Normalized cut: what does this code do? - matlab

I'm going through some MATLAB code for Normalized Cut for image segmentation, and I can't figure out what this code below does:
% degrees and regularization
d = sum(abs(W),2);
dr = 0.5 * (d - sum(W,2));
d = d + offset * 2;
dr = dr + offset;
W = W + spdiags(dr,0,n,n);
offset is defined to be 0.5.
W is a square, sparse, symmetric matrix (w_ij is defined by the similarity between pixels i and j).
W is then used to solve the eigenvalue problem d^(-1/2)(D-W)d^(-1/2) x = \lambda x
The w_ij's are all positives because of the way the weights are defined, so dr is a vector of 0's.
What are the offsets for? How are they chosen? What's the reason behind offset*2? I have the feeling this is to avoid some potential pitfalls in certain cases. What could these be?
Any help would be really appreciated, thanks!

I believe you came across a piece of code written by Prof Stella X Yu.
Indeed, when W is positive this code has no effect and this is the usual case for NCuts.
However, in a CVPR 2001 paper Yu and Shi extend NCuts to handle negative interactions as well as positive ones. In these circumstances dr (r for "repulsion") plays a significant role.
Speaking of negative weights, I must say that personally I do not agree with the approach of Yu and Shi.
I strongly believe that when there is repulsion information Correlation Clustering is a far better objective function than the extended NCuts objective. Results of some image segmentation experiments I conducted with negative weights suggested that Correlation clustering objective is better than the extended NCuts.


How to compute a negative Sobolev norm with Matlab

Let the torus T^2 be the domain [0,1)^2 in R^2 with periodic boundary conditions. In general, the negative Sobolev norm H^(-1) of a function f defined on the torus can be computed as:
a dual norm from the H^1 space, i.e. H^(-1) is defined to be de dual of H^1 (note: we say g is in H^1 if grad g is in L^2).
in terms of the Fourier transform Ff like the sum over all frequencies k in Z^2 without k=(0,0) of |Ff(k)|^2/|k|^2.
I am running some numerical experiments in Matlab and I would like to compute the H^(-1) norm of some functions that I have obtained numerically and hence I have defined in a finite set of discrete points. The most straightforward way to compute it might be by means of the command fft2, since in the end my 2D function is just described by a matrix. My problem is that I do not know how the frequencies are labelled by this command, would it be enough to do
Ff = fft2(f);
sob_norm = 0;
for i=1:L
for j=1:L
if i==1 && j==1
sob_norm = sob_norm;
sob_norm = sob_norm + norm([i-1,j-1])^(-2)*norm(Ff(i,j))^2;
or should I scale the 1/|k|^2 in a different way? I guess there is something I am not understanding correctly because the scale of the norm is much bigger than it should.
I apologize whether this is not the most appropriate forum to ask about this, any help about a more convenient place it is very much appreciated too. Thanks a lot.

Speed up calculation in Physics simulation in Matlab

I am working on a MR-physic simulation written in Matlab which simulates bloch's equations on an defined object. The magnetisation in the object is updated every time-step with the following functions.
function Mt = evolveMtrans(gamma, delta_B, G, T2, Mt0, delta_t)
% this function calculates precession and relaxation of the
% transversal component, Mt, of M
delta_phi = gamma*(delta_B + G)*delta_t;
Mt = Mt0 .* exp(-delta_t*1./T2 - 1i*delta_phi);
This function is a very small part of the entire code but is called upon up to 250.000 times and thus slows down the code and the performance of the entire simulation. I have thought about how I can speed up the calculation but haven't come up with a good solution. There is one line that is VERY time consuming and stands for approximately 50% - 60% of the overall simulation time. This is the line,
Mt = Mt0 .* exp(-delta_t*1./T2 - 1i*delta_phi);
Mt0 = 512x512 matrix
delta_t = a scalar
T2 = 512x512 matrix
delta_phi = 512x512 matrix
I would be very grateful for any suggestion to speed up this calculation.
More info below,
The function evovleMtrans is called every timestep during the simulation.
The parameters that are used for calling the function are,
gamma = a constant. (gyramagnetic constant)
delta_B = the magnetic field value
G = gradientstrength
T2 = a 512x512 matrix with T2-values for the object
Mstart.r = a 512x512 matrix with the values M.r had the last timestep
delta_t = a scalar with the difference in time since the last calculated M.r
The only parameters of these that changed during the simulation are,
G, Mstart.r and delta_t. The rest do not change their values during the simulation.
The part below is the part in the main code that calls the function.
% update phase and relaxation to calcTime
delta_t = calcTime - Mstart_t;
delta_B = (d-d0)*B0;
G = Sq.Gx*Sq.xGxref + Sq.Gz*Sq.zGzref;
% Precession around B0 (z-axis) and B1 (+-x-axis or +-y-axis)
% is defined clock-wise in a right hand system x, y, z and
% x', y', z (see the Bloch equation, Bloch 1946 and Levitt
% 1997). The x-axis has angle zero and the y-axis has angle 90.
% For flipping/precession around B1 in the xy-plane, z-axis has
% angle zero.
% For testing of precession direction:
% delta_phi = gamma*((ones(size(d)))*1e-6*B0)*delta_t;
M.r = evolveMtrans(gamma, delta_B, G, T2, Mstart.r, delta_t);
M.l = evolveMlong(T1, M0.l, Mstart.l, delta_t);
This is not a surprise.
That "single line" is a matrix equation. It's really 1,024 simultaneous equations.
Per Jannick, that first term means element-wise division, so "delta_t/T[i,j]". Multiplying a matrix by a scalar is O(N^2). Matrix addition is O(N^2). Evaluating exponential of a matrix will be O(N^2).
I'm not sure if I saw a complex argument in there as well. Does that mean complex matricies with real and imaginary entries? Does your equation simplify to real and imaginary parts? That means twice the number of computations.
Your best hope is to exploit symmetry as much as possible. If all your matricies are symmetric, you cut your calculations roughly in half.
Use parallelization if you can.
Algorithm choice can make a big difference, too. If you're using explicit Euler integration, you may have time step limitations due to stability concerns. Is that why you have 250,000 steps? Maybe a larger time step is possible with a more stable integration schema. Think about a higher order adaptive scheme with error correction, like 5th order Runge Kutta.
There are several possibilities to improve the speed of the code but all that I see come with a caveat.
Numerical ode integration
The first possibility would be to change your analytical solution by numerical differential equation solver. This has several advantages
The analytical solution includes the complex exponential function, which is costly to calculate, while the differential equation contains only multiplication and addition. (d/dt u = -a u => u=exp(-at))
There are plenty of built-in solvers for matlab available and they are typically pretty fast (e.g. ode45). The built-ins however all use a variable step size. This improves speed and accuracy but would be a problem if you really need a fixed equally spaced grid of time points. Here are unofficial fixed step solvers.
As a start you could also try to use just an euler step by replacing
M.r = evolveMtrans(gamma, delta_B, G, T2, Mstart.r, delta_t);
delta_phi = gamma*(delta_B + G)*t_step;
M.r += M.r .* (1-t_step*1./T2 - 1i*delta_phi);
You can then further improve that by precalculating all constant values, e.g. one_over_T1=1/T1, moving delta_phi out of the loop.
You are bound to a minimum step size or the accuracy suffers. Therefore this is only a good idea if you time-spacing is quite fine.
Less points in time
You should carfully analyze whether you really need so many points in time. It seems somewhat puzzling to me that you need so many points. As you know the full analytical solution you can freely choose how to sample the time and maybe use this to your advantage.
Going fortran
This might seem like a grand step but in my experience basic (simple loops, matrix operations etc.) matlab code can be relatively easily translated to fortran line-by-line. This would be especially helpful in addition to my first point. If you still want to use the full analytical solution probably there is not much to gain here because exp is already pretty fast in matlab.

Fit a quadratic function of two variables (Practitioner Black Scholes Deterministic Volatility Functions)

I am attempting to fit the parameters of a deterministic volatility function for use in the practitioner Black Scholes model.
The formula for which I want to estimate the "a" parameters is:
sig = a0 + a1*K + a2*K^2 + a3*T + a4*T^2 + a5*KT
Where sig, K and T are known; I have multiple observations of K, T and sig combinations but only want a single set of "a" parameters.
How might I go about this? My google searches and own attempts all failed, unfortunately.
Thank you!
The function lsqcurvefit allows you to define the function that you want to fit. It should be straight forward from there on.
Some Mathematics
Notation stuff: index your observations by i and add an error term.
sig_i = a0 + a1*K_i + a2*K_i^2 + a3*T_i + a4*T_i^2 + a5*KT_i + e_i
Something probably not insane to do would be to minimize the square of the error term:
minimize (over a) \sum_i e_i^2
The solution to least squares is a simple linear algebra problem. (See for a solution if you really care.) (Further note: e_i is a linear function of a. I'm not sure why you would need lsqcurvefit as another answer suggested?)
Matlab Code for OLS (Ordinary Least Squares)
Assuming sig, K, T, and KT are n by 1 vectors
y = sig;
X = [ones(length(sig),1), K, K.^2, T, T.^2, KT];
a = X \ y; %basically computes a = inv(X'*X)*(X'*y) but in a better way
This an ordinary least squares regression of y on X.
Further Ideas
Depending on the distribution of your error terms, correlated error etc... regular OLS may be inefficient or possibly even inappropriate... I'm not familiar with the details of this problem to know. You may want to check what people do.
Eg. a technique that's less sensitive to big outliers is to minimize the absolute value of the error.
minimize (over a) \sum_i |a_i|
If you have a good, statistical model of how the data is generated you could do maximum likelihood estimation. Anyway... this rapidly devolve into a multi-quarter, statistics class.

How to accurately calibrate a measurement using a higher order correlation?

I have about 1000 measurements using a device. Let's call these measurement y. For each of these measurements, I know what the actual measurement should be, let's call these z. How I can calibrate, adjust, or scale y for a better estimation? I was thinking of solving either of the following systems of equations (linear/nonlinear) for alpha, beta, and gamma:
Could someone give me some advice and let me know if I am doing this correctly?
First you need to know that a measurement device is doing two kinds of errors: accidental and systematic.
The accidental errors are due to a number of perturbation factors with a complex interaction and will result in non repeatability (measuring twice the same value results in different measurements). To reduce the accidental errors, you can repeat the measurement and average.
The systematic errors are permanent and stable. They are due to the relation z = y being wrong or approximate, and will repeat identically for the same measurement. The true relation can be of the form y = z + c with c != 0 (offset error), y = c.z with c != 1 (gain error), y = c1.z + c2 (both), or nonlinear, like y = c1.z² + c2.z + c3, y = (c1.z + c2) / (c3.z + c4), y = ln(exp(z)+1)... or any other.
In some cases, you have reasons to know the functional form of the relation (for instance a metallic ruler gets a wrong "gain" when the temperature changes); in other cases you don't, and you can use an empirical model such as a polynomial (quite often, the relation is smooth and remains close to y = z).
Usually, observing a plot of the (z, y) points will hint you the importance of accidental errors and the possible shape of the functional relation.
A simple approach is to try a least-squares fitting of a polynomial model (say second or third degree). Then when you have found the coefficients, you can look at the relative magnitudes of the polynomial terms (powers) over the working range. This will tell you if all terms are relevant. I advise you to discard the terms that do not significantly decrease the fitting error and keep a simple model.
Consider the case of the plot below, chosen randomly from the web.
At first sight the relation looks linear, with no offset error (as the relation includes the point (0, 0)), and a few irregularities, that we can attribute to accidental errors. For this device, the straight model y = c.z should be appropriate, and adding nonlinear terms would be useless or misleading.

Solving Linear Equation in Matlab

I wanna solve #n linear equations AX=bi(for #n b's) in Matlab which b changes in a loop and A is constant.
One way which is fast, is to compute the inverse of A before the loop and in the loop body just get X from inv(A)*b, but because the matrix A is singular, I get an awful answer!
Of course, the numerical solution A/b gives a good answer, but the point is that it takes a long time to compute #n different X's in #n loops.
What I want is a solution which can be both accurate and fast.
I actually think this is a good question, typos and issues of matrix singularity aside. There are a few good ways to handle this, and Tim Davis' factorize submission on MATLAB Central covers all the angles.
However, just for reference, let's do it on our own in native MATLAB, starting with the case where A is square. First, there are the two methods you suggested (inv and \,mldivide):
% inv, slow and inacurate
xinvsol = inv(A)*b;
norm(A*xinvsol - b ,'fro')
% mldivide, faster and accurate
xref = A\b;
norm(A*xref - b ,'fro')
But if like you said A does not change, just factorize A and solve for new b! Say A is symmetric positive definite:
L = chol(A,'lower'); % Cholesky factorization
% mldivide, much faster (not counting the chol factorization) and most accurate
xcholbs= L'\(L\b); %'
norm(A*xcholbs - b ,'fro')
% linsolve, fastest (omits checks for matrix configuration) and most accurate
sol1 = linsolve(L, b, struct('LT',true));
xcholsolv = linsolve(L, sol1, struct('LT',true,'TRANSA',true));
norm(A*xcholsolv - b ,'fro')
If A is not symmetric positive definite, then you'd use LU decomposition for a square matrix or QR otherwise. Again, you can do it all yourself, or you can just use Tim Davis' awesome factorize functions.