Accelerometer with FFT - strange output - matlab

After reading a lot of research and works on subject I still have got problems applying FFT to my accelerometer data. Most of my code is taken from official MATLAB example: FFT for one dimension. After more reading I've found this question: FFT and accelerometer data: why am I getting this output? where there was suggestion to use windowing. So after some more reading I've added hamming window to my code.
My data looks like that on plot:
And this is the code that I am using for FFT:
fs = 1/0.02; %0.02 comes from picking sample each 20ms
m = size(data,1);
w = hanning(m);
yw = w.*data;
n = pow2(nextpow2(yw));
y = fft(yw,size(n,1));
f = (0:size(n,1)-1)*(fs/size(n,1));
power = y.*conj(y)/size(n,1);
The problem is that my plot from this code looks like that:
Can someone tell me what is wrong with my code? To be honest I'd excepted it would look better (something like this: so that's why I am asking this question.
My data can be found here:

Your Fs is 50 so the highest frequency in your data can be Fs/2 = 25Hz.
See if this code helps.
fid = fopen('1.txt','r');
C = textscan(fid, '%f');
data = C{1};
fs = 50;
m = length(data);
nfft = 2^nextpow2(m);
y = fft(data,nfft)/m;
f = fs/2 * linspace(0,1,nfft/2+1);
power = abs(y);
t = (0 : m-1)/fs;
s0 = .8*fs : 3.2*fs; % .8 sec to 3.2 sec
p(s0) = .5*cos(2*pi*3.3*t(s0)+.25*pi);
p = p + mean(data);
plot(t,data);hold on
This is your data in frequency domain.
There is a peak at 3.3 Hz.
As a proof I plotted a sinusoidal with frequency of 3.3 Hz along with your data,
As you can see, it totally matches your data.

Your plots will look better if you first remove the DC offset (subtract the average of all samples from each point before computing the FFT), and then plot only half the FFT result data points (N/2) or less (since the upper half of an FFT result is just a conjugate mirror of the first half for real data input).

What your reference plot shows is just the magnitude on a logarithmic scale (in dB). Also it seems that the DC offset is removed. So you end up with something like this if you adapt it in your code.
data = data-mean(data); % DC removal
fs = 50;
m = length(data);
nfft = 2^nextpow2(m);
y = fft(data,nfft)/m;
f = fs/2 * linspace(0,1,nfft/2+1);
power = abs(y);
plot(f,10*log10(power(1:nfft/2+1))); % plot log magnitude
ylim([-30 0]) %limit axis
Looks at least similar to me.
If you additionally take the absolute square you are basically estimating the power spectral density of your signal. So meaning you have to change power = abs(y); to power = abs(y.^2); and then obviously have to adapt your ylim([-30 0]) to something lower like -50.


period of sawtooth from measurements

I have a series of 2D measurements (time on x-axis) that plot to a non-smooth (but pretty good) sawtooth wave. In an ideal world the data points would form a perfect sawtooth wave (with partial amplitude data points at either end). Is there a way of calculating the (average) period of the wave, using OCTAVE/MATLAB? I tried using the formula for a sawtooth from Wikipedia (Sawtooth_wave):
P = mean(time.*pi./acot(tan(y./4))), -pi < y < +pi
also tried:
P = mean(abs(time.*pi./acot(tan(y./4))))
but it didn't work, or at least it gave me an answer I know is out.
An example of the plotted data:
I've also tried the following method - should work - but it's NOT giving me what I know is close to the right answer. Probably something simple and wrong with my code. What?
slopes = diff(y)./diff(x); % form vector of slopes for each two adjacent points
for n = 1:length(diff(y)) % delete slope of any two points that form the 'cliff'
if abs(diff(y(n,1))) > pi
slopes(n,:) = [];
P = median((2*pi)./slopes); % Amplitude is 2*pi
Old post, but thought I'd offer my two-cent's worth. I think there are two reasonable ways to do this:
Perform a Fourier transform and calculate the fundamental
Do a curve-fitting of the phase, period, amplitude, and offset to an ideal square-wave.
Given curve-fitting will likely be difficult because of discontinuities in saw-wave, so I'd recommend Fourier transform. Self-contained example below:
f_s = 10; # Sampling freq. in Hz
record_length = 1000; # length of recording in sec.
% Create noisy saw-tooth wave, with known period and phase
saw_period = 50;
saw_phase = 10;
t = (1/f_s):(1/f_s):record_length;
saw_function = #(t) mod((t-saw_phase)*(2*pi/saw_period), 2*pi) - pi;
noise_lvl = 2.0;
saw_wave = saw_function(t) + noise_lvl*randn(size(t));
num_tsteps = length(t);
% Plot time-series data
plot(t, saw_wave, '*r', t, saw_function(t));
xlabel('Time [s]');
legend('measurements', 'ideal');
% Perform fast-Fourier transform (and plot it)
dft = fft(saw_wave);
freq = 0:(f_s/length(saw_wave)):(f_s/2);
dft = dft(1:(length(saw_wave)/2+1));
plot(freq, abs(dft));
xlabel('Freqency [Hz]');
ylabel('FFT of Measurement');
% Estimate fundamental frequency:
[~, idx] = max(abs(dft));
peak_f = abs(freq(idx));
peak_period = 1/peak_f;
disp(strcat('Estimated period [s]: ', num2str(peak_period)))
Which outputs a couple of graphs, and also the estimated period of the saw-tooth wave. You can play around with the amount of noise and see that it correctly gets a period of 50 seconds till very high levels of noise.
Estimated period [s]: 50

Scale Space for solving Sum of Gaussians

I'm attempting to use scale space implementation to fit n Gaussian curves to peaks in a noisy time series digital signal (measuring voltage).
To test it I created the following sample sum of three gaussians with noise (0.2*rand, sorry no picture, i'm new here)
amp = [2; 0.9; 1.3];
mu = [19; 23; 28];
sigma = [4.8; 1.3; 2.5];
x = linspace(1,50,1000);
for n=1:3, y(n,:) = A(n)*exp(-(x-B(n)).^2./(2*C(n)^2)); end
noisysignal = y(1,:) + y(2,:) + y(3,:) + 0.2*rand(1,numel(x))
I found this article posted by user355856 answer to thread "Peak decomposition"!
I believe my code generates the correct result for plotting the zero crossings as a function of the gaussian filter resolution sigma, but I have two issues. The first is that it seems yet another fitting routine would be needed to identify the approximate location of the arch intercepts for approximating the initial peak sigma and mu values. The second is that the edges of the scale space plot have substantial arches that definitely do not correspond to any peak. I'm not sure how to screen these out effectively. Last thing is that is used a spacing of 50 when calculating the second derivative central finite difference since too much more destroyed feature, and to much less results in a forest of zero crossings. Would there be a better way to filter that to control random zero crossings in the gaussian peak tails?
function [crossing] = scalespace(x, y, sigmalimit)
figure; hold on; ylim([0 sigmalimit]);
for sigma = 1:sigmalimit %
yconv = convkernel(sigma, y); %convolve with kernel
xconv = linspace(x(1), x(end), length(yconv));
yconvpp = d2centralfinite(xconv, yconv, 50); % 50 was empirically chosen
num = 0;
for i = 1 : length(yconvpp)-1
if sign(yconvpp(i)) ~= sign(yconvpp(i+1))
crossing(sigma, num+1) = xconv(i);
num = num+1;
plot(crossing(sigma, crossing(sigma, :) ~= 0),...
sigma*ones(1, numel(crossing(sigma, crossing(sigma, :) ~= 0))), '.');
function [yconv] = convkernel(sigma, y)
t = sigma^2;
C = 3; % for kernel truncation
M = C*round(sqrt(t))+1;
window = (-M) : (+M);
G = zeros(1, length(window));
G(:) = (1/(2*pi()*t))*exp(-(window.^2)./(2*t));
yconv = conv(G, y);
This is my first post and I apologize in advance for any issues in style. I'm fairly new to programming, so any advice regarding the programming style or information provided in this question would be much appreciated. I also read through Amro's answer about matlab's GMM function! if anyone feels that would be a more efficient approach to modeling multiple gaussians in a digital signal.
Thank you!

Comparing FFT of Function to Analytical FT Solution in Matlab

I am trying to compare the FFT of exp(-t^2) to the function's analytical fourier transform, exp(-(w^2)/4)/sqrt(2), over the frequency range -3 to 3.
I have written the following matlab code and have iterated on it MANY times now with no success.
fs = 100; %sampling frequency
dt = 1/fs;
t = 0:dt:10-dt; %time vector
L = length(t); %number of sample points
%N = 2^nextpow2(L); %necessary?
y = exp(-(t.^2));
freq = (-L/2:L/2-1)*fs/L; %freq vector
F = (exp(-(freq.^2)/4))/sqrt(2); %analytical solution
%Y_valid_pts = Y(W>=-3 & W<=3); %compare for freq = -3 to 3
%npts = length(Y_valid_pts);
% w = linspace(-3,3,npts);
% Fe = (exp(-(w.^2)/4))/sqrt(2);
error = norm(Y - F) %L2 Norm for error
hold on;
xlabel('Frequency, w');
hold off;
You can see that right now, I am simply trying to get the two plots to look similar. Eventually, I would like to find a way to do two things:
1) find the minimum sampling rate,
2) find the minimum number of samples,
to reach an error (defined as the L2 norm of the difference between the two solutions) of 10^-4.
I feel that this is pretty simple, but I can't seem to even get the two graphs visually agree.
If someone could let me know where I'm going wrong and how I can tackle the two points above (minimum sampling frequency and minimum number of samples) I would be very appreciative.
A first thing to note is that the Fourier transform pair for the function exp(-t^2) over the +/- infinity range, as can be derived from tables of Fourier transforms is actually:
Finally, as you are generating the function exp(-t^2), you are limiting the range of t to positive values (instead of taking the whole +/- infinity range).
For the relationship to hold, you would thus have to generate exp(-t^2) with something such as:
t = 0:dt:10-dt; %time vector
t = t - 0.5*max(t); %center around t=0
y = exp(-(t.^2));
Then, the variable w represents angular frequency in radians which is related to the normalized frequency freq through:
w = 2*pi*freq;
F = (exp(-((2*pi*freq).^2)/4))*sqrt(pi); %analytical solution

inverse fast fourier transform for frequency range

My problem is to obtain original signal from amplitude spectrum (fft) based on inverse fft but only for some frequency range ex. 8-12 Hz. Could anyone help me? I try to used:
ixdft=ifft(xdft(a:b)), %where xdft(a:b) is |Y(f)| for freq 8-12 Hz.
But it doesn't want to work.
You can set all the values of xdft to zero except those you want, i.e.,
xdft = fft(x);
xdft = xdft(1:ceil(length(xdft) / 2));
xdft(1:a) = 0;
xdft(b+1:end) = 0;
ixdft = ifft(xdft, 'symmetric');
The reason I have taken only half of the original FFT'd data is that your result will be symmetric about Fs / 2 (where Fs is the sample rate), and if you don't do the same thing to the frequencies either side of the centre, you will get a complex signal out. Instead of doing the same thing to both sides manually, I've just taken one side, modified it, and told ifft that it has to reconstruct the data for the full frequency range by appending a mirror image of what you pass it; this by done by calling it with the 'symmetric' option.
If you need to figure out what a and b should be for some frequency, you can first create a vector of the frequencies at which you've performed the FFT, then find those frequencies that are within your range, like so:
xdft = fft(x);
xdft = xdft(1:ceil(length(xdft) / 2));
f = linspace(0, Fs / 2, length(xdft));
keepInd = f >= 8 & f <= 12; % Keep frequencies between 8 and 12 Hz
xdft(~keepInd) = 0;
Note that I've actually omitted the use of the two variables a and b altogether in this example and opted for logical indexing, and that Fs is the sample rate.

Spectrogram and what it is

I am very interested to know how the top right figure in :
is generated (the script) and how to analyse it i.e what information does it convey?I would appreciate a simplified answer with minimum mathematical jargons. Thank you.
The plot shows time along the horizontal axis, and frequency along the vertical axis. With pixel color showing the intensity of each frequency at each time.
A spectrogram is generated by taking a signal and chopping it into small time segments, doing a Fourier series on each segment.
here is some matlab code to generate one.
Notice how plotting the signal directly, it looks like garbage, but plotting the spectrogram, we can clearly see the frequencies of the component signals.
%% setup
%signal length in seconds
signalLength = 60+10*randn();
%100Hz sampling rate
sampleRate = 100;
dt = 1/sampleRate;
%total number of samples, and all time tags
Nsamples = round(sampleRate*signalLength);
time = linspace(0,signalLength,Nsamples);
%create a test signal
%function for converting from time to frequency in this test signal
F1 = #(T)0+40*T/signalLength; #frequency increasing with time
M1 = #(T)1-T/signalLength; #amplitude decreasing with time
F2 = #(T)20+10*sin(2*pi()*T/signalLength); #oscilating frequenct over time
M2 = #(T)1/2; #constant low amplitude
%Signal frequency as a function of time
signal1Frequency = F1(time);
signal1Mag = M1(time);
signal2Frequency = F2(time);
signal2Mag = M2(time);
%integrate frequency to get angle
signal1Angle = 2*pi()*dt*cumsum(signal1Frequency);
signal2Angle = 2*pi()*dt*cumsum(signal2Frequency);
%sin of the angle to get the signal value
signal = signal1Mag.*sin(signal1Angle+randn()) + signal2Mag.*sin(signal2Angle+randn());
%processing starts here
frequencyResolution = 1
%time resolution, binWidth, is inversly proportional to frequency resolution
binWidth = 1/frequencyResolution;
%number of resulting samples per bin
binSize = sampleRate*binWidth;
%number of bins
Nbins = ceil(Nsamples/binSize);
%pad the data with zeros so that it fills Nbins
signal(end) = [];
%reshape the data to binSize by Nbins
signal = reshape(signal,[binSize,Nbins]);
%calculate the fourier transform
fourierResult = fft(signal);
%convert the cos+j*sin, encoded in the complex numbers into magnitude.^2
mags= fourierResult.*conj(fourierResult);
binTimes = linspace(0,signalLength,Nbins);
frequencies = (0:frequencyResolution:binSize*frequencyResolution);
frequencies = frequencies(1:end-1);
%the upper frequencies are just aliasing, you can ignore them in this example.
slice = frequencies<max(frequencies)/2;
%plot the spectrogram
The inverse Fourier transform of the fourierResult matrix, will return the original signal.
Just to add to Suki's answer, here is a great tutorial that walks you through, step by step, reading Matlab spectrograms, touching on only enough math and physics to explain the main concepts intuitively: