After watching some videos on how to use variant subsystems in a design, I was able to get variants working.
But this video tutorial (Managing Design Variants) from Mathworks mentions a Variant Manager which I have been unable to find in my version of Simulink. I am running version R2011b.
My View menu is different form the one in the tutorial, but it shows tabs for the Library browser, the Model Explorer and the Simulink Project. But I don't see any sign of a Variant Manager. I checked the other menu tabs with the same results.
Documentation help doesn't find anything on Variant Manager either.
Is the Variant Manager something introduced in a later version? Which one did it start in?
Or is there something I can configure to in order to use it?
The Variant Manager was introduced in R2013b, see the release notes (under R2013b, Component-Based Modeling).
I'm trying to fix some incorrect calls to ParallelFor() that are appearing in performance profiles. I can't seem to find it in the Blueprint scripts in the Unreal Engine 4 project I'm working with. The Unreal documentation is sparse, and only tells me how to use it in C++.
Any ideas? I'm really concerned that I can't do a plain-text search for functions like this inside the Blueprint scripts. The Unreal Engine dev forums didn't help. The existing search mechanism via the search boxes appears to be for variables.
Using grep in the project folder fails.
There are many factors to muti-threading speedup, number of cores, utilization, memory, scheduler...
The problem may be external to the code.
On to the question:
Many of the built-in blueprint functions are implemented natively in C++.
I would suggest looking at the profiler call stack(tree view); Follow it up to something named similar to a node. This technique may fail for cross thread dispatches.
You will have to download the source code and look there to find the calls.
The other way is to build a debug build(with symbols) of the game and attach a debugger to the process.
The call was built-in to the framework in my case.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
You can easily search trough all your BPs from withing the editor with
CTRL+SHIFT+F or window -> developer tools -> find in blueprints.
You get also there from within a blueprint, CTRL+F enter what you'r looking for, and on the right side there is kind of a book symbol in the same line where you can search all blueprints.
Greeting Everyone, I am a new one here.
I'm a brand new Modelica user. I'm trying to learn the language with OpenModelica. I'd like to use OpenHydraulics which is in github link in OpenModelica (specifically in the OMEdit Connection Editor).
I downloaded OpenModelica v1.19.2 and Modelica Standard Lib v3.2 to browse and run the library OpenHydraulics v1.0.1. However, when I open the Excavator example and try to Instantiate or Simulate the model I get many errors of the form:
[OpenHydraulics.Basic.VariableRestriction: 51:3-54:64]: Function ReynoldsNumber_m_flow not found in scope VariableRestriction.
Could you help me with this problem?
Thanks in advance.
there are a couple of things you need to take into consideration:
The current version of OpenHydraulics is still the original release from almost 10 years ago.
The library was developed using Dymola which at the time also supported a couple of non-standard Modelica, Dymola-specific constructs that other tools struggle to work with.
The example you are trying to run is the most complex one utilizing almost all of the power of the library and hence has quite a high degree of complexity.
Taking all this together means that OpenModelica is bound to struggle with that example. But all is not lost. If you actually look at the more simple circuit examples (under Circuit) you'll find that they work just fine. And depending on your application area they might already demonstrate a usage that will fit your needs.
I hope this helps.
I have tried to use EiffelStudio for a small Eiffel project and I have realized that its autocompletion feature (press the . and then a feature list will appear) does not work for local entities the type of which come from the Eiffel library.
For example:
a local set : ARRAYED_SET[STRING] wont be autocompleted when writing "set.".
when using the construct if attached item(some_key) as localitems, "localitems." won't be autocompleted
I use Eiffel Studio 14.05 (x86/64) on Linux Mint. I downloaded ES from the official site. How can I tweak the software to autocomplete local entities, too?
I've just tried auto-completion with EiffelStudio 14.05 and it works for both local entities and object test locals (I used a precompiled library in a project created from scratch). It definitely does not work if a project or a particular class was not compiled. If this is not the case, it makes sense either to provide some more details about the situation that causes the issue or to submit a bug report at their support site with the description.
EDIT: The issue seems to be present in EiffelStudio 14.05 when editing generic classes.
I'm using the following tools for programing in verilog+system-verilog and I'm wondering which can detect which variables are not being in use:
Eclipse DVT extension
Cadence tools
I don't think DVT can detect unused variables, but AMIQ have another product called Verisimo that can do this, AFAIK.
Also, try using the HAL (HDL Advanced Linter) from Cadence to see if they support this (it's a pretty basic thing for a linter).
I am working on an academic research regarding some very long functions in the Linux kernel (link, link).
For that research, I would like to use some code flow visualization tool, that would be able to plot a graph in which each vertex is a decision point and each edge is a piece of code which runs in a consequent way.
Do you know of any good, open source project that can visualize C code?
Perhaps a tool like KCacheGrind would be of help. It generates call graphs based on actual calls and cannot pre-generate a call graph without actually running the program, which may not suit your needs, but then it again it may.
History flow's are very neat for changes/diff across multiple versions.
Codeplex has a project, Dependency Visualizer which does support C also.
Gprof2Dot can render oprofile, this would get you dynamic info also.
CodeViz also (static tool) would work.
If your using gcc, gcc-xml has an introspector plugin also todo this.
You appears to want to acquire a flowchart of C source code ("decisions", "code blocks").
Something like this C flowchart?
To do this correctly, esp. for Linux kernal code, I'd expect you to have to preprocess the code first to get rid of macros and conditionals. I would assume that GCC would construct such a graph internally and that you ought to be able to get your hands on that graph.
Doxygen does some amount of 'visualization',
but you need to work on the code a bit for it to be usable.
Another interesting thing to check would be lxr
Linux Cross Referencer is a software toolset for indexing and presenting source code repositories. LXR was initially targeted at the Linux source code, but has proved usable for a wide range of software projects. is currently running an experimental fork of the LXR software.
I can recommend Sourcetrail. Can work with a compile_commands.json. Not sure if it's still maintained, though. But it's foss and you can fork it!