Hook to provide a value for every Hash lookup in Perl - perl

Is it possible to provide a hook in Perl to make sure no Hash key lookup fails ?
Example :
use strict;
use warnings;
my %hash_example = ( "a"=>"apple", "b"=>"ball" );
print $hash_example{"a"}; # Goes Fine.
print $hash_example{"c"}; # Throws Warning ( "Use of uninitialized value " ).
Codepad link
Whenever a hash lookup happens, some subroutine could get called which can provide a default value.
I mean, any hash lookup should call a sub ( say "get_hash_value (hash_ref, key) " ) and pass the hash and key to it. A sample of such a sub is shown below :
sub get_hash_value {
my $hash_ref = shift;
my $key = shift;
if ( exists $hash_ref->{$key} ) { # For Normal Lookup.
return $hash_ref->{$key};
else {
# This is the interesting place where we could provide our own values.
return "custom_value_based_on_certain_conditions"; # Some value
Another consequence would be the ability to alter the value returned against a key. We would be able to return a different value than what actually is stored against that key ( in that hash ).
There might not be a valid use case for this but am intrigued and would like to learn if such things are supported in Perl.

As said by Сухой27 in comment, this works fine:
my %hash_example = ( "a"=>"apple", "b"=>"ball" );
print $hash_example{"a"};
print $hash_example{"c"} // "custom_value_based_on_certain_conditions";
Doc on logical defined or

I would suggest that trying to alter how a hash lookup "works" is a really terrible idea, as a good way to create code that's hard to maintain.
However instead I would suggest you look at creating an object instead of a hash. They are basically the same thing, but an object includes code, and there is an expectation that the code within the object is 'doing it's own thing'.
So at a basic level:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
package Hash_Ob;
sub new {
my ($class) = #_;
my $self = {};
bless( $self, $class );
return $self;
sub get_value {
my ( $self, $valuename ) = #_;
if ( $self->{$valuename} ) {
return $self->{$valuename};
else {
#generate your own value here!
$self->{$valuename} = 42;
return $self->{$valuename};
Which you'd then 'call' using:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Hash_Ob;
my $magic_hash = Hash_Ob -> new();
print $magic_hash -> get_value('new_value');
This avoids the problem of altering how a 'well known' mechanism actually works, and so future maintenance programmers will not curse your name.

Then maybe you want to use a tied hash. Tying is a mechanism to change the behavior of a builtin data type. See perltie for the gory details.
package HashWithDefault;
use Tie::StdHash;
our #ISA = qw(Tie::StdHash); # inherit STORE, FIRST, NEXT, etc.
my ($pkg,$default_val) = #_;
return bless { __default_val__ => $default_val}, $pkg;
sub FETCH {
my ($self,$key) = #_;
exists $self->{$key} ? $self->{$key} : $self->{__default_val__};
sub CLEAR { # don't clear the default val
my $self = shift;
%$self = ( __default_val__ => $self->{__default_val__} );
tie my %hash, 'HashWithDefault', "42";
%hash = (foo => 123, bar => 456);
print $hash{foo}; # 123
print $hash{quux}; # 42


Automatically call hash values that are subroutine references

I have a hash with a few values that are not scalar data but rather anonymous subroutines that return scalar data. I want to make this completely transparent to the part of the code that looks up values in the hash, so that it doesn't have to be aware that some of the hash values may be anonymous subroutines that return scalar data rather than just plain old scalar data.
To that effect, is there any way to have the anonymous subroutines executed when their keys are accessed, without using any special syntax? Here's a simplified example that illustrates the goal and the problem:
my %hash = (
key1 => "value1",
key2 => sub {
return "value2"; # In the real code, this value can differ
foreach my $key (sort keys %hash) {
print $hash{$key} . "\n";
The output I would like is:
perl ./test.pl
Instead, this is what I get:
perl ./test.pl
As noted by Oleg, it's possible to do this using various more or less arcane tricks like tie, overloading or magic variables. However, this would be both needlessly complicated and pointlessly obfuscated. As cool as such tricks are, using them in real code would be a mistake at least 99% of the time.
In practice, the simplest and cleanest solution is probably to write a helper subroutine that takes a scalar and, if it's a code reference, executes it and returns the result:
sub evaluate {
my $val = shift;
return $val->() if ref($val) eq 'CODE';
return $val; # otherwise
and use it like this:
foreach my $key (sort keys %hash) {
print evaluate($hash{$key}) . "\n";
I don't believe that the words that others have written in disapproval of the tie mechanism are warranted. None of the authors seem to properly understand how it works and what core library backup is available
Here's a tie example based on Tie::StdHash
If you tie a hash to the Tie::StdHash class then it works exactly as a normal hash. That means there's nothing left to write except for methods that you may want to override
In this case I've overridden TIEHASH so that I could specify the initialisation list in the same statement as the tie command, and FETCH, which calls the superclass's FETCH and then makes a call to it if it happens to be a subroutine reference
Your tied hash will work as normal except for the change that you have asked for. I hope it is obvious that there is no longer a direct way to retrieve a subroutine reference if you have stored it as a hash value. Such a value will always be replaced by the result of calling it without any parameters
package SpecialHash;
use Tie::Hash;
use base 'Tie::StdHash';
my $class = shift;
bless { #_ }, $class;
sub FETCH {
my $self = shift;
my $val = $self->SUPER::FETCH(#_);
ref $val eq 'CODE' ? $val->() : $val;
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use SpecialHash;
tie my %hash, SpecialHash => (
key1 => "value1",
key2 => sub {
return "value2"; # In the real code, this value can differ
print "$hash{$_}\n" for sort keys %hash;
It sounds like your real situation is with an existing hash that looks something like this
my %hash = (
a => {
key_a1 => 'value_a1',
key_a2 => sub { 'value_a2' },
b => {
key_b1 => sub { 'value_b1' },
key_b2 => 'value_b2',
Using tie on already-populated variables isn't so neat as tying then at the point of declaration and then inserting the values as the data must be copied to the tied object. However the way I have written the TIEHASH method in the SpecialHash class makes this simple to do in the tie statement
If possible, it would be much better to tie each hash before you put data into it and add it to the primary hash
This program ties every value of %hash that happens to be a hash reference. The core of this is the statement
tie %$val, SpecialHash => ( %$val )
which functions identically to
tie my %hash, SpecialHash => ( ... )
in the previous code but dereferences $val to make the syntax valid, and also uses the current contents of the hash as the initialisation data for the tied hash. That is how the data gets copied
After that there is just a couple of nested loops that dump the whole of %hash to verify that the ties are working
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use SpecialHash;
my %hash = (
a => {
key_a1 => 'value_a1',
key_a2 => sub { 'value_a2' },
b => {
key_b1 => sub { 'value_b1' },
key_b2 => 'value_b2',
# Tie all the secondary hashes that are hash references
for my $val ( values %hash ) {
tie %$val, SpecialHash => ( %$val ) if ref $val eq 'HASH';
# Dump all the elements of the second-level hashes
for my $k ( sort keys %hash ) {
my $v = $hash{$k};
next unless ref $v eq 'HASH';
print "$k =>\n";
for my $kk ( sort keys %$v ) {
my $vv = $v->{$kk};
print " $kk => $v->{$kk}\n"
a =>
key_a1 => value_a1
key_a2 => value_a2
b =>
key_b1 => value_b1
key_b2 => value_b2
There's a feature called "magic" that allows code to be called when variables are accessed.
Adding magic to a variable greatly slows down access to that variable, but some are more expensive than others.
There's no need to make access to every element of the hash magical, just some values.
tie is an more expensive form of magic, and it's not needed here.
As such, the most efficient solution is the following:
use Time::HiRes qw( time );
use Variable::Magic qw( cast wizard );
my $wiz = wizard(
data => sub { my $code = $_[1]; $code },
get => sub { ${ $_[0] } = $_[1]->(); },
sub make_evaluator { cast($_[0], $wiz, $_[1]) }
my %hash;
$hash{key1} = 'value1';
make_evaluator($hash{key2}, sub { 'value2#'.time });
print("$hash{$_}\n") for qw( key1 key2 key2 );
Other examples:
my %hash; make_evaluator($hash{key}, sub { ... });
my $hash; make_evaluator($hash->{$key}, sub { ... });
my $x; make_evaluator($x, sub { ... });
make_evaluator(my $x, sub { ... });
make_evaluator(..., sub { ... });
make_evaluator(..., \&some_sub);
You can also "fix up" an existing hash. In your hash-of-hashes scenario,
my $hoh = {
key1 => 'value1',
key2 => sub { ... },
for my $h (values(%$hoh)) {
for my $v (values(%$h)) {
if (ref($v) eq 'CODE') {
make_evaluator($v, $v);
Yes you can. You can either tie hash to implementation that will resolve coderefs to their return values or you can use blessed scalars as values with overloaded mehods for stringification, numification and whatever else context you want to resolve automatically.
One of perl's special features for just such a use case is tie. This allows you to attach object oriented style methods, to a scalar or hash.
It should be used with caution, because it can mean that your code is doing really strange things, in unexpected ways.
But as an example:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
package RandomScalar;
my $random_range = 10;
my ( $class, $range ) = #_;
my $value = 0;
bless \$value, $class;
sub FETCH {
my ($self) = #_;
return rand($random_range);
sub STORE {
my ( $self, $range ) = #_;
$random_range = $range;
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
tie my $random_var, 'RandomScalar', 5;
for ( 1 .. 10 ) {
print $random_var, "\n";
$random_var = 100;
for ( 1 .. 10 ) {
print $random_var, "\n";
As you can see - this lets you take an 'ordinary' scalar, and do fruity things with it. You can use a very similar mechanism with a hash - an example might be to do database lookups.
However, you also need to be quite cautious - because you're creating action at a distance by doing so. Future maintenance programmers might well not expect your $random_var to actually change each time you run it, and a value assignment to not actually 'set'.
It can be really useful for e.g. testing though, which is why I give an example.
In your example - you could potentially 'tie' the hash:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
package MagicHash;
my ($class) = #_;
my $self = {};
return bless $self, $class;
sub FETCH {
my ( $self, $key ) = #_;
if ( ref( $self->{$key} ) eq 'CODE' ) {
return $self->{$key}->();
else {
return $self->{$key};
sub STORE {
my ( $self, $key, $value ) = #_;
$self->{$key} = $value;
sub CLEAR {
my ($self) = #_;
$self = {};
my ($self) = #_;
my $null = keys %$self; #reset iterator
return each %$self;
my ($self) = #_;
return each %$self;
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
tie my %magic_hash, 'MagicHash';
%magic_hash = (
key1 => 2,
key2 => sub { return "beefcake" },
$magic_hash{random} = sub { return rand 10 };
foreach my $key ( keys %magic_hash ) {
print "$key => $magic_hash{$key}\n";
foreach my $key ( keys %magic_hash ) {
print "$key => $magic_hash{$key}\n";
foreach my $key ( keys %magic_hash ) {
print "$key => $magic_hash{$key}\n";
This is slightly less evil, because future maintenance programmers can use your 'hash' normally. But dynamic eval can shoot the unwary in the foot, so still - caution is advised.
And alternative is to do it 'proper' object oriented - create a 'storage object' that's ... basically like the above - only it creates an object, rather than using tie. This should be much clearer for long term usage, because you won't get unexpected behaviour. (It's an object doing magic, which is normal, not a hash that 'works funny').
You need to identify when a code ref is present, then execute it as an actual call:
foreach my $key (sort keys %hash) {
if (ref $hash{$key} eq 'CODE'){
print $hash{$key}->() . "\n";
else {
print "$hash{$key}\n";
Note that you may consider making all of the hash values subs (a true dispatch table) instead of having some that return non-coderefs and some that return refs.
However, if you define the hash as such, you don't have to do any special trickery when it comes time to use the hash. It calls the sub and returns the value directly when the key is looked up.
key2 => sub {
return "value2";
No, not without some ancillary code. You are asking for a simple scalar value and a code reference to behave in the same way. The code that would do that is far from simple and also injects complexity between your hash and its use. You might find the following approach simpler and cleaner.
You can make all values code references, making the hash a dispatch table, for uniform invocation
my %hash = (
key1 => sub { return "value1" },
key2 => sub {
# carry on some processing ...
return "value2"; # In the real code, this value can differ
print $hash{$_}->() . "\n" for sort keys %hash;
But of course there is a minimal overhead to this approach.

Hiding a tie call from the user in Perl

How can I hide a "tie" call from the user so calling an accessor will implicitly do it for them?
I want to do this, because I have a data structure that can be accessed by the user, but values stored in this structure can be modified without the user's knowledge.
If an attribute in the data structure changes, I want any variables referencing that attribute modified as well so the user will always be using fresh data. Since the user will always want fresh data, it's simpler and more intuitive if the user doesn't even need to know it's happening.
This is what I have so far... it doesn't seem to work though, the output is:
What I want is:
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw{ say };
package File;
use Moose;
has '_text' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', required => 1);
sub text {
my ($self) = #_;
tie my $text, 'FileText', $self;
return $text;
package FileText;
use Tie::Scalar;
my ($class, $obj) = #_;
return bless \$obj, $class;
sub FETCH {
my ($self) = #_;
return $$self->_text();
sub STORE {
die "READ ONLY";
my $file = 'File'->new('_text' => 'hello');
my $text = $file->text();
say $text;
say $text;
I would not recommend doing this. You're introducing "action at a distance" which leads to some very difficult to catch bugs. The user thinks they're getting a string. A lexical string can only be altered by changing it directly and obviously. It has to be altered in place or obviously passed into a function or a reference attached to something.
my $text = $file->text;
say $text; # let's say it's 'foo'
...do some stuff...
...do some more stuff...
# I should be able to safely assume it will still be 'foo'
say $text;
That block of code is easy to understand because all the things which could affect $text are immediately visible. This is what lexical context is all about, isolating what can change a variable.
By returning a thing which can change at any time, you've quietly broken this assumption. There's no indication to the user that assumption has been broken. When they go to print $text and get bar it is non-obvious what changed $text. Anything in the whole program could change $text. That small block of code is now infinitely more complicated.
Another way to look at it is this: scalar variables in Perl have a defined interface. Part of that interface says how they can be changed. You are breaking this interface and lying to the user. This is how overloaded/tied variables are typically abused.
Whatever problem you're trying to solve, you're solving it by adding more problems, by making the code more complex and difficult to understand. I would step back and ask what problem you're trying to solve with tying.
What I would do instead is to just return a scalar reference. This alerts the user that it can be changed out from under them at any time. No magic to cover up a very important piece of information.
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw{ say };
package File;
use Moose;
has 'text_ref' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Ref',
default => sub {
return \("");
my $class = shift;
my %args = #_;
# "Cast" a scalar to a scalar ref.
if( defined $args{text} ) {
$args{text_ref} = \(delete $args{text});
return \%args;
sub text {
my $self = shift;
if( #_ ) {
# Change the existing text object.
${$self->text_ref} = shift;
else {
return $self->text_ref;
my $file = 'File'->new('text' => 'hello');
my $text = $file->text();
say $$text;
say $$text;
That said, here's how you do what you want.
I would recommend against using tie. It is very slow, considerably slower than a method call, buggy and quirky. One of its quirks is that the tied nature is attached to the variable itself, not the referenced data. That means you can't return a tied variable.
Instead, I would recommend using an overloaded object to store your changing text.
package ChangingText;
# Moose wants class types to be in a .pm file. We have to explciitly
# tell it this is a class type.
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints qw(class_type);
use overload
'""' => sub {
my $self = shift;
return $$self;
fallback => 1;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $text = shift;
return bless \$text, $class;
sub set_text {
my $self = shift;
my $new_text = shift;
$$self = $new_text;
Overloaded objects have their own caveats, mostly due to code which expects strings writing things like if !ref $arg, but they are easier to deal with than the deep tie bugs.
To make this transparent, store the ChangingText object in the File object and then put a hand made text accessor around it to handle plain strings. The accessor makes sure to reuse the same ChangingText object.
To complete the illusion, BUILDARGS is used to change plain text initialization arguments into a ChangingText object.
package File;
use Moose;
has 'text_obj' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'ChangingText',
default => sub {
return ChangingText->new;
my $class = shift;
my %args = #_;
# "Cast" plain text into a text object
if( defined $args{text} ) {
$args{text_obj} = ChangingText->new(delete $args{text});
return \%args;
sub text {
my $self = shift;
if( #_ ) {
# Change the existing text object.
else {
return $self->text_obj;
Then it works transparently.
my $file = File->new('text' => 'hello');
my $text = $file->text();
say $text; # hello
say $text; # goodbye
return $text just returns the value of the variable, not the variable itself. You can return a reference to it, though:
sub text {
my ($self) = #_;
tie my $text, 'FileText', $self;
return \$text;
You then have to use $$text to dereference it:
my $file = 'File'->new('_text' => 'hello');
my $text = $file->text();
say $$text;
say $$text;

Should a subroutine always return explicitly?

If perlcritic says "having no returns in a sub is wrong", what is the alternative if they really aren't needed?
I've developed two apparently bad habits:
I explicitly assign variables to the '$main::' namespace.
I then play with those variables in subs.
For example, I might do..
use strict;
use warnings;
#main::array = (1,4,2,6,1,8,5,5,2);
sub sort_array{
#main::array = sort #main::array;
for (#main::array){
print "$_\n";
sub push_array{
for ( 1 .. 9 ){
push #main::array, $_;
sub pop_array {
for ( 1 .. 3 ){
pop #main::array;
I don't do this all the time. But in the above, it makes sense, because I can segregate the operations, not have to worry about passing values back and forth and it generally looks tidy to me.
But as I said, perl critic says its wrong - because there's no return..
So, is anyone able to interpret what I'm trying to do and suggest a better way of approaching this style of coding in perl? eg. am I sort of doing OOP?
In short - yes, you're basically doing OO, but in a way that's going to confuse everyone.
The danger of doing subs like that is that you're acting at a distance. It's a bad coding style to have to look somewhere else entirely for what might be breaking your code.
This is generally why 'globals' are to be avoided wherever possible.
For a short script, it doesn't matter too much.
Regarding return values - Perl returns the result of the last expression by default. (See: return)
(In the absence of an explicit return, a subroutine, eval, or do FILE automatically returns the value of the last expression evaluated.)
The reason Perl critic flags it is:
Require all subroutines to terminate explicitly with one of the following: return, carp, croak, die, exec, exit, goto, or throw.
Subroutines without explicit return statements at their ends can be confusing. It can be challenging to deduce what the return value will be.
Furthermore, if the programmer did not mean for there to be a significant return value, and omits a return statement, some of the subroutine's inner data can leak to the outside.
Perlcritic isn't always right though - if there's good reason for doing what you're doing, then turn it off. Just as long as you've thought about it and are aware of the risks an consequences.
Personally I think it's better style to explicitly return something, even if it is just return;.
Anyway, redrafting your code in a (crude) OO fashion:
use strict;
use warnings;
package MyArray;
my $default_array = [ 1,4,2,6,1,8,5,5,2 ];
sub new {
my ( $class ) = #_;
my $self = {};
$self -> {myarray} = $default_array;
bless ( $self, $class );
return $self;
sub get_array {
my ( $self ) = #_;
return ( $self -> {myarray} );
sub sort_array{
my ( $self ) = #_;
#{ $self -> {myarray} } = sort ( #{ $self -> {myarray} } );
for ( #{ $self -> {myarray} } ) {
print $_,"\n";
return 1;
sub push_array{
my ( $self ) = #_;
for ( 1 .. 9 ){
push #{$self -> {myarray}}, $_;
return 1;
sub pop_array {
my ( $self ) = #_;
for ( 1 .. 3 ){
pop #{$self -> {myarray}};
return 1;
And then call it with:
use strict;
use warnings;
use MyArray;
my $array = MyArray -> new();
print "Started:\n";
print join (",", #{ $array -> get_array()} ),"\n";
print "Reshuffling:\n";
$array -> sort_array();
$array -> push_array();
$array -> pop_array();
print "Finished:\n";
print join (",", #{ $array -> get_array()} ),"\n";
It can probably be tidied up a bit, but hopefully this illustrates - within your object, you've got an internal 'array' which you then 'do stuff with' by making your calls.
Result is much the same (I think I've replicated the logic, but don't trust that entirely!) but you have a self contained thing going on.
If the function doesn't mean to return anything, there's no need to use return!
No, you don't use any aspects of OO (encapsulation, polymorphism, etc). What you are doing is called procedural programming. Nothing wrong with that. All my work for nuclear power plants was written in that style.
The problem is using #main::array, and I'm not talking about the fact that you could abbreviate that to #::array. Fully-qualified names escape strict checks, so they are far, far more error-prone. Mistyped var name won't get caught as easily, and it's easy to have two pieces of code collide by using the same variable name.
If you're just using one file, you can use my #array, but I presume you are using #main::array because you are accessing it from multiple files/modules. I suggest placing our #array in a module, and exporting it.
package MyData;
use Exporter qw( import );
our #EXPORT = qw( #array );
our #array;
Having some kind of hint in the variable name (such as a prefix or suffix) indicating this is a variable used across many modules would be nice.
By the way, if you wanted do create an object, it would look like
package MyArray;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = bless({}, $class);
$self->{array} = [ #_ ];
return $self;
sub get_elements {
my ($self) = #_;
return #{ $self->{array} };
sub sort {
my ($self) = #_;
#{ $self->{array} } = sort #{ $self->{array} };
sub push {
my $self = shift;
push #{ $self->{array} }, #_;
sub pop {
my ($self, $n) = #_;
return splice(#{ $self->{array} }, 0, $n//1);
my $array = MyArray->new(1,4,2,6,1,8,5,5,2);
print("$_\n") for $array->get_elements();
I improved your interface a bit. (Sorting shouldn't print. Would be nice to push different things and to pop other than three elements.)

use methods in different modules in mod_perl handler

I want to share a variable between different perl modules. So I created a perl module called MyCache.pm which saves the variable (in my case a hash variable):
package PerlModules::MyCache;
my %cache = ();
sub set {
my ($key, $value) = #_;
$cache{$key} = $value;
sub get {
my ($key) = #_;
return $cache{$key};
Now I have two handlers. The one handler will call the set method and the other one will call the get method to access the information.
package PerlModules::MyCacheSetter;
use Apache2::RequestRec();
use Apache2::RequestIO();
use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK);
use PerlModules::MyCache;
sub handler {
my $r = shift;
PerlModules::MyCache::set('test1', "true");
PerlModules::MyCache::set('test2', "false");
PerlModules::MyCache::set('test3', "true");
return Apache2::Const::OK;
And here is the getter handler:
package PerlModules::MyCacheGetter;
use Apache2::RequestRec();
use Apache2::RequestIO();
use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK);
use PerlModules::MyCache;
sub handler {
my $r = shift;
return Apache2::Const::OK;
Now I've configured apache (via http.conf) to access these perl modules. I run the setter handler and then the getter, but there was no output.
In the error.log there are now some entries:
Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry at ../MyCacheGetter.pm line 14.
Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry at ../MyCacheGetter.pm line 15.
Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry at ../MyCacheGetter.pm line 16.
This lines are the three calls of the get method. So what am I doing wrong? How can I fix the problem and share my cache variable between different handlers?
Your cache will only exist for the lifetime of a given Apache child process. If you want other processes to see it, you'll need to store it somewhere they can all get at it.
This is untested, but you can get the general idea: (Now tested).
EDIT: OK, it seems like you can get some issues with Storable depending on what perl version and Storable version you're running. I've replaced Storable with Data::Serialize in my example. I've also added a line to the get/set methods so that either the -> or :: syntax can be used.
package PerlModules::MyCache;
use IPC::ShareLite qw/:lock/;
use Data::Serializer;
use 5.10.0;
my $key = 1234; # Your shared memory key (you set this!)
my $ipc = IPC::ShareLite->new(
-key => $key,
-create => 'yes',
-destroy => 'no'
my $ser = Data::Serializer->new(
serializer => 'Data::Dumper'
sub set {
shift #_ if $_[0] eq __PACKAGE__;
my ($key, $value) = #_;
my $frozen; eval { $frozen = $ipc->fetch; };
my $cache = defined($frozen) ? $ser->thaw($frozen) : {};
$cache->{$key} = $value;
return $value;
sub get {
shift #_ if $_[0] eq __PACKAGE__;
my ($key) = #_;
my $frozen; eval { $frozen = $ipc->fetch; };
my $cache = defined($frozen) ? $ser->thaw($frozen) : {};
return $cache->{$key};
sub clear {
shift #_ if $_[0] eq __PACKAGE__;
return {};
You might want to run PerlModules::MyCache->clear once before you test to ensure the correct structure of the cache storage.

Reference found where even-sized list expected in Perl - Possible pass-by-reference error?

I have a Perl class/module that I created to display Bible verses. In it there is a hash that stores several verses, with the key being the book/chapter/verse and the value being the text. This hash is returned from the module.
I'm including the Bible class in a controller class, and that connection seems to work. The problem is I keep getting errors on executing. My IDE because I'm following a Lynda tutorial, is Eclipse with the EPIC plugin.
The error is:
Reference found where even-sized list expected at C:/Documents and Settings/nunya/eric.hepperle_codebase/lynda/lamp/perl5/Exercise Files/14 Modules/eh_bibleInspiration_controller.pl line 42.
Use of uninitialized value $value in concatenation (.) or string at C:/Documents and Settings/nunya/eric.hepperle_codebase/lynda/lamp/perl5/Exercise Files/14 Modules/eh_bibleInspiration_controller.pl line 45.
HASH(0x19ad454) =>
Here is the CONTROLLER class:
# eh_bibleInspiration_controller.pl by Eric Hepperle - 06/23/13
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use EHW_BibleInspiration;
sub main
my $o = EHW_BibleInspiration->new; # instantiate new object.
my %bo_ref = $o->getBibleObj();
print "\$o is type: " . ref($o) . ".\n";
print "\%bo_ref is type: " . ref(\%bo_ref) . ".\n";
# exit;
sub message
my $m = shift or return;
sub error
my $e = shift || 'unkown error';
print("$0: $e\n");
exit 0;
sub listHash
my %hash = #_;
foreach my $key (sort keys %hash) {
my $value = $hash{$key};
message("$key => $value\n");
Here is the class that returns the verses and has the method to pick a random verse:
# EHW_BibleInspiration.pm
# EHW_BibleInspiration.
package EHW_BibleInspiration;
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::File;
use Data::Dumper;
our $VERSION = "0.1";
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
bless($self, $class); # turns hash into object
return $self;
sub getVerseObj
my ($self) = #_;
print "My Bible Verse:\n";
my $verses = $self->getBibleObj();
# get random verse
#$knockknocks{(keys %knockknocks)[rand keys %knockknocks]};
# sub mysub {
# my $params = shift;
# my %paramhash = %$params;
# }
# my %verses = %{$verses};
# my $random_value = %verses{(keys %verses)[rand keys %verses]};
# print Dumper(%{$random_value});
sub getBibleObj
my ($self) = #_;
# create bible verse object (ESV)
my $bibleObj_ref = {
'john 3:16' => 'For God so loved the world,that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.',
'matt 10:8' => 'Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons. You received without paying; give without pay.',
'Luke 6:38' => 'Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.',
'John 16:24' => 'Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.',
'Psalms 32:7' => 'You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble; you surround me with shouts of deliverance. Selah',
'Proverbs 3:5-6' => 'Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. 6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.',
'John 14:1' => 'Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.'
my $out = "The BIBLE is awesome!\n";
return $bibleObj_ref;
What am I doing wrong? I suspect it has something to do with hash vs hash reference, but I don't know how to fix it. My dereferencing attempts had failed miserably because I don't really know what I'm doing. I modeled my random getter off of something I saw on perlmonks. #$knockknocks{(keys %knockknocks)[rand keys %knockknocks]};
In the main, you have:
my %bo_ref = $o->getBibleObj();
but, in package EHW_BibleInspiration;, the method getBibleObj returns : return $bibleObj_ref;
You'd do, in the main : my $bo_ref = $o->getBibleObj();
and then call listHash($bo_ref);
Finaly, don't forget to change sub listHash to:
sub listHash
my ($hash) = #_;
foreach my $key (sort keys %{$hash}) {
my $value = $hash->{$key};
message("$key => $value\n");
In your main, you do
This passes a hash reference to the sub. However, it tries to unpack its arguments like
my %hash = #_;
Oops, it wants a hash.
Either, we pass it a hash: listHash(%bo_ref). This saves us much typing.
Or, we handle the reference inside the sub, like
sub listHash {
my ($hashref) = #_;
foreach my $key (sort keys %$hashref) {
my $value = $hashref->{$key};
print "$key => $value\n";
Notice how the reference uses the dereference arrow -> to access hash entries, and how it is dereferenced to a hash for keys.
I suspect that your suspicion is correct. In your method sub listHash you're correctly passing in the hash but you're trying to use a hash instead of a hash reference for the internal variable. Try using my ($hash) = #_; instead of my %hash = #_;.
When using references you can use the -> operator to de-reference it to get to the underlying values. The rest of your method should look like this:
sub listHash
my ($hash) = #_;
foreach my $key (sort keys %{$hash}) {
my $value = $hash->{$key};
message("$key => $value\n");
On line 43 of your program I had to tell Perl that the reference should be a hash reference by calling keys %{$hash}. Then on line 44 I de-referenced the hash to get the correct value by calling $hash->{$key}. For more information on Perl and references you can read the through the tutorial.
listHash is expecting a hash and you're passing it a hash reference. Change: