Jenkins - Plugins not installing and jobs and features are missing after upgrade. - plugins

I'm using latest Jenkins (v 1.590) LOL, but Jenkins official site say: 1.588. I'm 200% sure that I did see 1.589 and 1.590 few days back on Jenkins official download site(when I wanted to upgrade Jenkins to newer version).
This is what I see at the bottom of my Jenkins instance page.
Page generated: Nov 19, 2014 12:07:51 PMREST APIJenkins ver. 1.590
Now, the issue I'm facing is: Since I upgraded few of the plugins and Jenkins itself recently, some of the jobs are missing (I see this can happen during upgrades but upgrading to latest Jenkins should fix it and I'm two steps ahead of what Jenkins has on their official site, right):
I go to Manage Jenkins, Manage Plugins, Go to Available tab, check mark bunch of plugins to install (Artifactory, Maven project plugin etc ) and restart Jenkins using Jenkins GUI interface (which happens automatically once plugins are downloaded/installed in Jenkins GUI). After the restart, I do the same to see whether the plugin is now showing under "Installed" tab or not, but to my luck, it's still showing under "Available tab" and is NOT listed under "Installed" tab. If I open an existing job's configuration OR create a new job, the features available due to installed plugins are NOT visible i.e. if I installed Maven Project Plugin, I don't see an option to create a Maven style(2/3) project job while creating a new job.
I see valid .jpi files for respective plugins in plugins folder in JENKINS_HOME and there are some .pinned files as well. I have tried this a couple of times but the plugins are not visible once installed. Installation doesn't give any error during the whole operation.
Jenkins system log file (upon Jenkins restart) is attached (NOTE: Use slow download button to see/download this log file).
Download at SpeedyShare

Issue was with the plugins permissions and expanded folders.
If you see under the plugins folder, you'll see .jpi or .hpi files (Jenkins jpi and Hudson hpi).
If I have awesomeplugin.jpi then there will be a folder called awesomeplugin.
Using Slav's hint, I ran bunch of checks and found out of 70+ plugins that I had installed, few of them somehow got "root" and "root" as their owner and group for their .jpi files and corresponding folder.
Now, The best solution one can try (the safest approach) is to chown -R yourvalidjenkinsuser:yourvalidgroup * and chmod -R 755 * as root. Before doing this, stop/shutdown jenkins.
I went even a step further, I first took backup of config files / whole jenkins JENKINS_HOME folder. Then I went to plugins folder and remove all .jpi corresponding folders using root account or as the owner of those folders (NOTE, I didn't delete the .jpi files). Then, I ran the above two commands (chown/chmod) and started Jenkins.
when I'm going to Jenkins > New item (to create a new job), Shenzi, all different types of jobs options are showing up (which included the Maven2/3 type job which I found got missing and few others like "Multi-configuration project" and Multijob Project job type.. all were missing and now they are showing up.
OK, I also checked one of the old job, went to its job's configuration and Shenzi!! I now see all the features there i.e. (Promoted Job plugin feature "Promtoe builds when.." check box. This feature which I configured sometime back, got missing but now it's showing up again.
Few of the Maven jobs that I created in past with Maven Release Plugin and Release Plugin POC work had bunch of steps in it. I found there was nothing in the Build step (after this whole mess), but after the above solution, I now see everything is back. I can see the configurations and build steps populated as they were set.
I hope this can help someone facing similar issue.
Still, I don't know why my Jenkins version is 1.590 (which Jenkins updated recently in automatic fashion) and Jenkins site today says, their latest Jenkins artifact is version 1.588 (seems like a mystery).

When you say "valid .hpi files", did you actually test that they are valid? You should be able to rename them to .zip and extract as a valid archive. An issue I face a lot is the network layer filtering system that we have in the office. It intercepts Jenkins's calls sometimes with the filtering system's login page, instead of whatever internet resource was being loaded.
If your .hpi files are not valid zip archives, open them in a text editor, and see if they are in the form of an html page/response of some kind.


How to Build a definition and publish test results for a Java project with maven, Junit and selenium on Visual Studios Team Services VSTS

I have an automation script that uses maven POM.xml to import all the dependencies needed from selenium and junit. The main test uses selenium to open a browser, verify some information, close the browser and the test ends.
When run as Junit it works fine: run as Junit test
When run as Maven Test it works fine as well: run as maven test
In both scenarios, the program opens the browser and navigates through the website as it should do for an automated test.
Now I need to integrate it to VSTS so I can visualize the overall pass/fail test on the VSTS dashboard but I'm not familiarized with this tool too much yet.
So far this is what I have managed to do:
Deploy an agent on my WindowsPC (I want to execute and deploy the project on an Azure VM or another azure instance later on) NOTE: this is the same pc I'm successfully running the program using eclipse as shown in the screenshoots above.
Create a build definition on VSTS but when I queue the definition the build fails: build definition and the build fail.
I don't know why it can't find mt config.txt file since it is located on the same hosted agent in that same directory. I'll appreciate if someone is capable of guiding me through this process so I can run the program from the VSTS and visualize the overall tests that fail and pass on the VSTS dashboard.
UPDATE: I moved the config.txt file to the public directory and the build was successful(I still need to fix this issue because I do not want my work in a public folder).
Now the problem I have is that even though the build is successful and it looks like it is running my "3 tests", When I look at my pc, nothing is happening. it should open chrome and take a screenshot, then open Firefox and take another screenshot and finally open internet explorer and take another screenshot and save each test on different folders but it is only generating folders for chrome and internet explorer (but still those folders does not have the screenshot I'm asking, maybe because the browser is not being open on the computer.)
Here is the log:
test output report generated on my computer
test output on vsts
Look at the error message. The error message tells you precisely what the problem is: Y:\Automation Team\CopaQA\Architecture\local\config.txt (The system cannot find the path specified)
You need to not rely on hard-coded paths.
You say you registered a build agent against your VSTS account... but did you change the agent queue for your build? If the agent queue is "Hosted", you're using Microsoft's hosted agent.
I don't know why it can't find mt config.txt file since it is located on the same hosted agent in that same directory.
It turns out that Java.IO. can't read files located on a shared network drive, I solved this by using the UNC path to that file (//"computername"/"directory"/"file.txt")
Now the problem I have is that even though the build is successful and
it looks like it is running my "3 tests", When I look at my pc,
nothing is happening.
It took me a little reading to realize that to perform UI tests my agent needs to be set up in INTERACTIVE MODE. it can be done following this guide:

Eclipse Repositories fail "Unable to read repository at"

I generally don't use Eclipse, so perhaps I'm doing something wrong, but I've spent several hours going over this and can't find a problem.
I needed a plugin for Eclipse (PigEditor or PigPen) and attempted to install it via repository, this failed with the error below. When it wouldn't install, I downloaded the .zip version, extracted the archive, found the folder containing features and plugins directory and tried installing it. This also failed. I also tried a PigPen .jar and it wasn't picked up at all when placing it into the plugins folder.
I noticed along the way that I received a bunch of error messages where it looked like Eclipse was trying to fetch dependencies. For example...
Unable to read repository at is not a valid repository location.
That -should- be a valid repository location, it's listed about halfway down here. This unable to read repository is the same error that I got when trying to install the previous plugin from repository.
I then went to the Preferences -> Available Software Sites and tried all of the default installed repositories. There were 2 checked (the one listed above, and and 2 unchecked ( and I hit reload on any of those and receive the same error message as above.
I can access websites from the internal browser. I've also tried changing my Network Connections preference to "Direct".
Really all I care about is getting a working Pig plugin, so I'll accept that as an answer. I'm getting the feeling though that my failure to get any repositories is a symptom of a bigger problem (and I really want to know what's going on), so if you have troubleshooting steps I'm willing to try anything.
Sites I'm trying to get the Pig editor from:
Solution :
Open up .exe eclipse file from command promtp followed by command -vmargs
changed in eclipse.init file.

nuget - package restore not working

My aim is to have package restore working on a build server so that I don't have to check in binaries. At the moment, I'm simply trying to get it to work on my own machine using Visual Studio.
Here's what I've done so far:
Followed the instructions here, including both setting the Tools-Options flag and the environment variable (belt and braces)
Installed the NuGetEnablePackageRestore package as suggested here NuGet package restore consent without NuGet
Checked everything in (the .nuget solution folder and its contents), but not the binaries I want to reference, because that's the whole point of the exercise
Here's what I'm doing:
Check out solution
Verify that nunit.framework.dll and moq.dll are not present in the checked out solution
Build the solution
Visual Studio complains that Moq is missing. I search for the dlls in the solution directory and find that:
nunit.framework.dll is present in the appropriate bin folders
Moq.dll is nowhere to be found
But there's more. This is truly mysterious, but if I do a fresh checkout, disconnect from the internet and build, I get precisely the same results - nunit.framework.dll is there, but moq.dll is not. The build process has conjured nunit.framework.dll literally from nowhere.
So it's something of an understatement to say that I am completely baffled. Can anyone suggest answers to the following questions:
Why is package restore not downloading Moq?
Where on earth is the build process getting nunit.framework.dll, if not the internet?
In vs, Options, Package Manager... there's a section "Package Cache", if you click on the "Browse" button it will take you to the location of the nuget cache in your machine.
Okay, I noticed in the documentation that enabling package restore was supposed to modify project files in order to add a new target. My project files did not have this change. Right-clicking the solution title in VS and selecting 'Manage NuGet packages...' then added the required changes and everything built as it should.
I checked, and package restore still appears to work when I have no internet access, so I'm still mystified about that. Does NuGet maintain some kind of cache of binaries outside the solution?

How do you deploy a website and database project using TFS 2010?

I've been trying to figure this out and so far haven't found a simple solution. Is it really that hard to deploy a database project (and a web site) using TFS 2010 as part of the build process?
I've found one example that involved lots of complicated checks and editing the workflow (which is a giant workflow btw).
I've even purchased the book "professional application lifecycle management with VS 2010", but apparently professionals don't deploy their applications since it isn't even mentioned in the book.
I know I'm retarded when it comes to TFS, but it seems like there should be any easy way to do this. Is there?
I can't speak for the database portion, but I just went through this on the web portion, the magic part is not very well documented component, namely the MSBuild Parameters.
In your build definition:
Process on the Left
Required > Items to Build > Configurations to Build
Edit, add a new one, for this example
Configuration: Dev (I cover how to create a configuration below)
Platform: Any CPU
Advanced > MSBuild Process
Use the following arguments (at least for me, your publish method may vary).
MsBuild Params:
You need to install the MS Deploy Remote Agent Service on the destination web server, MSDeploy needs to be on the Build/Deployer server as well, but this should be the case by default.
The account you use in the params above needs admin access, at least to IIS...I'm not sure what the minimum permission requirements are.
You configure which WebSite/Virtual Directory the site goes to in the Web project you're deploying. Personally I have a build configuration for each environment, this makes the builds very easy to handle and organize. For example we have Release, Debug and Dev (there are more but for this example that's it). Only the Web project has a Dev configuration.
To do this, right click the solution, Configuration Manager..., On the web project click the configuration drop down, click New.... Give it a name, "Dev" for this example, copy settings from debug or release, whatever matches closest to what your deployment server environment should be. Make sure "Create new solution configurations" is checked, it is by default. After creating this, change the configuration dropdown on the solution to the new Dev one, and Any CPU...make sure your projects are all correct, I had some flipping to x86 and x64 randomly, not sure of the exact cause of that).
In your web project, right click, properties. On the left, click Package/Publish Web (you'll also want to mess with the other Package/Publish SQL tab, but I can't speak to that). In the options on the right click Create deployment package as a zip file. The default location is fine, the next textbox I didn't find documented anywhere. The format is this: WebSite/Virtual Directory, so if you have a site called "BuildSite" in IIS with no virtual directory (app == site root), you would have BuildSite only in this box. If it was in a virtual directory, you might have Default Web Site/BuildVirtualDirectory.
After you set all that, make sure to check-in the solution and web project so the build server has the configuration changes you made, then kick off a build :)
If you have more questions, I recommend you watch this video by Vishal Joshi, specifically around 22 and 59 minutes in, he covers the database portion as well...but I have no actual experience trying it since we're on top of a non MSSQL database.

P2 headless update not working

I have taken the org.eclipse.equinox.p2.examples.rcp.prestartupdate project and adapted it for use in my RCP application. I then setup an update repository that gets updated as part of my nightly build.
When I open my application it goes through the motions like it is updating - it finds the update site, generates an uninstall and install operand for each bundle correctly and says that it finished with no errors. The problem is that the plugins never actually get installed in the plugins folder even though the profile gets updated (a subsequent run states there are no updates). Next time my build runs it correctly identifies there are updates, but the same thing happens again.
I have spent days debugging and the only thing that looks out of the ordinary (not that I fully understand what is going on) is that during the final configure phase none of the TouchpointData objects have any instructions so it doesn't look like configure is doing what it should.
I really have no clue where to look next and would like to see if anyone else has any ideas.
I finally figured out what was going on.
The problem started when I built my product without the generating the metadata repository. When building through Eclipse I didn't check the "Generate metadata repository" in the export product wizards because I didn't need a p2 repository, just the product. The problem is that without checking that button the product does not install as P2 enabled causing side effects such as not generating a profile among other things.
I tried to compensate for this by manually creating a profile in code which I have since found out is a really bad idea. My original problems were created because my profile wasn't set up correctly.
Once I started exporting the product with "Generate metadata repository" checked the update started correctly installing the new plugins.
The problem I have now is that although the plugins are being installed correctly, the executable is getting trashed and I cannot launch my application any more. I am building my update site through Hudson and the binary folder which is present when I use the Eclipse Export Product wizard is missing. I am assuming that is what is going wrong now.
Any ideas why the binaries would not be building in my headless PDE build?
Figured this out also. I had assumed that all I needed was the individual launcher plugins for the platforms I wanted to build on. Since I was trying to understand the process I was copying over plugins one by one to the build server. It turns out to include the platform specific binaries in the build you need to have the org.eclipse.equinox.executable feature from the delta pack. Once I added that to the build the binaries started showing up in the output. With the binaries the update mechanism works exactly as intended.
I had assumed that all I needed was the individual launcher plugins for the platforms I wanted to build on. Since I was trying to understand the process I was copying over plugins one by one to the build server. It turns out to include the platform specific binaries in the build you need to have the org.eclipse.equinox.executable feature from the delta pack. Once I added that to the build the binaries started showing up in the output. With the binaries the update mechanism works exactly as intended.