungulates such as deer and bovids.</p>';
var searchString = 'largest cat species';
var rx = '';
searchString.split(' ').forEach(e => {
rx += '('+e+')((?:\\s*(?:<\/?\\w[^<>]*>)?\\s*)*)';
rx = new RegExp(rx, 'igm');
This is probably very easy to turn into a MongoDB aggregation filter.