Is there a way to create multiple pages using macro in an opensource software? - macros

hmm it might be very complicated to achieve this. But I just would like to know if I can save time creating pages and uploading images into opensource software (PrestaShop)? I need to design a template for standard page. Then under create page option ,simply use macro to create instead of I doing them manually. same goes to uploading images but no template for them of course. Thanks in advance for any sharing.

You can create SQL INSERT INTO statements programatically that insert content directly to the database.
You can use the uploadFile method of PhantomJS to automate image uploads.


Plone: TinyMCE upload files

I'm trying to find a solution for files uploading directly with TinyMCE. Imagine creating a list of pdf files by uploading them using a custom button.
Is there something already done I can use? collective.clipboardupload seems to be a solution only for images.
collective.quickupload serves us well for such purposes and has a very good UI.
You can add that gadget as a portlet and make it only visible in edit-mode via CSS.
In our case we assigned the portlet to a certain content-type ('Gallery') instead to a location.
MoxieManager may be what you're looking for. It's a premium plugin made by the same developers as TinyMCE itself.
Try to use reponsive file manager :

Is it possible to upload a file as a blob of data using, instead of using the file selection modal?

I have this problem:
I want to make an interface where the user can drag and drop file uploads. provides an easy solution to this in the form of filepicker.makeDropPane. However, this feature does not support parallel uploads without the callbacks getting confused.
So I would like to write my own drag/drop interface using standard html5 listeners, and make a direct api upload call to with the actual file data in string form. This way I can write the management of parallel uploads on my own.
Does have an api call that would allow me to do this? I only see these two things:
1) File selection modal
2) Auto drag-drop features
I don't see a way to simply upload a file directly from file data.
What can I do?
You should make use of the command, which accepts a DOM file object. For example:
var input = document.getElementById("store-input");, function(FPFile){/*your code here*/});
More details available at

Creating a tutorial on a form or report

I want to create a tutorial inside a form showing how to use my database. I created it in PowerPoint and saved it as a PDF. I was wondering if it was possible to attach this PDF in my form. I also saved these slides as images on my computer, tried to attached them to a form and it exceeded 22 inches in lenght. is there any way around this any suggestions perhaps?
You could use javascript and other tools to show the pdf as a slideshow, I recommend that you use this tool its free and you can integrate your slides in a very easy way with javascript.

textbox/form saved and reloaded

I have a question about textboxes or forms. I don't have any experience with them.
I would like to have a textbox/form where the user can type/copy text too.
There should be a save button and the saved text should be loaded and be editable again.
This isn't an internet application, so I don't need to specify a database of users.
Searching the web got me a lot of partial asp/.net/php solutions. I don't really know much of these.
My question is, would this be possible? And where should I start?
I would use PHP for this, if you're unfamiliar there are some great learning resources at W3 Schools PHP tutuorial as well as the documentation at you'll want to write an HTML form that submits to a php script. In this script you can save text to a file using the fwrite() function and load saved text using fopen(). Definitely have a look through the w3 Schools php guide if you're new to this.

Zend Image upload and generating thumbnails on fly

I am a php programmer, but new to zend framework.
I want to upload image, create medium and small(thubmnail) image on fly, I passed a couple of hours searching for a php library [ compatible with zend ] that can make my tasks easy. I dont want to write the code that already exists. thanks for any help.
I want also to know wether Zend_GData can be used to upload files to my server and not on google's. If tried that hack, please tell me how you did it.
any link, or suggestion is welcome. thanks and have a great day.
To upload I use:
To manipulate images (resize, crop, lots of stuff) I use GD wich is often installed with php.
I also use and its real easy to use.
With all that you should be set.