MongoDB MMS to monitor and backup existing mongo instance - mongodb

We have our own mongo replica set setup in aws ec2, it is running all good. Now, what we want is to get MMS setup to monitor and backup the replica set. It seems that MMS will only monitor and backup the mongo instance that was deployed by the MMS.
Is there a work around for this?

As of the mid-October 2014 release of MMS, monitoring & backup has been integrated with deployment via the automation agent ( There currently isn't an option to attach MMS to existing MongoDB deployments, however you can watch/upvote MMS-1991 in the MongoDB issue tracker for updates.
Is there a work around for this?
One option would be to deploy a new replica set using MMS and migrate your data to the managed deployment.
If you have an MMS group created with the pre-automation version, the "classic" MMS groups do not have support for automation and the agents can be installed independently. Note that the classic version of MMS is closed to new users.


Making backups from mongodb atlas to a localserver machine

Is there any way to automate backups from my MongoDB Atlas cluster to a local machine using mongoose and node-cron? I've looked around but it would seem I need a paid cluster to have automatic updates enabled and even then they also can't be stored.

Auto scaling Mongodb as a service on Microsoft Azure

I see a MongoDB service in Microsoft Azure but that deploys a VM and installs MongoDB in that. I am guessing this will not auto scale and also charge me for the entire VM and MongoDB management (not just for my usage).
Is there any managed MongoDB as a service available in Microsoft Azure which will:
a) Auto scale. b) Charge me only for my usage.
I see MongoDB container image by Bitnami but I might have to deploy this on Helm.
What are my options here?
mongo db atlas is managed mongo, you can use that, but it wont be billed through Azure Subscription and it wont appear on your subscription. But it can be deployed to the same azure region your resources live in

MongoDB Amazon Web Service - Do I actually have it installed?

I really want to use mongoDB as my server backend for my android application/ web app that im hosting on the cloud. I ( think ) I installed it on my instance but Im confused as when I run my app its not showing up.
I ssh'd into my EC2 instance ( I am running Elastic Beanstalk on ssh) and I installed mongoDb and created all my tables and when I exit and ssh back into it the same tables are there however after reading up on it, I think the process is a little more complicated than that and more expensive.
Can anyone tell me if what I did was correct and if there actually a way to get mongoDb for free like this on Elastic Beanstalk? Its for my Computer Science masters.
I have now used Cloud Formation and installed mongo DB but now have no idea how to deploy my app without elastic beanstalk as my app runs on apache.
Thank you
No, keypoints to keep in mind:
When you SSH to your Elastic Beanstalk EC2 instances you can see a big message that says that any change that you make directly to your EC2 instances won't be saved anywhere. What I mean, you don't make ANY changes in your EC2s if you are using Elastic Beanstalk.
AWS has a MongoDB on the AWS Cloud: Quick Start Reference Deployment Guide. This document guides you through the process of installing MongoDB (includes a nice CloudFormation template -and it takes only about 15 mins to be ready-)

MongoDB Cloud Manager Vs Mongodb Atlas

can anyone please give me a high level difference between MongoDB Cloud Manager and Mongodb Atlas. My main aim is to monitor mongodb instances in AWS.
Cloud Manager is used when you want to manage your own infrastructure (you spin up the nodes where MongoDB runs) but still have the benefits of automated backups and monitoring.
Atlas goes one step further by automating everything for you including provisioning the infrastructure. It's a true database as a service fully managed by MongoDB. They hide the complexity of managing servers so all you have to worry about it using MongoDB. It's interesting to note they use AWS (with plans to support Azure and Google) to spin up nodes, perform monitoring, and backups.
The Major difference between Atlas and Cloud manager is that :
Cloud manager is used for monitoring your database deployment and providing the automated back ups in the self hosted environment.
While MongoDB Atlas is used when your deployments are hosted on the MongoDB Servers. So each and ever task is managed by the MongoDB staff. This is basically the database as a service. In case you encounter any issue all you need to open a case with the mongodb and they will help in the investigations of the issue occurred.
Here is an up-to-date answer to this question which explains differences between Atlas, Cloud Manager and also the Ops-Manager:
MongoDB Atlas handles all the complexity of deploying, managing, and healing your deployments on the cloud service provider of your choice (AWS, Azure, and GCP). Atlas pricing details are here 4.
Cloud Manager is a platform for managing MongoDB on the infrastructure of your choice. Cloud Manager pricing details are here 7.
Ops Manager automate, monitor, and back up your MongoDB infrastructure.
Here is the original article and additional resources in the MongoDB community forum:

Does azure support things like mongodb and redis?

Can you use mongodb and redis/memcached with azure?
I'm guessing no but just want to make sure.
It turns out they do support things other than .net, are they using linux servers then?
You can very easily run mongodb in Windows Azure. I presented this at MongoSV - video here.
EDIT: In December 2011, 10gen published their official MongoDB+Azure code on github. This contains a project for replica-sets, as well as a demo ASP.NET MVC application (taken from the Windows Azure Platform Training Kit) that uses a replica set for its storage.
Standalone servers are straightforward, except you have to deal with scale-out: you can't have multiple instances of a standalone server simultaneously, so you'll need to plan for this: take all but one out of the load balancer, or only launch mongod if you can acquire the Cloud Drive lock.
Replicasets are doable, as I demonstrated at MongoSV. However, I didn't cover the intricacies of graceful shutdown of a replicaset to ensure zero data loss.
You can run memcached as well - see David Aiken's post about this. Note: Now that the AppFabric Cache service is live, you should look into the pros/cons of using that over memcached. Cost-wise, AppFabric Cache should run much less, as you don't have to pay for role instances to host your cache. More info about AppFabric Cache here.
You now also have the option of running Redis in Windows Azure on Linux virtual machines ! In the case of Redis, this would allow you to use the "official" build instead of the "unsupported" Windows build ... For MongoDB, both choices seem equally valid (running on Linux virtual machines, "plain" Windows virtual machines, or using 10gen's package to run on "managed" VMs (Cloud Services).
FYI, there's now a Redis installer for Windows Azure available from MS Open Tech (my team). Here's a tutorial on how to use it:
[UPDATE] Azure now supports MongoDB and Redis.
In the Azure Store you can now select Redis Cloud as an add-on.
Heres the Azure store description:
"Redis Cloud is a fully-managed cloud service for hosting and running Redis in a highly-available and scalable manner, with predictable and stable top performance. Tell us how much memory you need and get started instantly with your new Redis database."
You can access the store by selecting the "New" button in the Azure portal then "Store". I have yet to use it but it looks promising.
Azure now has a first-party Redis service, currently in preview: