Perl Hash table more than 2 dimensions - perl

I'm trying to create an hash table with 6 dimensions : an hash table of an hash table of an hash table.. etc
I get my data from a file in local (by using REGEX and split function). The data I get are like :
I would like to store the data in many hash tables to use them to create an HTML array.I'm not very comfortable with hash table it's a new concept for me.
The problem is I didn't achieve to create an hash table with many dimensions.
I succeeded to do something like that:
#get the data
my $serviceN;
my $serviceS;
my $partnerN;
my $nbCallN;
my %northServices= () ;
my %northCall= ();
open (TraficFile, "$date/volumetries.csv") || die "Can't open: $!";
while(defined($_=<TraficFile>)) {
my #champsOutput = split(/\;/);
#get services.
if ($champsOutput[4]=~/Service Call/i){next;}
if ($champsOutput[4]=~/.*#/) {
($serviceS, $serviceN) = split(/#/,$champsOutput[4]);
$partnerN = $champsOutput[0];
$nbCallN = $champsOutput[5];
print "nb : $nbCallN \n";
#Print result
foreach $serviceN (keys %northServices){
print ('***'," $serviceN ",'***',"\n");
foreach my $partnerN ( keys %{ $northServices{$serviceN} } ){
print " $partnerN \n";
I have for each North Service the name of the North Partners,
but I would like to add hash tables like that :
'nameNorthService1' => {
'nameNorthPartner1' => 'numberOfNorthCall' => 'nameSouthService1' => 'numberOfCall',
=> 'nameSouthService2' => 'numberOfCall',
=> 'nameSouthService3' => 'numberOfCall',
'nameNorthPartner2' => 'numberOfNorthCall' => 'nameSouthService1' => 'numberOfCall',
=> 'nameSouthService2' => 'numberOfCall',
'nameNorthService2' => {
'nameNorthPartner1' => 'numberOfNorthCall' => 'nameSouthService1' => 'numberOfCall',
The numberOfNorthCall is divided in many South services which have each an numberOfCall.
I really don't know how to create others hash tables to encapsulate all this data like the model above.
I tried to create an other hash table in the while(), for example :
$northCall{$nbCallN} = $nbCallN;
I tried to create references too :
my $rec = {};
$serviceNord{$serviceN}{$partnerN} = $rec;
It seem to be the wrong way, but I didn't find anything to help me to create hash table with more than two dimensions.
If you know a way, do not hesitate.

First off - I'm going to suggest you're trying to do something entirely too complicated. Whilst you can do a hash of hashes of hashes etc. this is going to be quite painful.
However the root of your problem I think will be because you're misunderstanding the difference between: -> and =>. The former dereferences a hash. The latter is functionally equivalent to a comma.
But pretty fundamentally - you don't have multidimensional hashes - you have a top level hash of hash references.
If you do:
use strict;
use warnings;
my %hash;
print $hash{firstlayer};
You'll get a hash reference.
However, I think what you might want to consider is stopping using complex nested hashes, and instead try and put together an object. (Don't get put off - objects are basically 'complex data structures' that might include some code).
To create a nested hash declaratively:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $value = "value";
my $services = {
key1 => $value,
key2 => {
subkey => $value,
subkey2 => $value,
key3 => {
subkey1 => {
subsubkey1 => $value,
subsubkey2 => $value,
print Dumper \$services;
You can also add/access via:
print $services->{key3}->{subkey1}->{subsubkey2};
If you had created it with a %sigil, e.g.
my %services = (
#NOTE - different bracket too!
then that'd be
print $services{key3}{subkey1}{subsubkey2};
They're functionally similar - the key difference is that '->' tells perl that this is a reference to follow. Which style you use is more a matter of what makes more sense in your code.
But I would still suggest consider doing it OO style, and create an object with properties. (Objects are basically hashes, but let you do some more interesting things)
use strict;
use warnings;
package MyService;
sub new {
my ( $class ) = #_;
my $self = {};
bless ( $self, $class );
return $self;
sub set_name {
my ( $self, $name ) = #_;
$self -> {name} = $name;
sub add_partner {
my ( $self, $partner ) = #_;
push ( #{ $self -> {partners} }, $partner );
sub get_partners {
my ( $self ) = #_;
return #{ $self -> {partners} };
And then you can:
use strict;
use warnings;
use MyService;
my #services;
my $service = MyService -> new();
push ( #services, $service );
$service -> set_name ( 'nameNorthService1' );


Automatically call hash values that are subroutine references

I have a hash with a few values that are not scalar data but rather anonymous subroutines that return scalar data. I want to make this completely transparent to the part of the code that looks up values in the hash, so that it doesn't have to be aware that some of the hash values may be anonymous subroutines that return scalar data rather than just plain old scalar data.
To that effect, is there any way to have the anonymous subroutines executed when their keys are accessed, without using any special syntax? Here's a simplified example that illustrates the goal and the problem:
my %hash = (
key1 => "value1",
key2 => sub {
return "value2"; # In the real code, this value can differ
foreach my $key (sort keys %hash) {
print $hash{$key} . "\n";
The output I would like is:
perl ./
Instead, this is what I get:
perl ./
As noted by Oleg, it's possible to do this using various more or less arcane tricks like tie, overloading or magic variables. However, this would be both needlessly complicated and pointlessly obfuscated. As cool as such tricks are, using them in real code would be a mistake at least 99% of the time.
In practice, the simplest and cleanest solution is probably to write a helper subroutine that takes a scalar and, if it's a code reference, executes it and returns the result:
sub evaluate {
my $val = shift;
return $val->() if ref($val) eq 'CODE';
return $val; # otherwise
and use it like this:
foreach my $key (sort keys %hash) {
print evaluate($hash{$key}) . "\n";
I don't believe that the words that others have written in disapproval of the tie mechanism are warranted. None of the authors seem to properly understand how it works and what core library backup is available
Here's a tie example based on Tie::StdHash
If you tie a hash to the Tie::StdHash class then it works exactly as a normal hash. That means there's nothing left to write except for methods that you may want to override
In this case I've overridden TIEHASH so that I could specify the initialisation list in the same statement as the tie command, and FETCH, which calls the superclass's FETCH and then makes a call to it if it happens to be a subroutine reference
Your tied hash will work as normal except for the change that you have asked for. I hope it is obvious that there is no longer a direct way to retrieve a subroutine reference if you have stored it as a hash value. Such a value will always be replaced by the result of calling it without any parameters
package SpecialHash;
use Tie::Hash;
use base 'Tie::StdHash';
my $class = shift;
bless { #_ }, $class;
sub FETCH {
my $self = shift;
my $val = $self->SUPER::FETCH(#_);
ref $val eq 'CODE' ? $val->() : $val;
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use SpecialHash;
tie my %hash, SpecialHash => (
key1 => "value1",
key2 => sub {
return "value2"; # In the real code, this value can differ
print "$hash{$_}\n" for sort keys %hash;
It sounds like your real situation is with an existing hash that looks something like this
my %hash = (
a => {
key_a1 => 'value_a1',
key_a2 => sub { 'value_a2' },
b => {
key_b1 => sub { 'value_b1' },
key_b2 => 'value_b2',
Using tie on already-populated variables isn't so neat as tying then at the point of declaration and then inserting the values as the data must be copied to the tied object. However the way I have written the TIEHASH method in the SpecialHash class makes this simple to do in the tie statement
If possible, it would be much better to tie each hash before you put data into it and add it to the primary hash
This program ties every value of %hash that happens to be a hash reference. The core of this is the statement
tie %$val, SpecialHash => ( %$val )
which functions identically to
tie my %hash, SpecialHash => ( ... )
in the previous code but dereferences $val to make the syntax valid, and also uses the current contents of the hash as the initialisation data for the tied hash. That is how the data gets copied
After that there is just a couple of nested loops that dump the whole of %hash to verify that the ties are working
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use SpecialHash;
my %hash = (
a => {
key_a1 => 'value_a1',
key_a2 => sub { 'value_a2' },
b => {
key_b1 => sub { 'value_b1' },
key_b2 => 'value_b2',
# Tie all the secondary hashes that are hash references
for my $val ( values %hash ) {
tie %$val, SpecialHash => ( %$val ) if ref $val eq 'HASH';
# Dump all the elements of the second-level hashes
for my $k ( sort keys %hash ) {
my $v = $hash{$k};
next unless ref $v eq 'HASH';
print "$k =>\n";
for my $kk ( sort keys %$v ) {
my $vv = $v->{$kk};
print " $kk => $v->{$kk}\n"
a =>
key_a1 => value_a1
key_a2 => value_a2
b =>
key_b1 => value_b1
key_b2 => value_b2
There's a feature called "magic" that allows code to be called when variables are accessed.
Adding magic to a variable greatly slows down access to that variable, but some are more expensive than others.
There's no need to make access to every element of the hash magical, just some values.
tie is an more expensive form of magic, and it's not needed here.
As such, the most efficient solution is the following:
use Time::HiRes qw( time );
use Variable::Magic qw( cast wizard );
my $wiz = wizard(
data => sub { my $code = $_[1]; $code },
get => sub { ${ $_[0] } = $_[1]->(); },
sub make_evaluator { cast($_[0], $wiz, $_[1]) }
my %hash;
$hash{key1} = 'value1';
make_evaluator($hash{key2}, sub { 'value2#'.time });
print("$hash{$_}\n") for qw( key1 key2 key2 );
Other examples:
my %hash; make_evaluator($hash{key}, sub { ... });
my $hash; make_evaluator($hash->{$key}, sub { ... });
my $x; make_evaluator($x, sub { ... });
make_evaluator(my $x, sub { ... });
make_evaluator(..., sub { ... });
make_evaluator(..., \&some_sub);
You can also "fix up" an existing hash. In your hash-of-hashes scenario,
my $hoh = {
key1 => 'value1',
key2 => sub { ... },
for my $h (values(%$hoh)) {
for my $v (values(%$h)) {
if (ref($v) eq 'CODE') {
make_evaluator($v, $v);
Yes you can. You can either tie hash to implementation that will resolve coderefs to their return values or you can use blessed scalars as values with overloaded mehods for stringification, numification and whatever else context you want to resolve automatically.
One of perl's special features for just such a use case is tie. This allows you to attach object oriented style methods, to a scalar or hash.
It should be used with caution, because it can mean that your code is doing really strange things, in unexpected ways.
But as an example:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
package RandomScalar;
my $random_range = 10;
my ( $class, $range ) = #_;
my $value = 0;
bless \$value, $class;
sub FETCH {
my ($self) = #_;
return rand($random_range);
sub STORE {
my ( $self, $range ) = #_;
$random_range = $range;
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
tie my $random_var, 'RandomScalar', 5;
for ( 1 .. 10 ) {
print $random_var, "\n";
$random_var = 100;
for ( 1 .. 10 ) {
print $random_var, "\n";
As you can see - this lets you take an 'ordinary' scalar, and do fruity things with it. You can use a very similar mechanism with a hash - an example might be to do database lookups.
However, you also need to be quite cautious - because you're creating action at a distance by doing so. Future maintenance programmers might well not expect your $random_var to actually change each time you run it, and a value assignment to not actually 'set'.
It can be really useful for e.g. testing though, which is why I give an example.
In your example - you could potentially 'tie' the hash:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
package MagicHash;
my ($class) = #_;
my $self = {};
return bless $self, $class;
sub FETCH {
my ( $self, $key ) = #_;
if ( ref( $self->{$key} ) eq 'CODE' ) {
return $self->{$key}->();
else {
return $self->{$key};
sub STORE {
my ( $self, $key, $value ) = #_;
$self->{$key} = $value;
sub CLEAR {
my ($self) = #_;
$self = {};
my ($self) = #_;
my $null = keys %$self; #reset iterator
return each %$self;
my ($self) = #_;
return each %$self;
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
tie my %magic_hash, 'MagicHash';
%magic_hash = (
key1 => 2,
key2 => sub { return "beefcake" },
$magic_hash{random} = sub { return rand 10 };
foreach my $key ( keys %magic_hash ) {
print "$key => $magic_hash{$key}\n";
foreach my $key ( keys %magic_hash ) {
print "$key => $magic_hash{$key}\n";
foreach my $key ( keys %magic_hash ) {
print "$key => $magic_hash{$key}\n";
This is slightly less evil, because future maintenance programmers can use your 'hash' normally. But dynamic eval can shoot the unwary in the foot, so still - caution is advised.
And alternative is to do it 'proper' object oriented - create a 'storage object' that's ... basically like the above - only it creates an object, rather than using tie. This should be much clearer for long term usage, because you won't get unexpected behaviour. (It's an object doing magic, which is normal, not a hash that 'works funny').
You need to identify when a code ref is present, then execute it as an actual call:
foreach my $key (sort keys %hash) {
if (ref $hash{$key} eq 'CODE'){
print $hash{$key}->() . "\n";
else {
print "$hash{$key}\n";
Note that you may consider making all of the hash values subs (a true dispatch table) instead of having some that return non-coderefs and some that return refs.
However, if you define the hash as such, you don't have to do any special trickery when it comes time to use the hash. It calls the sub and returns the value directly when the key is looked up.
key2 => sub {
return "value2";
No, not without some ancillary code. You are asking for a simple scalar value and a code reference to behave in the same way. The code that would do that is far from simple and also injects complexity between your hash and its use. You might find the following approach simpler and cleaner.
You can make all values code references, making the hash a dispatch table, for uniform invocation
my %hash = (
key1 => sub { return "value1" },
key2 => sub {
# carry on some processing ...
return "value2"; # In the real code, this value can differ
print $hash{$_}->() . "\n" for sort keys %hash;
But of course there is a minimal overhead to this approach.

Returning a hash of the Parsed document (using Twig in Perl) to be used for processing in other subs

I am failing terribly to return a Hash of the Parsed XML document using twig - in order to use it in OTHER subs for performing several validation checks. The goal is to do abstraction and create re-usable blocks of code.
XML Block:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Accounts locale="en_US">
<CreationDate year="2011" month="8" month-name="fevrier" day-of-month="19" hour-of-day="15" minute="23" day-name="dimanche"/>
<LastLoginDate year="2015" month="04" month-name="avril" day-of-month="22" hour-of-day="11" minute="13" day-name="macredi"/>
<SubscriptionExpiration year="1980" month="1" month-name="janvier" day-of-month="1" hour-of-day="0" minute="0" day-name="jeudi"/>
<Group>werkgroep X.Y.Z.</Group>
<LastSynchroDate year="2003" month="12" month-name="decembre" day-of-month="5" hour-of-day="12" minute="48" day-name="mardi"/>
<CreationDate year="2012" month="10" month-name="octobre" day-of-month="10" hour-of-day="10" minute="18" day-name="jeudi"/>
<SubscriptionExpiration year="1970" month="1" month-name="janvier" day-of-month="1" hour-of-day="1" minute="0" day-name="jeudi"/>
<LastSynchroDate year="1970" month="1" month-name="janvier" day-of-month="1" hour-of-day="1" minute="0" day-name="jeudi"/>
Perl Block:
my $file = shift || (print "NOTE: \tYou didn't provide the name of the file to be checked.\n" and exit);
my $twig = XML::Twig -> new ( twig_roots => { 'Account' => \& parsing } ); #'twig_roots' mode builds only the required sub-trees from the document while ignoring everything outside that twig.
$twig -> parsefile ($file);
sub parsing {
my ( $twig, $accounts ) = #_;
my %hash = #_;
my $ref = \%hash; #because was getting an error of Odd number of hash elements
return $ref;
$twig -> purge;
It gives a hash reference - which I'm unable to deference properly (even after doing thousands of attempts).
Again - just need a single clean function (sub) for doing the Parsing and returning the hash of all elements ('Accounts' in this case) - to be used in other other function (valid_sub) for performing the validation checks.
I'm literally stuck at this point - and will HIGHLY appreciate your HELP.
Such a hash is not created by Twig, you have to create it yourself.
Beware: Commands after return will never be reached.
use warnings;
use strict;
use XML::Twig;
use Data::Dumper;
my $twig = 'XML::Twig'->new(twig_roots => { Account => \&account });
sub account {
my ($twig, $account) = #_;
my %hash;
for my $ch ($account->children) {
if (my $text = $ch->text) {
$hash{ $ch->name } = $text;
} else {
for my $attr (keys %{ $ch->atts }) {
$hash{ $ch->name }{$attr} = $ch->atts->{$attr};
print Dumper \%hash;
$twig -> purge;
Handling of nested elements (e.g. GroupMemberships) left as an exercise to the reader.
And for validation:
sub validate {
my $account = shift;
if ('abcd' eq $account->{Id}) {
The problem with downconverting XML into hashes, is that XML is fundamentally a more complicated data structure. Each element has properties, children and content - and it's ordered - where hashes... don't.
So I would suggest that you not do what you're doing, and instead of passing a hash, use an XML::Twig::Elt and pass that into your validation.
Fortunately, this is exactly what XML::Twig passes to it's handlers:
## this is fine:
sub parsing {
my ( $twig, $accounts ) = #_;
but this is nonsense - think about what's in #_ at this point - it's references to XML::Twig objects - two of them, you've just assigned them.
my %hash = #_;
And this doesn't makes sense as a result
my $ref = \%hash; #because was getting an error of Odd number of hash elements
And where are you returning it to? (this is being called when XML::Twig is parsing)
return $ref;
#this doesn't happen, you've already returned
$twig -> purge;
But bear in mind - you're returning it to your twig proces that's parsing, that's ... discarding the return code. So that's not going to do anything anyway.
I would suggest instead you 'save' the $accounts reference and use that for your validation - just pass it into your subroutines to validate.
Or better yet, configure up a set of twig_handlers that do this for you:
my %validate = ( 'Account/Locked' => sub { die if $_ -> trimmed_text eq "true" },
'Account/CreationDate' => \&parsing,
'Account/ExternalMail' => sub { die unless $_ -> text =~ m/\w+\#\w+\.\w+ }
my $twig = XML::Twig -> new ( twig_roots => \%validate );
You can either die if you want to discard the whole lot, or use things like cut to remove an invalid entry from a document as you parse. (and maybe paste it into a seperate doc).
But if you really must turn your XML into a perl data structure - first read this for why it's a terrible idea:
Why is XML::Simple "Discouraged"?
And then, if you really want to carry on down that road, look at the simplify option of XML::Twig:
sub parsing {
my ( $twig, $accounts ) = #_;
my $horrible_hacky_hashref = $accounts->simplify(forcearray => 1, keyattr => [], forcecontent => 1 );
print Dumper \$horrible_hacky_hashref;
$twig -> purge;
#do something with it.
To expand:
XML::Twig::Elt is a subset of XML::Twig - it's the 'building block' of an XML::Twig data structure - so in your example above, $accounts is.
sub parsing {
my ( $twig, $accounts ) = #_;
print Dumper $accounts;
You will get a lot of data if you do this, because you're dumping the whole data structure - which is effectively a daisy chain of XML::Twig::Elt objects.
$VAR1 = \bless( {
'parent' => bless( {
'first_child' => ${$VAR1},
'flushed' => 1,
'att' => {
'locale' => 'en_US'
'gi' => 6,
'att' => {},
'last_child' => ${$VAR1}->{'first_child'}->{'next_sibling'}->{'next_sibling'}->{'next_sibling'}->{'next_sibling'}->{'next_sibling'}->{'next_sibling'}->{'next_sibling'}->{'next_sibling'}->{'next_sibling'}->{'next_sibling'}->{'next_sibling'}->{'next_sibling'}->{'next_sibling'}->{'next_sibling'}->{'next_sibling'}->{'next_sibling'}->{'next_sibling'}->{'next_sibling'}->{'next_sibling'}->{'next_sibling'}->{'next_sibling'}->{'next_sibling'}->{'next_sibling'},
'gi' => 7
}, 'XML::Twig::Elt' );
But it already encapsulates the information you need, as well as the structure you require - that's why XML::Twig is using it. And is in no small part going to illustrate why forcing your data into a hash/array, you're going to lose data.

Hook to provide a value for every Hash lookup in Perl

Is it possible to provide a hook in Perl to make sure no Hash key lookup fails ?
Example :
use strict;
use warnings;
my %hash_example = ( "a"=>"apple", "b"=>"ball" );
print $hash_example{"a"}; # Goes Fine.
print $hash_example{"c"}; # Throws Warning ( "Use of uninitialized value " ).
Codepad link
Whenever a hash lookup happens, some subroutine could get called which can provide a default value.
I mean, any hash lookup should call a sub ( say "get_hash_value (hash_ref, key) " ) and pass the hash and key to it. A sample of such a sub is shown below :
sub get_hash_value {
my $hash_ref = shift;
my $key = shift;
if ( exists $hash_ref->{$key} ) { # For Normal Lookup.
return $hash_ref->{$key};
else {
# This is the interesting place where we could provide our own values.
return "custom_value_based_on_certain_conditions"; # Some value
Another consequence would be the ability to alter the value returned against a key. We would be able to return a different value than what actually is stored against that key ( in that hash ).
There might not be a valid use case for this but am intrigued and would like to learn if such things are supported in Perl.
As said by Сухой27 in comment, this works fine:
my %hash_example = ( "a"=>"apple", "b"=>"ball" );
print $hash_example{"a"};
print $hash_example{"c"} // "custom_value_based_on_certain_conditions";
Doc on logical defined or
I would suggest that trying to alter how a hash lookup "works" is a really terrible idea, as a good way to create code that's hard to maintain.
However instead I would suggest you look at creating an object instead of a hash. They are basically the same thing, but an object includes code, and there is an expectation that the code within the object is 'doing it's own thing'.
So at a basic level:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
package Hash_Ob;
sub new {
my ($class) = #_;
my $self = {};
bless( $self, $class );
return $self;
sub get_value {
my ( $self, $valuename ) = #_;
if ( $self->{$valuename} ) {
return $self->{$valuename};
else {
#generate your own value here!
$self->{$valuename} = 42;
return $self->{$valuename};
Which you'd then 'call' using:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Hash_Ob;
my $magic_hash = Hash_Ob -> new();
print $magic_hash -> get_value('new_value');
This avoids the problem of altering how a 'well known' mechanism actually works, and so future maintenance programmers will not curse your name.
Then maybe you want to use a tied hash. Tying is a mechanism to change the behavior of a builtin data type. See perltie for the gory details.
package HashWithDefault;
use Tie::StdHash;
our #ISA = qw(Tie::StdHash); # inherit STORE, FIRST, NEXT, etc.
my ($pkg,$default_val) = #_;
return bless { __default_val__ => $default_val}, $pkg;
sub FETCH {
my ($self,$key) = #_;
exists $self->{$key} ? $self->{$key} : $self->{__default_val__};
sub CLEAR { # don't clear the default val
my $self = shift;
%$self = ( __default_val__ => $self->{__default_val__} );
tie my %hash, 'HashWithDefault', "42";
%hash = (foo => 123, bar => 456);
print $hash{foo}; # 123
print $hash{quux}; # 42

How do I pass a hash to subroutine?

Need help figuring out how to do this. My code:
my %hash;
$hash{'1'}= {'Make' => 'Toyota','Color' => 'Red',};
$hash{'2'}= {'Make' => 'Ford','Color' => 'Blue',};
$hash{'3'}= {'Make' => 'Honda','Color' => 'Yellow',};
sub printInfo{
my (%hash) = %_;
foreach my $key (keys %_{
my $a = $_{$key}{'Make'};
my $b = $_{$key}{'Color'};
print "$a $b\n";
The easy way, which may lead to problems when the code evolves, is simply by assigning the default array #_ (which contains all key-value-pairs as an even list) to the %hash which then rebuilds accordingliy. So your code would look like this:
sub printInfo {
my %hash = #_;
The better way would be to pass the hash as reference to the subroutine. This way you could still pass more parameters to your subroutine.
sub PrintInfo {
my %hash = %{$_[0]};
An introduction to using references in Perl can be found in the perlreftut
You're so very, very close. There is no %_ for passing hashes, it must be passed in #_. Luckily, Hashes are assigned using a list context, so
sub printInfo {
my %hash = #_;
will make it work!
Also note, using the & in front of the subroutine call has been, in most cases, unnecessary since at least Perl 5.000. You can call Perl subroutines just like in other languages these days, with just the name and arguments. (As #mob points out in the comments, there are some instances where this is still necessary; see perlsub to understand this more, if interested.)
The best way to pass hashes and arrays is by reference. A reference is simply a way to talk about a complex data structure as a single data point -- something that can be stored in a scalar variable (like $foo).
Read up on references, so you understand how to create a reference and dereference a reference in order to get your original data back.
The very basics: You precede your data structure with a backslash to get the reference to that structure.
my $hash_ref = \%hash;
my $array_ref = \#array;
my $scalar_ref = \$scalar; #Legal, but doesn't do much for you...
A reference is a memory location of the original structure (plus a clue about the structure):
print "$hash_ref\n";
Will print something like:
To get the reference back into a useable format, you simply put the reference into the correct sigil in front:
my %new_hash = %{ $hash_ref };
You should learn about using references since this is the way you can create extremely complex data structures in Perl, and how Object Oriented Perl works.
Let's say you want to pass three hashes to your subroutine. Here are the three hashes:
my %hash1 = ( this => 1, that => 2, the => 3, other => 4 );
my %hash2 = ( tom => 10, dick => 20, harry => 30 );
my %hash3 = ( no => 100, man => 200, is => 300, an => 400, island => 500 );
I'll create the references for them
my $hash_ref1 = \%hash1;
my $hash_ref2 = \%hash2;
my $hash_ref3 = \%hash3;
And now just pass the references:
mysub ( $hash_ref1, $hash_ref2, $hash_ref3 );
The references are scalar data, so there's no problem passing them to my subroutine:
sub mysub {
my $sub_hash_ref1 = shift;
my $sub_hash_ref2 = shift;
my $sub_hash_ref3 = shift;
Now, I just dereference them, and my subroutine can use them.
my %sub_hash1 = %{ $sub_hash_ref1 };
my %sub_hash2 = %{ $sub_hash_ref2 };
my %sub_hash3 = %{ $sub_hash_ref3 };
You can see what a reference is a reference to by using the ref command:
my $ref_type = ref $sub_hash_ref; # $ref_type is now equal to "HASH"
This is useful if you want to make sure you're being passed the correct type of data structure.
sub mysub {
my $hash_ref = shift;
if ( ref $hash_ref ne "HASH" ) {
croak qq(You need to pass in a hash reference);
Also note that these are memory references, so modifying the reference will modify the original hash:
my %hash = (this => 1, is => 2, a => 3 test => 4);
print "$hash{test}\n"; # Printing "4" as expected
sub mysub ( \%hash ); # Passing the reference
print "$hash{test}\n"; # This is printing "foo". See subroutine:
sub mysub {
my $hash_ref = shift;
$hash_ref->{test} = "foo"; This is modifying the original hash!
This can be good -- it allows you to modify data passed to the subroutine, or bad -- it allows you to unintentionally modify data passed to the original subroutine.
I believe you want
my %hash;
$hash{'1'}= {'Make' => 'Toyota','Color' => 'Red',};
$hash{'2'}= {'Make' => 'Ford','Color' => 'Blue',};
$hash{'3'}= {'Make' => 'Honda','Color' => 'Yellow',};
sub printInfo{
my %hash = #_;
foreach my $key (keys %hash){
my $a = $hash{$key}{'Make'};
my $b = $hash{$key}{'Color'};
print "$a $b\n";
In the line printInfo(%hash) the %hash is expanded to a list with the alternating key-value pairs.
In printInfo, the #_ is this list that, and assigned to %hash it creates again the keys with their corresponding value from the alternating elements in the list.
You can pass them as
The argument list do_hash_thing( %hash )
A reference to the hash in the argument list
`do_hash_thing( #args_before, \%hash, #args_after )
As a reference by prototype, working like keys and other hash operators.
The list works like so:
sub do_hash_thing {
my %hash = #_;
do_hash_thing( %hash );
This also allows you to "stream" hash arguments as well:
do_hash_thing( %hash_1, %hash_2, parameter => 'green', other => 'pair' );
By reference works like this:
sub do_hash_thing {
my $hash_ref = shift;
do_hash_thing( \%hash, #other_args );
Here by prototype (\%#). The prototype makes perl look for a hash in the first argument and pass it by reference.
sub do_hash_thing (\%#) {
my $hash_ref = shift;
do_hash_thing( %hash => qw(other args) );
# OR
do_hash_thing %hash => qw(other args);
Caveat: prototypes don't work on methods.

How do I interact with a Perl object that has a hash attribute?

I have a class with several variables, one of which is a hash (_runs):
sub new
my ($class, $name) = #_;
my $self = {
_name => $name,
_runs => (),
_times => [],
bless ($self, $class);
return $self;
Now, all I'm trying to do is create an accessor/mutator, as well as another subroutine that pushes new data into the hash. But I'm having a hell of a time getting all the referencing/dereferencing/$self calls working together. I've about burned my eyes out with "Can't use string ("blah") as a HASH ref etc etc" errors.
For the accessor, what is 'best practice' for returning hashes? Which one of these options should I be using (if any)?:
return $self->{_runs};
return %{ $self->{_runs} };
return \$self->{_runs};
Further, when I'm using the hash within other subroutines in the class, what syntax do I use to copy it?
my #runs = $self->{_runs};
my #runs = %{ $self->{_runs} };
my #runs = $%{ $self->{_runs} };
my #runs = $$self->{_runs};
Same goes for iterating over the keys:
foreach my $dt (keys $self->{_runs})
foreach my $dt (keys %{ $self->{_runs} })
And how about actually adding the data?
$self->{_runs}{$dt} = $duration;
%{ $self->{_runs} }{$dt} = $duration;
$$self->{_runs}{$dt} = $duration;
You get the point. I've been reading articles about using classes, and articles about referencing and dereferencing, but I can't seem to get my brain to combine the knowledge and use both at the same time. I got my _times array working finally, but mimicking my array syntax over to hashes didn't work.
You are storing references to array or hashes in your object. To use them with standard functions you'll need to dereference them. For example:
#{ $self->{_array_ref_key} };
%{ $self->{_hash_ref_key} };
If you need pass parameters to standard function:
push( #{ $self->{_array_ref_key} }, $some_value );
for my $hash_key ( keys %{ $self->{_hash_ref_key} }) {
$self->{_hash_ref_key}{$hash_key}; ## you can access hash value by reference
Also $self->{_hash_ref_key}{$hash_key} syntax is shortcut for $self->{_hash_ref_key}->{$hash_key} (which can make for sense if you see it first time).
Also take a look at corresponding manual page.
Might as well take my comments and make a proper answer out of it. I'll illustrate exactly why your sample code failed.
use warnings;
my $self = {
_name => $name,
_runs => (),
_times => [],
bless ($self, $class);
use Data::Dump::Streamer; DumpLex $self;
Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at …
$self = bless( {
_name => undef,
_runs => '_times',
"ARRAY(0x88dcb8)" => undef,
}, '…' );
All the elements in the list form the key/value pairs for the hash whose reference is going to be blessed. () is an empty list, so what you're really expressing is the list '_name', $name, '_runs', '_times', []. You can see that _times moves up to become a value, and the reference [] is stringified as hash key. You get the warning because there's no value left for it; this will be automatically coerced to undef. (Always always enable the warnings pragma.)
Now for the guts part: hash values must be a scalar value. Arrays and hashes aren't; but references to them are. Thus:
my $self = {
_name => $name,
_runs => {},
_times => [],
First, you have to figure out what you actually want to return and what you want the higher level to be able to do with the data.
If you want to return a copy of the data or any changes to the returned data don't affect the copy in the object, you can't do the simple solutions that the other answers tell you because they return shallow copies which will still share internal references. You need to make a deep copy then return the disconnected data structure. Storable makes this easy with dclone:
use Storable qw( dclone );
sub some_method {
my( $self, ... ) = #_;
my $clone = dclone( $self->{_runs} );
If you want the higher level to change the object by changing the returned data structure, just return the reference that you already store. You don't need to do anything fancy for that:
sub some_method {
my( $self, ... ) = #_;
Beyond that, it's your job to create an interface so that people don't have to think about your data structure at the higher level. You encapsulate everything so your implementation details don't show themselves. That way, you can change the implementation without disturbing the higher level code (as long as the interface is stable).
You create a runs method that returns a list of runs:
sub get_run_keys {
my( $self ) = #_;
keys %{ $self->{_runs} };
Or maybe you just want the values:
sub get_run_values {
my( $self ) = #_;
values %{ $self->{_runs} };
Or maybe the whole thing:
sub get_run_hash {
my( $self ) = #_;
$self->{_runs}; # subject to the cloning stuff I mentioned earlier
When you want to get the values for a particular run, you access it through another method:
sub get_run {
my( $self, $key ) = #_;
Setting a run value is similar:
sub set_run {
my( $self, $key, $value ) = #_;
$self->{_runs}{$key} = $value;
Now your higher level doesn't know anything about the infrastructure, and the method names describe what you are trying to do instead of how the infrastructure has to do it:
foreach my $key ( $self->get_run_keys ) {
my $run = $self->get_run( $key );
$self->set_run( $key, $new_value );
Object-oriented design is a big topic, and there is a lot you can do. This is just enough to get you started. You can wrap other operations too:
sub does_run_exist {
my( $self, $key ) = #_;
exists $self->{_runs}{$key};
sub delete_runs {
my( $self, #keys ) = #_;
delete $self->{_runs}{$key} foreach my $keys ( #keys );
sub reset_runs {
my( $self, $key ) = #_;
$self->{_runs} = {};