using spark to read specific columns data from hbase - scala

I have a table in HBase named as "orders" it has column family 'o' and columns as {id,fname,lname,email}
having row key as id. I am trying to get the value of fname and email only from hbase using spark. Currently what 'i am doing is given below
override def put(params: scala.collection.Map[String, Any]): Boolean = {
var sparkConfig = new SparkConf().setAppName("Connector")
var sc: SparkContext = new SparkContext(sparkConfig)
var hbaseConfig = HBaseConfiguration.create()
hbaseConfig.set("hbase.zookeeper.quorum", ZookeeperQourum)
hbaseConfig.set("", zookeeperPort)
hbaseConfig.set(TableInputFormat.INPUT_TABLE, schemdto.tableName);
hbaseConfig.set(TableInputFormat.SCAN_COLUMNS, "o:fname,o:email");
var hBaseRDD = sc.newAPIHadoopRDD(hbaseConfig, classOf[TableInputFormat],
try { => tuple._2).map(result => result.raw())
.map(f => KeyValueToString(f)).saveAsTextFile(sink)
} catch {
case _: Exception => false
def KeyValueToString(keyValues: Array[KeyValue]): String = {
var it = keyValues.iterator
var res = new StringBuilder
while (it.hasNext) {
res.append( Bytes.toString( + ",")
res.substring(0, res.length-1);
But nothing is returned and If I try to fetch only one column such as
hbaseConfig.set(TableInputFormat.SCAN_COLUMNS, "o:fname");
then it returns all the values of column fname
So my question is how to get multiple columns from hbase using spark
Any help will be appreciated.

List of columns to scan needs to be space-delimited, according to the documentation.
hbaseConfig.set(TableInputFormat.SCAN_COLUMNS, "o:fname o:email");


Create Spark DataFrame from list row keys

I have a list of HBase row keys in form or Array[Row] and want to create a Spark DataFrame out of the rows that are fetched from HBase using these RowKeys.
Am thinking of something like:
def getDataFrameFromList(spark: SparkSession, rList : Array[Row]): DataFrame = {
val conf = HBaseConfiguration.create()
val mlRows : List[RDD[String]] = new ArrayList[RDD[String]]
conf.set("hbase.zookeeper.quorum", "dev.server")
conf.set("", "2181")
conf.set(TableInputFormat.INPUT_TABLE, "hbase_tbl1")
rList.foreach( r => {
var rStr = r.toString()
conf.set(TableInputFormat.SCAN_ROW_START, rStr)
conf.set(TableInputFormat.SCAN_ROW_STOP, rStr + "_")
// read one row
val recsRdd = readHBaseRdd(spark, conf)
// This works, but it is only one row
//val resourcesDf =
var resourcesDf = <Code here to convert List[RDD[String]] to DataFrame>
I can do recsRdd.collect() in the for loop and convert it to string and append that json to an ArrayList[String but am not sure if its efficient, to call collect() in a for loop like this.
readHBaseRdd is using newAPIHadoopRDD to get data from HBase
def readHBaseRdd(spark: SparkSession, conf: Configuration) = {
val hBaseRDD = spark.sparkContext.newAPIHadoopRDD(conf, classOf[TableInputFormat],
classOf[Result]) {
case (_: ImmutableBytesWritable, value: Result) =>
Use spark.union([mainRdd, recsRdd]) instead of a list or RDDs (mlRows)
And why read only one row from HBase? Try to have the largest interval as possible.
Always avoid calling collect(), do it only for debug/tests.

Looping through Map Spark Scala

Within this code we have two files: athletes.csv that contains names, and twitter.test that contains the tweet message. We want to find name for every single line in the twitter.test that match the name in athletes.csv We applied map function to store the name from athletes.csv and want to iterate all of the name to all of the line in the test file.
object twitterAthlete {
def loadAthleteNames() : Map[String, String] = {
// Handle character encoding issues:
implicit val codec = Codec("UTF-8")
// Create a Map of Ints to Strings, and populate it from u.item.
var athleteInfo:Map[String, String] = Map()
//var movieNames:Map[Int, String] = Map()
val lines = Source.fromFile("../athletes.csv").getLines()
for (line <- lines) {
var fields = line.split(',')
if (fields.length > 1) {
athleteInfo += (fields(1) -> fields(7))
return athleteInfo
def parseLine(line:String): (String)= {
var athleteInfo = loadAthleteNames()
var hello = new String
for((k,v) <- athleteInfo){
hello = k
return (hello)
def main(args: Array[String]){
val sc = new SparkContext("local[*]", "twitterAthlete")
val lines = sc.textFile("../twitter.test")
var athleteInfo = loadAthleteNames()
val splitting = => x.split(";")).map(x => if(x.length == 4 && x(2).length <= 140)x(2))
var hello = new String()
val container = => for((key,value) <- athleteInfo)if(x.toString().contains(key)){key}).cache
// val mapping = => (x,1)).reduceByKey(_+_)
the first file look like:
001,Michael,USA,male,1.96 ...
002,Json,GBR,male,1.76 ....
003,Martin,female,1.73 . ...
the second file look likes:
time, id , tweet .....
12:00, 03043, some message that contain some athletes names , .....
02:00, 03023, some message that contain some athletes names , .....
some thinks like this ...
but i got empty result after running this code, any suggestions is much appreciated
result i got is empty :
but the result that i expected something like:
(other name,1)
You need to use yield to return value to your map
val container = => for((key,value) <- athleteInfo ; if(x.toString().contains(key)) ) yield (key, 1)).cache
I think you should just start with the simplest option first...
I would use DataFrames so you can use the built-in CSV parsing and leverage Catalyst, Tungsten, etc.
Then you can use the built-in Tokenizer to split the tweets into words, explode, and do a simple join. Depending how big/small the data with athlete names is you'll end up with a more optimized broadcast join and avoid a shuffle.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val tweets ="csv").load(...)
val athletes ="csv").load(...)
val tokenizer = new Tokenizer()
val tokenized = tokenizer.transform(tweets)
val exploded = tokenized.withColumn("word", explode('words))
val withAthlete = exploded.join(athletes, 'word === 'name)"id"), 'name).show()

Add scoped variable per row iteration in Apache Spark

I'm reading multiple html files into a dataframe in Spark.
I'm converting elements of the html to columns in the dataframe using a custom udf
val dataset = spark
.toDF("filepath", "filecontent")
.withColumn("biz_name", parseDocValue(".biz-page-title")('filecontent))
.withColumn("biz_website", parseDocValue(".biz-website a")('filecontent))
def parseDocValue(cssSelectorQuery: String) =
udf((html: String) => Jsoup.parse(html).select(cssSelectorQuery).text())
Which works perfectly, however each withColumn call will result in the parsing of the html string, which is redundant.
Is there a way (without using lookup tables or such) that I can generate 1 parsed Document (Jsoup.parse(html)) based on the "filecontent" column per row and make that available for all withColumn calls in the dataframe?
Or shouldn't I even try using DataFrames and just use RDD's ?
So the final answer was in fact quite simple:
Just map over the rows and create the object ones there
def docValue(cssSelectorQuery: String, attr: Option[String] = None)(implicit document: Document): Option[String] = {
val domObject =
val domValue = attr match {
case Some(a) => domObject.attr(a)
case None => domObject.text()
domValue match {
case x if x == null || x.isEmpty => None
case y => Some(y)
val dataset = spark
.wholeTextFiles(inputPath, minPartitions = 265)
.map {
case (filepath, filecontent) => {
implicit val document = Jsoup.parse(filecontent)
val customDataJson = docJson(filecontent, customJsonRegex)
biz_name = docValue(".biz-page-title"),
biz_website = docValue(".biz-website a"),
url = docValue("meta[property=og:url]", attr = Some("content")),
filename = Some(fileName(filepath)),
fileTimestamp = Some(fileTimestamp(filepath))
I'd probably rewrite it as follows, to do the parsing and selecting in one go and put them in a temporary column:
val dataset = spark
.withColumn("temp", parseDocValue(Array(".biz-page-title", ".biz-website a"))('filecontent))
.withColumn("biz_name", col("temp")(0))
.withColumn("biz_website", col("temp")(1))
def parseDocValue(cssSelectorQueries: Array[String]) =
udf((html: String) => {
val j = Jsoup.parse(html) =>})

Spark DF: Schema for type Unit is not supported

I am new to Scala and Spark and trying to build on some samples I found. Essentially I am trying to call a function from within a data frame to get State from zip code using Google API..
I have the code working separately but not together ;(
Here is the piece of code not working...
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Schema for type Unit is not supported
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ScalaReflection$.schemaFor(ScalaReflection.scala:716)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ScalaReflection$.schemaFor(ScalaReflection.scala:654)
at org.apache.spark.sql.functions$.udf(functions.scala:2837)
at MovieRatings$.getstate(MovieRatings.scala:51)
at MovieRatings$$anonfun$4.apply(MovieRatings.scala:48)
at MovieRatings$$anonfun$4.apply(MovieRatings.scala:47)...
Line 51 starts with def getstate = udf {(zipcode:String)...
// SQL statements can be run by using the sql methods provided by Spark
val zipcodesDF = spark.sql("SELECT distinct zipcode, zipcode as state FROM Users")
// => "zipcode: " + zipcodes.getAs[String]("zipcode") + getstate(zipcodes.getAs[String]("zipcode"))).show()
val colNames = zipcodesDF.columns
val cols = => zipcodesDF.col(cName))
val theColumn = zipcodesDF("state")
val mappedCols = =>
if (c.toString() == theColumn.toString()) getstate(c).as("transformed") else c)
val newDF =*).show()
def getstate = udf {(zipcode:String) => {
val url = ""+zipcode
val result =
val address = parse(result)
val shortnames = for {
JObject(address_components) <- address
JField("short_name", short_name) <- address_components
} yield short_name
val state = shortnames(3)
//return state.toString()
val stater = state.toString()
Thanks for the responses.. I think I figured it out. Here is the code that works. One thing to note is Google API has restriction so some valid zip codes don't have state info.. not an issue for me though.
private def loaduserdata(spark: SparkSession): Unit = {
import spark.implicits._
// Create an RDD of User objects from a text file, convert it to a Dataframe
val userDF = spark.sparkContext
.map(attributes => users(attributes(0).trim.toInt, attributes(1), attributes(2).trim.toInt, attributes(3), attributes(4)))
// Register the DataFrame as a temporary view
// SQL statements can be run by using the sql methods provided by Spark
val zipcodesDF = spark.sql("SELECT distinct zipcode, substr(zipcode,1,5) as state FROM Users ORDER BY zipcode desc") // => "zipcode: " + zipcodes.getAs[String]("zipcode") + getstate(zipcodes.getAs[String]("zipcode"))).show()
val colNames = zipcodesDF.columns
val cols = => zipcodesDF.col(cName))
val theColumn = zipcodesDF("state")
val mappedCols = =>
if (c.toString() == theColumn.toString()) getstate(c).as("state") else c)
val geoDF =*)//.show()
val getstate = udf {(zipcode: String) =>
val url = ""+zipcode
val result =
val address = parse(result)
val statenm = for {
JObject(statename) <- address
JField("types", JArray(types)) <- statename
JField("short_name", JString(short_name)) <- statename
if types.toString().equals("List(JString(administrative_area_level_1), JString(political))")
// if types.head.equals("JString(administrative_area_level_1)")
} yield short_name
val str = if (statenm.isEmpty.toString().equals("true")) "N/A" else statenm.head

Scala mapPartition collect on partition do nothing

I'm trying to move data from rdd to postgres table, using:
def copyIn(reader:, columnStmt: String = "") = {
//connect to postgres database on the localhost
val driver = "org.postgresql.Driver"
var connection:Connection = null
connection = DriverManager.getConnection()
try {
connection.unwrap(classOf[PGConnection]).getCopyAPI.copyIn(s"COPY my_table ($columnStmt) FROM STDIN WITH CSV", reader)
} catch {
case se: SQLException => println(se.getMessage)
case t: Throwable => println(t.getMessage)
} finally {
myRdd.mapPartitions(iter => {
val sb = new StringBuilder()
var n_iter = => {
val mapRequest = Utils.getMyRowMap(myMap, row)
sb.append(mapRequest.values.mkString(", ")).append("\n")
copyIn(new StringReader(sb.toString), geoSelectMap.keySet.mkString(", "))
The script keep getting in to the CopyIn function with no data to insert in. I think it maybe because just map the partition and do not perform collect? I try to collect te whole myRdd object and still didnt get data in copyIn function.
How can I iterate over an rdd and get the StringBuilder appended and why the snippet above doesn't work?
Anybody have a clue?
iter is an Iterator. So creates a new Iterator, but you don't actually iterate it and it does nothing. You probably want foreach instead. Except then iter will be empty by the time you return it and the result of collect will be an empty RDD.
The actual method you want is foreachPartition:
myRdd.foreachPartition(iter => {
val sb = new StringBuilder()
iter.foreach(row => {
val mapRequest = Utils.getMyRowMap(myMap, row)
sb.append(mapRequest.values.mkString(", ")).append("\n")
copyIn(new StringReader(sb.toString), geoSelectMap.keySet.mkString(", "))
and then myRdd.collect if you want to collect it as well. (Persist myRdd if you want to use it twice without recalculating it.)